Senate Minutes 10-26-15


University of North Florida Student Senate

Senate Meeting Minutes – October 26 th , 2015 – 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM – Senate Chambers


Call to Order

 Meeting called to order at 6:36PM.


Invocation – Senate Chaplain Clare Stern


Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-at-Arms


Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Elect Dallas Burke

 Quorum has been established with 19 voting members.


Approval of Agenda

 Senator Jordan: Motion to amend the agenda such that item IV reads Senate President Pro-Tempore

Elect Dallas Burke. Second. All in favor. Moved.

 Senator Rosen: Motion to add JR-15F-2899 to New Business under Simple and Joint Resolutions on

1 st Read. Second. All in favor. Moved.

 Senator Ascanio: Motion to strike out Margaret Szerba from Guest Speakers. Second. All in favor.


 Senator Keefe: Motion to amend the agenda such that item XIV, first subsection reads Chairman

Elect Dallas Burke. Second. All in favor. Moved.

 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.


Approval of Minutes – October 12 th , 2015

 Senator Thames: Motion to amend the minutes so that the Vice President Wilson’s reply to my question states “It will be looked into” instead of “Yes, it will be looked into”. Second. All in favor.


 Senator Lee: Motion to approve the minutes as amended. Second. Motion dies.

 Senator Thames: Motion to amend the agenda so that “branch” is spelled correctly. Second. All in favor. Moved.

 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the minutes as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.


Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment

 Holbrook Platts: Junior, General Senate Seat


Student Remarks (3 minutes each)

 None.


Advisor Shore Advice (3 minutes)


Guest Speakers

 Andrea Adams-Manning – Student Ombudsman (10 minutes)

 I take a neutral stance on issues and cases. I argue both sides of the argument so that people see both perspectives. I am an informal, neutral party. I am an advocate for fairness and am

confidential in my job. I work with students through a lot of complaints. I help with professor complaints., medical issues, financial aid, psychological issues, etc. I am aware of all university policies and procedures and help to waiver those policies and procedures depending on the situation. I help students navigate situations in a respectful way that gets the job done. I am here to serve the students in navigating college. Please put the spotlight on issues early on so we can deal with it.

 Christopher Nowak – Community First Credit Union (5 minutes)

 We are the financial institution on campus. Last time I spoke about the event we are having on campus which is coming up next Tuesday. We are going to have Mario World photo booths. The company GAM will be making Community First levels within Mario Maker. We college.

 Margaret Szerba – Student Government Assistant Director (5 minutes) will also have smash brothers. I wanted to come and remind you all about the event. We will also be opening up accounts. We want to help educate you all on the financial side of


Office of Elections Report

 Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)

 Elections are tomorrow. Please pick up a shirt if you haven’t already. There are three things on the ballot. Polling stations are located in the Student Union and by the library. The three things will be the Article IV Revisions, the Binding Responsibility Act, and a plebiscite in regard to conceal and carry. The three choices for the plebiscite are support, oppose, and neutral. I will be announcing the results on Wednesday night at 7:30PM. o Senator Jordan: Will Wednesday night be a special session of the Senate? –No, I will just be using the Chambers. o Senator Thames: What will we do with the plebiscite results? –It is a non-binding referendum. In the Elections Policies and Procedures, it states when a plebiscite is voted on, the only thing the Senate is required to do is open up a discussion in the

Senate meeting immediately following the elections to talk about the results. I will present the results in front of Senate and you will all open the floor for discussion. It is up to you all to put in the work to do something with the results if you want.


Judicial Branch Report

 Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)

 No report.


Executive Branch Reports

 Osprey Productions – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)

 We will have Bingo in the Boathouse at 6PM. Wednesday. We will be showing Unfriended at

7PM and 9:45PM. Thursday we will have pumpkin carving from 10AM-3PM at Club Fest.

November 3 rd is the Drag Show. November 7 th we will be showing Rocky Horror Picture

Show in the Lazarra Theater. We are working on planning homecoming and are waiting on one invoice for the concert price.

