C&S Minutes 10-27-14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Constitution and Statutes Committee Minutes- October 27th, 2014 - Senate Chambers - 5:30PM-6:15PM
Chair: Shomari D. Gloster
Call to Order
Roll Call – Senator Jon Rader
Approval of Minutes
Quorum is established with 4 voting members.
Student Remarks
Meeting is called to order at 5:33PM.
Approval of Agenda
Senator Grantham: I move to approve the Agenda of October 27th, 2014. Second. All
in favor. Moved.
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair – sgaspt@unf.edu
Thank you all for your diligence
Old Business
New Business
a. Statutory Revisions Per JD-14F-0001
Senator Rader: I am proposing an omnibus bill that I made along with Attorney
General Harris. I looked over several different titles in the statute, and I wanted to
go off of what the judicial council recommended to change the word “Passage”. I
have two amendments to add to this bill. I also want to add minutes to the records
required. I also want to add that the senate secretary to upload the records to the
webpage in 11 business days.
o Senator Gomez: Do you have a timeline for the 11 days? - No but I would
also recommend to strike out, must be turned into the senate secretary. Just
so it says that all records are made online within 11 business days.
o Senator Melquist: So you want to strike out senate secretary? - Yes, so if the
secretary is not available, someone else can upload it.
o Advisor Shore: You would like the most simple and clearest version.
Senator Grantham: I am suggesting a revision as well. I separated it into two
clauses. The first one will remain the same. The second one I propose to say all
records must be online within 11 business days. This would establish something
concrete. I propose to strike out the part about C&S chair, to not confine them to a
o Senator Gomez: Within those 11 days do you have a timeline? –We can put
what the timeline in policies and procedures.
o Senator Rader: Throughout the entire statutes I want to make sure we listen
to what the judicial council said. It is an easy process; it will help in years to
o Senator Melquist: Crossing out the Senate Secretary doesn’t give anyone the
o Attorney General Harris: I would say to not put a specific name in the
constitution and statutes.
o Senator Melquist: With the one Senator Grantham proposed, I have no
confusion there. But in the OB I have more questions.
o Chairman Gloster: I would say that 12 days would be a safer timelines.
o Senator Gomez: I like the idea of having 12 days. In addition we can add “see
policies and procedures to see the timeline”.
o Senator Grantham: I agree with what senator Rader proposed. I agree that
the the assignment of positions should be put in P&P’s.
o Chairman Gloster: I suggest we put the OB forward but use what Senator
Grantham put forth. The timeline of the legislative records process should be
handled internally.
o Senator Grantham: Have you ever had an issue getting it done within the 11
day timeline?
o Chairman Gloster: No. when the president signs the legislation that is when
it’ll be uploaded.
Senator Rader: I move to approve OB-14F-2810 as amended. Second.
All in favor. Roll call vote: Senator Gomez- yes, Senator Granthamyes, Senator Melquist- yes, Senator Rader- yes. Motion passes 4-0-0.
This OB will be going to senate tonight.
Final Roll Call – Senator Rader
Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members
Meeting is adjourned at 6:13PM
Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.