Charged Particle Tracking and Momentum Resolution Why do we need charged particle tracking in an experiment? FDetermine the number of charged particle produced in a reaction. FDetermine the identity of a charged particle (e.g. p, K, p ID using dE/dx). FDetermine the momentum of a charged particle. We measure the momentum of a charged particle by determining its trajectory in a known magnetic field. Simplest case: constant magnetic field and p^B trajectory is a circle with p=0.3Br (GeV/c, T, m) We measure the trajectory of the charged particle by measuring its coordinates (x, y, z or r, z, f, or r, q, f) at several points in space. Simplest case: determine radius of circle with 3 points We measure coordinates in space using one or more of the following devices: Wire Chamber Drift Chamber (or TPC) Silicon detector low spatial resolution (1-2 mm) moderate spatial resolution (50-250mm) high spatial resolution (5-20 mm) Better momentum resolution better mass resolution better physics Many particles of interest are observed via their decay products: Z0e-e+,D+K-p+ p+, K0p+ p+ By measuring the momentum of the decay products we measure the mass of the parent. m m1+m2 m2=(E1+E2)2-(p1+p2)2 = m12+ m22 +2[(m12+ p12 )1/2 (m22+ p22 )1/2 - p1p2 cosa] For fixed a : m2 / m 2 p / p 880.P20 Winter 2006 a 1 2 Richard Kass 1 Momentum and Position Measurement (L/2, y2) y Trajectory of charged particle s=sagitta x (0, y1) (L, y3) z Assume:we measure y at 3 equi-spaced measurements in (x, y) plane (z=0) each y measurement has precision y have a constant B field in z direction so p^=0.3Br Note: The exact The sagitta is given by: expression for s is: y1 y3 L2 L2 0.3BL2 s y2 2 8r 8 p^ /(0.3B) 8 p^ L2 sr r 4 2 The error on the sagitta, s, due to measurement error is (using propagation of errors): s 3 / 2 y Thus the momentum (^to B) resolution due to position measurement error is: p^ s 3 / 2 y 8 p^ 3 / 2 y p^ y 32.6 2 (m, GeV/c, T) 2 2 p^ s (0.3L B) /(8 p^ ) 0.3L B LB 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 2 Momentum and Position Measurement From previous page the momentum resolution due to measurement error is: p^ s 3 / 2 y 8 p^ 3 / 2 y p^ y 32.6 2 (m, GeV/c, T) 2 2 p^ s (0.3L B) /(8 p^ ) 0.3L B LB Typical numbers for BaBar (or CDF) are: B=1.5T, L=0.8m, y=150mm p 1.5 10 4 p 3 ^ p^ 32.6 ^ 2 0.8 (1.5) 5.1 10 p ^ Thus for a particle with transverse momentum (p^) = 1GeV/c: p 0.5% ^ The above momentum resolution expression can be generalized for the case of n position measurements, each with a different y. The expressions are worked out in Gluckstern’s classic article, NIM, 24, P381, 1963. A popular formula is for the case where we have n>>3 equally spaced points all with same y resolution: p^ 720 y p^ (m, GeV/c, T) 2 p^ n 4 (0.3BL ) Note: The above expression tells us that the best way to improve this component of momentum resolution is to increase the path length (L). For the model with 3 points the factor is (96)1/2 Vs (720/(n+4))1/2 . For n=100 we get 9.8 Vs 2.6 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 3 More on Momentum Resolution On the previous page we calculated the position measurement contribution to the momentum resolution. This is only part of the story. We also have contributions from multiple scattering (MS) and angular resolution. Previously we saw that the momentum resolution contribution to MS was given by: p T pT p T pT s L 13.6 10 3 z L / Lr p 4 3 with L L / sin q , p ^ p sin q 0.3BL2 z /(8 p ^ ) rms plane sB 52.3 10 z, B q 3 y B LLr sin q x MS depends on the total path length (L) and momentum (p). Bending in the magnetic field depends on p^(=psinq) and projected path length (L). The MS contribution is independent of the position resolution contribution so the combined resolution is the two added in quadrature: p^ p^ 2 52.3 10 3 720 y p^ 2 n 4 (0.3BL ) B LLr sin q 2 2 ( m, GeV/c, T) Technically speaking, the above is only the transverse momentum (p^) resolution. We want an expression for the total momentum resolution! 