Collaborative Provision Proposal form

Collaborative provision proposal form
Please complete the form in conjunction with the College’s Procedures for the approval and
monitoring of collaborative provision available at:
The form has been designed to support Stage Two (Initial Agreement to explore proposed
activity with a collaborative partner) in the process with a proposed partner institution who is
consonant with the College’s ethos, policies, mission and strategy.
The form should be completed by the proposer acting as the College contact for any
collaborative activity engaged in at the College as described under the College’s definitions
of collaborative activity ( and should not be sent to the proposed collaborative institution
for completion.
Section One: College contact
Name, department and contact details of the proposer at the College:
Section Two: Proposed partner
Name and full address (including web link) of the proposed partner:
Name and role of contact at the proposed partner:
What is the status of the proposed partner (please tick as appropriate):
1. UK HEI with degree awarding
5. European private training provider or
2. European HEI with degree
awarding powers
6. International private training provider
or company
3. International HEI with degree
awarding powers
7. NHS
4. UK private training provider or
8. Other (please specify)
Please provide a brief description of the proposed partner including its reputation, academic
standing, ability to deliver academic provision to the same standards as the College,
compatibility with the College’s ethos, compatibility with the College’s equality and diversity
Does the provider have any links with other UK HEIs? If yes, please provide details below
Section three: Proposed activity
Which of the following activities are being proposed (please tick as appropriate):
1. Articulation/progression agreement
3. Dual award
4. Student Exchange
5. Intercollegiate (taught programme)
6. Joint award
7. MOOCs
8. Off-campus study
9. Placement provision
10. Shared Partnership programme
11. Validated provision
12. Other (please specify)
Please state if the proposed activity will be attached to a new or existing programme of
study. If an existing programme please indicate how the activity will be incorporated.
How does the proposed activity fit with the College’s Strategic Plan and Faculty strategic
For those proposed dual awards please provide a rationale for having a dual award as
opposed to a joint award or a single-institution award and information about the wider
partnership – i.e. how do you see it developing, what other activities do you envisage, how is
this activity strategic for the department/College beyond the joint programme:
For those proposed joint awards please provide a rationale for having a joint award as
opposed to a single-institution award and information about the wider partnership – i.e. how
do you see it developing, what other activities do you envisage, how is this activity strategic
for the department/College beyond the joint programme:
Section four: Likely benefits
Which of the following benefits to the College will result from the proposed partnership
(please tick as appropriate)
1. Increase in student recruitment locally and/or internationally
2. Income generation through HEFCE grant and/or student fees
3. The enhancement of the College’s standing locally, nationally and internationally
4. The development and dissemination of the College’s mission and strategic goals
5. The opportunity to develop new avenues of research
6. The development of the College’s specialist expertise
7. The opportunity to increase the College’s market share in specialist areas
8. Possible new directions for programme provision
9. Sharing of technology to realise teaching and research aims
10. Sharing of other learning resources to realise economies of scale
11. Development of the skills of staff and their commitment to the College’s aims
12. Enhancement of the student learning experience
13. Other (please specify)
Section five: Risk Category
Please attach a copy of the responses provided on the ethical and reputational risks relating
to the partner due diligence questionnaire from Stage One (Establishing relationship with a
collaborative partner prior to agreeing activity), and note below (where applicable) measures
to be put in place to mitigate any risks identified.
The level of risk (please tick as appropriate) assigned to this partner by the Vice-Principal
(Education) for UK partners or Vice-Principal (International) for International partners is:
1. Low
2. Medium
3. High
Section six: Initial approval
Initial approval signed by the Chair of Research Degrees Examination Board
Name: ………………………………………………
Date: ………………………..
Signature: …………………………………………..
Initial approval signed by the Executive Dean of Faculty
Name: ………………………………………………
Date: ………………………..
Signature: …………………………………………..
Initial approval signed by the relevant territorial Vice Principal
Name: ………………………………………………
Date: ………………………..
Signature: …………………………………………..
Thank you
Please return completed form to:
Quality and Academic Support Office
Room 7.38
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Waterloo campus
Tel: 020 7848 3397
For QAS Use:
Date form received:………………………………………………..………………………………….
Date form considered by Programme Development and Approval Committee: ………….……