University Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes October 5th, 2015 John Sapp Conference Room 7:15 PM Chairwoman: Cassidy Keefe I. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 7:16PM. II. Roll Call Quorum has been established with 5 voting members; Lipsky, Lorenzo, Rosen, Baptiste, O’Linn. III. Approval of Minutes: Senator Lipsky Motion to amend the minutes under new business, section B to read “November 3rd and 4th”. Second. All in favor. Moved. Senator Lorenzo: Motion to approve the minutes as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved. IV. Approval of Agenda Senator Baptiste: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved. V. Chairman Report and Remarks- Chairwoman Keefe: Please when I bring up the questions, make changes to them to let me know what went wrong, and what went right. Feedback helps. Also I'm thinking about introducing the osprey voice proposal form. It would include writing your name, email, what question you would like to see on osprey voice, the purpose of the question, and all the recommendations with a time stamp. This is just to avoid an overflow of questions, and to pinpoint who put the question in, at what time, and what action they would like to see from the question. Senator O’Linn: Should we give students a time frame for when questions should be turned in? That way it will give students the incentive to get the question in, in a timely manner so that way we will know if it is important. VII. Student Advocate’s Report Student Advocate Klein: Trying to back away from the word “rentable” when it comes to the cell phone chargers and calculators in the library, because it could be misconstrued that they would have to be paid for, when it is a free service. The parking advisory council has been discussing changing the times for the Blue Night Pass. It usually starts at 5PM, but we are seeing if we might make it earlier. We might see if we could put a question about it on Osprey Voice. It is more geared towards Graduate Students, that’s whom these night blue passes are generally for. Senator Lorenzo: The only issue with putting a question on Osprey Voice is that the people we ask questions to aren’t graduate students, usually. Attorney General Baker: IF they change the night blue passes, they aren’t just for graduate students; they are for everyone. So if they do change the time to 2PM, it will make it harder for students who bought they all day Blue Pass to find spaces during the day. Also, it will affect the ratios, so it would not be going into effect until next semester because there would be a change in cost, which needs to be approved by the BOT. The committee votes on this October 16th. Also there has been talk about letting adjunct faculty being allowed to have those parking passes for faculty spots. If it is voted in, it will take a while for those changes to come into effect. Senator Lipsky: Would it be possible to email the question to everyone? Graduate students and undergrad? Student Advocate Klein: As long as it goes out to everyone, I don’t see there being an issue including it in an email and Social media. Attorney General Baker: A graduate student came into the committee and brought in a PowerPoint having to do with this, showing that a majority of the graduate students are for this. We already know their opinions, and so that’s why we brought it up to the committee. Senator O’Linn: Do the graduate students have a specific location on campus, that way we can go around that building while taking the surveys, as well as going to the green? Attorney General Baker: It would be a lot easier to contact the president of the graduate student organization to get their opinions that way. He can give you all the materials they used at the committee meeting. It will save us a lot of time. Student Advocate Klein: I would like to have a question about those two things, because they affect everyone. Attorney General Baker: The parking advisory committee is getting charging for electric vehicles on campus. It would be by One Stop, there would be two spots where you can park the vehicle and charge it while you go to class. We are trying to get a system where it’s not an all day parking spot, because we know that they will always be filled with people that are just trying to park. Senator O’Linn: Would we be getting higher attendant positions? Attorney General Baker: There is a system where you link your car to an account with your name on it. This way, when you plug in your car, it automatically reads whose vehicle is charging, and automatically updates your account. The attendant wouldn’t really be necessary because the technology there is so advanced. Student Advocate Klein: October 15th at 6:30PM is the first town hall for the semester. The leaders of student government will be sitting on a stage where students can come and ask them questions. There will be free food, either Zaxbys or Publix. VIII. Guest Speakers None IX. Student Remarks Vice President Wilson: The Big Sean concert is on October 8th. Even though it says online that all the slots are filled for volunteering, they still need help. The ability to receive community service hours, or the ability to receive hours to satisfy absentee points. You also need 15 hours of community service hours to be eligible to receive the Student Government Scholarship. Osprey Productions has spent days of work into this concert, and they have yet to put in the most amount of work. We as Student Government need to help with this event. Osprey Productions will always have something to do on Thursday. Please select that you are going to the concert on the Facebook page, and also spend some time to invite some friends that have not been invited yet to the page. Also, change your cover photo to the Big Sean concert banner. IF you are going to volunteer, be sure to pick up your volunteering badge in Osprey Productions Wednesday before 5 PM. Keep doing more as senators, and keep contributing to things you hold dear in your heart. Senator Rosen: She is on the University wide committee board for Environmental Sustainability, and they she has been in the works of writing two different bills having to do with expanding the preserve, as well as working writing a bill showing that UNF Student Government supports UNF Divest. Attorney General Baker: A JR is basically something that shows that Senate supports something. In order to say that Senate supports something, we must first know if the student body supports it. So to put questions about these things on the Osprey Voice is crucial to know if the students know