University of North Florida Student Senate

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – November 23th, 2015 – 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
a. Meeting called to order at 6:30PM.
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Clare Stern
Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-at-Arms
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Dallas Burke
a. Quorum has been established with 15 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
a. Senator Nicholson: Motion to move JR-15F-2914 to Simple and Joint Resolution under 2nd Read.
Second. Adopted.
b. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Adopted.
Approval of Minutes – November 9th, 2015
a. Senator Thames: Motion to approve the minutes from November 9th, 2015. Second. Adopted.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
a. Sammy Mims: Freshman, I serve on the SAP Committee and it has brought to my attention that the
weight room is in bad condition and needs to be updated. A petition has been signed by a lot of
students that aren’t athletes as well as athletes that support this update and it will be coming up later
tonight. {Many students spoke on the need for an updated weight room, locker room, and training
Guest Speakers
a. John Delaney- UNF President (10 minutes)
i. Universities are administered by shared governments, meaning every aspect of this university
has a voice. The administration’s job is to balance that out. We have tried our best to deal
with all issues on a fair and balanced view point. I meet regularly with the Student Body
President and the Vice President of Student Affairs. The university’s budget has designated
spending that cannot be shifted around. There are a lot of restrictions on what we can do
with designated money. I respond quickly to emails and am more than willing to meet with
any student on an issue they have. I want to thank you for all you do for this university.
Advisor Shore Advice (3 minutes)
a. {There was a discussion on Sunshine State Laws.}
Office of Elections Report
a. Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)
i. Congratulations to all Senators-elect taking a seat tonight. The third floor is completely off
limits for all campaigning. Email me if you have any questions.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)
i. The Parking Advisory Council advises on all things parking included etiquette and such. We
do not create policies, only recommendations. This semester we have discussed night-time
permits, night-time faculty/staff permits, and faculty/staff spaces in the Arena parking lot.
Meeting dates for next semester are to be announced.
 Senator Burke: Is there a reason that the night-time permit cannot be used as a Gray
permit prior to 4PM? –It was advised against and we were told it could possibly
cause more problems with the Gray permit.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)
i. We do not have any more events this semester. Last week we had the Harvest Festival,
Bubble Soccer, and a movie showing. We are currently planning spring events. We will have
Winter Fest the first week we come back.
b. Club Alliance – Director Zachary Mease (3 minutes)
i. We do not have much going for the rest of this semester. We are working on workshops,
general body meetings, and events for next semester. {The A&S Fee Ad Hoc committee
results were discussed.}
c. Treasurer Cameron Duffy (3 minutes)
d. Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
i. I was asked to define conflict of interest under an interpretation request and I will announce
my interpretation under judicial review. I want to extend a congratulations to all existing and
future senators.
e. Vice President (3 minutes)
f. President Hailey Guerra (5 minutes)
i. I have opened a candidate search for the Vice President role, let me know by December 1st
if you are interested.
Legislative Branch Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Dallas Burke (3 minutes)
i. In our last committee meeting, we had an open discussion on some ideas we wanted to work
on during Winter break. I want to update the Constitution and Statutes and send you all an
update of your absence points during break. President Baker and I are working on creating
and Ad Hoc committee.
b. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Troy Bottom (3 minutes)
i. I am in full support of both special requests tonight and Title VIII changes. After tonight,
the special request index will be $85,540.32 and the travel request index will be $16,659.77.
c. Government Oversight – Chairman Gustavo Ascanio (3 minutes)
i. In our last meeting, we had President Guerra speak on her duties and initiatives. We have no
vacancies for the Spring and 18 seats taken for the Fall. I am completely supportive of the
bill coming up tonight in regards to Hodges Stadium updates.
d. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Cassidy Keefe (3 minutes)
i. Finals Frenzy is on December 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th. Sign up soon please, new senators must
also sign up. Complete an iPad checkout form. {Osprey Voice results were discussed.}
e. Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)
i. Please write your email in the sign-up sheet going around. Current senators: please be a
guide to the new Spring senators. If anyone needs any help, please see me or any of the
advisors. Finish strong in school and good luck on your finals.
Unfinished Business
a. Legislations considered for 1st Reading
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislations considered for 2nd Reading
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
New Business
a. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read
b. Legislation on 1st Read
c. Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read
i. JR-15F-2914 Hodge’s Stadium – Chairman Ascanio
 This bill asks for the support of the Student Government in recognizing the
necessary repairs to Hodge’s Stadium, the Strength and Conditioning room, and the
stadium locker rooms. These repairs are necessary to maintain proper health and
safety regulations for students and athletes.
