College of Education and Human Services

Department of Childhood Education, Literacy and TESOL
Monnin, K., & Bowman, R. (2013). Teaching reading comprehension with graphic texts: An
illustrated journey. Gainesville, FL: Maupin House.
Jaffe, M., & Monnin, K. (2012). Teaching content area graphic novels: A guide for middle level
educators. Gainesville, FL: Maupin House.
Weber, C. L., Boswell, C., & Behrens, W. A. (2013) Exploring critical issues in gifted education: A case
studies approach. Austin, TX: Prufrock Press (co-published with the National Association for the
Gifted (NAGC).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Journal Articles
Boote, S. K. (2012). Assessing and understanding line graph interpretations using a
scoring rubric of cited factors. Journal of Science Teacher Education. Advance
online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10972-012-9318-8
Byun, J., & Kim, J. (2013). Homestay: What factors contribute to second language learning? English 21,
26(1), 267-291.
Byun, J., & Cho, Y. (2013). Evaluation of VanPatten’s input processing Theory as a
theory of instructed second language acquisition. The Journal of Korea
Knowledge Information Technology Society, 8(12), 95-106.
Cheek, K. A. (2013 April/May, ). Washed away! Science and Children, 50 (8), 52-56.
Cheek, K. A. (2012). Students’ understanding of large numbers as a key factor in their understanding of
geologic time. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 10(5), 1047-1069.
doi: 10.1007/s10763-011-9312-1
Monnin, K. (2013). An exciting and unique opportunity for teachers and librarians: Aligning
graphic novels to the Common Core and NCTE/IRA standards. Knowledge Quest, 41(3), 51-56.
Weber, C. L., Johnson, L., & Tripp, S. (in press). Implementing differentiation: A school’s journey.
Gifted Child Today. doi: 10.1177/1076217513486646
Conference Proceedings
Stanley, N., & Dillingham, B. (2012, December). Culturally responsive performance
literacy. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Reading, Mons, Belgium.
Ouyang, J. R. (2013). An ancient ideology of equal education vs. technology implementation in the 21st
century: What if Confucius was still alive?. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology
& Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (pp. 1921-1926). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Retrieved from
Alqarawi, M., Dandeni, S. & Ouyang, J. R. (2013). A Research Analysis on the Effectiveness of
Technology in English as a foreign Language (EFL) Teaching and Learning in Elementary and
Middle Schools. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & & Teacher Education
International Conference 2013 (pp. 5112-5117). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the
Advancement of Computing in Education. Retrieved from
Alqarawi, M., Dandeni, S., Hollan, M. & Ouyang, J. R. (2013). A Digital Resource Summary for
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. In Proceedings of Society for Information
Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (pp. 5112-5117). Chesapeake,
VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Retrieved from
Book Chapters
Williams, L. (2013). Book selections: Discovering what will entice struggling readers to say, “I want to
read that one!” In A. McGill-Franzen & R. Allington (Eds.), Summer reading setback and what
we can do about it. NY: Teachers College Press.
Juried Creative Works/Performances
Stanley, N. V. & Han, B. (2013, April). Hope at Hand, INC: A documentary about poetry therapy.
Presented at the Word Arts Film Festival, Jacksonville, FL.
Refereed and Invited Presentations
Boote, S. K. (2013, April). Making our base-10 system concrete and comprehensible. [A 90-Minute
Gallery Workshop presented at the 2013 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Annual Meeting in Denver, CO.
Boote, S. K., & Boote, D.N. (2012, November). Roles of mathematics and science knowledge during
line-graph interpretation 2012 School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA) Annual
Convention in Birmingham, AL.
Carter, C. C. (2012, November). Standards and guidelines for peace education. Plenary
address and paper presentation at the biannual meeting of the International Peace Research
Association, Tsu, Japan.
Carter, C. C. (2012, July). Peace education in a global context. Presented at the Fulbright Colombia
forum. Universidad de Córdoba, Montería, Colombia.
Carter, C. C. (2012, August). Conflict resolution in higher education. Presented at the Florida
Organization of Women in Higher Education, Jacksonville, Florida.
Cheek, K.A. (2013, March). Investigating & improving conceptions of temporal duration using
computer animations. Southeastern Section Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
Fullerton, E., ( 2013, April). Promoting social emotional skills through play. Presented at the conference
of the North Florida Association for the Education of Young Children. Jacksonville, FL.
David, G., & Fullerton, E., (2012, October). Social Scenes: Promoting preschool friendship. Presented
at the conference of the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children.Orlando, FL.
Hall, K.W. (2013). Seaside Community Charter School: A grassroots innovation. Beyond School Hours
XVI Foundations, Inc. Conference. Jacksonville, FL.
Hall, K., Williams, L., Hedrick, W., & Boller, D. (2012). Earth Matters Book Club: Engaging students
in reading nonfiction texts. Florida Reading Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
Hedrick, W.B. (2013, February). Teaching text patterns for writing and reading information. 9th
International Literacy Conference, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Boller, D., Hall, K., Hedrick, W., Lamkin, M., & Williams, L. (2012, November). Independent
Reading: What do engaged readers look like? National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE),
Las Vegas, NV.
Monnin, K. (2013, May). Teaching reading with comic books and graphic novels(Featured Speaker).
Presented at the Clay County Reading Council: St. Augustine, FL.
Monnin, K. (2013, January). Teaching and aligning graphic novels to the Common Core Standards.
(Featured Speaker ). Presented at the South Carolina Council
of Teachers of English (SCCTE) annual conference. Kiawah Island, SC.
Monnin, K. (2012, November). Redefining reading with graphic novels in 21st century classrooms:
Grades K – 2. National Literacy for All Conference. Providence, RI.
Monnin, K. (2012, November). Redefining reading with graphic novels in 21st century classrooms:
Grades 3 – 6. (Featured Speaker). presented at the National Literacy for All Conference.
Providence, RI.
Monnin, K. (2012, October, Featured Speaker). Teaching reading comprehension with
graphic novels. Presented at the Florida Reading Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
Ouyang, J. R. (2013, March). An Ancient Ideology of Equal Education vs. Technology Implementation
in the21st Century: What if Confucius was still alive? Presented at SITE2013: 24th International
Annual Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, New
Orleans, LA,
Alqarawi, M., Dandeni, S. & Ouyang, J. R. (2013, March). A research analysis on the effectiveness of
technology in English as a foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning in elementary and
middle schools. Presented at SITE2013: 24th International Annual Conference of the Society for
Information Technology and Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA, March 25-29, 2013.
Alqarawi, M., Dandeni, S., Hollan, M. & Ouyang, J. R. (2013, March). A digital resource summary for
teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Presented at SITE2013: 24th International
Annual Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, New
Orleans, LA.
Ouyang, R. (2012, October). Equality of education in Confucianism and in the 21st century: Ancient
ideology and present practice. Presented at the 18th ACPSS International Conference in
Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh. PA,
Stanley, N. V. & Cox, R. (2012, October . Teaching reading through play: A Vygotskian perspective.
Workshop presented at the Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE) Conference,
Jacksonville, FL.
Stanley, N.V. (2013, April). Poetry olio. Presented at the 58th Annual Convention of the International
Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.
Weber C. L., & Behrens, W. A. (2012). Decision making strategies in professional development. 12th
Asia-Pacific Conference for Giftedness, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Weber C. L., & Behrens, W. A. (2012). Enhancing professional development using case studies. 12th
Asia-Pacific Conference for Giftedness, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Weber, C. L. (2013). Examining issues in gifted education: Making connections to the NAGC Standards.
Florida Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
.Hall, K., Williams, L., Hedrick, W., & Boller, D. (2012). Earth Matters Book Club: Engaging students
in reading nonfiction texts. Florida Reading Association Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Contracts and Grants (Other)
Cheek, K.(2012) COEHS Faculty Support Grant. ($500).
Cheek, K. (2012)Course Redesign for Effective Learning, ($1,000).
Stanley, N., Ouyang, R. & Byun, J. (2012-2013). UNF Graduate School for support of development of
online TESOL certificate program. ($23,000)
Stanley, N. (2013-2014). $15,000 from Cummer Family Foundation of Boston for support of the arts
for high risk students in inner city schools.
Department of Exceptional, Deaf & Interpreter Education
Giordano, G. (2012). Teachers go to rehab: historical and current advice to instructors. Lanham, Md.:
Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Moores, D.F. & Paul, P. (Eds.), (2012). Deaf Epistemologies: Multiple Perspectives on the Acquisition
of Knowledge Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Shaw, S. (2013). Service-learning in interpreter education: Strategies for extending student involvement
in the Deaf community. 6, Interpreter Education Series. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University
Book Chapters
Moores, D. (2012). Epistemology and education of deaf students. In D. Moores & P. Paul (Eds.), Deaf
epistemologies: Multiple perspectives on the acquisition of knowledge. Washington, DC:
Gallaudet University Press.
Moores, D. (2012). Retrospectus and prospectus. In D. Moores & P. Paul (Eds.), Deaf epistemologies:
Multiple perspectives on the acquisition of knowledge. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University
Moores, D. (2012). Toward an understanding of epistemology and deafness. In D. Moores & P. Paul
(Eds.), Deaf epistemologies: Multiple perspectives on the acquisition of knowledge.Washington,
DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., & Williams G., & Hennington, E. (2012). Socialization: People with
disabilities. Transition planning strategies. In J. Kunz & C. Stuart (Eds). Beyond the
millennium (3rd ed., pp. 31-40). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
Stuart, C., Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., & Williams G. (2012). The link between deviance and disabilities:
Does one exist. In J. Kunz & C. Stuart (Eds.). Beyond the millennium (3rd ed., pp. 95-112).
Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
Peer-reviewed journals (International, National, Regional, State)
Batey, J. J. & Lupi, M. H. (2012). Reflections on student interns' cultural awareness developed through a
short-term international internship. Teacher Education Quarterly, 39(3), 25-44.
Guardino, C., & Antia, S. (2012). Modifying the classroom environment to increase engagement and
decrease disruption with students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Journal of Deaf Studies and
Deaf Education, 17(3), 518-533.
Lupi, M. H., Batey, J.J. & Turner, K. C. (2012). Crossing Cultures: U.S. student teacher observations
of pedagogy, learning and practice in Plymouth, U.K. schools. Journal of Education and
Teaching, 38(4), 483-496.
Moores, D. F. (2013). One size does not fit all: Individualized instruction in a standardized educational
system.... based on a keynote address, 'A Tour of the Horizons,". American Annals of the Deaf,
158(1), 98-103.
Bowen-Bailey, D., & Shaw, S. (2012). Moving interpreter education online: A conversation with Sherry
Shaw, International Journal of Interpreter Education, 4, 99-109
Non-peer reviewed journals
Moores, D. (2012). Edward E. Corbett, Jr. (Memorial Editorial). American Annals of the Deaf, 157(4),
Contracts and Grants OSRP
Patterson, K. B. (2012). Florida Inclusion Network – Florida Department of Education [Awarded
September 2012 - $540,000.00].
Contracts and Grants
Guardino, C., & Monnin, K. (Co-Principal Investigators). College of Education and Human Services
Dean’s Education Advisory Council: 2013-2014 [Awarded March 2013: University of North
Florida, $3,000].
Guardino, C., (Principal Investigator). College of Education and Human Services Faculty Support
Grant: 2012-2013 [Awarded January 2013: University of North Florida, $500].
Guardino, C. (Principal Investigator). UNF International Faculty Grant, Exceptional Student Education:
Special Education in Southeast Asia: Expanding our Horizons to Thailand [Awarded December
2012: University of North Florida, $2,500].
Reed, D. Community Based Transformation Learning Center for Community Scholars program.
[$2,500.00]. University of North Florida.
Shaw, S. (2012). Graduate Study Abroad and Mentored Interpretation Research. Transformational
Learning Opportunities. Jacksonville, FL: University of North Florida. [$5,000].
Webb, K. (2012) ACCESS Academy. Ward Foundation. $330,000 for a three-year period.
Webb, K.W. (2011/12). Postsecondary education for students with disabilities. Blue Cross Blue Shield
for a two-year period for $40,000.
Presented Scholarship (International, National, Regional, State)
Guardino, C., Cannon, J., & Rafferty, K., (2013, February). Almost there!: A replication study of an
effective reading strategy used with Deaf English Language Learners. Presented at Association
of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Santa Fe, NM.
Becker, S., Guardino, C., & Cannon, J., (2013, February). Global Perspectives: Collaborating and
Connecting Through a Service Learning Experience. Association of College Educators of the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Santa Fe, NM.
Guardino, C., Cannon, J.E., & Becker, S. (2012, August). Literacy Strategies for Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Students who are also English Language Learners. University of the Philippines, Manila,
Dechman, J. & Guardino, C. 2012, August). Classroom Management Strategies for Students with
Varying Disabilities. University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines.
Guardino, C. & Rafferty, K. ( 2012, November). Deaf & English Language Learners: An “Almost”
Evidence-Based Strategy for Teaching Reading. Florida Summit on Childhood Deafness, Lake
Mary, FL.
Guardino, C. (2012, September). Understanding how to work with students who have a hearing loss in
the inclusive setting. The University of Texas at El Paso, Virtual Presentation from Jacksonville,
Lupi, M. H., & Turner, K. (2012, October). The Pedagogical impact of a short-term faculty-led study
abroad student teaching internship. Florida Association of Teacher Educators Conference,
Jacksonville, Florida.
Lupi, M. H., Martin, S. M., Colley, D. , Miller, K., Patterson, K. (2012, November). Academic
Leadership in the 21st Century: People, Money and Sanity, 35th Annual conference of the
Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Grand Rapids, MI.
Lupi, M. H., Batey, J.J. & Turner, K.C. (2013, February). Crossing cultures: Development,
implementation, and reflection of short-term international student teaching internship to England.
Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Education, Atlanta, GA..
Moores, D. F. (2013). One size does not fit all: Individualized instruction in a standardized educational
system.... based on a keynote address, 'A Tour of the Horizons," presented at the 2012 annual
conference of the Association of College Educators/Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE/OHH), held
in Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Patterson, K., Svyerud, S., & Reed, D. (2013, February) Fostering Civic Awareness of our Teacher
Candidates in a PDS Context: Meeting the Needs of School Partners, Struggling Learners, and
Students with Exceptionalities. The Gulf-South Summit regional conference Louisville, KY.
Reed, D. (2012,March) Using peer support data to identify career strengths and abilities. National
Association for Persons in Supported Employment, Washington, DC.
Reed, D., Stallard, C.. (March 2012) A Family of Advocates: Leadership from the perspective of an
Employer, a service learning college professor, and a student advocate. National Association for
Persons in Supported Employment, Washington, DC.
