USA Minutes 11-3-14

University Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes
Nov 3, 2014
John E. Sapp Conference Room 7:15 PM
Chairman: Chase Baker
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 7:17PM.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 7 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Senator Klein: Motion to approve last meetings minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Senator Byrom: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks-
The date on the Townhall’s sign up was incorrect. I sent out an email about it.
The FERPA form has been given to you. It is up to you if you want to sign it or not.
Student Advocate’s Report
Ryan Hennessey: I want to thank you for helping out with elections. Thrilling Dead is
this Thursday at 10:00PM. We got an approval for 24/5 hour library in Spring 2015.
November 20th we will be having another Town Hall. This one will be about athletics.
Guest Speakers
Student Remarks
Old Business
New Business
A. Osprey Voice
- 1). Would you be interested in having a napping place on campus?
- 2).What issue would you like to see SG pursue?
o Textbook affordability.
 Attorney General Harris: There are some university policies that can be
influenced by a Joint Resolution.
Chairman Baker: We could do a policy review on other university
- Senator Brown: 3). Do students know that they can write a bill for Student Government?
Follow up Mention that a template is online.
- Senator Klein: 4). Would you be interested in a bill writing workshop?
- Senator Donnelly: 5). Did you vote in our past SG elections?
o Follow up  If not, why? (wasn’t aware, wasn’t informed enough).
o If yes, why? (what brought you out to vote).
- Senator Harold: 6). What were you for Halloween?
o This would just be a fun one.
B. Bill Workshop
- Attorney General Harris: I have created the 5 W’s of writing a bill; you should have this
form in front of you. (Why? Identify the need. Who? Identify the agent. What? Identify
the details. Where? Identify the where. When? Identify the when). I also outlined the 6
major points on a bill (circled on the handout). Try and make the heading of the bill
catchy. There needs to be a reason behind your bill and then you need to sell it. It is really
a personal expression as much as it is a technical process.
o Chairman Baker: Any student can write a bill? - Yes.
o Chairman Baker: Are there bill templates online? – No, but that is a great idea for
the legislative branch to add.
C. Town Hall
- Town hall is tomorrow from 12:00-3:00. I will send around the sign-up sheet. *shows
results from today’s (11-3-2014) town hall*
D. Finals Frenzy
- This year we will break up the work between all of us. I will send around a sign-up sheet.
Senator Gloster: The absence policy is being revised; the Attorney General deemed it
unconstitutional. There are people who didn’t show up today to their appeals hearing, I
will be motioning for articles of impeachment for those senators on Mondays senate
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 7 voting members
XIIII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 8:00PM.
Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.