Senate Minutes 7-6-15

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – July 6th, 2015 – 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 6:46PM.
Invocation – Interfaith Center President Clare Stern
Pledge of Allegiance – Senate President Chase Baker
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
 Quorum has been established with 11 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to add Connor Klein as Student Advocate in Executive
Appointments after New Business. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to add SB-15SA-2871 Ospreys Productions OPS Wages to 2nd Read
under Unfinished Business. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to table JR-15SB-2877 Declaration of Support for the Signing of
the Real Food Campus Commitment to the next Senate meeting. Second. All in favor.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to add Carlo Fassi and John Barnes under Guest Speakers. All in
favor. Moved.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to add SB-15SA-2875 Office of Governmental Affairs to 2nd
Read under Unfinished Business. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to add SB-15SA-2869 Title XIII Revisions to 2nd Read under
Unfinished Business. Second. All in favor. Moved
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Minutes
 Senator Bottom: Motion to approve the minutes from June 8th, 2015. Second. All in favor.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
 Warren Butler: General Science major, Freshman, seeking General Senate Seat
 Jean Lipsky: Psychology major, Senior, seeking General Senate Seat
 Melissa Ozdemir: Political Science major, Freshman, General Senate Seat
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
 None.
Guest Speakers (5 minutes each)
 Carlo Fassi: I was Student Government President from 2012-2014. I was before Joe Turner. I
am here to speak on behalf on of lobbyist bill. My last bill while in Student Government was to
urge government officials not to raise tuition 15% after receiving a $2,000,000 cut. We
sponsored and presented the bill to the BOA. President Delaney said it was the first time in a
while that students had led an effort to oppose tuition increase, students rallying against
tuition. I brought Matt Brockelmen who had professional experience that would help in
representing UNF. I think this senate is giving UNF’s first chance at an effort for real
representation in Tallahassee. I would highly recommend passing it and taking advantage of
this legislation, keeping it an ongoing event. To have Southern Strategy represent us, one of
the largest lobbyist firms in the nation, is a great opportunity. I would not advocate this unless
I was certain it was vital.
 John Barnes: I was president from 2007-2008, was Senate president from 2008-2009, and then
Student Government president again from 2009-2010. We have never had a lobbyist and it was
something we always wanted. It’s difficult to represent UNF as a student when sessions are
during class and being a student, you need someone who will represent you fully. Matt is very
connected in Tallahassee and Jacksonville. Southern Strategy will be working hard for all of
you and will work for a better legislative agenda for UNF. He was an Osprey and I highly
recommend you passing this legislation. This will help us catch up to our fellow institutions.
Office of Elections Report
a. Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)
Judicial Branch Report – Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)
 Two weeks ago we held a judicial review. We unanimously voted to uphold both interpretations.
We currently have one vacancy which we are working to fill.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)
o Summer B Kick-off was a great week of events. 100 students came to the Game Day and
met a lot of friends. We showed Unfinished Business, had 65 students in attendance for the
1st showing and 101 for 2nd. 500 students came out for the pool party. We are currently
planning Week of Welcome for the Fall. For the week of August 24th we will have Avengers
showing at 7:00PM and 9:45PM on the 26th, the Fall Pool Party from 2:00PM-5:00PM on
the 28th, and the third event is to be announced.
 Chief of Staff Wilson: How many people are enrolled for Summer B? – Around
b. Club Alliance – Director Zachary Mease (3 minutes)
o In continuation of what I presented last time, the RSO Handbook is currently unorganized
and we aren’t sure where some of its information came from so we are working on making
that look presentable and be in compliance with current UNF policy. We plan on having
various workshops for advisors, club funding, etc. We have been planning Fall Fest and have
already had Spring Bash and a General Body Meeting. 32 clubs came out for this summer
meeting, which is a great turn-out.
c. Treasurer Cameron Duffy (3 minutes) – Presented by Hailey Guerra
o The fiscal year has official started on July 1st. Trust in the plan Morgan and others made.
Please try to understand the two special requests coming up on the agenda tonight and
evaluate if it is worth the money being asked for and if the timing is right. I have a Spinnaker
Funding Meeting coming up and another meeting REC to understand their budget and
finances. If you have any concerns please come see me.
d. Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
o On Monday, June 22, there were two judicial reviews under interpretations request. One was
to please explain intergovernmental affairs as mentioned in Title XIII and another was
asking the difference between the Executive Branch and Executive Cabinet. It was
concluded that the Government Oversight committee will serve as extension of Senate,
working with other branches and sending back information to you guys. The difference
between the Executive Cabinet and Branch is that the Executive Cabinet is subject to Senate
confirmation as explained further in JB-15SB-001 and JB-15SB-002. We had our final
Checks and Balances meeting and included several suggestions for our current system, you
can request to see those at the front office if you want. We will be hosting the FSA from
August 28-29th. Me and Brad in charge of volunteering, contact me if you want to be
e. Vice President Hailey Guerra (3 minutes)
o Thank you to our guests who are just as passionate about legislation as we are. A lot of
people campaigned for this Southern Strategy bill. We evaluated how we should be
represented in Tallahassee and with whom, and Southern Strategy was our final decision.