Stallard, C. & Reed, D. (2012, March). “TEEN APSE: How to get youth involved in advocating for
employment rights for people with disabilities. National Association for Persons in Supported
Employment, Washington, DC.
Reed, D. Orlando, A., Ruppar,A., Ryndak, D.R., (2012, November). Content and Contexts of Literacy
in Intervention Studies for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities. National TASH
conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Reed, D. (2012, November). Using Peer Support Data to Identify Career Strengths and Abilities.
National TASH conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Reed, D. ((2012, November). Community-based Transformational Experiences: Working to change a
Middle School culture. National TASH conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Reed, D. ( 2013, February). Enhancing the Collegiate Experience: Special Education Teacher
Candidates and Civic Engagement in an urban professional development school. National
Professional Development School conference, New Orleans, LA.
Falbo, M., Tiberio, M., Reed, D., Johnson,C., Pope,B., Pittman, J., Poczateck, D., Brown, J., (2013,
May) Engaging Jacksonville: An Inside Look at Three Innovative Community-University
Partnerships. The National Campus Compact conference, Dearborn, MI.
Reed, D. (2013, March) Enhancing the collegiate experience: special education teacher candidates and
civic engagement in an Urban Professional Development School. The Gulf South Summit
regional conference, Louisville, KY.
Graham, J., & Reed, D. (2013, March) Assessment’s role in the continuous improvement of communitybased experiences: One university’s approach. The Gulf-South Summit regional conference,
Louisville, KY.
Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., & Patterson, K. ( 2013, April). Boosting ACCESS to success! Pacific Rim
International Conferences on Disabilities, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Shaw, S. (2012, September). Trust and responsibility in the Deaf Community: The role of community
based learning in preparing interpreters. Plenary Presenter: Association of Sign Language
Interpreters, Bristol, UK.
Shaw, S. (2012, September). Distance Learning in Interpreter Education: Design, integration, &
delivery. Co-Presenter: European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters, Trainers Seminar on Sign
Language Interpreter Training: An Integrated Approach, Graz, AU.
Shaw, S. (2013, April) Social connectedness: Generational impact Co-Presenter. Jones Memorial
Lecture Series at the University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, CAN.
Shaw, S. ( 2013, May). Interpreting for People who are Deaf-Blind: Roles and Responsibilities. CoPresenter, University of Graz, AU.
Shaw, S. (May 27, 2013). Effective methods for interpreter training. Presenter, GESDO Interpreter
Education Program, Linz, AU.
Shaw, S. ( 2013, May). Implications of Deaf-Blindness on Interpreters and Support Service Provider.
Co-Presenter, GESDO Interpreter Education Program, Linz, AU.
Shaw, S. ( 2012, October). Uniting industry and academia in interpreter education: A partnership model
proposal developer-. Conference of Interpreter Trainers, Charlotte, NC.
Shaw, S. ( 2012, July) Ethical Considerations of Interpreting in Healthcare Settings Presenter: Austrian
Sign Language Interpreters Association Graz, AU.
Shaw, S. ( 2012, July) Ethical Interpreting in Healthcare Settings Presenter: Upper Austria Interpreter
Education Program. Linz, AU.
Svyreud, S. & Reed, D. (February 2013). Making a positive difference in our Urban Professional
Development Schools. The Gulf-South Summit regional conference Louisville, KY.
Syverud, S.M. (2013, February). Increasing the reading achievement levels in an urban professional
development school: Collaborating on Tiers 2 and 3 response to intervention. 2013 Professional
Development Schools National Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Syverud, S.M. & Reed, D.S. (February 14, 2013). Fostering civic awareness of our teacher candidates
in a PDS context: Meeting the needs of school partners, struggling learners, and students with
exceptionalities. 2013 Professional Development Schools National Conference. New Orleans,
Syverud, S.M. & Reed, D.S. (2013). Making a positive difference in our urban professional
development schools. 2013 Professional Development Schools National Conference. New
Orleans, LA.
Webb, K. (2013, March). Disability DOES matter! Invited speaker at the International Disability Matters
conference sponsored by Florida Blue. Jacksonville, FL.
Webb, K., Rowe, T., Castanos, M. (2013, April). Project THRIVE: Services for college students with
ASD. Invited conference presentation at Narrowing the Gulf. Clearwater, FL.
Webb, K., & West., D. (2013, February). Strategies for reaching students with intellectual disabilities on
college campuses. Invited presentation at Tools Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Webb, K. (2012, October). Cool or ghoul? Thinking about how you come across to others. Invited
presentation at the Hartwick Symposium, Jacksonville, FL.
Hayes, M., & Webb, K. (2012, May). Creating and expanding an inclusive TPSID program. Invited
conference presentation at Visions, Tampa, FL.
Department of Foundations and Secondary Education
Book Chapters
Ali-Khan, C. (2013). Challenging inexorability: A journey of critical optimism. In R. Lake and T. Kress
(Eds). We saved the best for you: Letters of hope, wisdom and imagination to 21st century
educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
White, J.W. (2012). From textbooks to ‘managed instructional systems’: Corporate control of the
English Language Arts. In H. Hickman and B. Porfilio (Eds.). The new politics of the textbook: A
project of critical examination and resistance. Boston: Sense Publishers.