 Club Alliance – Director Zachary Mease (3 minutes)

 We have a General Body Meeting on November 6 th . We have an A&S Fee Ad Hoc committee currently. If you have any questions, please let me know. We would love to have fresh eyes on the topic as well. We have Club Fest this Thursday, it is our biggest event. We currently have 70 clubs signed up and expect that to increase. We have time slots set up if you need volunteer hours, we would greatly appreciate any help. o Senator Ascanio: When is the meeting? –Wednesday at 4PM is the Ad Hoc committee meeting time.

 Treasurer Cameron Duffy (3 minutes)

 No report.

 Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)

 No report.

 Vice President Jordan Wilson (3 minutes) (absent)

 President Hailey Guerra (5 minutes)

 Shane is working with IT to make an SG Mobile ap. We are also working on a SG

Newsletter to send out to the entire student body. If you have anything you want included, please let me know. I met with the library faculty and we are now funding the check-out of graphing calculators and phone/laptop chargers. This is a pilot program, so we are seeing how it will work out. I am the chair of the Student Fee Assessment committee and Jordan and I are working on that now. Town Hall is November 10 th . There will also be a Boathouse special in partnership with Athletics. The initiatives I talk about in the Senate meetings are not the only initiatives the Executive Branch works on. o Senator Ascanio: Regarding the calculators, can they be used in the library only? –

Yes. o Senator Ascanio: Can you talk about the executive order recently signed? –Yes, we created an Ad Hoc committee to talk about our state level initiatives. We wanted to include more voices from our student government. It will be open to the public and any student who wants to speak can do so even if they cannot vote. o Senator Jordan: Will the calculators and chargers in the library be seen as an upcoming special request? –The calculators came from a partnership with the

Academic Center and the chargers will be taken from the Executive Programing line. o Senator Lorenzo: When will the radio show and Town Hall be? -The radio show and

Town Hall will be November 10 th . Invite your friends, please come to engage students. Coach Driscol will also have a radio show that night. o Senator Thames: What time is Town Hall? –From 6PM-7PM.


Legislative Branch Reports

 Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Elect Dallas Burke (3 minutes)

 I am a chemistry major, with a minor in Community Leadership. I hope to join the Air Force after graduation. I hope to bring a governing documents workshop in conjunction with the

Attorney General. I want to expand the Senator packet with additions from senators who have drafted bills. I want to have one-on-one senator sessions to go over Robert’s Rules, absence points, and any questions you may have. I have created a senator cheat sheets as a quick reference guide. o Senator Thames: Are we allowed to leave that cheat sheet in our Constitution and

Statutes? –Do with it as you wish.

 Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Troy Bottom (3 minutes)

 We had two travel requests in our last meeting. Our current travel index is $17,407.97, our special request index is at $112,913.07 and our salary reserves are at $38,060.83. I am trying to break up Title VIII through the senators in the Budget and Allocations Committee to make any changes. o Senator Padgett: Do you want that done by our next meeting? –Yes.

 Government Oversight – Chairman Gustavo Ascanio (3 minutes)

 We have one spring seat vacant but have an appointment coming up tonight. If he is confirmed there will be no spring seats vacant. The fall seats will be filled with the upcoming elections but there will most likely be a few seats vacant in the Fall due to a small amount of people running. Christian Fleming will be going up for appointment tonight. In our last meeting we only had one meeting and we had Zachary Kinderman talk about his job duties and position on the Executive Branch. If you cannot go to Senator Orientation I invite you to come to our next Government Oversight meeting.

 University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Cassidy Keefe (3 minutes)

 Round table is November 3 rd and 4 th . For those of you who have not signed up, please do so by today. If anyone is willing to do two hours please let me know. Anyone who is signed up for 11AM please come a little bit earlier to help set up. If you have not signed the iPad checkout policy form please see me immediately after Senate. The last Osprey Voice results are in. o Senator Sorrentino: Are you going to pass around a signup sheet for round table? –I have it in the back. o Senator Thames: Are the busses something we control? –I believe there is a transportation fee that students pay but I am unsure.

 Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)

 Senate is about making decisions in a timely, efficient, and correct manner. Make decisions quickly and do so confidently. Senator orientation is November 7 th . Scholarship applications went out today and will be due November 13 th . o Senator Jordan: During our Senator orientation will there be any big differences from the last one? –There will be some changes, we are trying to make it more fun. o Senator Thames: Can you turn in volunteer hours prior to an absence? –Yes. o Senator Burke: If volunteer hours can be used to knock off absence points can they also be used towards your scholarship application? –Yes, you can use them for both. o Senator Lee: What exactly is due on the 13 th ? –The scholarship application.


Unfinished Business

 Legislations considered for 1 st Reading

 Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1 st Reading

 Legislations considered for 2 nd Reading

 Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2 nd Reading


New Business

 Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1 st Read

 JR-15F-2899

 Legislation on 1 st Read

 Simple and Joint Resolution on 2 nd Read

 Legislation considered for 2 nd Read

 SB-15F-2891 Title III Revisions – Senator Keefe o This is Title III Revisions and Dana has worked very hard to make this a transparent process. I will discuss the changes made in committee because this bill was up for 1 st read last Senate. The treasurer and attorney general cannot be dismissed by the president but have to go through an impeachment process through the Senate which is why a certain change was made. There are a few grammar and spelling changes throughout. We created a timeline for judicial vacancies to be filled and stated the amount of extensions are up to the discretion of the Chief of Justice.

 Senator Ascanio: Motion to amend SB-15F-2891 on page 8, item C by changing the word “qualified” to “adequate”. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 16-0-3.

 Senator Thames: Motion to amend SB-15F-2891 on page 2 line 22 to read

“treasurer, attorney general, and elections commissioner”. Motion rescinded.

 Senator Bottom: Motion to approve SB-15F-2891 as amended. Second.

Discussion. Roll call vote passes 19-0-0.

 SB-15F-2906 Amendments to Fiscal Year 2015-16 A&S Fee Budget Provisionary Language

– Senator Bottom

o Myself, Treasurer Duffy, and Senator Jordan sit on the A&S Fee committee and have brought forth this change in language to be able to make applicable changes in our committee.

 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve Sb-15F-2906. Second. Discussion.

 Senator Lipsky: Motion to approve through unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.


Legislative Appointments

 Christian Fleming – General Senate Seat

 I am a sophomore studying finance. I am very eager to make a difference in the student body. I believe I can make differences in the budget and allocations committee as well as through different legislations. I am aware of the upcoming budget deliberations on

Wednesday nights in the Spring. o Senator Jordan: Have you read the Constitution and Statutes since your GO committee interview? –Yes. o Senator Thames: Are you aware of where Student Government receives their funding? –I know there is a $4.2 million funding that comes from the state (point of

information: the funding comes from student paid A&S fees that is included in the tuition). o Senator Lee: Do you have any class conflicts with Senate or committee? –Currently yes. I do not plan on joining the B&A committee immediately because of the time conflict. I was just as eager to serve on the USA committee. o Senator Jordan: Would you be able to make general Senate meetings? –Yes. o Senator Nicholson: Can you tell us something you see in the Constitution and

Statutes that you want to change? –I was interested in the organization title that talks about the purpose of the Student Government. o Senator Smith: Do you participate in any other organizations outside of Kappa

Sigma? –No I do not currently but I plan on becoming active. o Senator Thames: By attending the Senate meeting on Monday night you will be missing class? –Yes. o Senator Bottom: Motion to approve Christian Fleming for a General Senate Seat.

Second. Discussion. Roll call vote does not pass 9-0-10.


Swearing In – Chief Justice Jaeger

 Dallas Burke – Pro Tempore/Constitution and Statutes Committee Chair



 Senator Orientation is next Saturday.


Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Dallas Burke

 Quorum has been reestablished with 19 voting members.



 Meeting adjourned at 8:26PM.

Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary
