Senate Minutes 10-12-15

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – October 12th, 2015 – 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 6:32PM.
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Clare Stern
Pledge of Allegiance – Senate President Baker
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
 Quorum has been established with 18 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Keefe: Motion to add SB-15F-2891 to New Business under 1st Read. Second. All in favor.
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Minutes – September 28th, 2015
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the minutes from September 28th, 2015. Second. All in favor.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
 Christian Fleming: Sophomore, Finance major, General Senate Seat
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
 Katherine Thames: I am a sophomore studying International Relations. Bills will be coming up in
Senate regarding concealed carry. I will be speaking on Tuesday, October 27th in regards to
preventing the allowance of concealed weapons on our campuses.
 Kristoff Nicholson: I am a senior studying Accounting. I have realized through my nervousness in
my interview last week that I did not transfer my initiatives in the way I wanted. I am not here to
offend anyone and I apologize thoroughly if I have. I want to be an asset to this organization and I
want to further this university with the interest of the Student Body in mind. Let’s have a productive
meeting tonight.
Advisor Shore Advice (3 minutes)
 All of your records in regards to your student life are completely private. That includes email
addresses, grades, and all student information. If anyone asks for your email we will give your
professional staff email. This is all in compliance with FERPA. If you ever have any questions,
please stop by my office.
Guest Speakers
 Director Warren (10 minutes)
o I am the Director of Governmental Affairs of this University. I work with Janet Owen who
is considered the best in the state in her field. I used to be the Director of Student Life and
have presented in front of the Senate once before. I worked for the chamber of commerce
as their lobbyist. I also worked to help ex-offenders find jobs. If any of you are looking for
internships in DC, come see us. Legislature looks at it and usually rips it up. The budget of
the governor doesn’t really matter because he can only veto it. The governor will then sign
or veto the proposed budget. He has fifteen days to line item anything in the budget. An
LRFO gets issued which involves the statistics of the budget previously and currently. The
agencies then submit budget requests. The cost for undergraduate degree list has us a little
lower because we emphasize our students’ experience. We have smaller class sizes. We also
have provide a lot of undergraduate research, study abroad trips, TLOs, and communitybased learning. Our 6-year graduation rate is low because our students work. Our academic
progress rate is good. The percentage of undergraduate with PELL grants has us #1 in the
state. The BOT choice for us was distance learning which we have sky-rocketed in the past
few years. In 2014 the baseline was 26. In 2015, nobody did worse than 26. Governor’s
College Affordability and guns on campus will come up soon. We have $18 million in the
bank and are asking for $11 million for the new Skinner-Jones Hall. My email is so contact me with anything
 Senator Jordan: How long is construction expected to take? –We have not set
projections on that just yet because we have to have the money first.
 Senator Ascanio: Why are we always at the bottom compared to other schools when
we have high national ranking and what needs to be worked on? –The Board of
Governors created their own governing system. We need to improve on excess
hours and on-time graduation.
 Senator Nicholson: We only get funding based on improvement or our score? –We
get funding based on our score. We like small classes and want to be recognized as a
high-quality university.
 Senator Jordan: Could you give elaboration on “notice of textbooks”? –The
Governor wanted to make it six weeks ahead of time that all faculty noted which
textbooks they will be using. We let faculty know 45 days ahead of time what course
they are teaching to ensure that students have time to buy books and save.
Amendments to the Agenda
 Senator Jordan: Motion to amend the agenda by moving the reports of the President and Vice
President before the Office of Elections Report. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for amendments to the agenda. Second. All in favor.
Executive Branch Reports I
 President Hailey Guerra (5 minutes)
o Caleb has accepted position as COS. Town Hall has been postponed. The Field House
opening went very well. Treasurer Duffy and I have been working with Spinnaker to ensure
budgeting is taken care of and we don’t see any issues this year. We are working to bring
back free printing. Zachary Kinderman is video-taping for a SG promo video. Please get
involved in Rally in Tally so we get everyone out there.
