Fall 2015 Adopt-a-Bed Agreement

UNF Ogier Gardens
Adopt-A-Bed Agreement
DATE: __________________
We, (Club/organization name)
, understand and agree to
accept the terms stated below. Failure to comply with this agreement will result in plot reassignment. Plot assignments are
renewed or reassigned after each semester.
1. Our club is expected to self-organize to divide-up our adopt-a-bed responsibilities. These include harvesting produce, planting,
weeding and mulching of our assigned plot.
2. We agree to come to the garden at least once a week during the garden’s scheduled, general volunteer hours to tend to our
plot and to contribute to general garden improvements. We will devote 2 hours weekly (individually or as a group) to volunteering
in the garden outside of our plot and perform tasks suggested or assigned by Ogier Gardens staff. If our group does not come to
the garden for three consecutive weeks our plot may be reassigned.
3. Ogier Gardens staff provides all Organic and OMRI listed inputs, for example, seeds, seedlings, fertilizer, etc. and we agree not to
introduce any outside plants, insects, pesticides or plant material in the Garden without permission form the Ogier Gardens Coordinator.
4. We will notify Ogier Gardens Staff about pest problems and work with them to find solutions. We understand that the Ogier Gardens
Coordinator only applies Organic pesticides as a last resort and will notify you if this is deemed necessary.
5. After the semester is complete, we agree to renew our agreement OR return the plot to a clean and orderly state as instructed by a
Gardens Staff member.
Participant Name
(Participant #1 considered core contact)
Made Possible By the Student Life & Services Fee