 Senator Burke: Motion to amend such that line 17 reads “in addition” and this
resolution be forwarded to President Delaney, Vice President Shuman, and Vice
President Gonzalez. Second. Adopted.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve JR-15F-2914 as amended. Second. Discussion.
Roll call vote passes 19-0-0.
d. Legislation considered for 2nd Read
i. SB-15F-2909 New Clicker System – Pro-Tempore Burke
 This bill is requesting $1,735.00 for a new clicker system for the Student
Government Senate.
 Senator Padgett: Motion to amend SB-15F-2909 such that line 1 reads Sb-15F-2909.
Second. Motion rescinded.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to amend SB-15F-2909 such that in all areas, it reads SB15F-2909. Second. Adopted.
 Senator Thames: Motion to approve SB-15F-2909. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote
passes 18-0-1.
ii. SB-15F-2915 UNF Subsidized Printing – Pro-Tempore Burke
 This bill is requesting $21,678.00 to allow each student 25 free prints in the Spring
semester as an alternative to the free print lab that was shut down earlier this year.
 Senator Padgett: Motion to amend SB-15F-2915 such that line 14 reads 25 prints and
(25 x $0.08). Second. Discussion. Roll call vote does not pass 5-0-14.
 Senator Lorenzo: Motion to approve SB-15F-2915. Second. Discussion. Motion
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to amend SB-15F-2915 such that the bill name reads UNF
Subsidized Printing. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 17-0-2.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve SB-15F-2915 as amended. Second. Discussion.
Roll call vote passes 18-0-1.
iii. SB-15F-2913 Title VIII Revisions – Senator Jordan
 This bill is requesting changes to be made to Title VIII. Some changes are minor
grammatical and structural errors. A business day of 8AM-5PM was defined. It stated
that the Vice President of Student and International Affairs must sign off on budget
transfers over $500.00. It stated that RSOs must comply with Title VIII. It stated
that scantrons and prizes over $35 are now acceptable exceptions of expenditure. It
stated that the General Reserve Fund may be used, under appropriate circumstances,
to hear requests under the SG B&A Committee. It stated there may be as many
workshops as necessary under the SG B&A Chair’s discretion. It stated receipts for
reimbursements must be received no later than ten business days after the date of the
receipt. It stated the SG Treasurer shall attend all Club Alliance general body
meetings. It stated that a Budget Director from each Department receiving funding
shall meet a minimum of biweekly with SG Accounting Associate(s) to review fiscal
matters. It stated the SG B&A Chair must supply the committee with hard copies of
the request in order to be heard. It stated that no special request will be heard during
summer terms unless the amount is below $15,000.00.
Senator Jordan: Motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that page 25, section 830.5
reads “Failure to comply places the budget director club into organization direct
violation of the finance code which is punishable as outlined in Chapter 861 ad 863”.
Second. Discussion.
Senator Jordan: Motion to approve through unanimous consent. Second. Adopted.
Senator Thames: Motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that page 45, line 2 reads
“Directors” instead of “Accounting Associates”. Second. Discussion.
Senator Jordan: Motion to approve through unanimous consent. Second. Adopted.
Senator Pratt: Motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that page 46, line item 5 reads
“Supreme Court” instead of “Judicial Council”. Second. Discussion.
Senator Lee: Motion to approve through unanimous consent. Second. Adopted.
Senator Lipsky: Motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that page 46, line items 46-47
reads “three (3) or more” instead of “more than three”. Second. Discussion.
Senator Keefe: Motion to approve through unanimous consent. Second. Adopted.
Senator Nicholson: Motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 7 removes the
extra “SG” written. {Motion did not continue on because all friendly amendments
will be changes prior to releasing.}
Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve SB-15F-2913. Second. Discussion. Motion
Senator Thames: Motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that it states “no special
request will be heard during summer terms unless the amount is below $15,000.00
and/or a quorum of 15 voting members must be present”. Motion rescinded.
Senator Lipsky: Motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that page 36, line item 12 reads
“a quorum of 15 Senators must be present at time of legislative proposal”. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 14-0-5.
Senator Padgett: Motion to approve SB-15F-2913 as amended. Second. Discussion.
Roll call vote passes 19-0-0.
Swearing In of New Senators – Chief Justice Jaeger
Division of the House
a. New Senators: Remember to sign up for Finals Frenzy, write your polo size, and your preferred
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Dallas Burke
a. Quorum has been reestablished with 30 voting members.
a. Meeting adjourned at 9:15PM.
Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary