Senate Minutes 10-27-14


University of North Florida Student Senate

Senate Meeting Minutes – October 27


2014 – 6:30 to 9:00 PM – Senate Chambers


Call to Order

Meeting is called to order at 6:46PM


Pledge of Allegiance (Senator Rader)


Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster–

Quorum is established with 26 voting members


Approval of Minutes – October 13 th , 2014, and October 20 th , 2014

Senator Gomez: I move to approve the minutes from October 13 and October 20. Second.


Approval of Agenda

Senate President Ramirez: I motion to table SR-14F-281. Second. Discussion. All in favor. Moved

Senator Kontol: Motion to add SB-14F-2811 to 2 nd read tonight. Second. Discussion. All in favor. Moved

Chairman Kennedy: I move to add SB-14SB-2781 to 2 nd read. Second. Discussion. All in favor. Moved.

Senator Klein: I move to add executive confirmation of Nessa Smythe for the Deputy Chief of Staff position.

Second. Discussion. All in favor. Moved.

Senator Rader: I move to add OB-14F-2810 to 2 nd read. Second. Discussion. All in favor. Moved.

Senator Kishek: I move to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved.


Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment

Luis Taheta, Business. Political Science, General Senate Seat.


Student Remarks (3 minutes per Student)

Morgan Wolf, Accounting. International Business, Junior. I have always heard about human trafficking talked about at this school. I never knew much about it. Earlier this year I attended an event advocating against sex trafficking. We always think this problem is happening in other places. In 2011 Florida was ranked 3 rd on the number of calls received for the human trafficking hotline. This problem is happening right here in this city.

My goal is to inform you on this problem. I highly encourage you to watch the documentary here on campus on November 20 th . I also want to tell you about an organization called Rethreaded; I have handed out flyers for it. It takes women out of the sex trade industry. I volunteer and it is a great organization. The women who are taken off the streets make scarfs out of old t-shirts. The production manager said they have to put the scarf collection on hold because they ran out of shirts. We all have so many t-shirts in our closets to donate. You can bring them to my office at any time. In order to stop it we need to do our part.


Guest Speakers



Office of Elections a.

Elections Commissioner – True Rains

(5 minutes)

We have a big week ahead of us, finally having elections on campus. Elections are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00-7:00 in student union, library, Café, and online. I have a couple spots open still for volunteering. I


know there are more of you that haven’t signed up. I will send around a sheet. If you are a spring senator you can sign up.

Judicial Branch Report a.

Associate Chief Justice – Ben Jaeger

(5 minutes)

I want to thank you for passing the request for the new position in the Judicial Branch. We hope to start the position in the spring.


Executive Branch Reports a.

Osprey Productions – John Chwalisz

(3 minutes)

As True said, this is also a big week for Osprey Productions. We are playing the Purge on Wednesday. This

Thursday is Thrilling Dead, please come out to support. These guys have put in a lot of work. Next week on

Thursday we have karaoke night in the boat house. Homecoming is February 22-28. Next week you will find out a big plan since OP is going up for a special request. Oz music festival is March 5-6. We have finally started looking at artists for that. Thrilling dead, come out to the green I can’t echo how much effort has been put in. b.

Club Alliance – Katie Jackson

(3 minutes)

Last Friday we had our club alliance meeting we has about 138 clubs attend. Thank you to the senators who came. This Friday we have our special interests board meeting, in the ballrooms at 11:00AM. Our next general body meeting is November 14 th . These are great opportunities to meet clubs. We have been getting really good attendance. We are also working on a survey to give out to the clubs to try to see where the clubs think the best place is to table. c.

Attorney General – Matthew Harris

(3 minutes)

I would like to commend the C&S and GO committee on getting those bills accomplished. I sent out an email this morning about the interpretations. Number 6 asked about the senate liaison position and college seats.

Liaisons are elected within the membership, to represent the interests of the college and they have responsibilities. College seats are just a reserved spot. I would also like to add a recommendation, the senate hasn’t elected liaisons yet, this can offer a lot to the body. Number 7 deals with the absence policy. In my review, it’s my interpretation that the senate cannot remove its own members. Because the constitution lays out that it’s only through impeachment. I would like to congratulate Commissioner Rains on a successful election season. d.

Treasurer – Morgan Wolf

(3 minutes)

Nothing to report e.

Vice President – Anthony Stevens

(3 minutes)

The senate passed SB-14SB 2781 which was for the free printing lab; there is a request in front of you to build a glass door in room 3312. It states that the money used for construction must be presented for senate. The printing lab will be moved to Commissioner Rain’s old office. The amount of prints per day is continually growing. We will be putting in two more printers and another printer. The glass door is for security reasons. o Senator Rotella: Is it still the same set of hours? - We are hoping to extend the hours. But for now it will stay the same. f.

President – Joseph Turner

(5 minutes)

Not Present


Legislative Cabinet Reports a.

Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Shomari Gloster

(3 minutes)

Last week in our committee we visited the Judicial Decision. Our meeting was comprised on what we should do in regards to that. Tonight you have OB-14F-2810 in front of you. I ask you take that into consideration.

Our committee put a lot into that, it addresses all the issues. b.

Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Blake Kennedy (3 minutes)

We are in the process of redoing all the forms. We have completed that task, and should be uploaded in the next couple weeks. The current account totals are: Travel Requests-$20,308.56, Special Requests-$291,402.81 there is one Special Request going before you tonight and if that is passed it’ll be at-$286,890.81, and Salary

Reserves-$57,978.80. In the last meeting CRU requested $2,000 to attend the SE Winter Conference, which passed 7-0-0. We had one special request to have a portfolio show at MOCA Jax, passed 7-0-0. You will hear about that tonight. c.

Government Oversight Committee – Chairwoman Amanda Wollam

(3 minutes)

Last week’s committee we went over Title 13 revisions. Later on this evening we will be going over those revisions. We also have one seat open for appointment, which someone is already in the process of filling. d.

University and Student Affairs Committee – Chairman Chase Baker (3 minutes)

If you have any ideas about questions for Osprey Voice, I will pass around the question proposal sheet.

*Shows results from last Osprey Voice* Townhall is next week on Monday and Tuesday. Moes will be catering. We will be talking about campus recreation; I got the director of recreation (Becky purser) to come out to speak and answer any questions the students have. Osprey voice is two weeks after Townhall. Sign up for one shift each. o Senator Kontol: Is Townhall required? Yes

o Senator Donnelly: What if I have class during the Townhall ?- Come see me and we will figure something out.

*Sargent at Arms Rader: Please be respectful and put your cell phones away* e.

Senate President Kaitlin Ramirez (5 minutes)

I apologize for the delayed start. We have two cabinet meetings this week. If any of you are able or interested in attending they will be Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-10:30 here in the Senate Chambers. On Tuesday we will be talking about senator orientation, if you have any insights please send me an email. Thursday’s cabinet meeting will be reviewing the legislative budget and to see what initiatives the committees are interested for the students. We will also be discussing future times for the cabinet meetings. If you need to do any of your events please do that as soon as possible especially if you are a fall seat, you need to turn in your scholarship forms

ASAP. o Senator Brown: Do you need volunteers for senator orientation? - That is an option.

*Senate President Pro-Temp has notified me that quorum should’ve been established with 29 voting members instead of 26 voting members*


New Business a.

Legislation considered for 1 st Reading b.

Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1 st Reading c.

Legislation considered for 2 nd Reading i.

SB-14F-2808 Command + N Design Special Request.

Armando Mitra: On behalf of the Command +N Design Club, I am here to request for the portfolio show.

Because of the competitive nature of the program we have been able to produce great work. We have been recognized nationally. We have also had lots of post graduate success. We still have a problem, we still find ourselves overshadowed by our peers. This is our time now. This portfolio show will help us. This is something that can be geared to all ospreys. It will increase recognition for the Arts and Sciences and UNF.

We are requesting funding to properly market and to secure the lobby, and to provide guests the ability to view the portfolios. We are able to print off small posters to promote within campus, but that won’t be enough. We would like to send out magazines to agencies. We will also notify locally through Jacksonville magazine. This will be a great opportunity. Without funding we will continue to fall behind other schools, this is our chance. o Senator Kontol: Is admission going to be free?- yes o Senator Matejka: December 10 th is in the middle of finals week will that affect attendance? - Generally we have our show before graduation. We want to make sure everyone had the chance to attend. It will be in the evening. o Senator Guerra: What is the expected attendance? - 300-400 people. We plan on marketing a lot to the students. o Senator Brown: The catering will be provided by MOCA; were there other options since it is pricey? -

They required it to be catering through their restaurant. o Kennedy: Is the funding for the magazines get into the magazines or to create your own? - We are creating the magazines and sending them out. o Senator Guerra: How many members are in your organization? - Around 40. o Chairman Kennedy- How many portfolios will be on display? - 21. o Senator Kontol: Are these a grade for the students? - Yes, but it is not a requirement for the class.

 Senator Rotella: Motion to approve SB-14F-2808 for $4,512. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote. Motion passes: 29-0-0. ii.

SB-14F-2811 Title VIII Revisions

Chairwoman Wollam: We did revisions to Title 13 because there was some confusion. *shows the changes on the screen* We wanted to add some details to clarify. Under appointments we changed Senate to Legislative

Branch. The committee can override. o Chairman Kennedy: Chapter 1303 Confirmations, doesn’t A and B encompass C? – No because C gives the committee the authority to approve or deny. o Senator Akers: Under part D you added subsection A, would that not be more appropriate under the appointment process, it just seems kind of out of place? - The only reason we put it under confirmations is because that was dealing with a specific appointment. o Senate President Ramirez: What was the addition of the word only? - Because there was something stricken, we thought it was redundant and added the word only. o Attorney General Harris: Point of Information- Under the chapter 1303 under subsection a, because of a subsection that would immediately modify the section that follows beneath. It also would be

prudent to add what they are receiving notice of.

 Chairman Kennedy: I move to amend subsection “a” to make that “e”. Second. All in favor.


 Senator Rotella: Motion to add clarification of written notice of appearance before committee. Second. Senator Kennedy  Nay- It should say the Government Oversight chair must receive written notice of appointee. Senator Rotella: I resend my motion.

 Chairman Kennedy: I move to add to the new section “e” written notice of the appointee.

Second. All in favor. Moved.

 Senator Brown: Motion to approve SB-14F-2811 as amended. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote- Motion passes 29-0-0 iii.

Specification to SB-14SB-2781 Student Experience Enhancement Act

Chairman Kennedy: We are moving the free print lab. Right now it is a wooden door, we would use original funding from SB-14SB-2781, and this is to take $2,244.40 from those funds to build a glass door.

Senate President Ramirez: Just for clarification this was sent in an email from President Turner around

12:00PM today. This was a bill that was already passed. However the executive branch is now asking that the already approved amount is now being used for a glass door. This is being brought before senate so we are all aware where all the funds are going.

 Senator Akers: I motion to approve the authorization of $2,244.40 from the free printing initiative line item to build a glass door. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote- Motion passes: 29-

0-0. iv.

OB-14F-2810 Reformation of Passage

Senator Rader: We have come up with a solution to the Judicial Councils request to fix section 408.4. We want to fix any confusion. We changed the meaning of the word passage by making it passage is through senate.

President’s signature just means approved. We want this to be easy to understand and read.

Senator Grantham: The biggest part of this bill is to fix the word passage. The other part is the revision of

408.4. Minutes was added so that everything was encompassed in the records. There was a B clause added in, we didn’t want to confine positions in a box with the timelines. This is an issue addressed within policies and procedures. It now states 12 business days following passage. The detailed timeline will be handled internally through the senate P&Ps. o Senator Kontol: You want the Policies and Procedures to state who is responsible for uploading these documents? - Yes. o Senator Kontol: Is that going to make it more miscommunication, will that be set immediately? -

Policies and Procedures can change; the reason for putting it in there is for the leadership to be able to change that in the future. o Senator Klein: Line 30 you added in the super majority, what does that mean?- Anything greater than

50%., this can be taken out if it’s confusing o Chairman Kennedy: What is the process for policies and procedures? - This will be a Simple

Resolution. o Senator Kontol: What if no one addresses this in P&PS? - It will be addressed. o Senator Gloster: We talked about making this timeline next week. The discussed timeline was 12 days-

5 days Senate President, 5 days for Student Body President, 1 day for the C&S chair, and 1 day for the

Senate Secretary.

 Senator Brown: I motion to change in section 408.4 section “b” section “1” to read: “the timeline for legislative records process will be handled internally and shall be outlined in the senate Policies and Procedures. Second. No discussion. All in favor. Moved.

 Senator Klein: I motion to change super majority to majority. Second. Discussion. Senator

Klein: I resend my motion.

 Senator Guerra: I move to change super majority and replace it with 2/3rds vote. Second. No discussion. Senator Rader  nay (I think it should read 2/3rds majority vote). Roll call vote.

Motion passes: 29-0-0.

 Senator Matejka: Motion to put in a comma and strike “and”. Second. Discussion. Senator

Matejka: I resend my motion.

 Senator Akers: I motion to remove internally and “and”. Second. Discussion. Nay. Roll call vote: Motion doesn’t carry 14-0-15.

 Senator Matejka: I motion to change it to: The senate policies and procedures shall outline a timeline in which the legislative records shall be handled internally. Second. Discussion.

Senator Matejka: I resend my motion

 Senator Matejka: I motion to change it to- The senate policies and procedures shall outline a timeline in which the legislative records shall be handled. Second. All in favor. Moved.

 Senate President Ramirez: I motion to change 12 days to 16 business days. Second.

Discussion. (These extra days can be changed when the SR is brought forth for the policies and procedures, we can put in 16 days and then within P&P’S we can decide how to use the days). Senate President Pro Tempore Gloster: motion for unanimous consent. Second.

Senator Guerra  Nay (I think there should be a roll call vote for the record). Roll call vote:

Motion passes 28-0-0.

 Senator Kiskek: I move to approve OB-14F-2810. Second. Discussion. Senator Rotella: I motion to pass with unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.

*Senator Gloster: Motion to extend the ending time to 9:15PM. Second. All in favor. Moved. d.

Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2 nd Reading


Executive Confirmations

Nessa Smythe: I am a non-traditional student, I graduated in 2005 and then spent 5 years in Germany in the

Army. I am here for the students; I think I can represent them well. Within my 2 weeks in the executive cabinet I have received some complaints that I am working on. We are also working on 24 hour library.

 Senator Kontol: Motion to confirm Nessa Smythe for the deputy chief of staff. Second.

Discussion. Senator Brown: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.

*Associate Chief Justice Jaeger swears in Nessa Smythe as Deputy Chief of Staff*



Thank you for all of your questions and endurance throughout this senate meeting. We need to make sure what we put in place is clear

Please be sure to fill out the climate survey.

Rethreaded is a great organization, please bring in those t shirts

Next week is Lend-A-Week.

Cabinet meetings this Tuesday and Thursday

Elections are this Tuesday and Thursday

Senator Rotella: Last year my fraternity and I had a blood drive. We had 265 people donate. We are having that again this week. If you have time we would love your help. Tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00-


If you are a fall senator turn in your scholarship form ASAP.


Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster

Quorum is reestablished with 28 voting members.



Meeting is adjourned at 9:02PM

Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.
