Evidence for UHECR Acceleration from Fermi Observations of AGNs and GRBs Chuck Dermer Space Science Division US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC charles.dermer@nrl.navy.mil TeV Particle Astrophysics 2009 SLAC, July 13-17, 2009 1 Outline Requirements for UHECR sources: – Extragalactic (but within the GZK radius) – Emissivity (>1044 erg Mpc-3 yr-1) – Apparent Isotropic Power (> few×1045 erg s-1) (for Fermi acceleration) Extragalactic Gamma Ray Sources from Fermi Radio Galaxies and Blazars as Sources of the UHECRs Gamma-Ray Bursts as Sources of the UHECRs Dermer, Razzaque, Finke, Atoyan (New Journal of Physics, 2009) Razzaque, Dermer, Finke (Nature Physics, submitted, 2009) Dermer and Menon, “High Energy Radiation from Black Holes: Gamma Rays, Cosmic Rays, and Neutrinos” (Princeton University Press, 2009) 2 Black-Hole Jet Sources of UHECRs Nonthermal g rays relativistic particles + intense photon fields Leptonic jet model: radio/optical/ Xrays: nonthermal lepton synchrotron radiation Hadronic jet model: Photomeson production second g-ray component pg → p → g, n, n Neutrons escape to decay and become UHECR protons (Neutral beam model: Atoyan & Dermer 2003) Large Doppler factors required for g rays to escape Photopair/photopion vs. ion synchrotron 3 GZK Horizon Distance for Protons Horizon distance vs. MFP: Linear distance where proton with measured energy E had energy eE CMBR only: Auger limits: GZK cutoff consistent with UHECR protons For model-dependent definition: Harari, Mollerach, and Roulet 2006 4 UHECR Emissivity CR (dE / dVdt ) uUHECR (dE / dV ) / tloss tloss rhorizon / c 10 21 erg cm 3 UHECR rhorizon( Mpc ) / c knee erg 10 Mpc 3 yr 44 ankle (Waxman 1995) 5 UHECR Acceleration by Relativistic Jets Proper frame (´) energy density of relativistic wind with apparent luminosity L B2 u B 8p L 1 u 2 2 4pR c G x G Lorentz contraction DR´= G DR R´= R/ G Maximum particle energy Emax GQBR GZeB( R / G) Emax 2 10 20 Z L /(1046 ergs s 1 ) eV G What extragalactic sources have (apparent isotropic) L /G2 >> 1045 ergs s-1? Those with (apparent isotropic) Lg > 1044 ergs s-1 6 UHECRs from Blazars LAT Bright AGN Sample (LBAS): Abdo et al. arXiv:0902.1559 (ApJ, 2009) 0FGL: 205 LAT Bright Sources 3 month catalog:August 4 – October 30, 2008 Test Statistic > 100 Significance > 10s 132 |b|>10 sources 114 associated with AGNs Compare EGRET: 31 >10s sources (total) (10 at |b|>10) 11 mo. Source List! Fermi AGNs reviewed by Jim Chiang, Greg Madejski, D. Paneque 7 Luminosity Distribution vs. Redshift GZK horizon For sources within GZK radius, need > 103 persistent sources per Gpc3 Abdo et al., ApJS (2009) (Cen A (>100 MeV) few×1041 erg/s) 8 Luminosity Density of g-ray Blazars Minimum luminosity density of Radio Galaxies from LBAS (5×1040 erg/s w/i 3.5 Mpc) 1044 ergs Mpc-3 yr-1 9 Centaurus A ~100 kpc × 500 kpc lobes Need >> 1045 erg s-1 apparent power to accelerate UHECR protons by Fermi processes Cen A power: Bolometric radio luminosity: 4×1042 erg s-1 Gamma-ray power (from Fermi): few ×1041 erg s-1 Hard X-ray/soft g-ray power: 5×1042 erg s-1 UHECR power: few ×1040 erg s-1 10 What is Average Absolute Jet Power of Cen A? Total energy and lifetime: Cocoon dynamics (Begelman and Cioffi 1989 for Cyg A) Dermer, Razzaque, Finke, Atoyan, NJP 09 Use synchrotron theory to determine minimum energy B field, absolute jet power Pj. Jet/counterjet asymmetry gives outflow speed: Hardcastle et al. 2009 B2 P p r ( c)G ( upar ) 8p * j '2 b 2 Celotti and Fabian 93 11 Mean B-field and Average Absolute Jet Power in Cen A Hardcastle et al. 2009 Pj(Cen A) 1044 erg s-1 Apparent jet power 20 x larger? 12 Search for UHECRs Enhancements from Radio Galaxies and Blazars Blue: Auger, > 56 EeV (1◦) Red: HiRes > 56 EeV (1◦) Magenta: AGASA, > 56 EeV (1.8◦) Orange: AGASA, 40-56 EeV (1.8◦) Pink and purple circles: GC angular deflections of UHECRs with 40 EeV and 20 EeV from source AGN, respectively, in the galactic disk magnetic field. Green circles represent angular deflections in assumed 0.1 nG intergalactic magnetic field, assuming no magnetic-field reversals. GC MW magnetic deflection UHECR protons If blazars accelerate UHECR protons, then mean IGM field BIGM E20 Ninv nG d (200 Mpc) 13 UHECRs from Gamma Ray Bursts Luminosity density of GRBs GRB fluence: 102 ergs cm 2 yr 1 GRB 4pd 2 102 ergs cm 2 yr 1 4pd 3 / 3 0.75 1044 ergs Mpc 3 yr 1 ( d 4000 Mpc; z 1) > 20 keV fluence distribution of 1,973 BATSE GRBs (477 short GRBs and 1,496 long GRBs). 670 BATSE GRBs/yr (full sky) (Band 2001) GRB UHECR ( 1020 eV ) Vietri 1995; Waxman 1995 (independent of beaming) Baryon loading 14 UHECR Spectrum from Long-Duration GRBs Inject 2.2 spectrum of UHECR protons to E > 1020 eV Injection rate density determined by birth rate of GRBs early in the history of the universe High-energy (GZK) cutoff from photopion interactions with cosmic microwave radiation photons Ankle formed by pair production effects (Berezinskii, Gazizov, Grigoreva) Wick, Dermer, and Atoyan 2004 Test UHECR origin hypothesis by detailed fits to measured cosmic-ray spectrum 15 Effects of Different Star Formation Rates Hopkins & Beacom 2006 g-ray and n signatures of UHECRs at source tests GRB source hypothesis 16 Light Curves of GRBs 080825C, 081024B First LAT GRB. Note: • delayed onset of high-energy emission • extended (“long-lived”) high-energy g rays (Fermi GRBs reviewed by H. Tajima) First short GRB with >1 GeV photon detected Light Curves of GRB 080916C 8 keV – 260 keV 260 keV – 5 MeV LAT raw LAT > 100 MeV LAT > 1 GeV T 0 Again, two notable features: 1. Delayed onset of high-energy emission 2. Extended (“long-lived”) high-energy g rays seen in both long duration and short hard GRBs Interpretation of Delayed Onset of >100 MeV Emission Random collisions between plasma shells Separate emission regions from forward/reverse shock systems Second pair of colliding shells produce, by chance, a harder spectrum Expect no time delays for >100 MeV in some GRBs, yet to be detected Opacity effects Expansion of compact cloud, becoming optically thin to >100 MeV photons Expect spectral softening break evolve to higher energy in time, not observed Up-scattered cocoon emission Synchrotron-self-Compton for < MeV External Compton of cocoon photons, arriving late from high-latitude, to >100 MeV GRB 080916C Toma, Wu, Meszaros (2009) Proton synchrotron radiation Inherent delay to build-up proton synchrotron flux which sweeps into LAT energy range from high-energy end Razzaque, Dermer and Finke (2009) 19 Synchotron Radiation from UHE Protons Instantaneous energy flux F (erg cm-2 s-1); variability time tv, redshift z 4pd L2 F (1 z ) 2 d L2 F ug 2 2 