E&A Minutes 1-15-14

E&A Emergency Meeting
January 15th 2014 5:30pm
Senate Chambers
Call to Order : Called Meeting to order at 5:40 PM
Roll Call- quorum established at 7 voting members
Approval of Minutes- Senator Moore motioned to postpone minutes as they were not available
from January 13, 2014. Seconded. Approved.
Approval of Agenda- Senator Moore moved the approval of the agenda. Seconded and
Guest Speakers- none
Chair Report- Chairwoman Antworth thanked everyone for helping with the elections process
and Title VI.
Old Business
a. SB-14S-2743
Senator Henning moved to suspend Robert’s Rule of Order. Seconded.
Discussion began with a review of Title VI Revision Bill that had been approved at the
emergency senate meeting, January 13, 2014 (31-0-0). Attorney General Lehman looked at the
Title VI and said it was the incorrect version of Title VI. The Advisor returned with copies of the
corrected version of Title VI for review.
New Business
a. Vote on the Election Calendar
Chairwoman Antworth began a review of the election calendar with the committee, answering
questions about the timeline, debate forum and poll workers. Chairwoman Antworth stated
that she had gone over the dates with the Chief Justice to make sure everything was in
compliance. There was discussion. Dates and times were discussed.
Senator Moore motioned to approve the Spring Election Calendar as amended. Seconded.
Senator Henning moved for unanimous consent. There were no objections.
a. Review applications – Discussion of applications was discussed while SB-14S-2743 was
being copied and passed out to the committee.
The committee reviewed the application to make sure all dates and times were correct.
They discussed each page for merit. Changes were made that dealt mostly with
formatting. There were also some changes to wording in order to mirror language in the
new Title VI.
The committee discussed Chairwoman Antworth’s idea of having a kind of round table,
cook out on the date the Declarations of Intent are due in order to get more people
involved. There was discussion.
Senator Henning motioned to approve the application as amended pending the check boxes for
intercollege signatures and the head shot platform changes. Seconded.
Senator Pino motioned for unanimous consent. There were no objections.
Point of Information from Senator Petrosyan asking if this was for only the Senator Application.
Attorney General Lehman said that this approved application was for Senatorial only and not
President-Vice President Application. That would be a separate process.
Application for President/Vice President was passed out to the committee. Chairwoman
Antworth projected the application on screen for all to see. Changes were made that mirrored
the changes made to the Senatorial Application. There were also some formatting corrections as
Senator Henning motioned to approve the pending President-Vice President Applicationpending the headshot form along with the formatting of the boxes on the signatures page.
Senator Moore moved for unanimous consent. There were no objections
Appointments- none
a. Senate January 20th, 2014 6:30pm
Adjournment- adjourned at 7:19 PM with 6 voting members.