Annual Report 2014

July 1, 2013- June 30, 2014
*Modified from Flagship Program Annual Report
Importance to Goals
UNF SON recognized as
Undergraduate Level
Curriculum Best Practices by
the American Association of
Colleges of Nursing. Only 10
Programs in the Nation (out of
over 800) have been
Two SON faculty were invited
to present at a Webinar
through the American
Association of Colleges of
Nursing on Population Health
Nursing Series I: Population
Health in Baccalaureate
Education. 514 attendees
Over 40,000 hours of service
annually to the medically
underserved and
disadvantaged populations of
Jacksonville since 2008
National Recognition is
SON awarded the National
Student Nurses Association
the Outstanding School
Community Project
“University of North Florida:
Creating a Positive Impact with
Terminal Blood Cancers”
Faculty Panel selected to
present Home-base model at
the Sigma Theta Tau
International research
National Recognition among
students from other programs.
Recognition continues beyond
the Innovation in Professional
Nursing Education Award.
Continue to meet the needs of
the community and
demonstrates commitment to
Excellence, Relevance,
Accountability and Focus.
Students submitted and
presented their poster of the
project at National Convention
International recognition for
the program
Funds allocated/expended
Up to $3500 annually for
supplies used in the
$3,000 annually for adjunct
faculty to help with one
homebase. (would like to
increase to $15,000
$4000 in registration, airfare
and hotel for four students
$9,500 in travel for all five
faculty presenting
conference in Prague July
Outcomes from SON used as
illustrations for the Carnegie
Community Engaged
Designation, and the
President’s Higher Education
Community Service Honor
SON frequently cited as an
example of community
engaged learning
Community Partners Poster
Day twice yearly
Psychometrics still being
completed on evaluation tool
Faculty proposal for the
AACN/CDC Partnership titled
“Development of student and
faculty instruments to
measure impact of the UNF
home-base Model Community
Service-Learning Curriculum”
for an evaluation project was
selected out of 13 proposals.
Campus recognition, National
recognition for the University
Campus recognition
Students Showcase their work
to their partners. Partners also
are able to see work done in
other settings
No other tool currently in
place. SON might develop first
tool for use in service-learning,
community engagement
Approx. $1000./year
National Recognition, building
a track record for further
scholarly work.
Approx. $5,000 this year for
consultants. Would like to
increase to $20,000 for
statistician and consultant
next year.
Summary of Additional Benefits
a. Students-Exit evaluations continue to reveal how students feel they have gained a
deeper understanding of vulnerable individuals and what that means. Students
describe having a better of understanding of people who are different from them.
Employers continue to express that UNF nursing graduates have stronger critical
thinking skills and leadership skills than their peers. Students continue to provide
service to their “home-base” after graduation. Applicants are now coming to UNF,
wanting to be part of the Community-Nursing program. Three high achieving students
(SATs above 1300) have agreed to come to UNF for a chance to get into the Nursing
b. College-The BCH now has three Departments who have achieved the Community
engaged designation. The need for Interprofessional work is apparent and we (the SON)
is seeking ways to collaborate with other departments.
c. University- The continued exposure and activities currently undertaken by the SON
provide exposure to the University and have allowed the community to see the
University as sensitive to their needs. Increasing inquiries regarding the unique
curriculum at the SON are coming through to the SON attracting others to UNF.
d. Community- Many community needs are being met, particularly when one looks at over
40,000 hours of service yearly. These hours do not include the routine “in-hospital” or
traditional clinical time. The SON continues to receive many calls for student support
which the SON is unable to fill.
Future Benchmarks
The SON will continue to seek ways to improve on this model. The final piece, which is the evaluation
tool, is currently being worked on. The evaluation project that was just approved by the AACN/CDC
Partnership is a start to this piece. Funding will be used to continue to pay a percent of faculty buy/out
and a statistician.
Scholarly works related to Flagship - July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014
Kruger, B. J. (2013, February). Evaluation of undergraduate student learning outcomes from a
cross-term community nursing service-learning curriculum. 90 minute Symposium Convener at
the 24th International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society
of Nursing, Prague Czech Republic, July 2013.
Olinzock, B. J., Kruger, B. J., Roush, C. S., Wilburn, K., & Wilburn S. (2013, February). A
participatory approach to development of the community nursing student assessment scale
(CNSAS) to measure student learning outcomes. Paper presented at the 24th International
Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Prague
Czech Republic, July 2013.
Kruger, B. J., Wilburn, K., Olinzock, B. J., & Roush, C. S. (2013, February). Quantitative results
from evaluation of community student service-learning in the UNF Home-base Model. Paper
presented at the 24th International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau International
Honor Society of Nursing,Prague Czech Republic, July 2013.
Roush, C. S., Kruger, B. J., & Olinzock, B. J., & (2013, February). Qualitative findings from an
evaluation of community student service-learning in the UNF Home-base Model. Paper
presented at the 24th International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau International
Honor Society of Nursing,Prague Czech Republic, July 2013.
Pope, B. L., Olinzock, B. J., Roush, C. S., & Kruger, B. J. (2013, February). Participatory
evaluation of community outcomes of student service-learning. Paper presented at the 24th
International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of
Nursing, Prague Czech Republic, July 2013.
Invited Speaker, National Symposium
Population Health Nursing Series Part I: Population Health in Baccalaureate Nursing Education,
November 12, 2013. 4.4 speaking effectiveness, 4.52 for expertise, 4.4 for content / 5. Registered =514,.
Grants awarded
Kruger, B, & Jobli, E (2014, June). Development of student and faculty instruments to measure impact of
the UNF home-base Model Community Service-Learning Curriculum. Awarded by AACN/CDC Partnership
Cooperative Agreement: $5,000.
Radjenovic, D., Comeaux, J. &. Kruger, B. J. (2014, April). Community-based needs assessment
of nursing services in a large urban school district in Florida. University of North Florida, UNF Foundation
Board. Co-Investigator: $10,000 (May 2014-April 2015).