 Senator Villavicencio: What is the current timeline for free printing? –We hope to
have it fully marketed by the end of Fall and in action in the Spring
 Senator Jordan: Is there a current timeline for the Rally in Tally event? –There is not
yet. We are trying to plan is strategically based on session and also a date all other
state universities can attend.
 Vice President Jordan Wilson (3 minutes)
o I want to apologize to Senator Ascanio because we were supposed to sit down and establish
an Ad Hoc committee but we were unable. If anyone if interested, contact me. A lot of you
volunteered at the events last week and OP and I are very grateful.
 Senator Thames: What is the timeline on getting an official survey on Guns of
Campus? –I submitted two questions to Senator Keefe to get that out in this Osprey
 Senator Thames: You don’t have to put your N# into the online survey, correct? –It
will be looked into.
Office of Elections Report
 Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)
o I am handing out a sign-up sheet for Election polling and working the polling station. Please
sign up. If nothing works for you, please see me and we will work it out. Elections are at the
end of the month. There is a CR going through tonight. The 20 people who will be joining
you after the validation bill I think very highly of. They will fill the rest of the seats and that
is very exciting, go and meet them.
 Senator Grantham: You will get absence points for not working the elections.
 Senator Thames: During elections, the only thing being voted on is the CR? –Yes, if
the bill passes tonight there will be two bills on the ballot.
Judicial Branch Report
 Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)
o We have a full bench currently, this is the first time in three years. Parking was brought up
last time. I just want to let you all know that the sensors in the parking lot only count the
Blue Parking spaces, not faculty and staff parking.
Executive Branch Reports II
 Osprey Productions – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)
o We have three events coming up. Capture the Flag at 9 tomorrow. We have our partnership
movie with Campus Life on Wednesday at 7:00PM and 9:45PM. Next Wednesday we are
showing Zombieland at 7:00PM and 9:45PM. Last week we had our concert which had the
largest student attendance of a UNF concert ever. I appreciate all of you for stepping up and
helping. Next Senate, Margaret and I will be talking about ticket revenue.
 Senator Jordan: Do you have any finalized numbers of how much the concert cost?
–Because of a lot of unforeseen circumstances, we do not know yet.
 Senator Nicholson: Do we have any students that were unable to get in? –No.
 Senator Cajuste: When do pictures get posted? –We have it on our to-do list and are
working on it.
 Club Alliance – Assistant Director Leah Tolisano (3 minutes)
o We have 213 registered student organizations; we have been working hard on Club Fest,
which is on October 29th. Please volunteer, there is a sign-up sheet going around.
 Treasurer Cameron Duffy (3 minutes)
o Last week I met with some people and dealt with any budget deliberation questions I had. I
am meeting with two Indexes this week and will continue doing so until I have met with
them all.
 Senator Villavicencio: Will you go more in depth with this in the B&A meeting? –
Yes, I am keeping a binder of all notes I have of the Indexes. I am also recording the
 Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
o SB-15F-2891 deals with Title III revisions. It deals with a lot of executive branch changes in
appointments and such. My interpretations are available and they are the reasons a lot of
Title III revisions had to be made. Some are recommendations made by the Checks and
Balances committee made over the summer. You have time to ask questions so please read
and research this. It was also mentioned we are in non-compliance in regards to having two
assistant directors for OP. It is mandated we have to have at least one, but it does not bar us
from having two and I feel it should stay that way. We don’t want to require they have two
 Senator Jordan: In regards to Title XI, if the next administration wanted two
Assistant Directors as well, would they have to come before Senate? –If it is not
included in the budget, they would. If they wanted a third, they would have to come
before Senate for confirmation. If they have two paid and one unpaid, they would
not need that third to come for confirmation.
 Senator Nicholson: I just wanted to state that I brought this point up because I was
surprised no one asked if it was legal.