Book Reviews
Wilson, H. E. (2013). Review of the book Assessing teacher quality: Understanding teacher effects on
instruction and achievement' [Book Review]. The Journal of Educational Research, 106, 89-90.
Peer-reviewed journals (International, National, Regional, State)
Dinsmore, D. L., & Alexander, P. A. (2012). A critical discussion of deep and surface processing: What
It means, how it is measured, the role of context, and model specification. Educational
Psychology Review, 24, 499-567.
Dinsmore, D. L., & Parkinson, M. M. (2012). What are confidence judgments made of? Students’
explanations for their confidence ratings and what that means for calibration. [Special Issue on
Calibrating calibration: Creating conceptual clarity to guide measurement and calibration]
Learning and Instruction, 24, 4-14.
Langdon, F., Alexander, P. A., Dinsmore, D.L., & Rideout. (2012). Uncovering perceptions of the
induction and mentoring experience: Developing a measure that works. Teacher Development,
16, 399-414.
Lucey, T., & Tanase, M. (2012). Making learning to problem-solve count. Multicultural Education,
19(4), 8-13.
Nerren, J., Abel, C., & Wilson, H. E. (2012). Language stimulation techniques for prekindergarten
English language learners. TexELT: Texas English Language Teaching, 1, 22-26.
Siegle, D., Wilson, H. E., & Little, C. A. (2013). A sample of gifted and talented educators’ attitudes
about academic acceleration. Journal of Advanced Academics, 24(1), 27-51.
Tanase, M., Smith, T., Sowder, M., & Leavitt, T. (2012). Constructivist practices in a teacher education
program. The Constructivist, 21(1), 67-105.
White, J.W. (2012). Can I get an amen? The Black Gospel Church as discourse community, pedagogy,
and model of code meshing. Journal of Languages and Cultures, 3(6), 96-111.
Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2012). College choices of academically talented secondary students.
Journal of Advanced Academics, 23, 32-52.
Wilson, H. E., Gresham, J., Williams, M., Whitley, C., & Partin, J. (2013). Female-only classes in
a rural context: Self-concept, achievement, and discourse. Journal of Research
in Rural Education, 28(9), 1-14.
Proceedings from Meetings, Symposia and Conferences
Zoellner, B. & Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Empowering pre-service science teachers to be
active users of Etext resources. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information
Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2013 (pp. 4085-4091).
Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Presented Scholarship( International, National, Regional, State)
Ali-Khan, C. (2012, October). “A bridge made of pictures. Engaging the whole learner through image
based projects: An example from Pakistan.” Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE
conference). Jacksonville, FL.
Ali-Khan, C. (2013, April). “Now let me show you!”: Examining children’s photo-elicitation texts in two
international contexts. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference.
Vancouver, Canada.
Ali-Khan, C. (2013, February). “Oh, I hear you now!”: Listening and learning through image-based
projects. Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual conference. Atlanta, GA. .
Chant, R. H., Lastrapes, W., & Zoellner, B. P. (2013). Perspectives and possibilities: Collective voices
in the building of a school-based/university partnership. Paper presented at the Eastern
Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Sarasota, FL.
Lastrapes, W., Chant, R. H., Tanase, M., Cohan, N., Osborn, M., Willard, C., & Ledford, J. D. (2012).
Creating an instructional campus for community-based learning in a secondary teacher
education program. Presentation presented at the Florida Association of Teacher Educators
Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Lastrapes, W. & Fullerton, E. (2012, October). Community-based Transformation Learning: A focus on
urban teacher preparation. Presented at the Florida Association of Educators Annual
Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Nerren, J. W., Wilson, H. E., & Abel, C. (2013, April). Overcoming poverty to construct language:
Differences in rural and urban Head Start preschoolers' English language acquisition and
response to indirect language stimulation intervention. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Riner, P. (2012). Inviting the coach within: Neurology, AD/HD, and mindfulness. The International
Conference for The International Alliance for Invitational Education, Hong Kong.
Salmón, O. (2012, November). Is your classroom engaging for each unique student? Self-awareness and
teaching strategies for diverse learners. Paper presented at the 2012 National Association for
Multicultural Education, Philadelphia, PA.
Sowder, M., Smith, T., Tanase, M., & Leavitt, T. (2012). Using metaphor to assess practice: Our
journey from K-12 teachers to teacher educators. Paper presented at the 9th Annual International
Conference on Self-Study, Castle Herstermonceux, England.
Tanase, M. (2013, February). Meeting student needs in the Freedom Writers Movie: An activity in a
classroom management course. Paper presented at the Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the
Association of Teacher Educators, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, T., Sowder, M., Tanase, M., & Leavitt, T. (2013, February). How four teacher educators use
standards: A narrative exploration. Paper presented at the Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the
Association of Teacher Educators, Atlanta, GA.
