College of Education and Human Services Faculty Assembly Minutes 12:15 pm 1100A

College of Education and Human Services
Faculty Assembly Minutes
Friday, November 1, 2013
12:15 pm 1100A
Present: Carolyne Ali-Khan, Betty Bennett, Stacy Boote, Jin-Suk Byun, Candice Carter, Terry Cavanaugh,
Kim Cheek, Jeff Cornett, Larry Daniel, Daniel Dinsmore, Nick Eastham, Liz Gregg, Caroline Guardino,
Laura Jackson, Jennifer Kane, Wanda Lastrapes, Jason Lee, Marsha Lupi, Sophie Maxis, Cathy O’Farrell,
Otilia Salmon, Elinor Scheirer, Sherry Shaw, Lena Shaqareq, Nile Stanley, Kristi Sweeney, Madalina
Tanase, Claire Torres, John Venn, Christine Weber, Dawn Wessling, John White, Lunetta Williams and
Brian Zoellner.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:20 pm.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the October 4, 2013 meeting were approved as submitted.
Announcements: Marsha Lupi stated that the building is going on 5 years old and we are lucky it still
looks as beautiful as it does. We are aware of a few problems with the building and work orders have
been submitted. If you notice any problems with the building, Marsha suggests you tell your
department secretary or office manager to put in a work order.
Larry Daniel gave a huge expression of commendation to the school counseling faculty. The reviewers
for CACREP visited with us last week and one of the reviewers said that our program met all the
standards and it was the best he’s ever seen a program meet! School counseling faculty was especially
commended for their credentials and engagement of the faculty, quality of the field based experiences
and partnerships with the school partners and the quality of the assessment system we have in place.
Madalina Tanase, Jennifer Kane, Todd Parrish and Caroline Guardino are on the faculty giving campaign
committee and encourage faculty to contribute, even if they only give 1 dollar every paycheck. We are
at 39% participation rate for the 2014 Close to Home Campaign and our goal is 70% but we can reach
that with your support. You will soon be receiving your donation form in the mail. Please continue your
Dean Search: Sue Syverud gave an update on the dean search. The committee just approved the
position description and then it will be going to HR to see if it is acceptable. The position will be
announced in various journal ads; such as, Chronicle of Higher Education, American Education Research
Association and Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. If you have any suggestions of where else
to place the position announcement, let Sue Syverud or Candice Carter know.
College Screening Committee:
Committees constituted by nominations:
Undergraduate Teaching Award: Lunetta Williams and Jennifer Kane
Graduate Teaching Award: Elinor Scheirer and Chris Janson
College Representatives for the 2013-2014 University Selection Committee:
Undergraduate Teaching Award: Katrina Hall - confirmed
Graduate Teaching Award: Sherry Shaw - confirmed
Thank you so much for helping select our meritorious educators in this college. You will also be on the
University Committee and you will be looking at all the nominees university-wide.
New Business of Standing Committees:
Technology Committee, Caroline Guardino reminded faculty that they will be meeting right after this
meeting. “We are going to be rolling out an interest and needs survey to see what kind of technology
support faculty would like so look for it in November.”
Candice Carter reminded the committees to continue getting information from your departments to
your committees, continue bringing information from your committees to your departments and
continue sharing your minutes.
Policy Revisions:
We have two policies that needed to be revisited:
Permanent Student Records Policy: Terry Cavanaugh reported that the Executive Committee
sent the changes to Luke Cornelius and John Kemppainen for revising and this is how they came
back to the Executive Committee. It was motioned to move this policy forward for discussion. It
was suggested to take out some commas and Terry Cavanaugh and Candice Carter will make the
revisions of commas. With the revision of commas, this policy was approved.
Student Records Policy:
There was a motion to move this policy forward for discussion. No discussion. This policy was
Update on Changes to Clinical Education for Teacher Preparation:
Recent Events
 Open discussion sessions were held in September on the clinical education structural work plan
and REP for incentive funding. Over 30 attendees from all COEHS departments and offices
 A revised version of the structural work plan document was distributed in October to all faculty
and staff.
 RFP for incentive funding resulted in two proposals meeting the criteria for submission:
 One proposal with FSE as lead department, and cooperation with CELT, EDIE , LSCSM,
and OEFE, focuses on continuous improvement of coursework in TE programs in FSE via
formation of a multi-stakeholder learning community workgroup. The project will build
on relationships and previous work at Sandalwood High School.
 One proposal co-sponsored by EDIE, CELT, and OEFE focuses on a multi-faceted
mentorship program. Enhanced mentoring support will be provided to Field II students,
and these efforts will build on larger mentoring efforts in place at two established
school partner sites—West Jacksonville Elementary and Tiger Academy and two
additional school sites to be determined
 Review committee meets today to consider these two proposals and make
recommendation to the Dean.
 Decisions on the proposals and other feedback from the review committee will be
provided to proposers early next week.
