October 24 CLT

College Leadership Team
October 24, 2012
Present – Larry Daniel, Ken Hill, John Ouyang, Jeffrey Cornett, Karen Patterson, Linda Sciarratta,
Cathy O’Farrell, John White, and Terry Cavanaugh
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 9:32am.
Minutes – The minutes of the October 10, 2012, meeting were approved as submitted.
Announcements – Cathy O’Farrell updated on her meeting with Judy Miller on the ETS
Proficiency Profile. The spring interns will take the 40 minute version of the test at the end of
The Dean met with Pierre Allaire last week about the building naming ceremony on November
9. The ceremony will be held in the lobby on the 3rd floor of our building. The podium will be
facing out towards the LSCSM suite. President Delaney and Pierre will be speaking at the event.
Mr. & Mrs. Petway will make some remarks. Sharon Ashton will ask undergraduate education
students to participate. The students will unveil the plaque and read the tribute to the Petways.
The plaque will be hung on the first floor lobby to the right of the entrance to 1100a. We will
get specifics out as soon as we have them. John Hale said that they will be sprucing up the
painting in the hallways prior to the ceremony. The Dean asked Marsha Lupi to follow up with
John Hale next week on their start date.
Dean Daniel followed up yesterday with Dr. Waldrup about our expected deficit in the adjunct
budget. He agreed to cover our shortfall. The Dean said that if chairs need to add more sections
than originally thought, to notify Linda Sciarratta so she can keep track of our expenses.
Jeff Cornett indicated that the Council of Chairs has invited Dr. Waldrup to answer various
questions about the budget. He will share any relevant information with CLT at the next
Jeff distributed St. Johns County’s procedures on fingerprinting of all vendors, employees, and
student interns. A criminal record may or may not result in disqualification for the applicant.
Cathy O’Farrell said Duval County follows a similar process when students are fingerprinted and
there is an issue. In the past there was some leniency but now there is no latitude. Some
students that were reviewed in the past and given approval are now typically being denied.
Students do not always understand that this is out of our control. Ken Hill said that the advisors
can add the fingerprinting process to the checklist they use with the students so students can
get a better understanding of this requirement and how it will impact anyone with a criminal
record. Notification is important from the beginning, although we will only reach our majors
not our minors. ACE will need to be involved in notifying our minors. Cathy added that districts
will not share their fingerprinting results with any other districts due to privacy issues.
Jeff updated the group on the arena. One classroom is being given to athletics. The university
is remodeling classrooms 1050 and 1053. We will have continuous space. We have been
delayed using that space until the rug has been installed. Our interaction with the recreation
staff is the best it has ever been. Dean Daniel gave Jeff kudos for his work on this project. Jeff
gave credit to Ken Hill for his work with FSE programs and LSCSM’s sport management
SACS Midterm Review Report – Shawn Brayton, Director for Academic Programs and
Accreditation Liaison, sent out information on the SACS Midterm Review Report yesterday.
UNF’s next review report is due 2014. There are new standards with more of a focus on data.
We have to provide information on our program leadership. Basically we need to justify that an
individual is qualified to give leadership in that area. Some institutions broadly define
leadership. We need to make sure we describe expertise at that level. There may be a few more
things that they will need an information summary on. It is an important review. The 5 year
review is minimal making sure everything is on track; the 10 year reaffirmation is more
Strategic Plans – College and Departments (10-11, 11-12) - The University is converting over
the strategic planning process to an application that is on line. COAS has piloted the project and
it is available on line. We need to get our plans uploaded. The Dean said that the software looks
functional. The Dean will invite Marianne Jaffee to a meeting to share information. Our
strategic planning is fashioned around the BOG goals.
Jeff Cornett said that we need a follow up with the Provost on the constellations. Regardless of
how we organize our strategic plans they need to dovetail into the college plan and university
goals. This is an emphasis the university has put forward. If it is not funded via the legislative
budget requests (LBR), we need to find a way to fund it. What is general education going to
look like in the future? We need to open up the constellation conversation. The Dean asked
Jeff to summarize the issues. If this is reinvented what is fundamental for college kids to know.
Most general education programs are pretty traditional across universities. The Provost said
that we need to have those conversations with faculty. Nothing has been planned definitively.
We need to have connections with the schools that have academies. St. Augustine High School
is in partnership with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Together they have established an
aerospace academy at the school. Gail Cullum, Embry Riddle instructor at the Aerospace
Academy, heads the academy. The Dean has asked for the LBR to fund an academy faculty
member for COEHS..
Degrees and CIP Codes – Dean Daniel had a conversation with Shawn Brayton about degrees
that are out of compliance. Shawn suggested that we get a generic degree name that we can fit
a lot of degree emphases under. We need to be fully in compliance. We have 4 undergraduate
degree programs that need an extension of the degree hours. The BOG said we have not gone
through the proper channels to move these forward. Marsha Lupi is trying to get a general
response form the other SUS deans at a meeting today. We found the old memos requesting
this. We had to do this to be in line with our accrediting bodies. Jeff Cornett will share the link
on the CIP codes with the CLT team. The Dean said that he will send out the Provost’s memo to
the group. The Dean suggested a meeting with the chairs and Shawn. The chairs agreed.
Safe Rooms – Updated – The list of department and office safe rooms was distributed.
Recruitment Plans – Dean Daniel reviewed each recruitment plan. EDIE’s recruitment plan was
approved pending new budget numbers. LSCSM and FSE’s plans were approved. The Dean
requested some budget numbers from advising and CELT. Karen Patterson asked to modify her
plan if need be. The Dean suggested that we examine the effects of this spending next term.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 11:18am.