Minutes University Technology Committee February 8, 2016

University Technology Committee
February 8, 2016
Members Present:
Reggie Brinson (Chair), Scott Bennett, Lisandra Carmichael,
Catherine Christie, Sherif Elfayoumy, Olga Igolnikov,
Chris Johnson, Zach Mease (student), Deb Miller, Donna Mohr,
Paul Prewitt, Len Roberson (vice Chair), John Simms,
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Others Present:
Justin Begle, Alison Cruess, Kim Downs, Jeff Durfee,
James George, Everett Malcolm, Gordon Rakita
- Reggie opened the meeting with introductions for the re-launching of the UTC
- Since the last meeting was in April, 2014 and most of the members are new
and were not at that meeting, those minutes were not reviewed.
Discussion UTC Charge & Bylaws
- We have many groups who contribute feedback to the technology process:
o Project Management Office
o IT Governance committee composed of the VPs (meets once a month)
o Distance Learning Committee (Len Roberson)
o Campus Technology Committee (Donna Mohr-Faculty Association
o UTC which represents the campus to get together to discuss
technology issues
- We will have to go through the list of University committees and revise
and update as needed (Article II- Functions)
- The membership needs to be updated (Article III-Membership):
o William (Chip) Klostermeyer will take the place of Sherif Elfayoumy
o Jennifer Kane was not present (COAS)
o David Fenner was not present (COAS)
o Ted Hornoi-Centerwall was not present (USPA)
o We need one more rep from Student Government
o Paul Prewitt is the A&P Rep
o Scott Bennett represents A&F and President’s Office
o Missing representatives who could/should be added:
 Registrar (Megan Kuehner)
 Graduate School
 Athletics
- It would be beneficial to go through the project proposals process at the
next meeting.
o Anyone on campus can submit a proposal
o Projects of not more than 80 hours will go off the list and begin to be
worked on
o Two categories:
 Operational – up to 80 hours (new, reviewed by ITS, must be
approved by chair/director, goes to dean/AVP, ITS takes it
under advisement and does research, understand the project,
work with area that submitted, report this to ITGC as a project
in process)
 Strategic – over 80 hours (work with the business partners,
requires significant coordination across the university, it
presents a risk factor or compliance issue, project is written
up, summarized with the business unit, ITS presents to ITGC
for approval to go forth)
ITGC Updates- Projects
- There are about 20 strategic projects to date; a link will be provided to this
monthly report so that all members of this committee can be very familiar
with the projects; committee should identify proposals that were good ideas at
first, but maybe not now
- Five strategic goals:
o 1. Migrate existing systems to cloud
 IContracts (completed December 2015)
 Title IX training launched (contracted with CampusClarity)
o 2. Improve access to data
 Spend Analytics (BOG launched project)
o 3. Increase accessibility to campus applications
 Wireless Network Upgrade: an ITN is out there to select a
platform for the future that will provide more robust access
across the entire campus
 Surface Pro Academic Proof of Concept: sending out the final
survey before spring break; initial results show that while users
find them very useful and convenient, they were still utilizing
another machine to get work done.
o 4. Enhance the student learning experience
 Library Learning Commons: technology work is ongoing;
project to gather data from the turnstiles; ITS Help Desk has
moved to the library and has been well received;
o 5. Improve institutional efficiency through upgraded administrative
 Ellucian Recruiter: a CRM product; replaces BRM system and
will be used by Enrollment Services; working through some
issues and will do a Go Live simulation towards the end of
 Clockwork: a tool for coordinating support for students
through Student Affairs (through DRC); project has kicked off;
targeting for 8/31/16, anticipate using system to schedule
accommodations for exams in spring timeframe
GENI Project: national project used for research on the
networking side; good resource; we have been selected as a site
for a GENI rack (equipment) that connects to a national
network; project is underway; expected to be up and ready for
the fall.
Physical Access Control: complete; rollout of the prox cards
and wireless locks (Housing and Field House); cards are also
used in the LLC; new standard for the campus
Banner to Strategic System Interface: asset inventory
capability (ITS)
TeamDynamix – Phase II: for ITS service tickets; working on
project management capability; launched with mixed results;
working with TeamDynamix for improvements
StarRez: new housing system; provides improved interface;
working on a November, 2016 delivery date; it is looking good
Committee Reports
- Distance Learning Committee (Roberson)
o Len reported that they worked on several items to date; they are
revising the bylaws and will vote at the next meeting (Friday, Feb. 19th
at 11:30); created two subcommittees: remote proctoring and course
review; looking at common LMS initiative
- Campus Technology Committee (Mohr)
o Donna updated that they are working on all of the same things as the
DLC; reviewing grants for faculty technology grant proposals which
has been very well received; began reviewing Canvas and at the last
meeting in January, they made a list of aspects of Canvas that faculty
were particularly interested in (due Feb. 21 for review)
Other Reports
- Statewide LMS Opt-IN (Roberson)
o The state did an ITN for a statewide LMS; process is complete, and a
recommendation was made to pursue Canvas as the state LMS system;
each university has the opportunity to opt-in; Len has started this
process for us; we are at the end of our contract with Blackboard (end
of next year) so the timing is right; the provost, who will make the
decision, has asked the DLC and CTC to provide input as to opting-in
and identifying pros and cons (by Feb 29) then proceed with a
transition plan; search for “common LMS” on the UNF website for a
webpage that was created with all pertinent information and a link to
an input form (we have been getting a variety of comments from
faculty); Canvas reps will be on campus on Tuesday, Feb 9 from 11:30
– 1:00, in the SU, room 2704 (auditorium)
Currency (Brinson, George)
o We have a process to review desktop/laptop inventory; applies to E&G
positions only; the university has a budget to replace machines
(university wide) of $1,000 per machine; if a device exceeds $1,000,
the department would pick up the difference; that chargeback has not
occurred; more mobile machines are being used which challenges the
budget; we are taking a look at the policy and considering what it
would take to live by the policy or make changes to the policy;
changes are not going to be done this current budget year; a problem is
that software sometimes does not work on some machines (waiver?);
CTC (Donna) would like a draft of the policy sent to them;
Adobe Licensing Update (George, Begle)
o We have been having conversations with Adobe because our current
licensing agreement is coming to an end; we had talked with Adobe
about a site license, so they created a model between us and USF (for
budgetary reasons), but the new model will only honor part of that;
currently, they have changed things up quite a bit; they are not
allowing the partnering any longer, proposed new model includes:
Acrobat Professional (allowed on every machine on campus) and
Creative Cloud (would be a percentage based on our total machine
counts); we have 6500 desktops, so the deal is we would have
coverage for 30% of those machines, which is a nice buffer; the
biggest loss currently projected is that we lose the ability to deliver the
Creative Suite through the virtual lab; we are in heated discussions
with Adobe to see if we can get this back on the table; it will be a
100% increase in cost per year ($250,000/year) and it is a 3-year
contact; in order to provide the suite tools, it would be 12% over where
we are today; this was not foreseen in budgetary terms and is a very
significant increase in our cost
Meeting adjourned at 11:10