Clinical Activities Initiated in FSE
 Cohort approach being used with departmental faculty and students meeting together to plan
internship activities, mentoring support, and action research.
 Collaboration has been initiated with one of our Clinical Educators from Clay County (Carol
Malicki) to determine ways to build stronger linkages between FSE and OEFE and assure tighter
alignment among various components among the curriculum.
 Graduate cohort relationships at Sandalwood High are being used to strengthen support for
clinical supervision of candidates placed at that partner site.
 Designated sections of field classes for FSE majors are being offered in Spring 2013.
Clinical Activities Initiated in CELT
 Curriculum alignment committee has been formed (co-chaired by Chris Weber and Katrina Hall)
to examine all components of TE curriculum. Committee includes representation (Melissa
Omeechevaria) from OEFE.
 One faculty member (Gigi David) is teaching a section of Field I. This is allowing for collaboration
between CELT and OEFE, which will serve to strengthen alignments of curricular components in
the Elementary Education and PK/Primary Education programs.
 Two faculty members (Stacy Boote, Kim Cheek) continue to build relationships at respective PDS
sites and strengthen curricular alignments for all components of their TE programs relative to its
implementation at PDSs.
Clinical Activities Initiated in LSCSM
 Faculty in the Undergraduate Community Leadership Minor (headed by Liz Gregg) are working
collaboratively with OEFE and the Taylor Leadership Institute relative to involvement in the
minor with community activities at school sites. Most recent successful event was the “Walk of
Understanding Event” in collaboration with our PDS initiative.
Clinical Activities Initiated in EDIE
 Department is engaged in ongoing, proactive conversations with OEFE regarding linkage of
curricular components and providing high quality services to candidates during their field
 Two faculty members (Sue Syverud, Debbie Reed) continue to build relationships at respective
PDS sites and strengthen curricular alignments for all components of their TE programs.
Clinical Activities Initiated in the COEHS Office of Academic Advising
 All procedures relative to internship clearances and processes for placing and removing holds
due to eligibility for internship are being reviewed.
 OAA is initiating proactive procedures to assure clear communication with departments and
OEFE relative to any changes in clinical curriculum and how it might affect advising of
 Advisors are working with FSE and OEFE to assure clear communication with students regarding
designated sections of field classes.
Clinical Activities Initiated in the Office of Educational Field Experiences
 As noted in previous slides, OEFE has responded collaboratively to initiatives and ideas from
departments relative to clinical work.
OEFE has proactively initiated conversations with DCPS (Aaron Muse, Lissa Dunn, and others)
relative to streamlining the placement process in that school district.
OEFE is working collaboratively with One JAX and other community agencies relative to
implementation of Project Breakthrough.
Dean’s Report:
FDOE Review – November 17 - 19
 Feedback from External Site Review Team is expected to be received today.
 Onsite visit schedule will be finalized once feedback from team is received. We hope to have
this available next week.
 Q&A sessions for faculty
 Monday, November 4, 10:00 AM
 Wednesday, November 13, 12:00 PM
 Goal is for all teacher ed. and counselor ed. faculty and chairs/directors to attend one
Q&A session.
 Please review the Accreditation Portal (in Blackboard).
 Site review is November 17-19. Email sent with details last week.
Faculty Vacancies, Searches, and Requests
Searches are in progress for:
 Chair, CELT (Screening has been initiated; additional applicants being sought)
 Assistant Professor, Physical Education (telephone interviews are being scheduled.
 Dean search committee has drafted a position description, and the advertisement will
be released very soon.
 Other search requests are still on hold by Academic Affairs. Linda Sciarratta and I are
scheduled to meet with AA regarding undesignated salary rate available to us and
options for funding positions to meet our needs. Department chairs have indicated
their needs, and collective needs will be reviewed once AA provides more details and
permission to proceed with filling positions.
Initiatives and Projects in Planning
 DCPS Teacher Fellowship Program
 COEHS has responded to Duval County’s “invitation to negotiate” for a university
partner to help develop an urban teaching fellows program (part of the community QEA
 Several representatives from COEHS are meeting with Superintendent Vitti and his staff
today regarding our proposal.
 Targeted Educational Attainment (TEAm) Grant Program 2014 (BOG initiative—draft RFP has
been initiated)
 COEHS working with President’s Office and Florida Institute of Education to develop a
proposal idea.
 The initiative includes a “middle school teacher retention component, which includes
STEM-related middle school teacher preparation programs.
 Final RFP should be available later this month with proposals due February 3, 2014
 Teacher Leadership Initiative being planned with the Schultz Center for Teaching and
Leadership. Initial meeting held with a member of the Florida Legislature yesterday.
Candice Carter announced that the next Faculty Assembly meeting will be Friday, December 6. Sophie
Maxis announced that the Graduate Standards Committee will meet right after they adjourn.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm.
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