GO Minutes 9-8-14

Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 8th, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
Call to Order
-Meeting called to order at 6:34PM
II. Roll Call—Vice Chair Crystal Pino
-Quorum is established with 7 voting members.
III. Approval of Minutes—July 7, 2014
-Sen Mack: Motion to approve the minutes from July 14, 2014. Second. All in favor. Passed.
-Sen Galigan: Motion to approve the minutes from July 21, 2014. Second. All in favor. Passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
-Sen. Harvel: motion to approve the agenda. Second. All in favor. Passed.
V. Student Remarks-none
VI. Guest Speakers-none
VII. Remarks of the Chair—sgagoc@unf.edu
- We have 9 appointments tonight, and only 6 open seats in senate. Please ask questions that will get the
most information for us all. Be consistent and ask all appointees the same questions.
VIII. Old Business-none
IX. New Business
a. Legislative Appointment of Caleb Grantham- (Freshman.)
- I am originally from Jacksonville and was Deputy Group Commander of my high school ROTC program. I was
also involved in the Boys State Program for two years.
o GO Chair Ramirez: have you read the Constitution and Statutes? – Partially.
o GO Chair Ramirez: what are the duties of a Senator? – Pass.
o Sen. Galigan: what kinds of things did you learn during your time with the Boys State program that
you think will help you in Student Government? – I learned a great deal about government process.
o Sen. Kontol: do you think you will have enough time to be a part of student government? – Yes.
o Sen. Mack: I see you were involved in your high school student government. What kinds of things
did you do during that time? – I organized events for the school and fundraising opportunities to
fund events like prom.
o Sen Harvel: you were required to fill out a student poll for the appointment application, did you
learn anything from it and would you gage it as a good requirement for an appointee? – As a senator
we are responsible for the students and what they want is an important part of our job.
o Sen Harvel: Why did you choose Student Government?- I found more opportunities to get involved
here than in the Executive or Judicial branches.
 Sen. Galigan: I move to approve Caleb Grantham for legislative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Sen. Kontol-yes, Sen. Mack-yes, Sen. Pino-yes, Sen. Galigan-yes,
Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Matejka-yes, Sen. Wollam-yes. Motion passes 7:0:0.
b. Legislative Appointment of Muhammad Ali Awan (Sophomore. Pre-med)
- I believe the power of people is the strongest of all powers. I want to be in a position to speak for others and
work for my fellow students. I am a Pre-med major, but I also have an interest in politics and international
affairs. I would be interested in joining the USA Committee, because I believe it defines the purpose of
Senate. I was not able to attend the full senate meeting last week due to a family emergency and I hope you
will waive this requirement.
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 8th, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
*Sen. Harvel: motion to waive requirement of attending one full senate meeting. Second. All in
favor. Passed.
Go Chair Ramirez: what are the duties of a senator?- Talking to the students is the most important
part of Student government. Senators represent the people and the people should have the power.
Sen. Matejka: Do you foresee missing senate meetings in the future?- No. My brother called and had
missed the bus. My family shares a car so I had to go pick him up from school. That will not happen
again I promise.
Sen. Galigan: are you comfortable with leadership roles?- Yes. I was previously in my school’s
science National honor society and volunteered over 100 hours at the library. I also organized a
blood drive for my school.
Sen. Kontol: do you think you will have time for student government?- yes. Currently I am only an
intramural flag football captain.
Sen. Matejka: Would you be proactive in creating legislation, speaking up in senate or possibly
taking a leadership role? – I am here because I want to represent the students. I cannot do that
without speaking up for them.
Sen. Wollam: what would you like to do with USA committee? – I am interested in creating more
school pride. I know we do not have a football team but I think we could do so through intramurals.
Sen. Matejka: Do you think sports are the only way to create school pride?- sports do not define a
school. We can create pride without them.
