C&S Minutes 11-3-14

Constitution and Statutes Minutes
November 3rd, 2014
Senate Chambers 5:30 PM
Chair: Senator President Pro-Tempore Gloster
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 5:33PM.
Roll Call – Acting Vice Chair Gomez
Quorum is established with 4 voting members.
Student Remarks
Approval of Minutes – October 20th and 27th, 2014
Senator Rader: I move to approve the minutes from October 20th. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Grantham: I move to approve the minutes from October 27th. Second. All in favor.
Approval of Agenda
Senator Rader: I move to table the SR per OB-14F-2810. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Rader: I move that we table the senate appeals hearing for Senator Culberson. Second.
All in favor. Moved.
Senator Rader: I move to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair – sgaspt@unf.edu
I’ll save my remarks for the announcements at the end.
Old Business
New Business
a. Simple Resolution per OB-14F-2810 (Timeline)
b. Simple Resolution per Attorney General Interpretation F-2014-7
*shows track changes on projector*
Chairman Gloster: We are going to change “absence points” to “merit points”. “Committee
meetings” shall be called “Senate Committee meetings”. Changed considered to assessed. During
the budget hearings, when a senator misses a budget hearing they will only be assessed half a
point since these fall on Fridays. We are changing 4 points to 6 points since the points run
throughout the year, not a semester to semester basis. The points don’t start over every semester.
Under “g” it states what happens if a senator is forwarded to the Judicial Branch. If I come before
the committee and I have 9 and the committee relinquishes only 2 and a half, then a judicial
complaint will be filed against that senator. If they get 6 points again articles of impeachment will
be filed. If a senator doesn’t show up for their appeals hearing, articles of impeachment will be
filed against that senator. If a senators class schedule conflicts with a USA event, they must notify
the USA chairman.
o Advisor Shore: You might want to look at the word for “merit”.
o Attorney General Harris: You can use the word “demerits”.
o Senator Rader: The part about elections polling, why was that taken out?
 Chairman Gloster: There is nowhere in our statute stating we have to volunteer at
elections. I believe it can be a conflict of interest. While revising the absence
policy I thought it would be beneficial to take that out. I am going to meet with
the Attorney General and Elections Commissioner.
 Advisor Shore: I think the senators should have to volunteer, unless they are
running. In the past it was a mandatory thing.
o Senator Gomez: For decorum does that fall under sergeant at arms? - Yes.
o Attorney General Harris: Subsection “g”, the language that doesn’t fit with our processes.
I would say you put this under a new section titled, “outcomes”. It can state-“If the
demerits aren’t reduced by the committee one of the following outcomes will take
o Advisor Shore: Are we opening up for gender or culture bias with the dress code. When
we have violations of dress code, they should be pulled to the side. People might have
different interpretations of dress code.
 Director McGuire: If it becomes a habitual thing they should be assessed points.
 Chairman Gloster: We can have a clause covering this. “If a senator is removed
due to decorum they should be assessed points”.
 Senator Grantham: Would it be better to word it “due to violations of decorum”
o Senator Gomez: Does it need to specify about the Sergeant at Arms duties in all of this?
 Chairman Gloster - It is clarified in the P&P’s. I don’t think we should lock in
the Sergeant at Arms since if the Sergeant at Arms isn’t present, the chair can
remove someone.
o Senator Gomez: Articles of Impeachment, can I get a definition of that? –
 Attorney General Harris: Defined by Title 7.
*Chairman Gloster: I will get an actual bill number for this tomorrow, but for now it’ll be SR-14F-XX*
Senator Grantham: I move to approve SR-14F-xx as amended. Second.
Roll call vote: Senator Grantham-yes, Senator Melquist-yes, Senator
Rader-yes, Senator Gomez-yes. Motion passes 4-0-0.
c. Appeals Hearing
Senator Cunningham
Not present.
Senator Culberson
*Senator Culberson sent Senate President Ramirez and Advisor Shore that he will be taking 3
weeks leave of absence.*
Senator Shackelford
Not present.
I will be visiting Title 4, the Policies & Procedures, and the Attorney General Interpretations and
then see what we can do with Senator Cunningham and Senator Shackelford. That leaves the
decision to the committee if they would like to file for impeachment or file a Judicial Complaint.
I will be filing articles of impeachment on both senators.
Senate next Monday at 6:30PM.
Final Roll Call – Acting Vice Chair Gomez.
Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members
Meeting is adjourned at 6:25PM.
Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.