Wilson, H. E., Nerren, J. W., & Josephsen, S. (2013, April). Measuring teacher dispositions: A
validation of the Stephen F. Austin Teacher Disposition Instrument. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Wilson, H. E., Hasbun, T. C., Akerson, A., Greshan, G. J., Vaughan, E., Decker, A. (2013, April). Play
behaviors in a constructivist early childhood environment. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Department of Leadership, School Counseling and Sport Management
Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Effect of using repurposed science rich feature films with varying levels of
student activity on middle grades science instruction. Amazon: Kindle Direct Publishing.
Stone, C. (2013). School counseling principles: Ethics and law (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: American
School Counselor Association.
Book Chapters
Cavanaugh, T., Lamkin, M., & Hu, H. (2012). Generalized checklist significance in improving
timeliness in asynchronous distance education. In C. D. Maddux (Ed.), Research highlights in
technology and teacher education (pp. 175-180). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the
Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)/Society for Information Technology in
Teacher Education (SITE).
Cavanaugh, T. & Patterson, K. (2012). Assistive technology in the transition education process. In M. L.
Wehmeyer & K. W. Webb (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent transition education for youth with
disabilities (pp. 233-245). New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Janson, C., Parikh, S., Jones, J., Ransome, T., & Moses, L. (2013). Principals use of discursive digital
reflection to inform student relationships and lead staff. In J. Friend and, M. Militello (Eds.)
Principal 2.0: Technology and educational leadership (pp. 57-71). Charlotte, NC: Information
Age Publishing.
Wallace, L., Rodenberg, R., Lee, J. W., &. Miloch, K. (2012). Licensing and brand management. In B.
Parkhouse, B. Turner, & Miloch, K. (Eds.). Sport marketing: Winning strategies for business
success (pp. 231-253). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Scheirer, E. A. (2012). Vision, practice, reflection: The influence of four women on progressive
education. In B. Sams, J. Job, & J. C. Jupp (Eds.), Excursions and recursions through power,
privilege, and praxis (pp. 131-142). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Peer-reviewed journals (International, National, Regional, State)
Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Reading the streaming: Streaming audio and video read-alouds of books. Florida
Reading Journal 49(1), 46-51.
Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Seeing an original. Florida Reading Journal 49(2), 29-32.
Cavanaugh, T. (2012). Text sonification. Florida Reading Journal 48(3). 38-40.
Cavanaugh, T., Lamkin, M. & Hu, H. (2012). Using a generalized checklist to improve student
assignment submission times in an online course. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
(JALN), 16(4), 39-45.
Johnson, J., Malhoit, G., & Shope, S. (2012). Rural-specific strategies and concerns in the budget
process. School Business Affairs, 78(3), 24-26.
Kane, J. and Sweeney, K. (2013). Philanthropic community-based learning: A pilot study. The
FAPHERDS Journal, 51(1), 22-23.
Reynolds, S., Johnson, J., & Salzman, J. (2012). Screening for learning disabilities in Adult Basic
Education students. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 25(2), 179-195.
Militello, M. & Janson, C. (2012) The urban school reform opera: The obstructions to transforming
school counseling practices. Education and Urban Society. doi: 10.1177/0013124512468007
Non-peer reviewed journals
Strange, M. Johnson, J., Showalter, D., & Klein, R. (2012). Washington, DC: The Rural School and
Community Trust. Why rural matters 2011-12: The condition of rural education in the 50 states.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED528634).
Schumacher, R.A. (2012) ASGW All grown up: Reminiscing 40 Years and Counting. The Group
Worker, 41(2), 1.
Schumacher, R.A. (2012) ASGW: The 90s and the status of the association. The Group Worker, 41(3), 12.
Stone, C. (2013). ASCA Members Weigh in on Ward vs. Wilbanks. ASCA School Counselor, 50(3), 610.
Stone, C. (2012). Asked and Answered. ASCA School Counselor, 49(5), 6-8.
Stone, C. (2013). Cyber bullying: Disruptive Conduct or Free Speech? ASCA School Counselor, 50(5),
Stone, C. (2012). District Policy and Student Pregnancy. ASCA School Counselor, 50(1), 6-9.
Stone, C. (2013). Political Acumen: A Skill for School Counselor Effectiveness. ASCA School
Counselor, 50(4), 6-9.
Stone, C. (2012). When College Opportunity Advocacy Goes Awry. ASCA School Counselor, 50(2), 6 –
Proceedings from Meetings, Symposia and Conferences
Zoellner, B. & Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Empowering pre-service science teachers to be Active users of
Etext Resources. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings from Society for Information Technology &
Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference (pp. 4085-4091). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Reading dissertations as Ebooks: a committee member’s view. In P. Resta (Ed.),
Proceedings from Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International
Conference 2013 (pp. 2554-2560). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Cornelius, L. & Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Online learning and legal jurisdiction. In P. Resta (Ed.),
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International
Conference 2013 (pp. 356-360). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Contracts and Grants(Other)
Cavanaugh, T. UNF - TLO (Transformational Learning Opportunity) Grant to have project students
participate as research presenters at regional and national conferences. TLO 2012.