 Sen. Galigan: I move to approve Muhammad Ali Awan for legislative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Sen. Kontol-yes, Sen. Mack-yes, Sen. Pino-yes, Sen. Galigan-yes,
Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Matejka-yes, Sen. Wollam-yes. Motion passes 7:0:0.
*Sen. Kontol- Motion to extend the adjournment time to 9:00PM. Second. All in favor. Passed.
c. Legislative Appointment of Noah Gomez (Biology)
I would like to begin with my favorite quote from Star Wars, “do or do not. There is no try.” We all want to
do something here during our four years. I feel that I bring a breadth of experience. I have talked to all kinds
of people and mediated many problems. If I had to describe myself in two words I would say Pragmatic and
o GO Chair Ramirez: have you read the constitution and statues? – I have read Title VIII, XII the
introduction and the executive branch information.
o GO Chair Ramirez: what are the duties of a senator? – Senators are there to represent the people
and act as a conduit for students to have their opinions heard.
o Sen. Matejka: you mentioned change. What are some of the things in Student Government that you
would like to change?- I cannot say exactly because I am not in your seats. I would suggest a parking
stop at the Crossings dorm but I have heard that is already in the works. I would like to see more
transparency. I know this is something that has been discussed before but I know students still seem
to complain about it.
o Sen. Wollam: Why are you an asset to USA committee? – I major in Bio. Bio will not help me with
Budget and Allocations. I feel connected to the students through my major and think USA would be
most directly related.
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 8th, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
Sen. Pino: You mentioned your favorite quote. Do you think if a situation arose where you thought
you may not succeed, would you choose not to try at all? – It is difficult to say because it would
depend on the situation. But I would certainly do my best to be sure I succeed and choose paths
that I think will lead to success.
Sen. Matejka: Biology is a time consuming major. Do you think you will have time for SG? - I have
done research and talked with many advisors on how to handle my major. I feel committed to both
my studies and student government.
 Sen. Harvel: I move to approve Caleb Grantham for legislative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Sen. Kontol-yes, Sen. Mack-yes, Sen. Pino-yes, Sen. Galigan-yes,
Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Matejka-yes, Sen. Wollam-yes. Motion passes 7:0:0.
*Sen. Harvel- Motion for 3 minute recess. Second. All in favor. Passed
*Sen. Galigan: I motion for division of the house. Second Roll call: Sen. Kontol-yes, Sen. Mack-yes, Sen. Pino-yes, Sen.
Galigan-yes, Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Matejka-yes, Sen. Wollam-yes. Quorum has been reestablished with 7 voting
d. Legislative Appointment of Hugh D. Woodward III - (Freshman. Undeclared)
My first leadership role was with Boys and Girls Club where I was named Youth of the Year. In high school I
focused mostly on academics. I have always been an independent thinker and I think I add different spice to
things. My major is currently undeclared but I am looking for something that allows me to help others.
o GO Chair Ramirez: have you read the Constitution and Statutes? – No.
o GO Chair Ramirez: what are the duties of a Senator? – Senators are the middle person between staff
and students.
o Sen. Matejka: Senators are responsible for participating in events, sometimes during finals week. Do
you think this would be an issue or you? – I feel I can plan ahead when it comes to finals.
o Sen. Kontol: do you think you will have enough time to be a part of student government? – Yes. In
high school it was an issue of reliable transportation but I live on campus so I feel I have more time
o Sen. Wollam: what committee would you like to be a part of? – GOC. GOC houses Osprey
Productions right?
o GO Chair Ramirez: No.
o Sen. Kontol: Do you think you will be able to voice your opinions during Senate meetings? – Yes. It is
something I have done my whole life.
o Sen. Matejka: Would you be proactive in writing bills and possibly taking a leadership position in SG?
– I would be very proactive if I felt strongly about something.
o Sen Harvel: Why did you choose Student Government?-I want to be a part of student government
and be able to make a change.
