Crab crossing and crab waist at super KEKB K. Ohmi (KEK) Super B workshop at SLAC 15-17, June 2006 Thanks, M. Biagini, Y. Funakoshi, Y. Ohnishi, K.Oide, E. Perevedentsev, P. Raimondi, M Zobov Super bunch approach K. Takayama et al, PRL, (LHC) F. Ruggiero, F. Zimmermann (LHC) P.Raimondi et al, (super B) Short bunch L Long bunch N2 x x y y x y xx 1 z N x y N x x y y z L xx ( 1) z x Overlap factor y N2 z y y x x N z N z y y y xx x is smaller due to cancellation of tune shift along bunch length Essentials of super bunch scheme L x y y N2 z y y N z N z xx x x y y Keep y , y x and x xx . y yy 0 L • Bunch length is free. • Small beta and small emittance are required. Short bunch scheme L N2 x x y y x y N x y N x x y y z y Keep x , x and . y yy 0 L • Small coupling • Short bunch • Another approach: Operating point closed to half integer x 0.5 y L We need L=1036 cm-2s-1 • Not infinity. • Which approach is better? • Application of lattice nonlinear force • Traveling waist, crab waist Nonlinear map at collision point H ai xi bij xi x j cijk xi x j xk x xi ( x, px , y, p y , z , ( E / E )) 1 M exp( : H :)x* x [ H , x] [ H ,[ H , x]] ... 2 ai bij x j c 'ijk x j xk ... • 1st orbit • 2nd tune, beta, crossing angle • 3rd chromaticity, transverse nonlinearity. zdependent chromaticity is now focused. Waist control-I traveling focus M e:H I :Μ 0 e:H I : H I ap y2 z y y H I y azPy Py H ap y2 z • Linear part for y. z is constant during collision. T 1 az T 0 1 a2 z 2 t T az az 1 =0 Waist position for given z • Variation for s a2 z 2 M ( s) az 2 az s az t M (s) 1 s az • Minimum is shifted s=-az s az 1 Realistic example- I • Collision point of a part of bunch with z, <s>=z/2. • To minimize at s=z/2, a=-1/2 • Required H 1 2 H I py z 2 • RFQ • TM210 c 2 pc V 2 * 2 e 1 V~10 MV or more Waist control-II crab waist (P. Raimondi et al.) M e:H I :Μ 0 e:H I : H I axpy2 H I y y y axPy Py px px H px ap y2 x • Take linear part for y, since x is constant during collision. T 1 ax T 0 1 a2 x2 t T ax ax 1 Waist position for given x • Variation for s a2 x2 M ( s) ax 2 ax s ax t M ( s) 1 s ax • Minimum is shifted to s=-ax s ax 1 Realistic example- II • To complete the crab waist, a=1/, where is full crossing angle. • Required H HI 1 xp y2 • Sextupole strength 1 B '' L 1 1 K2 2 p / e y* y x* x K2~30-50 Not very strong Crabbing beam in sextupole • Crabbing beam in sextupole can give the nonlinear component at IP • Traveling waist is realized at IP. H I ap y2 z z* ( s) ( s ) x( s ) * 1 B '' L 1 1 K2 2 p / e y* y x* x K2~30-50 Super B (LNF-SLAC) Base C PEP-III 3016 2200 x 4.00E-10 2.00E-08 y 2.00E-12 2.00E-10 x (mm) 17.8 10 y (mm) 0.08 0.8 z (mm) 4 10 ne 2.00E+10 3.00E+10 np 4.40E+10 9.00E+10 25 14 f/2 (mrad) x 0.0025 y 0.1 Fy y y ( z ) ( s z / 2)dzds x f z Luminosity for the super B • Luminosity and vertical beam size as functions of K2 • L>1e36 is achieved in this weak-strong simulation. DAFNE upgrade DAFNE C 97.7 x 3.00E-07 y 1.50E-09 x (mm) 133 y (mm) 6.5 z (mm) 15 ne 1.00E+11 np 1.00E+11 f/2 (mrad) 25 x 0.033 y 0.2479 Luminosity for new DAFNE • L (x1033) given by the weak-strong simulation • Small s was essential for high luminosity ne tune s L(K2=10) 15 20 6.00E+10 0.53, 0.58 0.012 4.27 3.79 6.00E+10 0.53, 0.58 -0.01 4.35 3.93 1.00E+11 0.53, 0.58 -0.01 4.07 5.66 5.53 6.00E+10 0.53, 0.58 0.012 z=10mm 4.32 2.47 6.00E+10 0.53, 0.58 -0.01 z=10mm 4.65 2.7 6.00E+10 0.057, 0.097 -0.01 5.19(3.3) 1.00E+11 0.057, 0.097 -0.01 13.21(4.8) () strong-strong , horizontal size blow-up Super KEKB SuperKEKB Crab waist x 9.00E-09 6.00E-09 6.00E-09 6.00E-09 6.00E-09 y 4.50E-11 6.00E-11 6.00E-11 6.00E-11 6.00E-11 x (mm) 200 100 50 100 50 y (mm) 3 1 0.5 1 0.5 z (mm) 3 6 6 4 4 s 0.025 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 ne 5.50E+10 5.50E+10 5.50E+10 3.50E+10 3.50E+10 np 1.26E+11 1.27E+11 1.27E+11 8.00E+10 8.00E+10 0 15 15 15 15 x 0.397 0.0418 0.022 0.0547 0.0298 y 0.794->0.24 0.1985 0.179 0.178 0.154 8E+35 6.70E+35 1.00E+36 3.95E+35 4.80E+35 f/2 (mrad) Lum (W.S.) Lum (S.S.) 8.25E35 4.77E35 9E35 3.94E35 4.27E35 Horizontal blow-up is recovered by choice of tune. (M. Tawada) Traveling waist • Particles with z collide