The timing is correct because the legislative agenda got moved up two months earlier so it is
imperative that we get the ball rolling. This is vital for UNF and will be benefiting us greatly.
f. President Shomari Gloster (5 minutes)
o Jaguars season ticket sales will be on campus July 13th from 11AM-1PM, the 14th from
10AM-2PM, and the 15th from 4PM-6PM. The new ticket prices will be $25 per game, which
is cheaper than it was last year. $175 for season tickets. Einstein’s Bagels will be coming to
campus in the Fall, taking over the spot of either Coyote Jacks or Quizzno’s because
research showed those are the least visited in the Student Union. Einstein’s Bagels got the
2nd most votes after Chipotle and after evaluating the budget, we decided on that. There are
legislatures here, you are all capable of representing UNF but you cannot be there in
Tallahassee all the time. Session got moved up so we need to have representation as soon as
Legislative Branch Reports
a. Senate President Pro-Tempore – Chairman Caleb Grantham (3 minutes)
o We will be including the bill up for 1st read on the agenda so that you can read them ahead
and stay informed. Committee assignments have been passed out. We do need senators to
volunteer for multiple shifts or switch committee, particularly GO because there needs to be
more than one person attending those meetings. iPad release forms have iPad checkout
liability that you have to sign off on, it is required for Osprey Voice. If you are part of a
committee please read what legislation is coming up for it so you are informed of the
decisions you are making. If you attending the Summer Osprey Voice but you got email that
you were absent, please see me.
b. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Troy Bottom (3 minutes)
o We had an emergency committee meeting before this with three travel requests and two
special requests that ere tabled to the next meeting. The travel requests all passed 2-0-0. The
bill SB-15SB-2875 in regards to the lobbyist was passed with no questions asked at the last
meeting, with neither me nor Dawn there. The budget is depleting rapidly so please be wary
of what you are accepting.
 Senator Jordan: Is there $42,000 remaining for the special request index after this?
And if so, how long is that supposed to last? – Yes, and it is supposed to last until
Summer 2016, the end of the fiscal year.
 President Gloster: are you aware of the auxiliary oversight committee and a $1.6
million savings account we can tap into if this index is depleted? –Yes, I am aware
of it but it is something that should not be tapped into often.
c. Government Oversight – Chairman Gustavo Ascanio (3 minutes)
o After speaking with my committee and the Attorney General, we have come to a conclusion
that we should suggest the Senate to override the veto of the Title XIII Revisions from
President Gloster. There are changes in the bill that need to be made but they do not affect
the part of legislation that we are focusing on. We will need 2/3 majority to override this
veto to pass this bill and will go back after to change the vetoed section. I joined Student
Government because of Matt Brockelman and he cares about UNF and the student body, I
feel we will not find that with any other company.
d. University and Student Affairs – Presented by Chase Baker
The Osprey Voice results were as follows: 1) Have you heard of the Real Food challenge;
most have not. 2) If the gym was open later in the night, which hours would you most
utilize; 11PM-12PM. 3) Are you aware of the Breathe Fresh campaign; most were. 4) Are
you aware there are gluten free/vegetarian options at Cafe; yes. 5) Were you aware that gym
has a Bod Pod and other health measurement; yes. Please take these responses into account
for future legislation. I am conducting interviews for USA chair.
 Senator Jordan: When does the gym close currently? – 11PM in the Summer.
e. Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)
o PowerPoint on the Articles. We need two senators to sit on an extra committee, please approach
me if you can do that. Farah will be sending out emails about headshots. We need a
Parliamentarian and a Sergeant of Arms, if you are interested let me know.
Unfinished Business
a. Legislations considered for 1st Reading
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislations considered for 2nd Reading
-SB-15SA-2869 Title XIII Revisions – Senator Ascanio
 As mentioned in my report, the GO committee alongside the Attorney General
suggested overriding the veto. This is because there are matters in this bill that are
imperative to be passed so we can forward in a timely manner through Fall.
 Senator Jordan: Was this bill vetoed by President Turner? – When Joe was
president, this went through and he vetoed a section about it but it was
then rewritten. President Gloster vetoed a part of existing legislation, not
anything from the changes made.
 President Gloster: After talking with Dana and Gustavo I urge the
Senate to override the veto. I initially vetoed it because I wanted to
make sure the Executive Branch did not have too much power to
step into any committee meeting.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to override the veto on SB-15SA-2869. Second.
 Senator Bottom: Motion to approve through unanimous consent. Second.
All in favor. Moved.
-SB-15SA-2871 OPS Wages – Vice President Guerra
 This bill is to increase the wage amount for the External Assistant Director of
Osprey Productions, Tia Wrigley, for her substantial amount of work done.
