Career Services Cooperative Education Program Student Application 4567 St. Johns Bluff Road, South Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2676 Phone: (904) 620-2955 Fax: (904) 620-2690 Maria Castro Co-op Coordinator Web Site: Form must be typed APPLICANT NAME AND ACADEMIC STATUS Last Name: Date: First Name: Please Check One: M.I: Undergraduate Major: Graduate Concentration/Track: Credit Hours Earned Toward Degree: Please Check One: US Citizen UNF Student I.D.#: UNF GPA: Anticipated Graduation Date: Permanent Resident International Student If yes: Visa Status: Citizenship – If not a citizen or permanent resident, you must receive authorization to work from the UNF International Center, prior to EACH co-op work term. STUDENT CONTACT INFORMATION Local Address: City: State: Zip: Local Phone: Mobile Phone: Zip Permanent Phone: Current E-mail address: Permanent Address (if applicable): City: State: Which semester/year would you like to Co-op? How many hrs/wk would you like to Co-op? Do you have a potential Co-op employer (subject to approval from the Co-op Coordinator)? Yes No STUDENT AGREEMENT Register for Co-op course each semester you are employed at your co-op position. Complete a minimum of 1 semester of on-site training with an approved Co-op employer, keeping in mind that some employers and colleges require a multiple-semester commitment. Maintain good academic standing with a 2.5 cumulative undergraduate GPA or 3.0 cumulative graduate GPA. Progress toward degree completion while participating in Cooperative Education. Submit all required paperwork by the designated deadline dates (failure to do so may impact you final grade). Notify your Co-op Coordinator about any concerns that may impact the success of your Co-op experience. Students may find their own co-op positions subject to approval from the Career Services Co-op coordinator. It is the student’s ultimate responsibility to secure a co-op position. Students must satisfy academic and professional standards set by the University, the Cooperative Education Program, the Employer and the International Center (if applicable). _____By initialing this line and signing this form, I agree to adhere to all Co-op program regulations and requirements and have read and understand them. I agree to assume any risks involved with accepting any Co-op work assignments and working as a co-op student. I hereby release Career Services, the University of North Florida and the State of Florida and its agents from any and all liability associated with my participation in the co-op program at University of North Florida You must print out and sign the Student Application/Agreement form and return it to the Co-op Coordinator. Student Signature (required for participation): ________________________________ Date: _______________________