University of North Florida Student Senate Constitution and Statutes Committee Minutes- October 20th, 2014 - Senate Chambers - 5:30PM-6:30 PM Chair: Shomari D. Gloster I. Call to Order - II. Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Meghan Cunningham - III. Quorum is established with 5 voting members. Student Remarks - IV. Meeting is called to order at 5:32PM none Approval of Minutes – October 16th,2014 - Senator Rader: Motion to table the minutes for the next C&S meeting. Second. All in favor. Moved. V. Approval of Agenda - Senator Gomez: Motion to approve the agenda from October 20th, 2014. Second. All in favor. Moved. VI. Guest Speakers - VII. Remarks of the Chair – - VIII. IX. none We will be going over the Judicial Decision; there will be some changes in statute. Old Business New Business a. Judicial Decision JD-14F-0001 o Senator Rader: I move to suspend Roberts’s rules of order. Second. All in favor. Moved. - Senator Gomez: The issue is the webmaster; we don’t have one. The person who does that is the Senate Secretary. - Senator Melquist: The last sentence needs to be changed. I think we need to change Webmaster to Senate Secretary and do the duties of a Webmaster. We need to have the deadline changed. - Senator Grantham: For clarification, upon the passage of the bill. - Chairman Gloster: It now needs to say approval. - Attorney General Harris: They recommended looking at the usage of the word passage. - Senator Rader: We would need to change the word passage everywhere. - Chairman Gloster: We can strike this and have this outlined in our policies and procedures. We would make that decision as a committee. This will allow the Senate President to make sure the records are posted. The process and timelines need to be outlined in P&Ps. - Senator Gomez: What would the benefit of this be? - Chairman Gloster: I think it would be more effective. - Attorney General Harris: Why would you propose to remove the process and put it in the policies and procedures? - Chairman Gloster: The language is confusing. Over the summer it was caught, and they were updated. - Attorney General Harris: I would caution because the statue puts in a process. We would lose continuity going forward. - Chairman Gloster: Legislative records must be online. I believe it would be effective in the policies and procedures. - Senator Gomez: If we leave it where it is right now, and not in P&Ps who does it go through? - Attorney General Harris: It would be an SR if it is put in the P&P’s. This is more of a policy discussion. - Chairman Gloster: Was the judicial decision a recommendation or an order? - Attorney General Harris: Recommendation. - Senator Rader: If we did put it in the policies and procedures, would it be easier if we defined passage? - Chairman Gloster: It would be easier, but not more beneficial. - Senator Grantham: What would be the main benefits of putting it in the policies and procedures? - Chairman Gloster: The leaders would be able to change it, and would be able to lengthen the number of days. We do need to change the word passage. - Senator Grantham: So the main points are changing upon passage, webmaster, stay in statute or move to P&P’s. - Senator Gomez: Is 11 business days the norm? - Chairman Gloster: It isn’t a norm. There are 5 days for senate president, 5 days for president, 1 for the C&S chair. - Attorney General Harris: The 1 day is for the C&S chair and secretary. - Senator Rader: I think 11 business days is good. I think decreasing is a bad idea. - Senator Gomez: for clarification, 11 days was established around the senate meeting? - Attorney General Harris: yes. - Senator Grantham: Are those days confined? - Attorney General Harris: correct. - Advisor Shore: If you look at 404.2. It says the senate secretary. That is something you should look at as well. - Senator Melquist: It conflicts with it saying webmaster. - Senator Gomez: We should just change webmaster to read senate secretary. - Chairman Gloster: It should read: “… records must be turned into the senate secretary within x amount of days.” - Senator Grantham: If you change wording you will be adding 5 days. - Chairman Gloster: My main issue is there is no timeline stating when the C&S chair give the constitution to the Senate President. - Senator Gomez: There is a loop hole. There needs to be four timelines. - Chairman Gloster: Everybody needs to have a deadline. - Senator Melquist: We are keeping the same timeline; it just needs to be specified. When a bill is passed in here Senate President Ramirez has 5 days to give it to Student Body President. Then Student Body President Joe has 5 days to approve it. Then it goes to the Senate Secretary. - Chairman Gloster: With this right now I suggest that all records must be turned into the Senate Secretary within x number of days and the Senate Secretary has x number of days to put it on the website o Senate President Ramirez: Point of information- If you run over time the club commons is available for you to use. - Chairman Gloster: So, 5 days for Senate President, 5 days for Student Body President, 2 days for C&S chair, and 2 days for the Senate President to get it to the Senate Secretary. - Senator Melquist: We are just giving a timeline for the C&S chair and for the Senate President. It is already stated in the constitution about the Senate President and Student Body President - Chairman Gloster: We should also say that it is updated it in x amount of days for the Senate Secretary. - Grantham: Once the senate secretary receives the records, there are no more updates. - Senate President Ramirez: I would ask the Senate Secretary how many days she needs to upload to the website. - Senate Secretary Tolisano: Two days - Chairman Gloster-*shows track changes on screen* Changes passage to approval, changes Webmaster to Senate Secretary, updates it to say the C&S chair to give updated constitution to the Senate President within 2 business days, updates it to say the Senate President must give the updated constitution to the Senate Secretary within 2 business days, updates it to say the Senate Secretary must upload to the SG website within 2 business days. - Senator Rader: I move to recess this meeting and reconvene in the Club Commons. Second. All in favor. Moved. (6:26PM) Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary. *Reconvened at 6:31PM* *Vice Chair Cunningham took handwritten minutes, which are attached to these* b. Statutory Revisions Per JD-14F-0001 X. Announcements - XI. Final Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Meghan Cunningham - XII. Emergency C&S meeting called for Monday October 27th, 2014 at 5:30PM. Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:50PM