Institutional Effectiveness Team Meeting October 22, 2012 Academic Affairs Conference Room INVITEES / ATTENDEES (IE Team): Shawn Brayton, Annabel Brooks, Pam Chally, Jeff Coker, Lucy Croft, Larry Daniel, Imeh Ebong, Mark Falbo, Faith Hall, Shirley Hallblade, Barbara Hetrick, Scott Hochwald, Newton Jackson, Marianne Jaffee, Deb Kaye, Judith Miller, Rick Powell, Gordon Rakita, Len Roberson, Ajay Samant, Tom Serwatka, Lance Taylor, Mark Tumeo, Bobby Waldrup, Mark Workman Chair Workman called meeting to order at 1:35 pm. Shawn Brayton distributed a draft of SACS assignments and presented the process to create the assignments. She will email out a copy to everyone following the meeting. There was discussion on 2.8 and 3.2.8 templates. Shawn indicated these templates will be distributed once SACS has provided them. The group discussed what we might learn from other SUS institutions and peers in terms of responding to SACS changes and Shawn indicated that our peers are in the middle of a 2013 SACS reaffirmation and not responding to her requests for information. Shawn will send a link to the committee that directs everyone to an SUS update and USF online. The committee review is not the traditional review and it all takes place off-site. UNF still has time so it is important to begin to look at the differences in SACS criteria now and find where it is we might have gaps in reports, etc. The deans asked whether Shawn wished them to each respond to criterion 3.4.11 individually for their college or should this be a university response. Shawn asked that each provide a list of all programs and that the deans would be responsible for a college response but Shawn will provide a standard approach to address this criterion. UNF must ensure that we have policies in place and Shawn will provide a timeline we can reference. Regarding the QEP: there is no visit and the report should be 10 pages. Marianne demonstrated strategic planning in the TracDat software. There was discussion on BOG goals and how detailed college and department actions should be. Pam Chally presented her plan in TracDat and the continuous improvement information she has already entered. Marianne will continue inputting department plans and we will discuss more broadly in the coming weeks. Next meeting: 1/28/13 at 1:30-2:30 in the AACR 2