G 4p R c G 6 c 3tv2 Implies a jet magnetic field B(kG) 2 B rb F 5 G33tv ( s ) r b tv 60 B 100 0.1 s 1 / 2 rb is baryon loading-parameter (particle vs. g-ray energy density) xB gives relative energy density in magnetic field vs. particles G > Gmin 103G 3 from gg opacity arguments Gmin 1/ 6 s T d (1 z ) F 1 4 6tv me c ln( u / ) 2 L 2 20 Fermi Acceleration of Protons in GRB Blast Waves Protons gain energy on timescales exceeding Larmor timescale, implying acceleration rate eB ,p gacc f is acceleration efficiency 1 / 2 g f Saturation Lorentz factor: sat, p f mpc m p Bcr 1 / 2 9 2 10 8 me B 4 f (f / 10)1 / 2 B51 / 2 Proton saturation frequency (in mec2 units): sat, p G G 1 m p 27 1.6 107 G3 ,p sat f 1 z 1 z me 8 f (f / 10) Observer measures a time for protons to reach gacc, p t sat 1 z 1/ 2 f G 1/ 2 m 2p c 6p 3 me es T B 0.01 f / 10 s 3/ 2 G3 B5 21 Time for Proton Synchrotron Radiation to Brighten gg processes induce second generation electron synchotron spectrum at sat,e 3 G B 2 m p 27 f 2 1 z Bcr me 16 f 2 3 10 G3 B5 2 ( f / 10 ) i.e., ~ 500 MeV for standard parameters Time for proton synchrotron radiation to reach sat,e: tcl t sat Bcr me 64 f 4 1 z m p cBcr f f B m p 81 3 G eB2 mp (f /10) 1.4 s me G3 B52 22 Long GRBs as the Sources of UHECRs 2 10 20 G3 eV (f / 10) B5 Maximum energy of escaping protons Long GRB rate 2fb Gpc-3 yr-1 at the typical redshift z 1–2 10 smaller at 100d100 Mpc due to the star formation fb > 200 larger due to a beaming factor 60E60 EeV UHECR deflected by an angle 1 1/ 2 1/ 2 4.4 ZBnG E 60 d100 l1 IGM field with mean strength BnGnG coherence length of l1 Mpc Number of GRB sources within 100 Mpc with jets pointing within 4 of our 2 2 3 / 2 line-of-sight is 30( f b / 200) BnG E 60 l1 If typical long duration GRBs have a narrow core accelerating UHECRs, then GRBs could account for Auger events within GZK radius. 23 Extended High Energy Emission LAT detected GRBs show significant high energy emission extending after the GBM emission returns to background (discovered originally with EGRET on Compton Observatory; Hurley et al. 1994) Could be due to … Delayed arrival of SSC Long-lived hadronic emissions (Böttcher and Dermer 1998) GRB 080916C Abdo et al., Science (2009) Greiner et al., A&A (2009) Injection problem Internal shells External shock extended (> 1016 cm) wind/shell 24 UHECR Origin Auger UHECR arrival directions correlated with matter within 100 Mpc Ruled out: Galactic sources young neutron stars or pulsars, black holes, GRBs in the Galaxy Particle physics sources superheavy dark matter particles in galactic halo top-down models Clusters of galaxies Viable: Jets of AGNs: radio-loud or radio-quiet? Cen A!, M87? nG IGM magnetic field (long) GRBs: Requires nano-Gauss intergalactic magnetic field UHECRs accelerated by black-hole jets 25 Unresolved g-Ray Background BL Lacs: ~2 - 4% (at 1 GeV) FSRQs: ~ 10 - 15% Star-forming galaxies (Pavlidou & Fields 2002) Starburst galaxies (Thompson et al. 2006) Galaxy cluster shocks (Keshet et al. 2003, Blasi Gabici & Brunetti 2007) Thermal black holes (accretion) Dermer (2007) Nonthermal black holes (jet) Data: Sreekumar et al. (1998) Strong, Moskalenko, & Reimer (2000) 26 Fermi LAT GRBs as of 090510 192 GBM GRBs ~30 short GRBs 8 LAT GRBs (reviewed by H. Tajima, this conference) (distinguish long vs. short GBM GRBs)