GO Minutes 9-22-14

Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 22nd, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:04PM.
II. Roll Call by Vice Chair Matejka
Quorum is established with 5 Voting members.
III. Approval of Minutes—September 8, 2014
Senator Pino: motion to approve the minutes from September 8th, 2014. Second. All in favor.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Senator Kontol: Motion to add Hailey Guerra to New Business. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Kontol: Motion to add Senate President Ramirez to guest speakers. Second. All in favor.
Senator Kontol: Motion to approve the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.
V. Student Remarks
VI. Guest Speakers
Senate President Ramirez: Reminder regarding scholarship (fall seats) due the week before Term
ends Requirements: workshops, sponsorship, and involvement. New Legislation will be
presented to allow senators to apply for scholarship in either semester regardless of term
VII. Remarks of the Chair—sgagoc@unf.edu
Tonight we will be talking about the senate appointment application.
We will also be hearing from Ms. Guerra tonight.
Senator Waychoff will be coming to the next committee meeting to talk about the new
position, Deputy Chief of Staff.
VIII. Unfinished Business
Senator Kontol: motion to suspend Roberts’s Rules. Second. All in favor. Moved
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 22nd, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
Advisor Shore: Point of order- it is not necessary to use Roberts Rules of order in committee
meetings, it is generally used when necessary for making motions.
a. Modify Legislative Appointment Packet
Senator Kontol: I think you still need some face to face contact. So I think it
is still important for the signatures.
Senator Galigan: I think the survey is more one on one to hear their
Senator Kontol: can we make it say “Tuesday through Friday” including
before Friday to make it more clear.
Senator Pino: we could make the format on the 1st page clearer, we can use
checkboxes so appointees can keep track of what is accomplished.
Chairwoman Wollam: we can change “meet with legislative cabinet” to
“meet with committee chairs”. We can add bullet points.
Attorney General Harris: On pages 4 and 5 it should be changed to “Due the
Friday after senate announcement”
Senator Kontol: Is it necessary to include classification (junior, senior, etc.)
Senator Kontol: motion to change the wording on page 4 and 5 to
read “Due the Friday…” Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Kontol: motion to table the senate application until our
next committee meeting. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Kontol: motion to reinstate Roberts’s Rules of Order.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
IX. New Business
Hailey Guerra seeking senate appointment.
Sen. Pino: Do we have available seats?
Chairwoman Wollam: She is running as a Arts and Sciences college seat so if
the CR passes her seat will be removed and she would have to run in the
elections in the Spring
Chairwoman: Have you read CS? Yes, I also have interpreted into law.
(former positions as Chair of Gov. Affairs Committee and Attorney General)
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 22nd, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
What are the duties of Senator? Outreach to students, legislation internally
Sen. Kontol: Why are you interested in appointment instead of waiting till
elections? I didn’t want to lose out on any more time
Sen. Pino: Do you intend to run in the spring? Yes
Sen. Kontol: Point of Interest—how will this work (her being appointed and
the potential college seats are being removed)
Sen. Pro-Tempore: She may keep her seat until spring if the bill does not
pass, if it does she will lose her seat as the new senators are sworn in (the
college seats will be replaced by general senate seats in the new election if
the bill is passed)
Sen. Galligan: Which committee would you like to serve on? GO Committee
 Sen. Kontol: Motion to approve Hailey Guerra. Second. Discussion.
Roll call vote: passes with 6 voting members.
X. Announcements
Be at senate on Monday
Thrilling dead practice is tonight at 9
Club fest sign-up sheet is going around
Fall scholarship applications are available
XI. Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members
XII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 6:52PM.