This Form is for USP students admitted to NUS before AY 2012/13 and who are fulfilling the old USP curriculum
USP students who wish to replace the department modules with USP modules have to fill up this form.
Please submit the completed form to Ms Lesley Poong, Office of Undergraduate Programmes, FoE (EA-04-10).
Please make a copy for your own record.
Name: ___________________________
Dept: ___________________________
Email: ___________________________
Signature: ___________________________
USP Modules codes Semester of completion
Student No.: __________________________
Cohort: __________________________
Date: __________________________
Please tick appropriately the requirements you want to map against
SS Breadth HR CTW UEM Dept module*
(please specify)
Please complete the table and obtain your dept USP coordinator’s endorsement before submitting this form.
USP Module Code
(2 ISMs)
MC Semester of completion
Module to be mapped/replaced
MC USP coordinator’s Name
& Signature
USP Module Code
(2 CBMs)
MC Semester of completion
Module to be mapped/replaced
MC USP coordinator’s Name
& Signature
For more information on module replacements, please refer to
How to use this form?
The form is divided into two portions:
1. The top portion is for mapping the 8 First-Tier modules. Please note the exemption is unconditional i.e. you must fulfil the 8 First-Tier, so that the mapping can be done as recommended in the exemption lists.
You need to indicate your preferred kind of arrangement as each student will have his/her requirements planning (e.g. whether a particular module is to fulfil breadth requirement or UEM).
2. The second portion is for mapping to departmental technical electives using the Advanced Modules (i.e.
Course-Based Modules). Hence, you will need to seek the endorsement from your department USP coordinator.
Who to get endorsement from?
Only the second portion will require the endorsement from your department USP coordinator as this is to map the department’s technical elective to the USP Advanced Modules.
Please note that if a scholar wishes to read a CBM in the basket not specific or related to his discipline (e.g.
Engineering student wishes to read a CBM offered in Humanities basket), he or she has to seek prior permission from his or her faculty. If the faculty feels that the CBM does serve the objective of helping the student attain broadening on his specialisation, the CBM can then be counted towards his or her curriculum requirement.
GEM(A) – GEM modules from Science & Technology basket
GEM(B) – GEM modules from Humanities & Social Sciences basket
SS – Singapore Studies
HR – Human Resource Management (HR2002)
CTW – Critical Thinking & Writing (EG1413)
UEM – Unrestricted Electives
ISM – Independent Study Modules
CBM – Course-Based Modules
Dept module – The 1 st -tier modules can replace Department-specific modules as follows:
PC1432 Physics IIE [4 MCs]
CM1121 Basic Organic Chemistry [4 MCs] or CM1501 Organic
Chemistry for Engineers [4 MCs]
CM1501 Organic Chemistry for Engineers [4 MCs]
PC1431 Physics IE [4MCs]
PC1432 Physics IIE [4 MCs]
EG1108 Electrical Engineering [3 MCs]
EG1109 Statics and Mechanics of Materials [3 MCs]
PC1431 Physics IE [4 MCs]
EG1108 Electrical Engineering [3 MCs]
EG1109 Statics and Mechanics of Materials [3 MCs]