with central part of another beam. Hour glass effect still exists for each particles with z. x=24 nm • No big gain in Lum.! y=0.18nm x=0.2m • Life time is improved. y=1mm z=3mm Small coupling Traveling of positron beam Increase longitudinal slice x=18nm, y=0.09nm, x=0.2m y=3mm z=3mm Lower coupling becomes to give higher luminosity. Why the crab crossing and crab waist improve luminosity? • Beam-beam limit is caused by an emittance growth due to nonlinear beambeam interaction. • Why emittance grows? • Studies for crab waist is just started. Weak-strong model • 3 degree of freedom • Periodic system • Time (s) dependent H ( x, px , y, p y , z , pz ; s ) H '( J1 , 1 , J 2 , 2 , J 3 , 3 ; s) ( s L) ( s) 2 Solvable system • Exist three J’s, where H is only a function of J’s, not of ’s. • For example, linear system. • Particles travel along J. J is kept, therefore no emittance growth, except mismatching. dJ H 0 ds d H ( J ) ds J J const d 2 ( J ) • Equilibrium distribution J1 J 2 J 3 ( J ) exp 1 2 3 : emittance py y One degree of freedom • Existence of KAM curve • Particles can not across the KAM curve. • Emittance growth is limited. It is not essential for the beam-beam limit. • Schematic view of equilibrium distribution • Limited emittance growth More degree of freedom Gaussian weak-strong beam-beam model • Diffusion is seen even in sympletic system. Diffusion due to crossing angle and frequency spectra of <y2> Only 2y signal was observed. Linear coupling for KEKB • Linear coupling (r’s), dispersions, (h, =crossing angle for beam-beam) worsen the diffusion rate. M. Tawada et al, EPAC04 Two dimensional model • Vertical diffusion for =0.136 • DC<<D for wide region (painted by black). • No emittance growth, if no interference. Actually, simulation including radiation shows no luminosity degradation nor emittance growth in the region. • Note KEKB D=5x10-4 /turn DAFNE D=1.8x10-5 /turn (0.51,0.7) (0.7,0.7) 20 (0.7,0.51) 17.5 15 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 20 (0.51,0.7) 12.5 20 10 15 7.5 10 nux 15 5 10 nuy KEKB D=0.0005 5 2.5 5 (0.51,0.51) 2.5 (0.51,0.51) 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 (0.7,0.51) 3-D simulation including bunch length (z~y) Head-on collision •Good region shrunk drastically. • Global structure of the diffusion rate. • Fine structure near x=0.5 Contour plot (0.7,0.51) •Synchrobeta effect near y~0.5. • x~0.5 region remains safe. 20 17.5 0.001 0.00075 0.0005 0.00025 0 20 15 20 12.5 15 10 nux 15 10 7.5 10 nuy 5 5 5 2.5 (0.51,0.51) 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 Crossing angle (fz/x~1, z~y) • Good region is only (x, y)~(0.51,0.55). (0.7,0.51) 20 17.5 15 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 20 12.5 20 10 15 10 nux 15 (0.51,0.7) 10 nuy 5 5 (0.51,0.51) 7.5 5 2.5 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 Reduction of the degree of freedom. • For x~0.5, x-motion is integrable. (work with E. Perevedentsev) lim DC , y 0 x 0.5 if zero-crossing angle and no error. 1 L x (crossing angle)+(coupling)+(fast noise) • Dynamic beta, and emittance lim x 0.5 x 2 2 x ,0 • Choice of optimum x lim x 0.5 p 2 x Crab waist for KEKB • H=25 x py2. • Crab waist works even for short bunch. Sextupole strength and diffusion rate K2=20 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 20 20 15 10 nux 15 5 10 nuy 25 30 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 20 20 15 10 nux 15 10 nuy 5 5 5 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 20 20 15 10 nux 15 10 nuy 5 5 Why the sextupole works? • Nonlinear term induced by the crossing angle may be cancelled by the sextupole. • Crab cavity exp( : F :) exp( : px z :) exp(: px z :) 1 • Crab waist exp( : F :) exp( : px z :)exp(K2 : xpy2 :) ... Need study exp(: F :)M BB exp( : F :) Conclusion • Crab-headon Lpeak=8x1035. Bunch length 2.5mm is required for L=1036. • Small beam size (superbunch) without crab-waist. Hard parameters are required x=0.4nm x=1cm y=0.1mm. • Small beam size (superbunch) with crab-waist. If a possible sextupole configuration can be found, L=1036 may be possible. • Crab waist scheme is efficient even for shot bunch scheme.