 Senator Jordan: Is she a volunteer? –No, she is not a volunteer. This is to
ensure that we don’t run out of money to pay her wages.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve SB-15SA-2871. Second.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve through unanimous consent.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
-SB-15SA-2875 Office of Governmental Affairs – Senator Ascanio
 We have worked very hard to bring this bill to Senate. Senate has a lot of money to
allocate responsibly and it may seem like a burden but great sacrifices bring great
results. It’s a great opportunity to have one of the top political firms in the country
work for us; it is a great opportunity for this campus. This is a lot of money so it
should d be taken seriously, but it is worth it.
 Chief of Staff Wilson: I talked to all members of Budget and Allocations Committee
so that we were all on the same page and understood the bill; that’s why there were
no questions asked in committee. Bright Futures is increasing and this is something
that is handled in Tallahassee, where we currently have no professional
representation. Funding for major construction development has been cut so that
not only affects us, but other universities too. These effects making sure laboratories
and classrooms are up to par and competitive. Rally for Tally usually takes 30-40
students but I want to double, if not triple that so that they have access to these
officials that we would be paving the way to. We want to monitor the UNF Board
of Trustees, Jacksonville City Council (have exposure and presence there), and build
and maintain presence on capital through Southern Strategy. Having first name basis
with these advocates and having a connection is substantially influential.
 Matt Brockelman: I was President of Student Government from 2011-2012 and
then was Attorney General for year. I graduated with a degree in Finance and
Marketing. Southern Strategy was founded in Tallahassee by a former speaker of the
house; it is the largest lobbyist firm in South-East. At the end of my term, the UNF
Board of Trustees was going to vote on tuition increase. Students began seeking me
out, saying that these increases would not allow them to continue on their
education. We set it up so that several students spoke and were in presence at the
decision meeting, I was only person in room who voted against. It changed my view
completely and showed me that students have a loud voice but they need
professional level representation. I was two weeks away from applying to law school
and got phone call from Southern Strategy to join and it changed my life. Their
ethics and morals are great and will work great in representing UNF.
 Chief of Staff Jordan: Southern Strategy will assist in developing relationships in
capital. They will make sure we are taken seriously and our voice is heard. They will
provide expert guidance through their years of experience. Our access to top
government officials will increase when they learn we are working with Southern
Strategy. We need this tonight because the sessions begin in September and the
contracting will take a few weeks. UF pays approximately $100,000, UCF pays
$55,000. We are right in the middle. Majority of the contracts from Southern
Strategy are in six figures, and them only asking for $50,000 plus travel equaling
$60,000. The $5,000 for programming Rally and Tally. It is a great price and direct
contact through Matt Brockelman is a great added bonus.
 Senator Daniels: Why don’t we use our state representatives? –We need to
make sure we get access to committees that they don’t have access to, but
we will stay in contact with them. The chances of us getting them to be
there for us 100% of the time is not realistic, they have many other things
to do, unlike the lobbyist who will be working directly for us.
 Senator Jordan: Has Southern Strategy had a lot of success in this in the
past? –Our clients did much better than they would have had without us.
 Senator Bottom: Motion to table this decision to the first meeting
in the Fall. Second. Discussion.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to close the floor for discussion. Second.
Motion rejected. Roll call vote passes 9-0-2.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve SB-15SA-2875. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 9-0-2.
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
New Business
a. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read
b. Legislation on 1st Read
c. Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read
d. Legislation considered for 2nd Read
JR-15SB-2877 Declaration of Support for the Signing of the Real Food Campus
Commitment (Tabled to July 20th, 2015)
Executive Appointments
a. Connor Klein – Student Advocate
o I have been a senator for two years, almost three. I have met many people through Student
Government who have helped me grow. I have done Osprey Voice numerous times, which
has brought me real experience in getting out there and learning about the needs of the
students. I participated in Rally and Tally and see myself as an advocate for the student body
as a whole. I contacted the old position holder to understand to fully understand what this
position is responsible for and entitled to maintaining. I want this role to have more say in
the Judicial Process and be a liaison between the twelve departments, providing more
transparency to them on matters such as the budget. I want to start with the departments
and through that; the advocacy will spread to the students.
 Senator Jordan: Can you clarify on what role you will hold through the Judicial
Process? – Defense for students. I want to serve as the student’s ombudsman on
grade appeals and so forth.
 Senator Bottom: What other groups are you involved in? –I am involved in UPD
and plan to get involved someway in the twelve departments I am working with.
 Senator Thames: Does your role go into jurisdiction for when a student gets in
trouble? –I would first go a professional member if that were the case and then the
school’s ombudsman for further reference.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to approve Connor Klein as Student Advocate.
Second. Discussion.
 Senator Keefe: Motion to approve through unanimous consent. Second. All
in favor. Moved.
XVII. Swearing In of Executive Appointment – Chief Justice Ben Jaeger
XVIII. Announcements
 We need two senators to volunteer to serve on other committees, especially Government
 We are not here to attack each other, but to attack an issue.
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
 Quorum has been reestablished with 11 voting members.
 Meeting adjourned at 8:44PM.
Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary