GO Minutes 8-31-15

Government Oversight Committee Minutes
Chair: Gustavo Ascanio
August 31st, 2015
5:00PM to 6:30PM in the John E. Sapp
Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 5:10PM.
Roll Call – Vice Chair Lipsky
 Quorum has been established with 3 voting members; Akpabio, Lipsky, Butler.
Approval of Minutes – July 13th
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve the minutes from July 13th. Second. All in favor.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. Motion resent.
 Senator Butler: Motion to amend the agenda by removing the appointments of Sean
O’Linn, Justin Dato, and Kristoff Nicholson. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Student Remarks
 None.
Guest Speakers
 None.
Remarks of the Chair – sgagoc@unf.edu
 I have created an interview guide for the Government Oversight committee, giving you
an insight of what kind of questions to ask based on position. It is a very helpful tool
during interviewing.
Old Business
 None.
New Business
a. Senate Appointment Application
 Chairman Ascanio: There are few things that I want to change on the
1) Replace Cassidy Keefe as current University and Student Affairs Chair
2) Make all form submittals to be due on Thursday by 5PM after announcing
appointment at Senate, except the form that requires GO committee approval
and signature, which will be due the following Tuesday by 5PM after attending
GO committee.
 Senator Butler: Motion to amend the Senate Appointment Application by
striking out Tuesday and replacing with Thursday and striking out “DUE by 5PM
Friday after Senate” on page 5. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve the Senate Appointment Application as
amended. Second. Roll call vote passes 3-0-0.
b. Executive Appointments
i. Vice President: Jordan Wilson
 I am going into my senior year with a Political Science major, minor in
Community Leadership. I organized a club on campus. Through my club
involvement I realized how much Student Government was involved on
campus. I worked in Club Alliance next. I became campaign manager for
the United Party. When they won, I applied as Director of Governmental
Affairs, then I was appointed as Chief of Staff. I am currently Chief of
Staff and am now seeking the Vice President position.
Senator Lipsky: If president Guerra was unable to fulfill her
obligations as president, how would you take over? –We have
created a supportive relationship through school and work.
Whenever Hailey has not been able to deal with something due
to other obligations, I have been delegated responsibilities
appropriately. We have been able to work hand-in-hand.
Senator Butler: To those who may argue that there is a lack of
diversity between you and Guerra being both seniors, what do
you offer that she does not? –Throughout our experiences, we
have completely different backgrounds and career goals. She
started through the Judicial Branch, became Attorney General,
and then ran her own ticket. I entered through club
involvement. We grew up with different backgrounds and see
things differently. We complement each other and respect each
other’s perspectives, meshing well together.
Senator Lipsky: What experience have you had thus far that
qualifies you for this position? –As chief of staff, I helped Hailey
and Shomari with many interviews and getting positions filled. I
have gone through the process of getting individuals employed.
I have also gone through the process of writing legislation. I
started dipping into the initiatives of the Southern Strategy bill.
By analyzing the individuals and the initiatives of the students,
we have come across a strategic plan. I have also worked with
the FSA, the twelve state universities’ presidents, and helped to
push initiatives. I have attended 3-4 meetings over the summer
that involved running other organizations across the state. I
have also helped in events with OP and the Jaguar ticket sales.
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to forward Jordan Wilson to Senate. Second. Roll
call vote passes 3-0-0.
Agenda Amendments
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to open the floor to amendments to the agenda. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
 Senator Butler: Motion to add the previously removed Justin Dato and Kristoff
Nicholson to the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to close the floor to amendments to the agenda. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Senate Appointments
a. Justin Dato: I am a senior majoring in Coastal Biology. I have been involved in Student
Government for a while now, I started off my junior year as a student assistant, learning
the ropes and figuring this out. I then applied for Club Alliance Director and learned the
more administrator side of things. I want to get involved in the policy side.
 Senator Butler: What policy do you want to implement? –I don’t have a specific
policy or idea that I have currently but I am always listening to the student body.
 Senator Lipsky: What is your schedule like? –Monday nights I am free and am
usually done by 3PM every day.
 Senator Butler: Do you feel like it hampers your opportunity coming into this
without policy experience? –I have some things under my belt but I am always
willing to learn.
 Senator Lipsky: Name a couple things you want to change? – I want to follow
through with the current objectives, be transparent, and make sure students are
aware we are working towards their needs.
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve Justin Dato to go through to Senate. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 2-0-1.
b. Chase Baker: I am a senior, majoring in Statistics. I have been involved in Student
Government since my freshman year. I served on the B&A committee, then I became
USA Chair, and then the Senate President. My main goals are senator retention,
educating our senators on opportunities on campus, abroad, and policy information,
and then communication between chairs to senators and senators to students. I don’t
want senators to feel blindsided. If I could serve on a committee, it would be USA. I have
bene involved in Greek life, Presidential Envoys, and I used to be an RA. I think
Intermurals should plan weekend sports and we should work on dorm Wi-Fi (as stated in
the last USA survey). I am going up for appointment now because I plan to leave in the
Spring so this leaves a seat open.
 Senator Butler: You’ve been involved in some highs and some lows throughout
Student Government, how would you try to prevent the lows from happening
again? –The lowest was when the Senate President and the Student Body
President were at odds. I work with Hailey to ensure that we are always doing
what is beneficial for the student body. No matter what side or body, we are all
focusing on the same goal.
