Senate Minutes 05-18-15

University of North Florida Student Senate
Emergency Senate Meeting Minutes – May 18th 2015 – 7:45 to 9:00 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
- Meeting is called to order at 7:46PM.
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
Quorum is established with 17 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
- Senator Harvey: Motion to strike Sections A-C in Executive Branch Reports. Second. All in favor. Moved.
- Senator Ascanio: Motion to amend the agenda by adding Executive Confirmations after New Business:
Cameron Duffy as Treasurer, Jordan Wilson as Director of Governmental Affairs, Dana Baker as
Attorney General, Tia Wrigley as External Assistant Director of Osprey Productions, and Janice Anglin as
Lend-A-Wing Pantry Coordinator. Second. All in favor. Moved.
- Senator Grantham: Motion to strike CR-15SA-2862 from 1st Readings in tonight’s agenda. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
- Senator Lorenzo: Motion to add JR-15S-2064 to the agenda under 2nd Readings. Second. All in favor.
- Senator Brahmbhatt: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Student Remarks (3 minutes per Student)
 None.
Guest Speakers
 None.
Executive Branch Reports
 Club Alliance – Director Zackary Mease (3 minutes)
 Treasurer (3 minutes)
 Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
 Vice President Hailey Guerra (3 minutes)
 I appreciate all the excitement and involvement, thank you for everything. Seven people are going up
for appointment, they are all extremely qualified. My door is always open to you guys if you need
 President Shomari Gloster (5 minutes)
 Last week I was at other state universities student governments’. I attended the Florida Student
Association Meeting that consisted of all state university presidents, we will be voting on a “president
of presidents” and a vice-president. There are two vacancies in executive branch, the Student
Advocate and the Director of Communications, applications are open. We have gone through a
thorough deciding process for the executive branch and all other Student Government positions. I
have provided you with data on important topics regarding the library, Skate Park, and the free
printing lab. We spent a quarter of million on skate park thus far over the past twelve years;
unfortunately we have to tear it down and will have to shut the project down. The free print lab was
a pilot initiative so while Student Government saved $15,000; the university lost $40,000, overall
losing money. If we continue with it, the print prices will increase. We are most likely going to shut it
down and increase the amount of free prints per student. The library was another pilot program; we
received new information this morning and will be exploring more options based on the money
available to us. We are exploring more options on restaurants and business hours for the current
locations on campus, specifically Outtakes. There has been a Capital Request put in to see what we
are capable of doing and I have requested more information regarding Einstein’s Bagels. I will have
more information at the next Senate meeting. I also want to start working on a sexual assault
campaign, “It’s On Us”, it is not an issue here at UNF but we want to keep it that way.
Senator Jordan: Do we have any concrete/abstract plans with the space from the skate park?
-VP Guerra: We are currently holding space for a recreation field potentially; also the Ogier
Gardens will hopefully input some agricultural advancement.
Senator Jordan: Are there any movements towards credit-based printing? -We are going to
take into how many prints students usually have per semester and the budget/monetary
element of it.
Senator Gualtieri: What about a system where students pay for printing at end of semester?
-We have not thought about that because of how much liability it will put at risk in the case
of transient students and so on.
Senator Thames: When does the free print lab close? – June 1, 2015.
Senator Jordan: Have you looked at working with the Women’s Center for the sexual assault
campaign? –Currently, it is just this branch working on it because we are late in getting
involved in this program compared to our sister universities, and we have a much larger
budget than the Women’s Center.
New Business
 Legislation considered for 1st Reading
 CR-15SA-2862 Article IV Revisions
 Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
 Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
 Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
 JR-15SA-2864 (read by President Gloster)
 Senator Brahmbhatt: What is trying to be accomplished through this bill? -We are showing
recognition to the rugby team; this is a formal recognition to them that the Student
Government supports them.
 Senator Brahmbhatt: I would love to see an initiative that encourages Senators to get
involved with the rugby team and attend their games.
 Senator McColskey: Motion to approve JR-15SA-2864. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Discussion.
 Senator McColskey: I resend my previous motion.
 Senator Lorenzo: Motion to amend lines 12 and 14. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Brahmbhatt: Motion to approve the amendments to JR-15SA-2864. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
 Discussion.
 Senator Brahmbhatt: Motion to approve JR-15SA-2864 as amended. Second. All in favor.
 Discussion.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve by unanimous consent. Second. Objection. Moved to
roll call vote.
