Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2014
Senate Chambers 6:30 PM
Chairman: Blake Kennedy
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:33PM
Pledge of Allegiance—Sen. Kishek
Roll Call—Sen. Akers
Quorum is established with 6 voting members.
Approval of the minutes
A) 11/03/2014
Senator Cepoi: Motion to approve the minutes from November 3 rd 2014. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
A) 11/17/2014
Senator Kishek: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
We have updated the Special Request form, and are in the process of updating the form online.
If you are approved tonight for a request, please see Director Knipe afterwards.
Treasurer’s Report and Remarks
Treasurer Wolf: I just have one transfer; it’s for the amount of $79.30, and it is under the
Judicial Branch, index 402063. It is moving an amount from the chief justice line to the associate chief justice line to cover additional work
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2014-2015 Fiscal Year
Travel Requests
Now $18,323.56
Special Requests
$286,890 .81
Salary Reserves
$ 57,978.08
$57,978 .08
After $14,073.54
Unfinished Business
New Business
A) Travel Requests a) Osprey Racing-Student of Automotive Engineers—Sen. Akers: They are requesting
$2,000 for lodging and fuel. I urge you all to listen to all of the merits.
Osprey Racing: We design and build a formula style racecar and compete. It is great for us to apply what we have learned in our classes. It is very hands on. It directly relates to our experience with designing. *shows designs on projector* We haven’t started the build process yet, but it will be the same process from last year. We went to Amelia Island last year for an auto show, for exposure and to get sponsors. We bring prestige to UNF. Our dean has told us that we have contributed a 3 rd of the growth in the engineering program at
UNF. We were front page of the website on UNF. We have had a couple of articles in the local news and a couple in the spinnaker. It is an international competition to test engineering skills and to present to officials. Tests business, and design skills, and cost analysis. We operate as a company. The event will have 4 different dynamic events. As for the selection process, we took 16 members out of the 30 members last year. It is a part of the contributions from the individuals. They do a resume and present that. The biggest thing
I got from the competition is that I got extreme exposure to companies that I wouldn’t have had before. It is a great way for students to network and present and justify their design decisions. There are a lot of professionals there. *shows schedule of events*. The Lodging is for 7 students. We are requesting for $2,000 out of$ 7,500. o Senator Cepoi: Questions 9, 10, 11 are missing?
Has SG funded this before? - Yes, we were funded the past 2 years. $2,000 the first time and $2,500 the second time.
What will happen SG funds this partially- It would be a case to case basis on whether or not the students could afford to go.
What will happen if SG doesn’t fund this at all? - It would be the same; it would mainly affect our younger members.
Senator Akers: Motion to approve SAEs travel request. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Senator Akers-yes, Senator Kishek-yes,
Senator Culberson-yes, Senator Gagliardi-yes, Senator Cepoi-yes,
Senator Kontol-yes, Senator Brahmbatt-yes. Motion approves 8-0-0. b) The Awakening – Sen. Kishek: They are requesting to go to “Faith Walkers” this would benefit their organization and the student as a whole.
I am a business management major. We are here to present for “Faith Walkers” in North
Carolina. It is sponsored by churches. It is not your typical religious conference. This is a 4
day conference, and it really encourages students to grow and explore their faith. Since faith walkers has been around, we have sent students every year. There will be 10 students attending. This will help grow and mature students. For outside funding, we partner with our church, they donated 100. We raised 35$ at Sweet Frog. We got a lot from our fundraising on campus. With partial funding some students will have to pay out of pocket.
With no funding, some students won’t be able to attend at all. We are very involved in our local community. We also do things on a global basis. We pack boxes and send them around the world. We do a lot of community service. Students will be educated in their own religion and the religion of others. Students are also motivated; students can grow closer to one another and come back to UNF more motivated. Students will also be able to network with other students. UNF can be promoted as well. UNF will be benefitted as a whole from students who come back with the desire to serve the local community. It’s not just one teacher, its many different people giving messages. These seminars teach finances, career development, leadership trainings, building and nurturing relationships and others. We are together for 4 days, and we can take back everything here. Leadership training is a big one too; this can be directly applied to the classroom. Serving others, that is really what
Christianity is about. Last year we did a freshman move in, and helped them get comfortable in their new environment. We also want to have a prayer on the green for every religion.
Sharing faith is encouraged at “Faith Walkers”. It really sparks intellectual conversation. I can say that I wouldn’t be standing here if it was just a one day conference. o Treasurer Wolf: Under fuel it says that there will be two vehicles and you said that equals 100 miles at 3 dollars per gallon, 300$? - It should be 600$ for two vehicles.
That would just have to be out of pocket. o Business Manager Knipe: Through the school, you can get a minivan a lot cheaper.
Your rental rate would be much lower. o Chairman Kennedy: You are requesting $2,000 there would be $76 leftover split 10 ways. They would be paying $7 plus their food charges? - Yes. o Treasurer Wolf: It takes 463 miles to get to Nashville. Divide that by 15 MPG. 185 per vehicle. Total $1,885. That would leave $115 left to request for another vehicle. o Senator Brahmbatt: We could split that $300 between the vehicles.
Senator Kishek: I move to approve the request for $2,000. Second.
Discussion (I think there are things about the math that haven’t been tended to, I recommend to pay half of their registration). Roll call vote:
Senator Akers-no, Senator Kishek-yes, Senator Culberson-yes, Senator
Gagliardi-no, Senator Cepoi-no, Senator Kontol-no, Senator Brahmbatt-no.
Motion dies. 2-0-5. c) Better Together at UNF-Sen. Kontol: They are requesting to attend a conference in
Atlanta Georgia. They have already received funding and have 5 students registered.
Better Together: We are requesting travel funding to go to the conference in January. Better together is a student led group on campus. We are encouraged to voice our values and act together to improve our community. I have had the opportunity to attend last year. I got a weeklong training in Chicago and brought that back to UNF. The students attending will be cultivating skills to be able to teach people about religious and nonreligious differences. We will be able to bring back cooperation back to UNF. We were recognized by the interfaith youth core, nationally. We are requesting to cover the car rental and gas cost. We are taking one vehicle, 15 miles to the gallon, 350$ to get to Atlanta. We are only asking half of that we are asking a total of $250.
o Senator Gagliardi: Besides the gas and rental car, where is other money coming from? - Fundraising and grants.
Senator Kontol: Motion to approve the request for $250. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Senator Akers-yes, Senator Kiskek-yes, Senator
Culberson-yes, Senator Gagliardi-yes, Senator Cepoi-yes, Senator Kontolyes, Senator Brahmbatt-yes. Motion approves 7-0-0.
B) Special Requests a) Student Government Legislative Branch- Senate President Ramirez:
Senate President Ramirez: This is a special Request to increase the hours for the Senate
Secretary. There is a handwritten typo on one of the pages; it should read 15 hours instead of 10 hours. She has worked over her hours many times. Over the summer she worked on getting all past records online. This would be adding an additional 10 hours. During budget deliberations we will be asking for this increase as well, so we don’t have to do another special request.
Senator Kontol: Motion to approve the request for OPS Wages. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Senator Akers-yes, Senator Kiskek-yes, Senator
Culberson-yes, Senator Gagliardi-yes, Senator Cepoi-yes, Senator Kontolyes, Senator Brahmbatt-yes. Motion approves 7-0-0.
C) General Reserves
D) Transfers
E) Budget Balance
F) Finance Code
A) Emergency Senate November 17, 2014 7:30 Senate Chambers
B) Next Senate November 24, 2014 6:30 Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call—Sen. Akers
Quorum is reestablished with 7 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:26PM.
Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.