Senate Minutes 3/10/14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – March 10th 2014 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order- Meeting is called to order at 6:35 PM
Pledge of Allegiance – Sen. Caudio
Invocation – Sen. Caudio
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
Quorum is established with 31 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
- Motion to table minutes to next senate meeting. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
- Motion to add SB-14S-2763 to 1st read. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to add Skyler Froud to new business for confirmation hearing for an Associate Justice. Second.
No objections. Moved. Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to add Daniel Koker to new business for confirmation hearing for an Associate Justice. Second.
No objections. Moved. Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
- Star Caudio. Senior. General Senate Seat.
- Em Antworth. Senior. General Senate Seat.
- Chase Baker. Sophomore. General Senate Seat.
Student Remarks
- Christina Wisz. Senior. Public Relations: We had a really great U.S.A. meeting last week. It is really
important for everyone to do their Osprey Voice. In class just go up to people that you don’t normally talk
to and ask them to do the survey, that’s how I got mine done last time.
- Star Caudio. Senior. History: I would like to commend Christina for reaching out to fellow ospreys; this is
all of our responsibilities to do this. I would also like to take the time to thank the senators and
professional staff who took the time to dress business casual, as the Sargent of Arms it’s my job to pay
attention to these things, so thank you.
- Chase Baker. Sophomore: As you know I’m going for appointment since I got disqualified, so I have to do
the packet again. Because of that I’ve been able to talk to a lot more students. A lot of them said that they
would like to see the library hours change to 24 hours.
- Gurgen Petrosyan. Junior. : I would encourage you as senators to speak here at Senate. It’s a real pleasure
to hear from senators, and for us all to share things about what we have experienced with students.
Guest Speakers-none
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice – Alex Goetz ( (5-minutes)
- Nominations will the 24th of this month for Chief Justice and elections will be April 7th. So if you are
interested in who will be the next Chief Justice you might want to come out to that. I will be
swearing in the new Chief Justice at the SG banquet. We also have two nominations for Associate
Justices tonight.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – John Chwalisz (3-minutes)
- Tonight with me I have my Public Relations Coordinator, Emily, with me tonight and she’s going to
give the event coordinator report:
 Public Relations Coordinator Emily: We have had Gravity movie night, and we also
launched our campus movie fest. We had about 80 teams and 50 movies submitted.
Wednesday at 7:30 we will show the top 16 movies, we would really appreciate your
support. It’s a red carpet event so please dress up. We also have a drag show coming up
as a part of Sex Fest, and that will be on April 3rd.
- I regret to inform you that this is my 2nd to last senate meeting. As Emily was talking about we have
Sex Fest coming up, please come and support these events. *Showed video for Spring Concert*
Please make sure to come out to the concert. We are working very hard on the lip sync concert
videos, they take about 4 hours each to edit.
Club Alliance – Brett Weisman (3-minutes)
- President Fassi: I will be giving Club Alliances report during my report.
Attorney General – Hailey Guerra (3-minutes)
- I just wanted to talk about Rally in Tally the week right after spring break. Rally in Tally is paid for by
SG for student to go to Tallahassee and represent UNF students. I will be passing out a sign-up sheet
after senate, so I hope to see all of you sign up. Ryan Traher has made a website for AIM Higher,
*pulled it up on screens*. I also wanted to thank the senators who came out to help with Aim higher.
Treasurer – Joe Turner (3-minutes)
- I was a part of a meeting, Student Affairs division, called Check I’m here, we are hopeful it’ll be
implemented July 1 of next fiscal year. Also, the Club budget meeting will be meeting March 28th,
April 1st and April 4th. If you know anyone or are a member of a club let your president know that
there requests are due this Friday March 14th for the CBC meetings. I am expecting about 25 requests
to be turned in by this Friday for the CBC meetings, and that concludes my report.
Vice President – Tony Stevens (3 minutes)
- There was one change to the SG banquet; the location is now in the University Center instead of the
Ballrooms. Alin is going to tell you about the awards we will be distributing at the Banquet :
 Student Advocate Alin Cepoi :First we have Senator of the Year. I would like to open
the floor for nominations at this time. Senator Ramirez. Second. Accept? No-(received
the award last year) Senator Caudio. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator Moore. Second.
Accept? Yes. Senator Wolf. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator Waychoff. Second. Accept?
Yes. Senator Antworth. Second. Accept? Yes. Next award we have is the New Year
Senator Award. I would like to open the floor for nominations at this time. Senator
Hellreigal. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator Savage. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator
Silberstein. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator Harold. Second. Accept? Yes. Moving on to
the next award, we have the Rising Star award. I would like to open the floor for
nominations at this time. Matthew Harris. Second. (Not present to accept). AG Hailey
Guerra. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator Reich. Second. Accept? Yes. John Chwalisz.
Second. Accept? Yes. Next we have the Most Valued award. I would like to open the
floor for nominations at this time. Senator Petrosyan. Second. Accept? Yes. AG Paige
Lehman. Second. (Not present to accept). Ryan Traher. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator
Brady. Second. Accept? Yes. Treasurer Turner. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator Antworth.
Second. Accept? Yes. VP Stevens. Second. Accept? Yes. Next we have the Hall of Fame
award. I would like to open the floor for nominations at this time. Chief Justice Alex
Goetz. Second. Accept? Yes. Senator Wisz. Second. Accept? Yes. Ryan Traher. Second.
Accept? Yes. Paige Lehman. Second. (Not present to accept). Brett Weisman. Second.
(Not present to accept).Next we have the John E. Sapp award. I would like to open the
floor for nominations at this time. Former VP Billy Namen. Second. (Not present to
accept). John Chwalisz. Second. Accept? Yes. Kaitlin Ramirez. Second. Accept? Yes.
Alin Cepoi. Second. Accept? Yes. Joseph Turner. Second. Accept? Respectfully Decline.
Carlo Fassi. Second. Accept? Respectfully decline. Chris Brady. Second. Accept? Yes.
Brett Weisman. Second. (Not present to accept).The last award is for the Staff. *senators
vote on paper ballot* Alin presents the drawing of the Ozzie Statue on Projector
screens. The statue should be finished by the end of this year in December.
- Alin has been working very hard on this, so if we could I would like to give a big round of applause
for Alin.
President – Carlo Fassi (5-minutes)
- First I would like to talk about Club Alliance; we have had multiple clubs submit their requests for
CBC. I would like to thank everyone who showed up to the Aim Higher event, and I hope that we
will get a lot of people attending Rally in Tally as well. Tonight I have two justice appointees that I
hope you confirm. They are both very qualified, and they can hopefully help mold the judicial branch
in the right direction. Now I would like to address your Senate President not hearing SB-14S-2762,
unfortunately there are moments in this room, where I feel like things aren’t very clearly stated. The
senate doesn’t necessarily have all the information to go off. I would ask you to look over SB-14S2762 which is in front of you. Last week I was notified that the swearing in of the new administration
would have to occur on April 3rd, why? Because of that clause in SB-14S-2762. Every year for the
past decade and then some, we have had the new administration sworn in at the SG banquet. I met
with our advisor and talked about the merits of actually passing a bill like this. This would just simply
allow for the actual swearing in of the new admin at the banquet, like we have always done. I would
hope that the Senate would reconsider this and allow this to be placed on 1st read tonight. This would
allow the CSC committee to actually hear the bill and understand the merits of it. And if they chose
to pass it this body can hear it again in 3 weeks. I feel as if this is really important.
 Sen. Waychoff: I was looking at the bill and I don’t understand why we change the law
instead of moving the event.
 President Fassi: We already have the reservation at the University Center in the Board of
Trustees room. SB-14S-2762 would allow us to do the swearing in of the new president
at the banquet. Basically make it a requirement for the new administration to be sworn
in at the banquet. It would make it consistent with what we have been doing for the past
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Kaitlin Ramirez (
- This is a reminder for you to submit your absence for. As we approach the end of the semester I
would hate for you to lose those points. Let me know if you have any questions.
b. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Collin Waychoff (
- At the last B&A committee we passed two travel requests. One was the Bass Fishing Club and the
other was North Florida Wrestling. Currently we have $1,632 left in the Student Conference travel
index. So far we have 2 travel requests and 2 special requests that we will here at our next committee
meeting, which is on March 24th.
c. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairwoman Emily Antworth (
- I don’t really have much to talk about tonight. I would really like for all of you to come to my next
E&A meeting, we will be talking about online voting.
d. University & Student Affairs Committee – Chairwoman Star Caudio (
- We will be having a Round table this Wednesday on the 12th. I want to say its mandatory, so if you
are not in class I would highly encourage you come out and talk to students. Also, a lot of you on
University Wide Committees, and I am not getting the notes. I am sorry but that is really
unacceptable. SO please give me the information I need so I can do my job. The osprey voice that’s
coming, we had about 1/3 of the senators not complete the osprey voice. Once again, that is a
responsibility of ours. I am giving you a second chance to make up for that. Also, please use tally
marks and keep it neat. I want to see at least 90% participation this time.
e. Senate President Christopher Brady (
- I just want to explain why I decided not to hear SB-14S-2762; I think it is unfair to make these
changes 2 weeks before the swearing in date. If you would like to pass this bill after the swearing in
of the president and vice president, we can do that. So, if anyone has a problem with that you can
add it to the CSC agenda at the next meeting.
 Sen. Reich: would you hear a motion to reconsider? Sen. President Brady: no, not tonight.
 Legislative Cabinet Nominations:
- Senate President
 Kaitlin Ramirez. Second. Accept? Yes.
- Senate President Pro-Tempore
 Shomari Gloster. Second. Accept? Yes.
- Budget and Allocations Chair
 Morgan Wolf. Second. Accept? Yes.
- Elections and Appointments Chair
 Kate Savage. Second. Accept? Yes. Jonathan Mack. Second. Accept? Yes.
University and Student Affairs Chair
 None.
 Tyler Stovall. Second. Accept? Yes.
New Business
- Motion to reopen the agenda. Roll call vote (3/4 vote): Motion dies 10-0-21
- Judicial Confirmations: Skyler Froud. Freshman. Motion to confirm Skyler Froud. Second. No objections.
Discussion. Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved. Sworn in as Associate Justice.
Daniel Koker. Motion to confirm Daniel Koker. Second. No objections. Discussion. Motion for unanimous
consent. Second. No objections. Moved. Sworn in as Associate Justice.
- Legislation considered for 1st Reading
- Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
- Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
i. SB-14S-2761 Validation of Spring 2014 General Elections Results
- Senator Antworth (Sponsor): You can see SB-14S-2761; there is not much to it. If you have
any questions about it, let me know.
 Motion to approve SB-14S-2761. Second. No objections. No discussion. Roll call vote:
Motion passes 27-4-0
- Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
- Senator Orientation is April 12th from 9:30-4:00 for the new senators. I really hope you can all come.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
- Quorum is reestablished with 31 voting members.
- Meeting is adjourned at 8:03PM.