Cavanaugh, T. COEHS Dean’s Education Advisory Council Faculty Initiatives Grant 2011-2012:
Preparing Future Teachers for Their Digital Textbook Futures.
Janson, C. & Rodriguez, J. University of North Florida, COEHS and COH Co-principal investigator
Community-Funded grant for $25,000 annually.
Janson, C. et. all (2012). University of North Florida, Center for Community-Based Learning Principal
investigator and team leader for a UNF Community Engaged Department Institute and Program
Grant for $12,000.
Kane, J., Lee, J. W., Sweeney, K., & Gregg, L. (2012) Sport Management Certificate Teaching Online
(TOL) Grant. The department was awarded $5,000 for online instructional support for a new
educational endeavor.
Lee, J. W. (2012). Teaching Online (TOL) Course Transformation Grant. $4,000 in funding for
transforming courses to fully online delivery (2 increments of $2,000).
Stone, C. Urban Education in America: Origins of Democratic Equality in Schools. $7,500, UNF
Transformational Learning Opportunity Grant, February 2013.
Presented Scholarship (International, National, Regional, State)
Cavanaugh, T., Lamkin, M. & Hu, H. (2013, April/May). Generalized checklists significance as a tool
for online assignment submission timeliness. Session presented at the American Educational
Research Association (AERA) annual conference. San Francisco, CA.
Cavanaugh, T. (2012, April). Switching to the digital textbook. Invited featured session presented at the
International Conference on College Teaching and Learning: Mobile Learning. Jacksonville FL.
Sylvester, R. & Cavanaugh, T. (2012, April/May). Engineering with children’s literature. Session
presented at the International Reading Association (IRA) annual conference. Chicago, IL.
Cavanaugh, T. (2013, February). The Dissertation and the Ebook: A Committee Member’s Read on
Reading Ebooked Dissertations. Session presented at the Eastern Educational Research
Association (EERA) conference, Sarasota, FL.
Cornelius, L. & Cavanaugh, T. (2013, February). The Handbook is a contract and diversity
jurisdiction. Session presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA)
conference, Sarasota, FL.
Cavanaugh, T. and Zoellner, B. (2013, February). The opportunity and challenge of pre-service
teacher use of Ereaders. Session presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association
(EERA) conference, Sarasota, FL.
Villatoro, J., Bojko-Sosa, L, & Cavanaugh, T. (2014, February). Educational development for rural
areas in the Dominican Republic: The computer container classroom project. Florida
Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC). Gainesville, FL.
Cavanaugh, T. (2013, February). BookMapping - GIS meets Literature. Session presented at the Florida
Educational Technology Conference (FETC), Orlando, FL.
Cavanaugh, T. (2012,October ). Preparing future teachers for their textbook futures. Session presented
at Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE) Conference. Jacksonville, FL.
Cavanaugh, T. (2012, October). N-Grams, Word Clouds, and Concordances. Session presented at
Florida Reading Association (FRA) Conference. Orlando, FL.
Fairchild, E. & Gregg, E. A. (2013, April). The making of a woman athlete: Gender presentation
strategies in collegiate athletics. Presented at the conference Southern Sociological Society. New
Orleans, LA.
Frank, J., Brooks, A. & Gregg, E.A. (2013, January). Crossing borders in pursuit of authentic student
leadership development: A partnership between student affairs and academic affairs. Presented at
the 23rd Annual Jon C. Dalton Institute on College Student Values Conference. Tallahassee, FL.
Gregg, E. A., Sweeney, K., Grigg, R., and Chapman, B. (2013, April). Issues in women’s sports.
Jacksonville University Sport Medicine and Management Conference. Jacksonville, FL.
Diem, S., Carpender, B, Militello, M., & Janson, C. (2013, April). Assessing new modules for leading
schools with diverse learners. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Diem, S., Carpender, B, Militello, M., & Janson, C. (2012, November). Evaluation matters: A Q
methodological evaluation of preparing school leaders to support diverse learners. Paper
presentation at the Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration,
Denver, CO.
Janson, C. & Militello, M. (2012, September). Q methodology as an approach for grassroots community
development. 28th Annual Q Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Janson, C. & Militello, M. (2013, April). Examining the principal-school counselor relationship. Paper
presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San
Francisco, CA.
Militello, M. & Janson, C. (2013, January). Sorting out collective leadership: How Q methodology can
provide alternative voices and perspectives on school improvement. International Congress for
School Effectiveness and Improvement, Santiago, Chilé.
Janson, C. & Maxis, S. (2012, June). Advocacy through school counseling advisory councils. Florida
School Counselor Association Summer Drive-In Conference for School Counselors. Orlando, FL.
Janson, C., & Maxis, S. (2012, September). Social justice platitudes to practice: Preparing school
counselors to perform as advocates. Presented at Southern Association of Counselor Education
and Supervision Conference, Savannah, GA.