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 4 Even More on Momentum Resolution We can get an expression for the total momentum (p) resolution using: p p^ / sin q p^ 1 cot 2 q & treating qand p^ as independent variables. Using propagation of errors we find: Often detectors measure the r-f coordinate independently of the z coordinate. In these cases p^ and q are independent. p p^ cotq q 2 p p^ 2 2 Putting it all together we have for the total momentum resolution: p p 2 52.3 10 3 720 y p sin q cot q q 2 2 B LL sin q r n 4 (0.3BL ) 2 Position resolution 2 Multiple scattering GeV/c, T, m, radians Angular resolution While the above expression is only approximate it illustrates many important features: a) p^ resolution improves as B-1 and depends on p as L-2 or L-1/2. b) For low momentum (0), MS will dominate the momentum resolution. c) Improving the spatial resolution (y) only improves momentum resolution if the first term is dominate. d) Angular resolution is not usually the most important term since qmin30-45o and q10-3 rad. For more detailed information must do a Monte Carlo simulation (GEANT+detector). Include: hit efficiencies, discrete scattering off of wires, non-gaussian tails, etc, etc…. 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 5 Still More on Momentum Resolution Let’s examine the momentum resolution equation for a BaBar/CDF-like system: B=1.5T y=1.5x10-4 m N=50 q=10-3 radians L=0.8 m Lr=166.7 m (gas+wires) p 2.85 103 p sin q p 2 2 2 3.0 103 3.0 103 cotq sin q momentum resolution at 900 2 momentum resolution at 450 0.012 0.012 spatial resolution MS combined 0.01 angular resolution spatial resolution MS combined 0.01 0.008 0.008 p/p p/p 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.002 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 p(GeV/c) 880.P20 Winter 2006 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 p (GeV/c) Richard Kass 6 Mass Resolution and Physics Discovery of the Upsilon at Fermilab in 1977 using a double arm spectrometer. Had to do an elaborate fit to find 3 resonances: U(1S), U(2S), U(3S) pBemmX 1977 PRL 39, 252 (1977) PRL 39, 1240 (1977) Double arm spectrometer (E288) mm 1986 Upgraded double arm spectrometer (E605) clearly separates the 3 states: improved mass resolution and particle ID (RICH) Better fit 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 7 Wire Chamber Operation A wire chamber is just a gas tight container with a wire inside. The gas is the medium that gets ionized by a passing charged particle. The wire helps define an electric field and “collects” ionization, part of signal path. A typical cylindrical wire chamber has: a wire (anode) held at +V outside of cylinder (cathode) held at ground Charged particle passing through cylinder creates ions movement of ions creates a voltage or current pulse signal pulse travels down wire to “outside world” usually to preamplifier Location of charged particle is measured relative to wire Operating characteristics depend on the applied voltage (E-field) recombination: no signals ionization: signals, but no gas gain proportional: “big” signals due to gas gain Geiger-Muller: gas gain so large it produces sparks (discharge) Have to run in proportional or geiger mode to detect single particles like e’s, p’s, K’s, p’s. 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 8 Signal Production First consider a very simple case: A capacitor in a gas tight box. +Vo anode R d --gas cathode +++ c The electric field inside the chamber is E=Vo/d. signal The parallel plates of the chamber have capacitance C with stored charge Qo=CVo. If N ions are produced by r a charged particle passing through the gas then the electrons will drift to the anode and the positive ions will drift to the cathode. Assuming that the e-’s and positive ions make it to the plates long before the power supply can recharge the plates back to Vo (RC very large) the charge on each plate will be diminished by N|q|, with |q| the charge of an electron. Therefore the voltage across the plates will drop by DV=N|q|/C and we would see this voltage drop as our signal. C =Chamber capacitance c =pulse shaping (and HV decoupling) capacitor R =power supply series resistor (large) r =pulse shaping resistor 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 9 Pulse Formation in a Cylindrical Wire Chamber In a cylindrical chamber the electric potential, E-field and capacitance are given by: (r ) CV0 ln( r / a) 2pL wire radius= a, tube radius=b, length of tube= L E (r ) CV0 1 2pL r C 2pL ln(b / a) Note: I put the L dependence in , E, and C. Leo’s C is my C/L. The potential energy stored in the electric field is W=1/2CV02. Assume a charged particle goes through the cylinder and ionizes the gas. As a charge, q, moves a distance dr there is a change in the potential energy (dW): d (r ) q d (r ) dW q dr and dW CV0 dV dV dr dr CV0 dr The total induced voltage from electrons produced at r is: q a d (r ) q a (CV0 ) dr (q ) a r V dr ln CV0 a r dr CV0 a r 2pL r 2pL a The total induced voltage from positive ions produced at r is: q b d (r ) q b (CV0 ) dr q b V d r ln CV0 a r dr CV0 a r 2pL r 2pL a r Note: the total induced voltage is: DV=V++V- = -q/C 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 10 Pulse formation in a cylindrical wire chamber Note: the positive ions and electrons do not contribute equally to the DV if there is multiplication in the gas. Since the avalanche takes place near the wire (r=1-2mm) and the electrons are attracted to the wire the positive ions travel a much greater distance. For typical values of a (10mm) and b (1cm) we find: b 3 V ln 10 ar 75 a r ln( 11 / 10 ) V ln a We can find the voltage vs time by looking at V(t) for the positive ions: r (t ) dV (r ) q r (t ) V (t ) V (t ) dr ln 2pL a r ( 0 ) a dr The problem now is to find r(t). ln By definition, the mobility, m, of a gas is the ratio of its drift velocity to electric field. 1 dr E (r ) dt For cylindrical geometry we have: dr CV0 1 CV0 mE (t ) m rdr m dt dt 2pL r 2pL m v / E (r ) 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 11 Pulse Formation in a Cylindrical Wire Chamber From previous page we had: rdr m CV0 dt 2pL CV0 t 2 mCV0 t rdr m dt r (t ) a 2 p L p L r (0) a 0 1/ 2 r (t ) q r (t ) q mCV0 q t V (t ) ln ln(1 t ) ln( 1 ) 2 2pL a 4pL 4pL t0 pLa a 2 ln(b / a ) With: t0 2 mV0 t0 2 b2 2 The total drift time is: T 2 (b a ) 2 t0 a a Typical gas mobilities are m=1-2 cm2s-1V-1. Example: Let m=1.5 cm2s-1V-1, V=1500V, a=10mm, b=1cm then: t0=1.5x10-9 s and T=1.5x10-3 s. t 0 t0 10t0 102t0 103t0 T ln[1+t/t0] 0 0.69 2.4 4.6 6.9 13.8 pulse shape determined by electronics Time development of voltage pulse 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 12 Gas Gain In many gases (e.g. argon) ion multiplication occurs as the “original” electrons get close to the wire. If the electric field is high enough the electrons will be accelerated to the point where they have enough kinetic energy to liberate electrons in collisions with other atoms/molecules. A cartoon of the multiplication process. Over a limited range of electric field the final amount of ionization is proportional to the amount of primary ionization. The total amount ionization, n, is related to the primary ionization by, np,: r2 n=Mnp where: M exp[ a ( x)dx] a is the first Townsend coefficient. r1 Model by Rose and Korff gives: a / p A exp[ Bp ] E A and B are gas dependent Gas gains up to M=108 are possible. Above this limit breakdown (sparking) occurs. This limit (ax<20) is the Raether limit. 880.P20 Winter 2006 Richard Kass 13 Example of a Wire Chamber: BaBar LSTs Recently completed a project where we assembled several hundred wire chambers. “Limited Streamer Tubes” Ionizing particle produces a “streamer” a controlled spark-> ~same charge for all tracks Big signal induced on wire Tubes are made out of extruded PVC “easy” to assemble, low cost…. LSTs are used to detect muons 8 cells per tube Extruded PVC sleeve and profile Endcap (HV, Gas Inlet) basement of Smith Lab fground full size tube full scale grad student 880.P20 Winter 2006 plane Wire Graphite coating Richard Kass Wire holder 14 LSTs in BaBar August-October 2004: Two sextants of LSTs installed in BaBar August 2006: Install remaining 4 sextants worth of LSTs cosmic ray 880.P20 Winter 2006 e+e-m+m- Richard Kass 15 Multiwire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) In late 1960’s early 1970’s techniques were developed that allowed many sense wires (anodes) to be put in the same gas volume. The MWPC was born! The spatial resolution () of an MWPC is determined by the sense wire spacing (Dx): Dx 12 Typical wire spacings are several mm, but MWPC with 1mm spacing have been built. cathode . . . . . Dx anodes sense wires Gas volume Charpak wins 1992 Nobel Prize for developing MWPCs Advantages of MWPC: Disadvantages of MWPC: can cover large area poor spatial resolution elaborate electronics need low noise premps systems with thousands of wires planar or cylindrical geometry can get pulse height info dE/dx position info along wire using charge division easy to get a position measurement (digital) can handle high rates works in magnetic field ease of construction 880.P20 Winter 2006 miniaturization of electronics elaborate gas system must understand electrostatics forces on wires Richard Kass 16