 No motion.
e. Legislative Appointment of Jonathan Rader- (Junior. Political Science major, Economics minor)
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 8th, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
I transferred here from FSCJ and was a part of student government there. I have studied Robert’s Rules and
served both Deerwood Campus and al of District 4 in various matters. I am committed and want to be a part
of this family.
o GO Chair Ramirez: have you read the Constitution and Statutes? – Yes. And I will continue to read
them again and again until I graduate. I think I can grow and see more each time I read something.
o GO Chair Ramirez: what are the duties of a Senator? – to be a voice for the students. To create and
vote on legislation.
o Sen. Mack: Are there any changes you would like to make in student Government? – I am interested
in joining B&A and look into student’s budget concerns, possibly making changes there.
o Sen. Kontol: Will you have time to dedicate to Student Government? – I have no job and have
always wanted to be in UNF Student Government. Students would be counting on me even if they
don’t know me personally.
o Sen. Wollam: What changes could you bring to the table? – at FSCJ we had a $5000 budget. We
learned a lot about fiscal responsibility and I would like to use what I’ve learned to make fiscally
responsible changes to our budget here.
 Sen. Kontol: I move to approve Jonathan Rader for legislative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Motion for unanimous consent. Second. Passes.
f. Legislative Appointment of William Ewer- (Sophomore.)
Senior year of high school I reorganized my priorities after an incident that demanded community service.
After that time I became interested in politics. This is an opportunity explore that interest. It will not take
long for me to prove myself. I want to do well.
o GO Chair Ramirez: have you read the Constitution and Statutes? – No. I recognize as a senator it is
vital to take initiative, but I was never informed to do so in my defense.
o GO Chair Ramirez: what are the duties of a Senator? – I don’t know.
o Sen. Wollam: What committee would you be interested in joining? – B&A
o Sen. Kontol: Will you have time for student government? – Yes. I know you meet on Mondays and I
arranged my schedule to fit that in.
o Sen. Matejka: Would you be proactive in writing bills and possibly taking a leadership position in SG?
– yes. I look forward to getting involved, but I realize I do struggle with public speaking.
o Sen. Matejka: Do you think that will be an issue for you? – I want to say no. I hope to overcome this
and I know how important it is to do so.
o Sen Harvel: As part of the appointment process you were required to complete an Osprey Voice
survey. Do you think Osprey Voice is a necessary component of student government? – yes. Talking
to students is our responsibility. I actually surveyed students in the game room and was surprised by
how much they already knew about SG.
 Sen. Matejka: I move to approve William Ewer for legislative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Sen. Kontol-no, Sen. Mack-no, Sen. Pino-yes, Sen. Galigan-no, Sen.
Harvel-yes, Sen. Matejka-yes, Sen. Wollam-no. Motion dies 3:0:4.
g. Legislative Appointment of Alin Cepoi- (Senior. Financial Services major)
Senior, financial services major. Math is my passion and I have been a math tutor with ACE for 2 years. I get
a great deal of satisfaction from helping others. I previously serviced on 10 university wide committees as
the Student Advocate. I would like to continue to serve the students.
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 8th, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
GO Chair Ramirez: have you read the Constitution and Statutes? – Yes.
GO Chair Ramirez: what committee would you like to be on? – I would like to serve on B&A.
Sen. Kontol: Do you think you will have time for student government? – Yes. I have learned to
manage my time.
Sen. Mack: would you be interested in taking a position? – Yes. I would like to serve on a university
wide committee if that opportunity came available.
Sen. Matejka: Do you think graduating soon will hinder you from taking initiative? – Absolutely not.
 Sen. Wollam: I move to approve Alin Cepoi for legislative appointment. Second. Motion for
unanimous consent. Second. Passes.
*Sen. Harvel- Motion for one minute recess. Second. All in favor. Passed
Sen. Galigan: I motion for division of the house. Second Roll call: Sen. Kontol-yes, Sen.
Mack-yes, Sen. Pino-yes, Sen. Galigan-yes, Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Matejka-yes, Sen.