Janson, C., Maxis, S. & Pinckney, T. (2012, September). Flipping the script: Narrative counseling to
empower urban students and communities. Presented at the Southern Association of Counselor
Education and Supervision Conference, Savannah, GA.
Johnson, J., & Shope, S. (2013, February). The influence of school enrollment size on achievement gaps
in Florida high schools. Paper presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational
Administration Annual Conference (Co-sponsored by the National Association of Secondary
School Administrators), Washington, DC.
Billig, S., Buffington, P., Burke, M., Flory, M., Johnson, J., & Kekahio, W. (2012, October). Developing
a rural research agenda through alliances: The Regional Education Laboratory. Paper presented
at the annual conference of the National Rural Education Association, Cincinnati, OH.
Showalter, D., Klein, R., & Johnson, J. (2012, October). The past, present, and future of rural
education: Trends, challenges, and opportunities. Paper presented at the annual conference of the
National Rural Education Association, Cincinnati, OH.
Johnson, J. (2013, April). School and contextual influences on rural student academic success. Invited
panel discussant. National Center for Research on Rural Education (R2ED) Conference, Omaha,
Johnson, J. (2013, March). Why Rural Illinois Matters. Invited keynote address. Southern Illinois
Leadership Conference, Carbondale, IL.
Johnson, J. (2013, March). School and district consolidation: What the research says and what it means.
Invited presentation. Southern Illinois Leadership Conference, Carbondale, IL.
Johnson, J. (2013, February). Distributed leadership: Theoretical models and applied practice. Invited
presentation. University of Professional Studies, Accra, Ghana.
Janson, C. & Maxis, S. (2012, November). Advocacy through school counseling advisory councils.
Florida School Counselor Association Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Lee, J.W., Gregg, E.A., & Miloch, K. (2012, October). A tale of two cities…and four universities: Brand
building in higher education. 10th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Lee, J. W., & Sweeney, K. (2012, October). Criminal jocks: An NFL case study. Presented as part of the
“Athletes and Criminal Activity” panel at the Southern Criminal Justice Association (SCJA)
Conference, Atlantic Beach, FL.
Lee, J. & Sweeney, K. (2013). Pros who are cons: The case of the NFL’s criminal jocks. Southern Sport
Management Conference. Troy, AL.
Lee, J.W., Gregg, E.A., Sweeney, K., Kane, J., & Kian, E.T. ( 2012, October). ESPN the magazine’s
“Body Issue”: The good, the bad, and the sexy. 9th Annual Sport Marketing Association (SMA)
Conference, Orlando, FL.
Maxis, S. & Schumacher, R.A. (2012, September). Preparing school counselors in social justice:
Advocating, partnering, impacting urban youth NOW. Southern Association for Counselor
Education and Supervision, (SACES). Savannah, GA.
Scheirer, E. A. (2013, April). Toward a platform for a sane K-12 curriculum. Paper presentation at the
12th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies,
San Francisco, CA.
Scheirer, E. A. (2013, April). Curriculum responsibility: Children’s rights and progressive education in
an age of high-stakes accountability. Paper presentation at the 12th Annual Meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, San Francisco, CA.
Scheirer, E. A. (2012, November). Contextualizing “Camelot”: Philosophy, policy, practice, and
progressive education. Paper Presentation at the 13th Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy
Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Baxter, L. J., & Scheirer, E. A. (2012, November). Curriculum, pedagogy, and social justice in adult
remedial education. Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference,
New Orleans, LA.
Schumacher, R.A. (2013, January). State of Affairs: Florida School Counselor Association. 3rd Annual
North East Florida School Counselors Forum, Gainesville, FL.
Schumacher, R.A., Anderson, M., Hooper, B., & Keefe, K. (2013, January). Creating successful
college and career pathways. 3rd Annual North East Florida School Counselors Forum,
Gainesville, FL.
Schumacher, R.A., Anderson, M., Hooper, B., & Keefe, K. (2013, January). Hear their voices: What
students want from school counselors for college readiness. 3rd Annual North East Florida
School Counselors Forum, Gainesville, FL.
Schumacher, R.A. (2012, November). GRADUATE STUDENTS: Gear Up for the Job Search. 2012
Annual Convention of the Florida School Counselor Association, St. Petersburg, FL.
Stone, C. (2013, May). Cyberspace and substantive disruption. Disparate court rulings. AngloAmerican University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Stone, C. (2012, November). The courts and school counselors. Education Law Conference, Hilton
Head, SC.
Stone, C. (2013, June). The legal and ethical complications of schools. Paper presented at the
American School Counselor Association 2006 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Stone, C. (2012, November). The legal and ethical landscape of confidentiality in schools. Presented at
the Florida School Counselor Association state convention, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Stone, C. & Glicksteen, S. B. (2012, November). Court and statute guidance regarding sexually active
students. Presented at the Florida School Counselor Association state convention, Ft. Lauderdale,
Sweeney, K., Gregg, E.A., & Kane, J. (2013, April). Finding work-life balance in academia: A diverse
perspective. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Charlotte,