Senate Minutes 4/14/14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – April 14th 2014 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:38PM
Pledge of Allegiance-Senator Bachman
Invocation – Senator Julia Talley
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster–
*system down-roll call vote*
Quorum is established with 28 voting members
Approval of Minutes
Motion to table minutes. Second. No objections. Moved
Approval of Agenda
- Motion to adopt the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved
- Motion to approve the adopted agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment-None
Student Remarks
- Senator Reich: This is my last senate meeting, so I just wanted to thank everybody in this room. This has
been a really awesome experience for me. I just want to leave you with this, don’t let anyone ever tell you this
isn’t important, because it is.
- Senator Petrosyan: I just want to talk about encouragement. By voting and writing bills we can change so
much. You being a senator you have the power, use it.
Guest Speakers-None
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice – Daniel Powers (5-minutes)
Hello everyone I am your new Chief Justice. I was elected last Monday and sworn in on Wednesday. I just want to
update you with where we are at. We are re-doing our policies and procedures. We currently have 4 active seats, which
leaves vacant seats in the judicial branch. If you have any questions please come down to my office.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Acting Osprey Productions Director – John Chwalisz (3-minutes)
I am acting director as of right now. I just wanted to update you on the concert. We had about 5,000 in attendance.
As for the drag show we had about 520 in attendance.
b. Acting Club Alliance Director – Justin Dato (3-minutes
Hello everyone, I know I am a new face, my name is Justin Dato and I will your acting CA director. As of right now I
am just working on transitioning with Brett.
c. Acting Attorney General – Matthew Harris (3-minutes)
Hello everyone, my name is Matthew Harris and I am acting Attorney General. I have been working a report on the
executive branch positions with their job duties. Also, President Turner has named the head of the Ad-Hoc
committee and committee will work together to look for title 6 reforms.
d. Acting Treasurer –Morgan Wolf (3-minutes)
Good evening, I have been serving as the acting treasurer since Monday. Since I have only been working for a week I
don’t have much to report, so I just wanted to introduce myself. One of my main goals is that everyone on senate
understands what’s going on financially, so everyone knows what they are voting on. My door is always open.
e. Vice President – Tony Stevens (3 minutes)
Not present.
f. President – Joe Turner (5-minutes)
There are a number of things that I have been working on since I became president. First, the Ozzie Statue has been
approved by the Art committee and they are currently trying to decide on a location. For those of you who remember
from the last meeting of fall, we passed the WAFER act which made a field for students to play sports at night, that
project has been completed. Also, hydration stations have been placed around campus. Some of you might have
received an email about a mandatory SOLO training for online courses, and then a really confusing email the next day
saying you don’t have to take the training. I sent my acting Chief of Staff to the meeting and they decided it is only
mandatory if the professor requires it. I met with the student health insurance committee last week. Roughly 200
students use the student health insurance; they will see premium cost increases. This won’t be able to cover the nonfull time students. The club house has begun tours, and it will be open by Summer B.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Shomari Gloster
- At our CSC meeting last week we heard SB-14S-2767 and it was tabled until we receive student usage analysis.
b. Budget and Allocations Committee –
- No current B&A chair. We will have elections tonight.
c. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairwoman Katherine Savage
- I would first like to thank everyone who came to senator orientation. We did a lot of brainstorming of how we as a
senate can improve elections in the fall. We talked about how this needs to be a group effort; I can’t do this on my
d. University and Student Affairs Committee – Chairman Chase Baker
- At our last meeting we talked about Osprey Voice and Finals Frenzy. Osprey voice is due this Friday, this one is about
the scantrons. I have a sign-up sheet for Finals Frenzy, you need to sign up for at least 2 hours or else you will get
absentee points.
e. Senate President Kaitlin Ramirez
- I would like to go over the rules of the Senate Chambers. Please do not eat in the Chambers; we need to keep this
room clean. That goes for drinks as well, please only water. For dress code, Senate is always business professional and
Committees are business casual unless stated otherwise by your chair. Please wear closed toes shoes. For dresses and
skirts use the fingertip rule. Cell phones are illegal to use during senate according to Sunshine Law. Please do not text
during senate, when you are here you need to be present without any distractions. Also, please do not talk to your
neighbors, the microphones are always on. Please get your homework done before senate; I don’t want to see anyone
doing their homework during Senate. You are all invited to SG orientation on May 16th and 17th. Senator scholarships
requirements are in the back. If you are going to be absent this summer, please let me know and also put your
preference for which committee you would like.
XIII. Executive Confirmations
a. Treasurer – Morgan Wolf
 Motion to confirm Morgan Wolf as Treasurer by unanimous consent. Second. No objections. No
discussion. Moved.
b. Attorney General – Matthew Harris
 Motion to confirm Matthew Harris as Attorney General. Second. No objections. No discussion. Moved
 Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. No discussion. Moved.
c. Chief of Staff – Collin Waychoff
 Motion to confirm Collin Waychoff as Chief of Staff by unanimous consent. Second. No objections. No
discussion. Moved.
d. Digital Media Coordinator – Armando Mitra
 Motion to confirm Armando Mitra as Digital Media Coordinator by unanimous consent. Second. No
objections. No discussion. Moved.
e. Director of Communications and Marketing – Gracie Lopresti
 Motion to confirm Gracie Lopresti as Director of Communications and Marketing by unanimous
consent. Second. No objections. No discussion. Moved.
f. Director of Analytics and Research – Chris Brady
 Motion to confirm Chris Brady as Director of Analytics and Research by unanimous consent. Second.
No objections. No discussion. Moved.
g. Club Alliance Director – Justin Dato
 Motion to confirm Justin Dato as Club Alliance Director by unanimous consent. Second. No objections.
No discussion. Moved.
h. Lend-a-Wing – Kyler Dykes
 Motion to confirm Kyler Dykes as Lend-a-Wing Pantry Coordinator by unanimous consent. Second. No
objections. Discussion. Moved.
i. Osprey Productions Director – John Chwalisz
 Motion to confirm John Chwalisz as Osprey Productions Director by unanimous consent. Second. No
objections. No discussion. Moved.
j. Osprey Productions Assistant Director – Andrew Coconato
 Motion to confirm Andrew Coconato as Osprey Productions Assistant Director by unanimous consent.
Second. No objections. No discussion. Moved.
*Sworn in by Chief Justice Danny Powers*
Senate Appointments
a. Tarek Kishek. Freshman.
 Motion to approve Tarek Kishek for Senator. Second. No objections. Discussion.
 Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. No discussion. Moved.
*Sworn in by Chief Justice Danny Powers*
New Business-NONE
- Legislation considered for 1st Reading
- Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
- Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
- Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
Legislative Cabinet Elections
- Budget and Allocations Committee Chair Nominations
 Senator Rotella. Accept? Yes
 Senator Bachman. Accept? No
 Senator Kishek. Accept? No
*Senator Rotella sworn in as B&A chair by Chief Justice Danny Powers*
- Please make sure you sign up for Finals Frenzy
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster–
- Quorum is reestablished with 30 voting members.
XVII. Adjournment
- Meeting adjourned at 7:57PM