Senate Minutes 11-24-14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – November 24th 2014 – 6:30 to 10:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
- Meeting is called to order at 6:31PM
Pledge of Allegiance- Sergeant at Arms Rader
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster–
- Quorum is established with 24 voting members
Approval of Minutes – November 10, 2014 and November 17, 2014
- Senator Klein: I move to approve the minutes from November 17th, 2014. Second. All in favor. Moved.
- Chairman Kennedy: I move to approve the minutes from November 10th, 2014. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
- Senator Kishek: I move to add SB-14F-2822 under new business on 2nd read. Second. Discussion. All in
favor. Moved.
- Senator Grantham: I move to add Caleb Grantham under legislative cabinet elections for Parliamentarian.
Second. Discussion. All in favor. Moved.
- Chairwoman Wollam: I move to remove a legislative appointment of Kellen Griffin-Jay from the agenda.
Second. Discussion. All in favor. Moved.
- Senator Grantham: I move to strike OB-14F-2810 from under unfinished business. Second. Discussion. All in
favor. Moved.
- Senator Kishek: I move to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
- none
Student Remarks (3 minutes per Student)
- Julia Talley. Junior. Accounting: I want to talk to you all how you can and must be the change in a body that
has become the punch line of a bad joke amongst the student body. I am a former senator myself; I resigned
due to various personal reasons. One of those reasons in regards to my position as Chaplin. I felt that the
senate president has been very manipulative. Since my resignation I’m sure you are aware that things have
become much more dramatic. I just want to encourage all of you, don’t do what I did and leave, but step up
and be the change. I want to encourage you to not let anyone speak on your behalf. Tonight you have the
power to choose a leader. I am sure you have seen spinnaker articles and comments. They say things like “they
act like children”. I have noticed SG has been a very selfish place. Change this and chose a leader who will put
the 16,000 students before themselves and their own agenda. You will be able to nominate someone as your
new senate president. Choose someone who will serve self sacrificially. The power to choose is yours. I hope
that when you leave the senate, that you will leave it a stronger and more productive place.
- Boban Tunjic. Senior. Economics. Political Science: Today I am here to speak on various issues, but the first
one is senate apathy. This has been a problem even when I was a senator. I promise you there are people who
feel the same way you do. The executive branch has used power that they shouldn’t. Their branch is there to
execute the laws that you write. The Attorney General has interpreted that elections should twice a year, even
though they have been annually. You guys have the power to change this and make this right. I also ask that
you use wisdom and you make the right choice. I feel like there is one person being targeted. This all makes
UNF look bad and SG look bad.
- Lauren Kontol. ESE Special Education Major. Senior: I am the president of student council of exceptional
Ed. We are doing an angel tree this year; our target is the PDS schools here in Duval County. We are doing
presents and dinners. We will be having our tree on the 3rd floor on the college of Education starting
December 1st until December 12th. We will have the names and toys of the students.
- Douglas Markowitz. Sophomore. Communications: I would like to talk to you of the issue of elections on
campus. Just to clarify I am talking about the general elections not the student government elections. I live on
campus and I biked my way to Kernan Blvd. When I arrived sweaty and out of breath, I noticed how empty
the station was. What would’ve been easy to reach with a car was a trek without it. For the local and state
elections there was not a sign in sight. There was nothing, shouldn’t there be something? It’s generally assumed
that students don’t vote due to apathy. I noticed that the primary excuse was not having enough time. My
suggestion would be to get students involved in voting. They would host polls on Election Day. We can
arrange to move the precinct over here. It would lead to many more votes cast. As elected officials I think it is
very important for you to recognize this. I hope you consider that.
Alin Cepoi. Finance. Financial Services. Senior: Tonight marks my last semester as an undergraduate. Leading
is about knowing your priorities and knowing them well. Our priorities here in SG our simple, we are here to
serve our students through our resources. Are we giving this organization the right attention? We have been
fighting with each other. Branches have been stabbing each other in the back. Tonight’s voting will not reflect
victory. I respect and admire all of you, and I do hope that in the future that you will be able to solidify and
Gurgen Petrosyan. International Studies: I am here to raise my voice. I am a former senator. From Club
Alliance to Osprey Productions to whatever happens on campus it relates to you. You are here to serve your
students. I decided to come and talk after talking to you individually. I would like to thank the Spinnaker for
keeping us informed; 95 % you keep us updated. There is a leadership that is elected by the students. Same
with your legislative branch. Please don’t set me up for failure. There has to be conciliation. You can’t change
leadership overnight. I am glad that we went towards impeachment. I am really enjoying this semester. SG is
here to serve us, allocating money, writing bills, and making our campus safe.
Guest Speakers
- none
Office of Elections
a. Elections Commissioner – True Rains (5 minutes)
- Noting to report.
o Senator Gomez: Are you still in need of senators for the AD hoc committee? - Yes.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice – Daniel Powers (5 minutes)
- We have been busy the past couple weeks. Last week the first case was against Madame Senate President, she
was found in violation. Last Friday we invalidated an appointment application. Today we heard three cases:
One was against Senate President Pro-Tempore Gloster; he stated he was in violation. The second one against
Senate President Pro-Tempore Gloster was dismissed; we are not a parliamentary court and that should be
handled internally. The third one was against the Senate President; she was found in violation of Title 10. I
want to thank the justices for putting in countless hours. At the end of the day we are here to serve the 16,000
students. We understand it can be very confusing, so if you have any questions please direct it to the justices.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – John Chwalisz (3 minutes)
- I would like to introduce you to my coordinator Tiao Tia Wrigley: I have been with OP for 3 years now. I want to thank Senator Cepoi for helping out at
one of our past events, Guardians of the Galaxy. We have had three events since the last senate
meeting, all had great numbers. We have karaoke tomorrow night in the boathouse. December 3rd we
will be showing the Maze Runner and then December 4 we have capture the flag on the Green.
- There are a lot of things that happen outside of senate. The coordinators, volunteer positions, work their rearends off. Please thank them; they don’t get a lot of attention. On December 5th we have some big
announcements, please stay tuned on the Facebook page. We will be announcing the lip sync. Homecoming is
going to very exciting.
b. Club Alliance – Justin Dato (3 minutes)
- We do have a survey out, we almost have 100 responses. Our last event is on December 5th, the president’s
luncheon. That will be from 11:00-1:00 in the ballrooms. If you have volunteered at a Club Alliance event this
past semester, thank you. Email me if you want to volunteer next semester.
o Senator Kontol: is that survey on Blackboard? – Club Alliance website.
c. Attorney General – Matthew Harris (3 minutes)
As the Chief Justice pointed out we have had a busy past week and a half. I received 8 judicial complaints. I
dismissed 4 of them and we heard 4. I know it has been a confusing time. It is my responsibility to do the best
that I can to move past this incident. That is why I pushed the court and myself to get through all the cases.
Because it is time that this organization gets back to what we need to, which is not fighting in the Judicial
Courtroom. I would like to extend a special welcome to the new senators; I look forward to working with you
in the spring.
o Senator Brown: Could you remind me of the cases dismissed? – One was against the Chief Justice,
two were against President Turner, and one against myself.
o Senator Brown: For cases that are presented against you, what’s the process for that? - Any case that I
dismiss can be appealed to the Chief Justice, in Title 5.
d. Treasurer – Morgan Wolf (3 minutes)
- I am happy to report that all departments have submitted their budget request forms. On the 2nd Friday of
next semester budget hearings will begin. Those are open to all senators. One concern I got from one of the
clubs is that they can’t see their budget; we are in the process of creating a request form for them to submit. So
if you have a club come to you and ask, let them know that there will be a formal request form for that online.
I have a list of families who have extended their homes for thanksgiving. If you know of anyone who doesn’t
have anywhere to go let me know.
o Senator Rader: What time are the meetings next semester? – 9:00-1:00.
o Senator Gomez: Has the scholarship committee made a decision about the student government
scholarships? Yes those letters will be sent out before Thanksgiving.
e. Vice President – Anthony Stevens (3 minutes)
- For the past month we have been working on a UNF flag, one thing we thought of to bring school spirit was
to create that. Armando and I have been working very hard on it. We do have a flag; it will be coming in soon.
I have one in my office if you want to see it.
o Chairman Baker: Where will the flag be? - Currently we ordered them to give out to students and ones
to put on the flag pole and other buildings.
o Senator Cepoi: Will they be sold at the bookstore? - We are looking into it.
o Senator Kontol: Are they our school colors?-Yes.
f. President – Joseph Turner (5 minutes)
- This is directed towards the incoming senators. You are the first senators and student government officials
that have been elected in two years. That comes with two charges. One is that you have a tremendous
responsibility to represent the students and to uphold the integrity of this organization. And second is, you
have a tremendous opportunity to innovate and to do things that’ll enhance the student experience. I look
forward to working with you all to make your dreams come true and to make this a better place for the student
body. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Shomari Gloster (3 minutes)
- In our last committee meeting we passed OB-14F-2818, reformation of passage. We also talked about internal
solutions. There will be an SR on second read for the revision of our absence policy. For the new senators we
have FERPA forms and emergency contact forms for you to fill out.
b. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Blake Kennedy (3 minutes)
- We had a committee meeting last week. *shows account totals on screen*. There is one travel request coming
before you tonight, which is the SB-14F-2822. We have two special requests coming before us tonight. In our
last committee meeting we had the Osprey Racing travel request, they were approved 7-0-0. The next travel
request was for Better Together and that was approved 7-0-0. The final travel request was for The Awakening,
they were denied 2-0-5. There were a couple problems with the cost breakdowns, and they are bringing that
request back tonight. We also had a special request from the Legislative Branch, which was approved 7-0-0. I
would like to say as your B&A chair I have felt really blessed to serve you.
c. Government Oversight Committee – Chairwoman Amanda Wollam (3 minutes)
- Last week we had some elections policies and procedures amendments come forth from Commissioner Rains.
That was a JR, that doesn’t go to senate. It goes to the Senate President and then the Student Body President,
so it’s currently in the process of getting signed. In regards to the appointment application that was submitted,
it went under judicial review, information came to be after and I submitted it under judicial review. Because
the signature requirement page was not filled out correctly, it was ruled invalid. So that is why stricken from
the agenda.
o Senator Akers: What was invalidated on the signature page? - Unfortunately not all of the legislative
cabinet met with the individual and there was a misunderstanding with the Senate President having the
authority to sign for the legislative cabinet without their consent.
d. University and Student Affairs Committee – Chairman Chase Baker (3 minutes)
- Finals frenzy is upon us, everyone needs to sign up I am going to need a lot of help with that. *shows results
of Novembers Osprey Voice*. I will pass around the finals frenzy signup sheet, new senators you need to sign
up for 1 hour each.
e. Senate President Kaitlin Ramirez (5 minutes)
- As you’ll see on the 2nd page, there will be the swearing in of new senators. After there will be a motion for
division of the house. During that the room will be set up for the new senators. You will be signing up for
your committees next semester. You will also need to fill out you FERPA form and your information form.
This will all be passed around tonight. Now on a personal note, I would like to thank you all for what you do
for the students of our great school. When I attended public school I went to James Weldon Johnson and I
thought wow I’m leaning a lot. Then I moved on to high school at Stanton and when I graduated I thought
wow, I have learned a lot. Then out of a whole lot of other colleges I could’ve gone to, I chose this great
school. In my freshman year I was selected to study in England, and I thought wow, I have learned a lot. You
have all taught me a lot. My time in senate has taught me that there are a lot of great people. I will not be
seeking re-nomination in our annual cabinet elections as your senate president and will finish my term as a
senator. I have enjoyed the opportunity to serve you as your Senate President. As a senator, I hope we can
reform our system. I hope we can make our student government the best possible in the state, if not the
nation. I will be nominating Chase Baker for Senate President.
Unfinished Business
a. Legislation considered for 1st Reading
i. SB-14F-2816 Title III Revisions
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
i. SB-14F-2814 Student Government Homecoming Committee Special Request
- John Chwalisz: I want to clarify that I am now speaking as the homecoming director and not Osprey
Productions Director. Every year homecoming kicks off with a comedy show. This has been happening for
the past 10 years. On average students want to see a big name. We want to be able to brag about it. Last year
they only used what was allocated to them and didn’t do a special request, we saw a huge drop in attendance. It
was still successful, students had a good time. But it wasn’t what students wanted. We want to be able to beat
our competitors. We want to bring the next best thing. We want students to be happy. We want the students
to come. I am requesting $40,000, it was originally $65,000. We found other funding as well. So all together it
will be a total of $120,000. It is not really that much in the world of comedians. In order for the entertainment
to work. How many of you saw the article in the Spinnaker about Kevin Hart? Well at the time we actually
were perusing Kevin Hart. There are related artists that are in our budget. That article when it came out, Kevin
Hart declined; he wanted a little more money. We are in the process to bid out. Nobody is confirmed yet. We
need the funding for this show. This will set UNF out on the right foot. Students request larger comedy
shows, students will talk about us. We want people to be proud of UNF. I want to see where my funds are
o Senator Kontol: Do you have a date set? - February 22nd at 8:00PM.
o Senator Grantham: to clarify the purpose of this request is for the school to get bigger names?-Yes,
this is to make our campus viable for bigger names.
o Senator Pino: What is the price range? –We have all together $120,000. We also have to give 10% to
the agents. So $108,000 to offer.
 Senator Brahmbatt: I move to approve SB-14F-2814 for $40,000. Second. Discussion.
Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
i. SR-14F-2812 Revision of the S.A.P.
- Senate President Pro-Tempore Gloster: This was written and drafted by me. Our past policy was deemed
illegal by our Attorney General. We had to revise it. We are changing “absence points” to “demerit points”.
We changed “absentee form” to “appeal form”. Shall be considered at ½. During B&A hearings B&A
members will be assed ½ a point if they miss. You can appeal 6 points from the committee instead of the
previous 4. If you come before the committee a 2nd time, a judicial complaint will be filed against the senator.
Articles of impeachment can be filed by the committee. If you don’t come to a hearing you will also get articles
of impeachment. For Town-hall, finals frenzy and osprey voice you must approve a conflict with the chair
within 3 business days.
o Chairwoman Wollam: What happens with senators who already have points? - The current system will
o Chairman Kennedy: What happens if it is forwarded to the judicial branch? - This is only if they come
to the committee again. The C&S chair will file a judicial complaint. Articles of impeachment shall be
filed if the senator doesn’t attend their judicial hearing.
o Senator Kishek: There are 6 demerits for full year? - Yes.
o Senator Matejka: If they are re-sworn in, they will have a clean slate? - Yes.
o Senator Hartsfield: If they already had an appeal hearing will that follow through to the next
semester?- No.
o Senator Pino: On page 29, G, item 1, B, it says that the shift that he or she committed to, does that
mean I didn’t put my name on the page I won’t be assessed points?-It’s not voluntary; there is also the
forgiveness policy.
o Senator Matejka: I just have a friendly; it should state “Constitution and Statutes Committee”.
o Chairman Kennedy: You spoke on without proper notice, does that need to be clarified? - That
usually isn’t clarified.
o Chairman Kennedy: I think it would be best that we stated what the proper notice is.
o Advisor Shore: I am questioning what Senator Pino asked you, it says you will be assessed if you don’t
volunteer for something. Every senator shall participate, unless you have conflict. Shall means to me
that you need to do it, it seems binding. It means that you shall be participating? - This is something
that needs to be done. I suggest sending this back to the committee so that we don’t get a rushed
process in.
 Chairman Kennedy: I move to send SR-14F-2812 back to the C&S committee. Second. All in
favor. Moved. Senator Kontol: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
ii. OB-14F-2810 Reformation of Passage
New Business
a. Legislation considered for 1st Reading
b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
i. OB-14F-2818 Reformation of Passage
- Senator Grantham: I spoke on this one in committee.
- Attorney General Harris: This bill will look familiar. This is the reformation of passage. This arose out of a
judicial complaint hearing. This is to ensure consistency. Most of the provisions are exactly the same. There
was a great deal of conversation about this in the committee. This was amended to reflect new language. I
would suggest that the senate split the bill into an addendum.
o Chairman Kennedy: So the business days will be once something becomes effective? - Yes, it would
be different for each thing. For example, senate minutes become effective once those are approved in
 Senator Rader: I move to approve OB-14F-2818. Second. Discussion (there are things that
we really need to take into consideration). Roll call Vote: Senator Brown abstainschanges
vote to yes. Passes 24-0-2.
ii. SB-14F-2821 SG Legislative Branch Secretary Special Request
- Senate President Ramirez: I presented this at the last B&A committee. This thankfully passed unanimously.
This would be adding an additional 10 hours to the Senate Secretary which would total to 25 hours. Her time
sheets are always in excess.
 Senator Brahmbhatt.: I motion to approve SB-14F-2821. Senator Akers: motion for
unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
iii. SB-14F-2822
- Jarrod Peachry: I am here to present for an appeal. Originally I made some accounting errors. With the help of
you all I was able to fix that. It is a four day conference. It is sponsored by a group of churches. It is a really
great conference and really motivates. We are originally Jacksonville Christian life, and are now The
Awakening. We have sent 100’s of students to Faith Walkers. We have 10 students attending this semester.
This will help mature students. For outside funding: we have done fundraising with Sweet Frog and we had a
bake sale. We have two more fundraising events from PDQ and Chick Fila. Previous For effects of SG
funding, if we are partially funded students will have to pay extra, and if there are no funding then some
students will not be able to go. Some of the benefits are that we get educated and motivated. It allows the
participants to have deeper and more meaningful conversations with those of other faiths. Also, students get
to network with others. It is a great opportunity to promote. Students will come back willing to serve their
community. Leadership training is provided. We will be able to share our faith.
o Senator Matejka: When are the fundraising events?- PDQ is on December 15th and Chick Fila is on
December 2nd.
 Senator Kishek: I move to approve SB-14F-2822 for 1,260. Second. Discussion. Rader: I
move for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.
d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
Legislative Appointment
a. Kellen Griffin-Jay
Swearing in of New Senators
*New Senators sworn in by Chief Justice Powers*
Senator Gomez: Motion for division of the house. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote Quorum is reestablished with
35 voting members at 8:30PM
XVII. Legislative Cabinet Elections
a. Senate President
i. Chairman Kennedy-Decline
ii. Chairman Baker-Accept
iii. Chairman Gloster- Decline
 Chairman Kennedy: Move to close the floor for senate president nominations. Second. All
in favor. Moved.
*Chase Baker sworn in as Senate President by Chief Justice Powers*
b. Senate President Pro-Tempore
i. Senator Grantham- Accept
ii. Chairman Gloster-Decline
 Chairman Gloster: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor. Moved.
c. Budget and Allocations Chair
i. Chairman Kennedy-Accept
 Senator Kishek: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor. Moved.
d. Government Oversight Chair
i. Chairwoman Wollam-Accept
 Senator Kontol: Motion to close the floor for nominations. Second. All in favor.
e. University and Student Affairs Chair
i. Senator Brown- Accept
ii. Senator Melquist-Accept
iii. Senator Galligan-Decline
iv. Senator Rotella-Not present
v. Senator Ramirez-Decline
vi. Senator Gagliardi-Decline
- Senator Brown: I am currently the vice chair for the USA committee. I was able to see more of what our
committee does. From my time in the USA committee, I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I really like talking to
students. I think I am a creative person as well.
o Senator Klein: Do you currently have any specific ideas? - I had no idea this position was going to be
available. Since this position will be decided on tonight, I can start working on that.
o Senator Kishek: Do you feel like you have enough time? - I have figured out how to allocate my time.
o Chairman Kennedy: Do you have another job currently?- no
o Chairman Kennedy: Could you explain your organization skills? - I live with my planner like it’s the
o Senator Johnson: You are currently the vice chair of the committee?-Yes. This is my first full
semester. I have really enjoyed it.
o Senator Klein: Have you reviewed the constitution and statutes regarding this position? - I do need to
look at it more.
o Chairwoman Wollam: Do you know what title deals with this committee?- No.
Senator Melquist: I was appointed to Senate in the fall. I was very involved in high school including being a
part of the Key Club. If you are looking for experience, yes I am a freshman. But, I am all about resources to
be able to get all the information I need. I will do whatever I need to be the most successful.
o Senator Klein: Do you have any specific ideas? -I am very good at coming up with ideas. It will be the
student’s ideas.
o Senator Gloster: Would you be able to elaborate on the Key Club- It is a student led organization. I
was looking over three districts including 9 different clubs. I had to do different projects each year. I
also did a project for key club international.
o Senator Matejka: There has been a lot of focus on first year experience, do you feel like you have
grasped this and been able to have enough time for this? - I have grown being involved; I was highly
involved in high school. Holding three big tittles, I was use to work. It is something I enjoy doing.
o Senator Gomez: Do you have any other jobs? - I do work at Carrabas, I was hired about 2 months
ago. I know the manager personally. He has been working with my schedule. I work when I can. I
typically only work weekends. I would not have accepted if I thought that was a concern.
o Chairman Kennedy: Do you currently live on campus?-Yes in the Cove.
*Senator Melquist and Senator Brown step out for discussion*
Senator Kennedy: A lot of you were not here for her appointment and she blew us away with her credentials.
Senator Klein: Although Senator Melquist is a freshman; she is not a normal freshman. She has been doing far more
in high school.
Senator Matejka: There are perks to both of the ages. Senator Melquist brings a lot of drive. I think Senator Brown
will bring wisdom. I think this can be open to Melquist in the future.
Senator Ramirez : Point of Information- If the candidates wish to stay in the chambers during discussion, they can
Senator Awan: she can bring in so much more ideas since she lives on campus.
Senator Hartsfelid: I am on the USA committee with Senator Brown; she seems very passionate about this. I think
transitioning would be a lot easier for her.
Senator Gloster: The reason that I think that senator Melquist would be good is for continuity. She will be able to do
it again next year.
 Roll call vote- 19-0-16 Senator Melquist
f. Senate Parliamentarian
i. Senator Akers-Accept
g. Senate Liaisons
i. Coggin College of Business
 Senator Brown-Accept
 Senator Kishek-Accept
ii. College of Arts and Science
 Senator Ali Awan-Accept
 Senator Klein-Accept
 Senator Harris-Accept
iii. College of Education and Human Services
 Senator Johnson-Accept
 Senator Kontol-Accept
iv. College of Computing, Engineering and Construction
 Senator Grantham-Accept
 Senator Johnson-Accept
v. Brooks College of Health
 Senator Gomez-Accept
h. Senate Chaplain
i. Senator Gomez-Accept
ii. Senator Brown-Accept
iii. Senator Ali-Awan-Accept
- Senator Gomez: They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. But in the absence of the Senate Chaplin I
say not. Why shouldn’t we be at peace? I would offer a non-denominational and receive training from the
interfaith center. We are a family, a family of ospreys. I cherish each and every one of you. Each of you has
something to offer to this body. I hope that with an invocation, we can get the job done and serve the students
before it’s too late. I would be proud to serve you as your Senate Chaplin.
o Chairman Kennedy: You referred to invocation and a moment of silence?- So there would be an
invocation and then a moment of silence afterwards.
Chairman Kennedy: What kind of invocation? - For what I have researched, I have seen different
approaches. The Chaplin usually leaves it up to the body itself.
o Senator Johnson: How often is the Chaplin called upon? - At the beginning of each senate meeting.
Senator Brown: I am hoping to be the next Senate Chaplin. It helps to prepare the mind. I would also like to
add a moment of silence. I would also like to get the training from the interfaith center. I recently did a study
abroad and I was open to more cultures.
o Senator Rader: Usually something is prepared, is that something you would do? - I would love to be
prepared. So that way everything is detailed.
o Senator Johnson: Did your study abroad go into interfaith? - No it was through Coggin College of
o Chairman Kennedy: What is your definition of an invocation?-An opening ceremony. What I am used
to is what is the beginning of a church service, or a nice positive message. I would want to do
something similar. One way of presenting it is not the only way. Maybe to acknowledge a different
religion each week.
Senator Ali Awan- I rescind my nomination.
 Roll call vote-22-0-13 Senator Gomez
*Chief Justice Powers swears in all new elected officials*
XVIII. Announcements
- Please stay after to get your head shot taken.
- I will look into the senate schedule and possibly moving the first senate meeting.
- New senators fill out your forms.
- Please sign up for Finals Frenzy.
- Please sign up for the committee you would like to be on.
XIX. Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster
- Quorum is reestablished with 35 voting
- Meeting is adjourned at 9:27PM
Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.