 Passes 17-0-0.
Executive Confirmations
 Treasurer – Cameron Duffy
 I am a member of the Chi Phi Fraternity, I was their treasurer which gave me experience but on a
much smaller scale. I studied Business and Accounting abroad in New Zealand. I remain as the
treasurer of Chi Phi. I also have prior experience in a city-wide maintenance of Tampa Bay program.
 Senator Daniels: What are some of your plans as Treasurer? – I want to help grow the
position and improve it based on what Morgan has previously done and what I will do. I
understand her aim and her position and want to build off of that. I want to work on
strengthening relationships with clubs and organizations throughout the university, especially
Senator Kishek: Do you feel you can allocate enough time? -I have already taken into
account this position by delegating throughout my fraternity and will chose this position
above others if need be.
 Senator Jordan: If conflict arises how will you amend it? –I will discuss with the Senate and
others involved and make a financial decision based on facts and reasoning, no bias.
 Senator Lorenzo: Who can veto a line item budget? – Only the President, but he is given
fifteen days.
 Senator Kishek: Do you have a well understanding of Title XIII? -Yes I do, I have been
reviewing it for the past two weeks.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve Cameron Duffy as Treasurer. Second. All in favor.
 Discussion
 Roll call vote passes 17-0-0
Director of Government Affairs - Jordan Wilson
 I am a senior, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Business. I am very passionate in politics,
I have interned for two political candidates running in high budget campaigns in helping them put
out a competitive front with a lesser amount of funds. I have lobbying experience with Americans
for Prosperity, a non-profit organization that allowed me to talk with real Senators in person. I was
also the campaign manager for Shomari and Hailey.
 Senator Jordan: How will you improve university involvement? –I want to get students more
engaged through more education. Once they understand Student Government, they will
become more involved in it. I want to send students to the capital to talk first-hand with
government officials and bring these officials to talk to us here.
 Senator Klein: How would you increase student attendance on Rally and Tally? – I can
contact the political clubs on campus, professors in this field to project out to student these
 Senator Daniels: Do you know which District UNF sits in and who won the district
election? –I was waiting until I got the position to really look into this and find out whom to
pick to rally behind us.
 Senator Lorenzo: Motion to approve Jordan Wilson as Director of Government Affairs.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Discussion.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve by unanimous consent. Second. Objection. Moved to
roll call vote.
 Passes 17-0-0.
Attorney General – Dana Baker
 I am a political science major, minoring in economics and writing studies. I have been Student
Government since early spring. I have had great guidance under Chief Justice, Ben Jaeger, in the
judicial branch prior.
 Senator Lorenzo: Motion to approve Dana Baker as the Attorney General. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
 Discussion.
 Senator Kishek: Motion to approve by unanimous consent. Second. Objection. Moved to
roll call vote.
 Passes 16-0-0.
External Assistant Director of Osprey Productions – Tia Wrigley
 I was a coordinator in Osprey Productions, handling all of the larger stage events.
 Senator Jordan: How will you help to ensure fewer conflicts? -I have already reached out to
the President of the Pride Club to deal with a past conflict, we now have open
communication and have since mended the bridge and will continue to work together
 Senator Brahmbhatt: Motion to approve Tia Wrigley as External Assistant Director of
Osprey Productions. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Discussion.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Lend-a-Wing Pantry Coordinator – Janice England
 I am a transfer student, currently a senior, and nutrition major. I have a lot of ideas and have already
opened up the pantry for two days a week, doubling up the weight allowed those two days to
accommodate those who need it.
 Senator Klein: What kind of initiatives do you have to get Lend-a-Wing out there? –I have
already talked to transfers; I plan on speaking at orientations, getting with Greek life,
coordinating with the Flats to put in welcome packet/fliers, and getting with housing as well.
 Senator Jordan: Will you continue to pursue tax-exemption? –Absolutely, foundation status
is a priority initiative.
 Senator Lorenzo: Motion to approve Janice England as the Lend-a-Wing Pantry
Coordinator. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Discussion.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Swearing In of Executive Confirmations – Chief Justice Ben Jaeger
 I will be sending all the senator invitations to meet one-on-one.
 Brad Johnson: I am putting an ad hoc committee together next week to finalize the Policies and
Procedures, please come out.
 There is a checks and balances committee with Dana and Gustavo.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
- Quorum is reestablished with 17 voting members
- Meeting is adjourned at 8:59PM.