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve the forwarding of Chase baker. Roll call vote
passes 3-0-0.
c. Kristoff Nicholson: I am a senior, majoring in Accounting. I am an international student
from Belize. I have spoken to several people and I work in campus life so I deal with
student problems every day. My main concern is Wi-Fi and parking. We have to be able
to provide the appropriate resources to our students. I have many ideas that are longlasting project. I think we need to start targeting long-term projects, we have to show
students that we are working, and we have to be concerned about campus life.
 Senator Lipsky: You mentioned specific issues like Wi-Fi and parking, how would
you try to push those through, considering expenses? –I don’t have an idea of
expense, but I plan to speak with parking services directly if appointed. For WiFi, the problem would be the speed, I plan to speak with the CIO and I can do
that with Student Government representation.
 Senator Lipsky: Have you looked over the Constitution and Statutes? –I don’t
just jump into a project; I have printed and reviewed the documentation of
Senate and I hope to be on the B&A committee.
 Senator Butler: Are you aware of the ramifications of selling fewer parking
stickers? –If we are taking students funds, let it be for a purpose.
 Senator Lipsky: You seem very passionate about parking and Wi-Fi, do you have
any other changes about student life on campus? –We need to work more and
work together. We have many events, but no one knows about it. Everyone has
their own social media page. We need to channel all events through one page,
so that students know what is going on.
 Senator Akpabio: You said you are an international student, as an international
student, you socialize with people from Belize quite a bit, and what would you
do to increase diversity? –The Intercultural Center for Peace is great. If we work
with them and the resources we have, we will reach more audiences.
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve Kristoff Nicholson to go through to Senate.
Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 3-0-0.
d. Morgan Ungrady: I am a sophomore, I just transferred from FGCU. I was in Student
Government at FGCU, which is the main reason I want to be involved in it here. I am
very inspired by Student Government and hearing the opinions of students through that
 Senator Lipsky: What would you take away from your Student Government
experience at FGCU? –Through the legislative committee, we focused on the
law of Student Government. We went around, took many polls, and informed
students on the budgeting.
 Senator Akpabio: How long were you a member? –One year.
 Senator Butler: What would you change here that you have seen so far? –From
what I’ve seen, I’ve heard a lot about parking and wife. I am pretty cultured but I
hope to see more events for international students.
 Senator Butler: Taking the positives and negatives away from FGCU, how would
you make sure the bad doesn’t happen and bring the good? –it was fairly new
school, so I think communication between all chairs is vital for the benefit of the
students. Funding here is better than it was over there so that takes away most
problems seen there.
 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve Morgan Ungrady to go through to Senate.
Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 3-1-0 (Thames entered, bringing
quorum to 4 voting members).
e. Farouk Smith: I am a sophomore, majoring in Political Science. I wanted to get involved
in Student Government to serve my community, my school, and my peers as a student
 Senator Butler: I see here that you worked with the Rick Scott campaign, can
you take away anything you agreed with or didn’t agree with, making a
connection with our Student Government? –I think transparency is vital for
Student Government, letting students know that we are here for them and what
we are doing for them.
 Chairman Ascanio: How will you improve transparency? –Over the course of the
year or the last couple years I think it has dwindled, we should let students
know straight up what Student Government is doing. We can hand out fliers
about what is being talked about in Senate and such.
 Senator Akpabio: There is a lot in your resume, but how were you involved in
Student Government in the past? – I was involved in Area Council as President,
organizing events for residents. I also held a position in the Executive Branch for
a short period.
 Senator Thames: Have you familiarized yourself with the Constitution and
Statutes? –Yes.
 Senator Butler: How do you think you would be a good representative of the
students? –I am a student and I was involved in area council so I know the
problems of students up close.
 Chairman Ascanio: How do you communicate in your everyday life with
student? –I think word of mouth is very important.
 Senator Thames: Motion to approve Farouk Smith to go through to Senate.
Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 4-0-0.
Glehn Von Loh: I am a Political Science and International Studies major and am minoring
in Business Management. I started my junior year here this semester. I was in Student
Government for two years at my prior school. I served as a representative, president,
and legislative liaison. I worked in lobbying at Tallahassee and unifying our efforts with
other universities. I want to continue serving my fellow student
 Senator Lipsky: What did your jobs entail? –Pretty much the same as a senator,
attending meetings, working information booths, all around helping the
campus, and voting on matters. I worked with two other campuses in
communication with the Board of Trustees.
 Senator Butler: Are you afraid you are over qualified for the position you are
seeking? –No sir. This is my first semester here, I want to step back and analyze
this campus.
 Senator Akpabio: Supposing you become a senator, how would you go about a
senator not agreeing with you? – I would make sure the debate is constructive
and that a mutual agreement is made. Majority of students must be happy.
 Senator Thames: Motion to approve Glehn Von Loh to go through to Senate.
Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 4-0-0.
 I want to apologize for the students that did not know the time, it was my fault and it
will not happen again. Make sure if you were approved to be in attendance at the next
Final Roll Call – Vice Chair
 Quorum has been reestablished with 4 voting members; Akpabio, Lipsky, Butler,
 Meeting adjourned at 6:14PM.
Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary