Budget and Allocations Committee Minutes July 14, 2014 Senate Chambers 6:30 PM Chairman: Sen. Michael Rotella I. Call To Order Meeting is called to order at 6:45PM II. Pledge of Allegiance – Sen. Tarek III. Roll Call IV. Quorum is established with 3 voting members. Approval of the minutes A) 6/16/14 V. Sen. Shackelford- Motion to approve the minutes from June 16 2014. Second. No objections. Passes Approval of Agenda A) 7/14/14 VI. Chairman Report and Remarks VII. Sen. Shackelford- Motion to amend for the travel requests balances to read $27,600 for now and $26,600 for after this meeting. Second. No objections. Passes Everything is going well. I have been getting familiar with the processes. I have been working with multiple different groups lately. Treasurer’s Report and Remarks According to my statutory requirements I must report all of the transfers. With my absence there are a lot of transfers. I’ll start with the index, the amount being transferred, the line it was transferred from, and the line it was transferred to. o April: Student Wellness Complex for $202 from Printing and Reproduction to the Security Camera Fees. LGBT for $562.20 from Advertising to Food. Student Union for $702.44 from Repairs and Maintenance to Printing and Reproduction. o May: Student Union for $754.20 from Repairs and Maintenance to Office Supplies. o VIII. IX. Student Government Executive for $1,500 for Office Supplies and $2,000 from Spinnaker Ads both to Executive Programming. Student Wellness Complex for $100 from Printing and Reproduction to Telephone and Communications. $1,500 from Printing and Reproduction to Advertising and Promotions. Student Government Business and Accounting for $7,208 from Staff Development Travel to Office Supplies. Spinnaker TV for $1 from Office Supplies to Repairs and Maintenance. Student Wellness Complex for $20 from Office Supplies to Satellite Radio. Lend-A-Wing for $1296.01 from Programming Rentals to Office Supplies. $418 from Printing and Reproduction to Promotional Items. June: Campus Recreation for $16 from Office Supplies to Athletic Equipment and Supplies. Student Wellness Complex for $288.19 from Rock Climbing, $30.36 from Office Supplies, $26.40 from Education Supplies all to Repairs and Maintenance . Club Alliance for $1,425.78 from Printing and Reproduction to Programming. Student Wellness Complex for $75 from Printing and Reproduction to TShirts. Osprey Productions for $3,755 from Printing and Reproduction to TShirts. Interfaith $10 from Interfaith Week and $5 from Printing and Reproduction both to Office Supplies. Spinnaker TV for $270 from Rentals to AV equipment. Osprey Productions for $115 from Contract Writer Obligations to Dues. Guest Speakers-none Account Totals 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Special Requests Travel Requests Salary Reserves Now $150,000 $27,600 $57,978.08 After $131,670 $26,600 $57,978.08 X. Old Business-none XI. New Business A) Travel Requests a. UNF Dance Marathon – Sen. Dan Culberson-$500 for airfare for a DM leadership conference. I urge you to pass this through. Lindsay Russi(DM Chair)- July 25-27th is the conference. CM is a nationwide event; it raises funds for children’s miracle network. At UNF we are going into our 7th years. Since inception we have raised $160,000. The conference is at DePaul University in Chicago. There will be 500 DM leaders in attendance. It includes workshops and lectures. Benefits are building my leadership skills. Develop practical skills; also make partnerships and a support network. Act as an ambassador. Registration is $200 which is covered as well as my lodging. Total trip is $712. $512 for airfare. I am just seeking $500 for my airfare. Sen. Shackelford. Motion to approve the Dance Marathon travel request. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote: Sen Shackelfordyes, Sen Culberson-yes, Sen Kiskek-yes. Motion passes 3:0:0. b. James Flannagan – Sen. Shomari Gloster-This is for Succeed Faster event to develop skills, they are asking for 500$. James Flannigan: Leadership conference in Chicago called Succeed Faster, it is an exclusive invite only career acceleration conference for young professionals. 3 of UNF students will be going on this trip; it is a way to get UNF on the map. *shows video about the Succeed Faster event*I got a personal invite, it is an awesome opportunity. Mike- I went in the summer of 2012, it is a great opportunity for building professionalism and building a network. It changed my whole mindset on being professional. It is a great opportunity to represent UNF. This is a personal branding and it will also help other students. Treasurer Wolf: how will this impact the UNF student body? - I will be able to bring back all this information and share with other students. Sen. Kishek: motion to approve the Travel Request for Succeed Faster. Second. No discussion. Shackelford-yes, Sen Kishek-yes, Sen Culberson-yes. B) Special Requests a. Student Government Executive Branch- Sen. Elena Shackelford: This will greatly benefit the University. The free printing initiative, this will be the 3rd consecutive year they will be presenting some amendments to the requests President Turner: Free printing is fairly well received, it is a good service. $16,000 number for the fall and a number for the spring. For fall is to continue the same service that we have provided in the past. Every student got a 2.25 credit on their Osprey 1 Card to use. There is a better way we can do this initiative. On all of our printers that we use on our floor. We pay .0065 cents to pay for our prints. I think by taking the advantage of our machines, students can come up here and print. We have a more efficient model up here in SG. That is why there is a change in prices from $16,000 in the fall to spring for $23,000, which will provide the students with 200 free prints, roughly. It is a little of a shift of the way we do things. A lot of the people who used this didn’t even know they were using it. A lot of students didn’t realize it was from Student Government. It is less of a convenience now, but it is much more of a service. We are in business to do things more efficiently. I am going to ask you all to take an amendment to that line, and take it from 100,000 prints to 200,000 prints raising the total cost to $2,980. We should have a spreadsheet in front of you with the update on the prints. President Turner: I would also like the committee to add an amendment to add a transportation element to the Jaguar games. We went out and got quotes from local vendors, and the best quote that we got is in front of you. These buses will take the students from campus to the games to the stadium and back. This cost is not very great at all and it provides a great service. This would add a line to the Special Request that says Jaguar Shuttle Program, a lump sum in the amount of $6,132. $120 for the buses times 7 that’ll equal $840 I’d like you to add to the reflected amount. This transportation doesn’t require that you have tickets at all. If you propose and pass both of those amendments it will bring the total to $25,112. Sen Shackelford. Motion to amend line 3 Print Labs to read $2,980. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote. Sen. Shackelfordyes, Sen. Culberson-yes, Sen. Kishek-yes. Amendment passes 3:0:0 Sen. Shackelford. Motion to add line Jaguar Shuttles in the amount of $6,132. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote. Sen. Shackelford-yes, Sen. Culberson-yes, Sen. Kishek-yes. Amendment passes 3:0:0. Sen Shackelford. Motion to approve the request as amended. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote. Sen. Shackelford-yes, Sen. Culberson-yes, Sen. Kishek-yes. Amendment passes 3:0:0 C) General Reserves D) Transfers E) Budget Balance F) Finance Code XII. Announcements A) Next Senate July 21st, 2014 6:30 Senate Chambers B) I just want to thank all of my senators for being here on time, and being very good voting senators. XIII. Final Roll Call XIV. Quorum is reestablished with 3 voting members. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 7:20PM.