Wollam-yes. Quorum has been reestablished with 7 voting members. Re-Adjourn at
h. Legislative Appointment of Leah Melquist- (Freshman. Marketing and Public Relations double major)
Student government president in high school. Student council secretary, vice president and then president.
Member of Key club. The Main reason I am here is to make a change. I started a unity day at my school that
occurred once a month. The point was to decrease discrimination at my high school and I really did see a
difference. Some of my paperwork was late. My grandmother has cancer and I had to rush to the hospital to
see her when the papers were due. But I turned them in as soon as possible and spoke with Kaitlin about my
*Sen. Harvel: motion to waive requirement of attending one full senate meeting. Second. All in favor.
o GO Chair Ramirez: have you read the Constitution and Statutes? – Yes.
o GO Chair Ramirez: what are the duties of a Senator? – To represent the students and create school
o Sen. Wollam: What committee would you like to serve on? – USA. We are the voice of the students
and they don’t even know some of the things we are voicing for them.
o Sen. Wollam: Are you interested in joining any other organizations on campus? – I have thought
about joining a sorority next year, but right now I am interested in just student government.
o Sen. Matejka: Your choice to double major will be very time consuming. Do you see this being a
problem in the future when making time for student government? – I do not foresee a problem. I
think my majors will help me with student government.
o Sen Kontol: Do you think you will be able to dedicate enough time to student government? – I don’t
think I will have a problem. I learned goof time management in high school.
o Sen Matejka: Would you be proactive in writing bills and possibly taking a leadership position in SG?
– I will have no trouble being proactive.
 Sen. Kontol: I move to approve Leah Melquist for legislative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Motion for unanimous consent. Second. Motion passes.
i. Legislative Appointment of Connor Akers- (Freshman. International Business major)
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
September 8th, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
It is my first semester here at UNF. I am originally from St. Petersburg, Florida. In high school I was captain of
the swim team and first string in the orchestra. I was also involved with theater and congressional debate
team. The congressional debate has made me very familiar with Robert’s rules and developing situations to
real world problems. I bring strong research and discussion skills. I really enjoy legislation and will be very
proactive in creating it. I believe my experience and passion lends itself very well to SG.
o GO Chair Ramirez: have you read the Constitution and Statutes? – yes. Specifically Tile VIII because I
want to be on B&A. Fundraising is not written once into Title VIII and I think we are limited in certain
areas with fundraising.
o GO Chair Ramirez: what are the duties of a Senator? – Senators listen to students and bring their
opinions to senate to create legislation.
o Sen. Matejka: Where would your proposed fundraising efforts come from? – Both the students and
the community. Our university has great community ties that I think we could take advantage of.
o Sen. Galigan: Are you interested in joining any other clubs? – for now only Student government and I
am currently a part of the climbing club.
o Sen. Wollam: what kind of goals do you have hear at UNF? – UNF was my second choice, but Coggin
is a well ranked college and I love the nature preserve. The more time I spend here the more I want
to stay. I have considered transferring to George Washington University, but I am growing to love
o Sen Matejka: What are your long term goals? Both in college and after. – I hope to gain leadership
experience in SG and other campus organizations. After graduation I would enjoy something in the
field of entrepreneurship or defense contracting. This is what my parents do but I enjoy the business
side more than the technology side. With my major in international business I hope to pursue my
career internationally.
o Sen. Matejka: Why do you want to get involved with Student Government? – I like addressing
problems and creating solutions. And this would look great down the road on resumes.
 Sen. Wollam: I move to approve Connor Akers for legislative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Motion for unanimous consent. Second. Motion passes.
j. Modify Legislative Appointment Packet
i. Sen. Kontol: Motion to move Modify Legislative appointment Packet to Unfinished Business.
Second. All in favor. Passed.
X. Announcements
- none
XI. Final Roll Call—Vice Chair Crystal Pino
- Quorum is reestablished with 7 voting members.
XII. Adjournment
- Meeting is adjourned at 8:37PM.