about UNF Divest, and if they support it. Senator O’Linn: With the fossil fuel companies, does that mean Gate and Shell, or the companies that actually do the drilling? Senator Rosen: I can send you information about it. X. Old Business None XI. New Business A. Osprey Voice Review a. September Questions i. Chairwoman Keefe: With these questions, tell me what went right, and what went wrong. I need feedback. ii. Senator O’Linn: I really enjoyed this Osprey Voice, it was one of my favorite ones that we have had. iii. Senator Rosen: I think it was a bit too long, when me and Brooks went out to survey, after the third question students lost interest, and either gave it back with answers that were not honest, or incomplete. iv. Senator Baptiste: As for the question having to do with if students felt safe in certain parking areas at night, a lot of students didn’t know where the parking lots were. Also, to agree with Senator Rosen, it could have been lengthy. v. Senator Lipsky: A way to fix that question maybe is to make the question more general would be to ask how safe students feel in parking areas in general, and then if they do not feel safe, add a fill in question. vi. Senator O’Linn: It was better than the survey on wifi where the students had to move the questions around. vii. Chairwoman Keefe: I had a lot of the same concerns and questions that you all had. My advisor and I have talked about making the surveys only 5 questions that way there is no interest lost when taking the questions. viii. Senator Lipsky: Is there a way to see how the students took the survey? Online or on an iPad? ix. Chairwoman Keefe: No, there is no way to tell because it is through the same link. b. October Questions i. Chairwoman Keefe: I need input on these questions. The Student Union Advisory Board gave the first two questions to me. They created these questions themselves, they put in the answers, and did the working of the questions. ii. Senator Lorenzo: What is club commons workspace? iii. Chairwoman Keefe: Those glass areas in the library for workspaces. Only for the student union. iv. Senator Lorenzo: Can we specify that? v. Chairwoman Keefe: Yes. vi. Senator Lipsky: Taking away the raking question again, because that confused students the first time we did a question like that. vii. Senator O’Linn: with the Boathouse renovations, with the pool tables, wouldn’t that also be an add on? I feel like those two go together. viii. Senator Lorenzo: Also, Boathouse is spelled incorrectly. Why is the same question twice? ix. Chairwoman Keefe: The Student Union Advisory Board wanted both questions. x. Attorney General Baker: I would pick one or the other. Make the first question a “choose all the apply”, which should give the same kind of results. Take away question 2. xi. Senator O’Linn: What is pay to print? xii. Chairwoman Keefe: they wanted it to be specified so people know that it isn’t free. xiii. Senator O’Linn: DO you still get the first 10 pages free and they pay after that? xiv. Chairwoman Keefe: They did not specify that to me. xv. Senator Lorenzo: I think we should all find out and survey this before we go out to survey. xvi. Chairwoman Keefe: I will look into that and let you know before you go out and survey next week. Any more renovations on these questions? xvii. Senator Lipsky: I just think taking away question 2 would be a good idea. xviii. Chairwoman Keefe: These next three questions I need help in formulating them. xix. Attorney General Baker: On question three where they are asking you to grade it, say they gave us an F, we have nothing to go off of why they gave us the F, so maybe give them a comments section there because there is no reason to ask the question if we don’t have a reason why. People are going to write A because they are nice people, but give them a chance to add the input. xx. Chairwoman Keefe: Would you want it to be a text box so they can write it themselves? xxi. All: Yes. xxii. Senator Lorenzo: I was worried about these questions and how they would be worded, but I like how these questions are worded. xxiii. Senator Lipsky: I think the questions are worded in a way where it’s not trying to sway the student’s decision; it’s just to the point. It makes it more statistically significant. xxiv. Attorney General Baker: Can we look at rewording question 7? Maybe write, “Do you support or opposed legislation allowing individuals to carry licensed concealed weapons on campus?” xxv. Senator O’Linn: They will have to register this through campus right? Or would they just have to have a license. xxvi. Attorney General Baker: It will be state law. If you a registered through the state, and the state allows it on campuses, the university cant do anything about it. xxvii. Senator Lorenzo: I just want to make sure that Senators going out and taking these surveys are educated on what happened in Oregon. xxviii. Chairwoman Keefe: If you feel as though you need to brush up on the facts on any of these questions, feel free to do your research, or ask me anything. xxix. Senator Rosen: For those questions, keep your opinion to yourself when taking the surveys. We are trying to find out what the students actually want. xxx. Attorney General Baker: I would suggest having information for the counseling center, in case someone needs help, or knows of anyone who might need help when in a situation like that. xxxi. Chairwoman Keefe: Are there any more questions? xxxii. Senator Rosen: So there are 4 total questions? xxxiii. Keefe: Yes there are going to be 4 total questions. B. Roundtable Review a. Chairwoman Keefe: Raise of hands of how many people are golf cart certified through the university? I want to remind you guys that when the signup sheet goes out, to sign up for set up and tear down times. You are more informed as to what is going on, so I would appreciate help with set up and tear down. For Tuesday the 3rd at around 9am, I would need to someone to pick up Moes in the morning. XII. Announcements Chairwoman Keefe Please go to Town Hall, and please help with the Big Sean concert, and continue to help out the students. Student Advocate Klein: Tomorrow is Take Back the Night. They will have an awareness fair at 6:30 before it. They will be tabling at the Crossings, and the walk starts at 7:30. We will get to the student union around 8:30. All of this for domestic violence awareness. I will be a guest speaker. XIII. Final Roll Call Quorum has been reestablished with 5 voting members. XIIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:56PM. Minutes taken by Jean Lipsky, University and Student Affairs Vice Chair