Legislative Branch Reports
 Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Caleb Grantham (3 minutes)
o We had two items on our agenda last week. A CR which is up tonight and an absence appeal
for a Senator who had all points removed. I have been offered the Chief of Staff position
and will take it moving forward. I put together a PowerPoint slide of all things I’ve learned
so far to pass down. The mission of the Senate is to serve the students to benefit the student
body at large. We represented the students as the elected representative of the entire Student
Body. You are always representing this organization. We should support all activities made
by this organization. Talk to students and inform them; be aware of their concerns. Write,
amend, and impose legislation. Sponsor legislations. Volunteer at events. Interviews for my
position are this week, if you are interested contact Senate President Baker.
 Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Troy Bottom (3 minutes)
o We had three travel requests come before us at the last meeting. Kudos to my committee for
being very active and asking great questions. The Travel Request Index is at $19,907.97, the
Special Request Index is at $112,913.07 and Salary Reserves are at $38,060.82. Requests for
the annual budget process went out last Friday. Everything is on time. I will keep you all
 Government Oversight – Chairman Gustavo Ascanio (3 minutes)
o We have one appointment coming up. We have one Spring seat currently and if this
appointment is approved, there will be no more available. I started inviting members of the
branches into our committee to learn about what they do. We are having Zachary
Kinderman and Advisor Shore coming into our next meeting.
 University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Cassidy Keefe (3 minutes)
o Round Table will be coming up on November 4th. The time was pushed back to 11AM2PM. Please sign up today so we are prepared. We will have Moe’s catering. Osprey voice is
going well so far. We have had about 60-70 responses so far and continues to increase. I will
be working with the system to correct the N# issues
 Senator Thames: Does this current Osprey Voice require your N# on the iPads? –
No, it does not currently.
 Senator Thames: Do these results determine the stance the Matt Brockelman will
issues as the Student Body’s in Tallahassee? –That is up to Jordan Wilson, I send him
the data collected.
 Senator Nicholson: Is there any way we can separate what students fill in online to
the iPad results? –No, they are the same survey so results combine.
 Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)
o OP did a great job at the concert. We have a new clicker system and are still working on
fixing any bugs. Let us know how you feel about them. Thank you Caleb for all the work
you’ve done, you were a great asset and leader. We will miss you. Interviews will be this
Wednesday morning, if you are interested, please email me. Discussion is great, but please
don’t be reiterating what is already being said. If you have something new to add, please feel
free to add to discussion. Please try not to unanimously consent a fiscal request because they
deal with a lot of money. Parent Family Weekend is this weekend, come help out.
 Senator Cajuste: What times do you need us for Parents’ Weekend? –I will send out
an email letting you all know.
Unfinished Business
 Legislations considered for 1st Reading
 Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
 Legislations considered for 2nd Reading
 Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
New Business
 Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read
 Legislation on 1st Read
 Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read
 Legislation considered for 2nd Read
o CR-15F-2900 The Binding Responsibility and Adherence to Democracy Act – Senator
Grantham and Elections Commissioner Johnson
 This bill is to solidify legislature in regards to elections. This raises the language from
the bill being an SB to a CR. There are implications here so please ask questions and
understand thoroughly so you can explain it properly. If this was passed it would go
up on this ballot and be included in Article V
 Senator Jordan: What do the terms “production in maintenance” in
Subsection A refer to; why did you use that wording? –It is taken directly
from Title VI. It can be changed if you feel it is unclear.
 Senator Thames: How would elections be conducted if there was no Office
of Elections? –That would depend on the Senate vote. If you wrote a Senate
bill that did away with an organization that didn’t replace it, it would cause a
lot of issues. I believe this is the most unbiased system up to date.
 Senator Nicholson: Did we get any judiciary review in case this affects
anything in our law? –No, I believe we have covered the scope pretty well.
We have a good handle on it, but if you find any problems please come
o Attorney General Baker: Reviews are only done for things that may
be considered unconstitutional. This will only strengthen the
 Senator Lee: How would you say the presence of this office would alter the
checks and balances in place? –The Government Oversight committee is an
oversight entity that maintains governmental relationships. This CR will only
change that the Office of Elections cannot be removed with a simple bill.
This is essentially up to the students if they feel this office needs to exist.
Attorney Generals also act as supervisors to the Office of Elections.
Senator Jordan: What are your views about a statement in Article V about the
removal of the Elections Commissioner compared to what is stated in Article
VII? –I am almost positive that in that case, the Enforcement Statute comes
into place. That deals with the impeachment of any Student Government
member. Every Elections Commissioner must be reconfirmed every two
Senator Jordan: Would the Judicial Branch review the impeachment if it was
occurring? –Every impeachment goes through that two-step process and it
also must have a 2/3 recommendation.
Senator Nicholson: You said you were moving some of the powers of the
Senate to the Student Body, what would you say to moving the powers to
students who are here and who care to those who do not? –Often times, the
students are under-representation in the Senate, especially over the summer.
In the last election we received over 3,000 votes. Apathy is something I try to
focus on. I feel they are more equipped to handle a decision on a consistent
basis compared to the Senate because of low numbers.
Senator Burke: You said you got a lot of language straight from Title VI.
When you say “prescribed by law,” does that mean it refers to Title VI? –
Yes, it is just the language of the law meaning refer to that associated statute.
Senator Burke: Is everything under Title VI protected by the Constitution? –
No, only the writing there refers to that.
Senator Burke: Motion to amend CR-15F-2900 such that we add subsection
C to state the purpose of the Office of Elections is to conduct the unbiased
service of upholding the democratic process through elections. Second.
o Senator Grantham: Motion to strike the wording proposed and insert
“There shall be an Office of Elections responsible for the unbiased
production and maintenance of all Student Government elections”.
Second. Discussion. All in favor. Roll call vote passes 14-0-3.
Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve CR-15F-2900 as amended. Motion
Senator Thames: Motion to amend CR-15F-2900 to add subsection C such
that “ the Office of Elections shall be an independent office of student
government set apart from any one branch of government and having no
reporting duties to or oversight from any officer of any branch and free from
political pressures”. Second. Discussion.
o Senator Grantham: Motion to close the floor for discussion. Second.
Roll call vote passes 16-0-1 to close floor for discussion.
o Roll call vote for the amendment does not passes 0-0-17.
Senator Ascanio: Motion to approve CR-15F-2900 as amended. Motion
Senator Grantham: Motion to amend CR-15F-2900 such that Section 8:
Organization is renumbered to read Section 1 and all following sections are
renumbered to follow in numerical order. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Bottom: Motion to approve CR-15F-2900 as amended. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 17-0-0.
Legislative Appointments
 Nicholas Wong – General Senate Seat
o I major in political science. I want to get involved in campus. I am very much interested in
politics and I think Student Government is a great starting place. I have done a few
extracurricular things in high school. I volunteered at various events.
 Senator Burke: What are your views on the bill we just passed? –I agree with it. I
noticed there was a lot of discussion but I could not hear everything from the back.
 Senator Villavicencio: Do you have any ideas or initiatives that you want to bring
forward? –I know that library hours have been an issue I’ve heard a lot about;
Sundays specifically I think needs to have increased hours. I know that I would
benefit from that just as much as other students would.
 Senator O’Linn: Do you have any other activities besides working at the bookstore
what will hinder your time and dedication to being a Senator? –No, I do not
overwork myself and I will devote appropriate time to this.
 Senator Lipsky: What do you want to take away from this experience? –I want to
learn a lot. I would gain a lot of information from this experience. Personal
responsibility would be gained.
 Senator Butler: Could you elaborate more on what you could bring to SG that sets
you apart? –I would get to speak to a different crowd.
 Senator Johnson: Why SG and why now as a senior? –I am a transfer student so I
did not always have this opportunity.
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the appointment of Nicholas Wong for a
General Senate Seat. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote does not pass 9-0-8.
 We will fix the clicker issues.
 Attend your committee meetings and bring any questions you may have.
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
 Quorum has been reestablished with 17 voting members.
 Meeting adjourned at 9:17PM.
Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary