Senate Minutes 9-14-15

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – September 14th, 2015 – 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 6:34PM.
Invocation – Interfaith Center President
Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-at-Arms Sean O’Linn
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
 Quorum has been established with 15 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Ascanio: Motion to remove Sergeant-at-Arms Sean O’Linn from the Pledge of Allegiance as
he has not been sworn in. Second. All in favor. Moved.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to remove Morgan Ungrady from Legislative Appointments. Second. All
in favor. Moved.
 Senator: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Motion dies.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to remove Chase Baker from Legislative Appointments. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
 Senator Grantham: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Minutes – August 24th, 2015
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the minutes from August 24th, 2015. Second. All in favor.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
 Patrick Seathoff: Freshman, Finance major, General Senate Seat
 Kristoff Nicholson: Senior, Accounting major, General Senate Seat
 Frank Adonmo: Junior, Graphic Design major, General Senate Seat
 Seth Johnson: Freshman, General Senate Seat
 Nina Lee: Freshman, General Senate Seat
 Ali Awan: Sophomore, Biology major, General Senate Seat
 Joseph Rodriguez: Freshman, Molecular Biology major, General Senate Seat
Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
 Katherine Thames: Last week I went to Sandalwood High School to meet with their Youth in
Student Government Club and it was very rewarding. They have mock legislation and I explained
our process to them. I invited them to our Senate but they could not come due to Open House. I
hope to meet with more chapters and have them attend our Senate.
 Caleb Grantham: Thank you for declaring your intent, please remember you have to stay for the
entire meeting and to turn in your forms.
Advisor Shore Remarks (3 minutes)
 There have been a few questions on topics such as FERPA and Southworth and I plan to cover
those topics in the next few weeks. Please stop by my office, I would love to get know you all.
Guest Speakers
a. Career Services Associate Director- Vivian Senior (15 minutes)
 I am the associate director of career services and have been working for 24 years. I am
here to touch on etiquette and improvement of oneself. The transition between students in
the classroom to a professional environment can be difficult. Change clothes to be
appropriate for whatever function or meeting you are attending. Pay attention to blouses,
skirt lengths, closed-toe shoes, grooming, and dressing well. Professionalism is also not
only about attire but also communication. It is not about what you say but how you say it.
Be wary with professional emails/texts in spelling, grammar, emoticons, capitalization, and
the tone used. Be positive in your work environment.
Office of Elections Report
a. Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes)
 I have free stuff at the end. Tomorrow is the deadline to register a party. The new voting
booths are in. I have new shirts and koozies that I will be handing out. The party Fair is
September 23rd. Candidate Declarations are due September 29th. October 27th and 28th are
the election dates. The results will be up October 28th. My email is
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes)
 I have gone around a few classes about parking appeals. We are wrapping up preliminary
interviews for judicial candidates this week.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes)
 We have had great attendance at all of our events; over 1,000 at the Pool Party and have
had to turn students away at some movie showings. We have Inside Out showing this
Wednesday at 7 and 9:45PM and Ted 2 next Wednesday at the same times. The fall
concert is Big Sean and Asher Roth, share that on your social media.
b. Club Alliance – Director Zachary Mease (3 minutes)
 Over 62 clubs have re-registered in Club Alliance. We formed an ad hoc committee that
will look into A&S Fee funding in regard to club funding. This is an open committee so
stop by and share your opinions. The Club Fest is October 29th, with a Halloween theme.
c. Treasurer Cameron Duffy (3 minutes)
 The Encumbrance Bill will be up tonight and I will be presenting it. I am working on Title
changes with Dana. If you have any questions focusing on what to expect in the budget
process, please see me.
d. Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes)
 No report.
e. Vice President (3 minutes)
f. President Hailey Guerra (5 minutes)
 We hosted the FSA meeting a few weekends ago. We subsidized 3,500 tickets for the
Jaguars. We hired a new Director of Communications and are still in the process of hiring
a Chief of Staff and a Project Manager. I am working on a list of initiatives for you all so
you know what the Executive Branch is working on. We are having an event on October
5th for the Field House opening. We are having a game show for Parents Weekend to
represent Student Government. Reach out to myself or to Conner Klein to get involved in
Legislative Branch Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Caleb Grantham (3 minutes)
 There are a limited number of spring seats, so be proactive in your appointment
applications. We did not meet quorum last week and have had a senator since resign.
b. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Troy Bottom (3 minutes)
 Our Travel Request index is at $26,310 and have had no requests last week. Special Request
index is at $112,913.07. There is a bill up today that will bring the Special Requests index
down to $104,732.89. Salary Reserves are at $30,060.82. I had a workshop last week that
talked about the future agenda that will be released soon. I am sponsoring the Encumbrance
bill that is up tonight, it must be passed tonight or it will be in violation of Title VIII.
c. Government Oversight – Chairman Gustavo Ascanio (3 minutes)
 Last Senate meeting we had about 17 announcements, only five of which continued on in
the application process, three will be up tonight. I will be inviting the Attorney General to
our next meeting to discuss the roles of her job. To the appointees, please be aware of
deadlines to prevent any violations from occurring; let me know of any issues. I will be here
to help. There are six Spring General Senate seats open currently.
d. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Cassidy Keefe (3 minutes)
 Osprey Voice is next week. I have the signup sheet, please sign it if you have not yet or you
will be issued an absence point. To the Senators up for appointment tonight, see me after.
October Osprey Voice is the 12th-14th, I have the signup sheet if you want to sign up in
advance. Wear your senator Polo and Student Government pin with appropriate bottoms;
wear comfortable shoes. Go into the B&A Office, sign out an iPad, and fill out the form.
Respond to emails regarding Osprey Voice and surveys. The results of this Osprey Voice
will be up online.
e. Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes)
 Thank you Senator Thames for going out to Sandalwood High School and thank you to Ben
for speaking about parking in classrooms. Respond to emails please and work as a team. My
goal is to help you grow professionally and personally.
Unfinished Business
a. Legislations considered for 1st Reading
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislations considered for 2nd Reading
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
New Business
a. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read
b. Legislation on 1st Read
c. Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read
d. Legislation considered for 2nd Read
 SB-15F-2892 Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Year-End Encumbrances – Senator Bottom
 This bill regards reimbursing the Wellness Center for a purchase request they made
in the last fiscal year but did not pay for until this fiscal year. This money was
encumbered for them, so we must reimburse them for it. If not, it violates Title VIII.
The money comes out of Special request to balance the books.
o Senator Jordan: This is coming from the Fund balance? –Yes.
o Grantham: Motion to approve SB-15F-2892. Second. Discussion.
o Senator Jordan: Motion to approve by unanimous consent. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Executive Appointment
a. Vice President – Jordan Wilson: I am from Winter Park, Florida. I did not originally want to go to
college but I was convinced to come to UNF. I was a Business major my freshman year. I found
passion in Politics afterward. I decided to start/join a few clubs and did not realize they were run by
a greater organization. I then became interested in Club Alliance and became their Communications
Coordinator. I then became the campaign Manager for Shomari/Hailey. I then realized that I want
to start working with politicians. I became the Director of Governmental Affairs, then became the
Chief of Staff. With the Chief of Staff position I oversaw the agencies. I now want to become the
Vice President.
 Senator Jordan: If a disagreement occurs between you and President Guerra or someone in
the Executive Branch, what is your approach for handling that? –We have already had
disagreements and you haven’t seen them because we have handled them behind closed
doors. Eventually one of us breaks and gives in and we continue to grow, respect each other,
and learn.
 Senator Burke: What is something you have learned about yourself through your
Community Leadership minor? –My minor is actually business, but I have learned that I
need to never quit or give up on something that I am passionate about.
 Senator Grantham: Your level of involvement has progressively increased, do you see this as
a time commitment issue in the future? –I learn more here than I do in class. I love this
organization and the opportunities I am getting from it and I love that it is to better the
Student Body.
 Senator Thames: Motion to approve Jordan Wilson as Vice President. Second. Discussion.
Roll call vote passes 16-0-0.
Legislative Appointments
a. General Senate Seat (Spring) – Justin Dato: I am Coastal Biology major with a Psychology minor. I
am involved with Presidential Envoys, Club Alliance, and was a Student Assistant. Through my
experience as a Student Assistant and through Club Alliance, I know that I am capable of helping
 Senator Bottom: Why didn’t you run last spring? –Last spring I had a different major so I
did not have the time.
 Senator Villavicencio: Do you believe you can appropriately balance all your extracurricular
activities and Student Government? –Yes absolutely. I have only two classes and my
internship. My Presidential Envoy roles are through social media only.
 Senator Butler: What are your goals or ideas? –Parking and printing are huge issues that
many classmates, organizations, and friends have talked about. I want to be a resource to
people because I feel I am approachable and personable.
 Senator Burke: Name one strength and weakness you have. –One strength is being
personable. A weakness of mine is time management. I take on a lot of things but I am
working on balancing them.
 Senator Grantham: If you could fix any one thing about Student Government, what would it
be? –I would definitely work on making sure that students know what is going on with us,
 Senator Jordan: Motion to approve Justin Dato for a General Senate Seat. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 16-0-0.
b. General Senate Seat (Spring) – Chase Baker
c. General Senate Seat (Spring) – Morgan Ungrady
d. General Senate Seat (Spring) – Farouk Smith: I am a Political Science major with a minor in
Philosophy. I was an orientation leader, president of the Hall, worked in Student Government and I
am a team player. I love my school.
 Senator Thames: What did you do through the Executive Branch? –I was Director of
Student Life. I worked with Club Alliance, Osprey Productions, and Lend-a-Wing.
 Senator Burke: While you were president of the Hall, what is the best leadership insight you
gained? –Leaders have to lead by example and work hard. I also learned to be accountable
for my actions.
 Senator Bottom: Can you name one thing you did for Student Government in your time? –I
did work with Lend-a-Wing.
 Senator Grantham: Which committee would you like to serve on? –I would like to serve on
C&S to be fully aware of the rules and regulations.
 Senator Burke: How would you inform the Student Body as you stated previously? –I would
just go out there and speak to students, be on good terms with Spinnaker.
 Senator Lorenzo: Motion to approve Farouk Smith for a General Senate Seat. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 16-0-0.
e. General Senate Seat (Spring) – Glehn Von Loh: I am a junior, transfer from St. John’s River State
College. I started as a representative, which is the same thing as a Senator here; I moved forward and
was then president. I was a liaison and worked with all state community colleges. I have been
involved in lobbying in Tallahassee.
 Senator Villavicencio: What are some thing you can bring from being president previously? –
As president, I learned the main objective as a leader is not to accomplish things but to get
the group together.
 Senator Jordan: What are some pet projects we can expect from to see from you? –
Transparency is a big thing, not only here but in all governmental aspects.
 Senator Rosen: Do you think you know the needs of UNF since you are a transfer? –I have
spoken to students here and the needs here are very similar to those at my previous school. I
want to work on printing and making sure students know what Student Government is
 Senator Grantham: Motion to approve Glehn Von Loh for a General Senate Seat. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote passes 16-0-0.
Swearing-In of Appointments – Chief Justice Jaeger
 Thank you all for your time tonight.
 Sign up for Osprey Voice.
 If you are seeking appointment tonight, see me after to sign your form.
Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Caleb Grantham
 Quorum has been reestablished with 19 voting members.
 Meeting adjourned at 8:16PM.
Minutes taken by Farah Azzouz, Senate Secretary