GOC Minutes 6-30-14

Government Oversight Committee Minutes
Chair: Katherine Savage
June 30th, 2014
6:00 PM-7:30 PM in the Senate Chambers
Call to Order
 Meeting is called to order at 6:28PM
Roll Call – Vice Chair Kontol
 Quorum is established with 3 voting members.
Approval of Minutes – June 25th, 2014
 Sen. Harvel: Motion to approve the minutes from June 25, 2014. Second. All in favor.
Approval of Agenda
 Sen. Kishek: Motion to approve the agenda for June 30, 2014. Second. All in favor.
Guest Speakers-none
Remarks of the Chair – sgaesac@unf.edu
 We are going to approve the appointment application. We are going to finalize the osprey
voice like survey, and then vote on it.
*Sen Kishek: Motion to suspend Roberts Rules. Second. All in favor. Moved*
Old Business
a. Review of Appointment Application-*Rough draft of application on the screens*
 I have corrected the email address for the new GOC chair.
 I also added the due dates
 The poll/signatures have also been added.
 The position sought line has been removed.
 I do not have a code of ethics included, because it was not included in the past
appointment packet. However, if it is a huge concern we can put one in. I don’t
think it is necessary
o Sen. Kontol: I agree that it’s not necessary.
New Business
a. Approval of Appointment Application
 What do we think about the signatures for the student response requirement?
o Sen. Kontol: I think 25 is a good number versus the 35.
o GO Chair Savage: The osprey voice requires 35; I liked keeping it at
the same. I am more than confident that an appointee can obtain 35.
o Sen. Harvel: Maybe a 30 requirement with 5 additional, as optional.
 Student response requirement questions
o Sen Harvel: We could ask the students what they know about student
government. What does Student Government do? Do you know what SG
is currently doing?
GO Chair Savage: Do we want yes or no questions? Or response
questions. Questions that would make them think a little.
o Sen. Kishek: the yes or no questions can spark a conversation outside of
o GO Chair Savage: What is your favorite SG event? What is your
favorite SG initiative?
o Sen. Kontol: We could ask them about the senate, like if they know
there are 42 seats.
o Sen. Harvel: Do you know that SG is responsible for allocating $4.45
million A&S fees. Yes or no?
o GO Chair Savage: the first question can be tally mark.
o Sen. Kontol: We can have a yes/no comment section, like in the Osprey
o GO Chair Savage: They can both be the yes/no comment format.
o GO Chair Savage: We can have the event and initiative questions
separate, and have 3 total questions.
o Sen. Harvel: I don’t know if the background of the Osprey Voice is
necessary since you’ll be meeting with them prior.
o Sen Harvel: We should take out the “endorsement” part of the
o Attorney General Harris: I would suggest adding “By signing below I
affirm that I have answered the preceding questions”
Sen. President Ramirez: I would combine the CSC signature line with the
Senate Pro-tempore line.
*Sen. Harvel: Motion to reinstate Robert’s Rules. Second. All in favor. Moved*
 Sen. Harvel: motion to approve the new Appointee application pending format. Second. No
discussion. Roll call vote: Sen Harvel: Yes, Sen. Kishek: Yes, Sen Kontol: Yes. Motion passes
IX. Announcements
a. Senate Policies and Procedures are on first read at our next Senate meeting on 7/7
b. Talk to me if you are interested in attending a Safe Space training seminar
c. AG Harris: Exec branch closed the applications for elections commissioner, and the
candidate will be chosen by tomorrow. So there needs to be an emergency meeting prior
to the next senate meeting.
d. Emergency Meeting at 5:00PM before Senate, next Monday. 7/7/14
X. Final Roll Call – Vice Chair
 Quorum is reestablished with 3 voting members.
XI. Adjournment
 Meeting is adjourned at 7:15PM.