B&A Minutes 3-24-14

B&A minutes
New Business:
- UNF Surf Club: Traveling to California, been on campus for 11 years. Most
successful season. Current President and Captain Adam, Former President
and Captain Jeffery. Founded in 2003. Comprised of both a team, which
represents UNF in monthly, regional competitions, etc., as well as a club,
which participates in all of our events. Won last 3 competitions. Surf team
competes in teams of 9 surfers. Hold open try outs in the beginning of the
year, if not into the team they can do the club portion. Red bull sponsored a
tow-at competition for us this year. Free surf lessons. Fundraising: Raised
over $1,000. Partnering with the leukemia and lymphoma society this
Wednesday at mellow mushroom with raffles. Made the cover of the
Spinnaker with many articles and spreads inside, shout out in the biggest
surf magazine in the east coast. UNF admissions reached out to the surf club
for advertising. Goals: to win east coast championships. National
championships in Southern California in June.
Cost Breakdown: 9 people. Need help in the airfare. $180 a person.
Motion to approve the UNF Surf team and Club for full $1,632. Second.
Roll Call Vote. Motion Passes 4-0-0.
- Student Union Administration: Total amount requested: $1968. Golf cart
special request. Golf cart charging station. “Our mission at the Student Union
is to provide convenient, high-quality facilities and efficient services to
support university programs.” The student union is requesting funds for the
installation of charging stations for golf carts. The extra spot will support all
of the departments. Motion to approve the Student Union Special Request.
Second. Resend. Motion to approve the Student Union Speical Request for the
total amount of $1967.64. Second. Motion passes 4-0-0
- Executive Branch Requesting: Lounge area in the student union. This
budgeting is with a 45% discount for us being a school. The furniture is
expensive, but extremely durable and comfortable. Also the idea of two
hammocks outside. Motion to take the funds out of the Student Union Budget.
- New Bill to help manage money better for club funding to avoid getting to
March and having 2 months left in the fiscal year to not even hear their
funding requests. Motion to amend line 21 and 22 to not approve more than
70%. Motion Dies. Turner: proposes 2 motions. In line 21 motion to change
approve to expend. Motion to strike lines 25-32. Second. Roll Call Vote.
Motion Passes after being tied and Sen. Wachoff voting yes. Motion to table
bill until next meeting. Second. Motion passes 4-0-0.
- Resigning from the executive branch and President Chris Brady will take
over position.
Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members. Meeting adjourned at 7:24.