Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting Minutes June 16, 2014

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2014
Senate Chambers 6:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Michael Rotella
Call To Order
 Meeting is called to order at 6:45PM
Roll Call by Vice Chair Culberson
 Quorum is established with 3 voting members.
Approval of the minutes
A) 5/19/14
o Sen. Shackelford: Motion to approve the minutes. Second. Motion Passes
Approval of Agenda
A) 6/16/14
o Sen. Culberson: Motion to amend the agenda for the balance to read as $150,000
instead $200,000 in the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Second. Motion passes
Chairman Report and Remarks
 It has been a journey being the B&A chair, as I am learning. There have been a lot of
different situations that come up quick, these three requests in particular. I am learning a
lot and it is going well.
Treasurer’s Report and Remarks-none
Guest Speakers-none
Account Totals
2013-2014 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Special Requests
2014-2015 Fiscal Year
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
If the three on here would pass we would be sitting at $27,160 at the end of this meeting.
However, the last request won’t be heard tonight.
Old Business
 At our last B&A committee meeting we heard the special request from Spinnaker Radio
that did not pass.
New Business
A) Travel Requests
a. Better Together at UNF- Sponsored by Sen. Haley Guiette: Better Together is an
organization through the interfaith center. They will be requesting $1840 to go to
“The Challenge” at George Washington University. I think this is a good
opportunity for them to grow and expand.
o Clare Stern, President of Better Together at UNF: *shows presentation
on projectors* At “The Challenge” students will be working with other
University students to see how other campaigns have gone. We will build
relationships across identities which will be a mixture of believers,
nonbelievers, and citizens of the U.S. as well. The students that would be
going on this trip would be representing the UNF body, and keeping
UNF on the map. We would be sharing our successes and learn new
strategies. Last year UNF became an honor roll school. Our certificate
was signed by the secretary of education. Three days ago we received
national recognition through our work of human trafficking. This year
we will be focusing on homelessness.
 Casey, a student attending the trip: Coming up in august, our “I
dinner”, we have different faiths and races come together. At this
dinner we will be having myths and trivia focusing on those in
the community who are experiencing homelessness. This
September 26th we will be working with Claire Bishop, we are
providing opportunities for students to engage and to see the
problem with what is going on in Jacksonville. October 25th is
“Make a difference day” we will be working with the Volunteer
Center. This January, UNF participates in the homelessness
censorship. We will be selecting students to be in the census and
go around Jacksonville and meet people.
Claire: the total cost for students is: $0 for registration, $600 for lodging
for 2 nights, and $1,200 for transportation. This brings it to a grand total
of $1,840.We have been trying to fundraise, but it is the summer so it
hasn’t been as successful.
 Question by Sen. Kishek: How do you choose what you are
doing next, like last time was human trafficking? Answer: It was
just a need that we saw in Jacksonville.
 Sen. Kishek : Motion to pass. Second.
o Discussion: I would really like to see this passed
through; I think they did a great job with the
human trafficking campaign of last semester. It
was very informational. I did not know so many
people were involved.
 Roll Call vote: Sen Shackelford: Yes,
Sen. Culberson: Yes, Sen Kishek: Yes.
Bill Passes.
b. Mathematics and Statistics Club- Sponsored by, Sen. Chase Baker: They are
asking for $500 to go to Portland, Oregon to go to a Math Fest. I really think you
should pass the bill as an investment for UNF. I ask that you hear what he has to
say, and pass this bill.
o ShyamVasanjec: The 2014 Math Fest is an event we would like to
attend. The Math fest is an event for students to present their ideas and
research. This also gives us to work with other mathematicians around
the United States. I was selected as a student speaker, which is an honor.
Being a student speaker at these events allow me to share my ideas, and
gain experiences for my career. Networking to meet other students and
Professors, who can give you letters of recommendations. Helps me do
research. I am requesting $500 altogether, The Air ticket itself is $527
and 79$ for registration fee. There are 2 UNF students attending. It is a
chance for UNFs math department to create opportunities for the UNF
students. This is really important, since these fields are so intensive.
 Sen. Kishek: Motion to pass this request. Second.
 Sen. Kishek: Motion to change cost breakdown sheet, changing
the lodging total to transportation. Second.
Roll call vote. Shackelford: Yes. Culberson: Yes.
Kishek: Yes.
o Sen. Culberson, Discussion: I think it should be
pushed through; it would be invigorating for the
student body.
 Roll call vote. Sen. Shackelford: Yes, Sen Culberson: Yes, Sen
Kishek: Yes, Bill passes.
c. James Flannagan – Sen. Shomari Gloster
 Sen. Kishek : Motion to table the 3rd travel request. Second. Tabled.
B) Special Requests-none
C) General Reserves-none
D) Transfers-none
E) Budget Balance-none
F) Finance Code-none
A) Next Senate July 7, 2014 6:30 Senate Chambers
B) Next Committee July 14, 2014 6:30 Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call
 Quorum is reestablished with 3 voting members
 Meeting is adjourned at 7:10 PM.