Superconductivity in the BEPCII Performance Q. Qin (秦 庆) Institute of High Energy Physics 2012-8 WAO'12 1 Outline • • • • • 2012-8 Introduction on the BEPCII Why we chose superconducting stuffs How superconducting affects operation What we benefit from superconducting Summary WAO'12 2 Linac Storage ring BESIII BSRF Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) 2012-8 WAO'12 3 1. Introduction on BEPCII BEPCII — An upgrade project of BEPC — A double-ring factory-like machine — Deliver beams to both HEP & SR RF SR II RF I North e e III 2012-8 WAO'12 IV IP 4 3-ring structure + 2012-8 WAO'12 5 Design Goals of BEPCII Collision Beam energy range 1-2.1 GeV Optimized beam energy 1.89 GeV Luminosity 11033 cm-2s-1 @1.89 GeV Full energy injection 1-1.89 GeV Synchrotron radiation Beam energy 2.5 GeV Beam current 250 mA Keep the existing beam lines unchanged BEPCII: One-machine, Two-purpose (HEP, SR) 2012-8 WAO'12 6 The Milestones Construction started May. 4, 2004 Dismount of 8 linac sections started 7Dec. 1, 2004 Linac delivered e beams for BEPC July 4, 2005 BEPC ring dismount started Mar. 2, 2006 BEPCII ring installation started Nov. 13, 2006 Phase 1 commissioning started Aug. 3, 2007 Shutdown for installation of IR-SCQ’s Oct. 24, 2007 Phase 2 commissioning started Mar.28, 2008 Shutdown for installation of detector June 24, 2008 Phase 3 commissioning started July 19, 2008 First hadron event observed May 19, 2009 Luminosity reached 3.31032cm-2s-1 Nov. 2006 July 2007 Oct. 2006 Oct. 2007 May 2008 L u m in o s ity (× 1 0 600 4 400 3日 日 月 9日 月 14 日 月 17 日 12 月 23 日 12 月 24 日 1月 12 日 4月 8日 12 1 1 0 9 12 1 1 0 9 12 1 2 0 9 日 1 0 0 9 日 1 1 0 9 5月 2 1 2 0 8 日 1 1 2 0 8 0 21 0 1 3 0 8 2010–2011 7 e- beam current 10 9 1 3 0 8 e+ beam current 0 May 2010 23 8 1 4 0 8 May 2009 WAO'12 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 200 Luminosity 1月 5.00E+31 2 3月 1.00E+32 1日 1.50E+32 15 2.00E+32 3月 lum 2.50E+32 July 2008 6 32 3.00E+32 0.00E+00 7 1 5 0 8 800 -2 -1 3.50E+32 2012-8 8 B eam cu rren t (m A ) cm s ) Peak Lum history 2月 Oct. 2005 Sep. 2004 2月 May 2004 January 2004 2. Why we chose superconducting items In the BEPCII, there are • Two SC RF cavities (SRF) — one cavity/ring 2012-8 WAO'12 8 • SC RF 2012-8 WAO'12 9 • In the CD0, 3 NC RF cavities were used instead of 1 SRF each ring, providing energy to beams with a reasonable bunch lengthening. • To save the longitudinal space of each ring, and develop the technology of SC RF, we decided to use SC RF cavity in the BEPCII 2012-8 WAO'12 10 • Two SC quad/multipolar insertion magnets (SIM) near the interaction point — one SIM/ring 2012-8 WAO'12 11 • A compact multipole-coil designed to squeeze y* , compensate coupling caused by the detector solenoid, bend beam to outer ring in SR mode, tune orbit and coupling by corrector and skew quad coils. • SIM used for above aim, saving the space in IR, increasing the strength of quad. • A scheme of permanent squad near IP was also considered, but not as good as SC scheme. 2012-8 WAO'12 12 Coil winding layout of SC IR magnet (SIM) 2012-8 WAO'12 ISPB SCQ IP Interaction region for the collision mode SCB 2010-04-12 SCB WAO'10 Interaction region for the dedicated SR mode • One SC solenoid magnet (SSM) in the detector of BES III — Higher solenoid field (1.0 Tesla) compared to BES I and BES II (0.4 Tesla), having better resolution. 2012-8 WAO'12 15 Cryogenic system of BEPCII Cryogenics Hall for RF SC RF cavity Cryogenics Hall and gas tank farm SC solenoid Cryogenics Hall for SC magnets 2012-8 SC magnets WAO'12 16 Cryogenic hall and gas tank farm Contains: He compressor systems, VFDs, air compressor, air drier, ORS, coolingwater system, spare power engine, gas tank farm, control system 2012-8 WAO'12 Tank farm Two 130m3 ,1.45Mpa Two 130m3 ,0.73Mpa One 30m3 ,0.08Mpa One 5m3 ,6Mpa One 10m3 ,0.73Mpa BEPCII north crossing point region Waveguide Heater SRF quench line LN2 transfer line UPS SRF Cavity Multi-channel transfer line 2012-8 PLC rack 500W refrigerator LHe dewar WAO'12 SRF valve box SRF Cavity (Spare one) NCP hall and cryogenics facilities Cryogenic transfer line • The total cooling capacity of the cryogenic system of BEPCII is 1kW/4.5K, with the power supply requirement of 800kW. • Two independent refrigerator systems, each with a cooling capacity of 500W/4.5K, are adopted to cool the SC magnets and SC RF cavities. • Possible area to set up all the cryogenic system with He transport lines, is the base of adopting SC technology at the BEPCII 2012-8 WAO'12 20 3. How superconducting affects operation • Both superconducting and cryogenics system were new to us at the beginning of the commissioning in 2006. • Vertical and horizontal tests of SC RF cavities were finished in May 2006, and ready for operation. • SC magnets and solenoid were not ready, so a NC scheme was first adopted to run the machine, called phase 1. • SIM was installed in 2007, and commissioned as phase 2. SSM and detector were rolled in IR in 2008, commissioned as phase 3. • This helped us to get experiences of SC and cryogenic stuffs step by step during operation. 2012-8 WAO'12 21 No BESIII detector IR in phase 1 PEP-II dipole 2016/7/2 BEPC quad BEPC quad 22 3-phase of BEPCII storage ring commissioning Oct. 2006, Installation completed with NIM at IR Nov 18, 2006 First beam stored Mar 26, 2007 First collision May 14, 2007 Luminosity reached that of BEPC Phase 1 Oct. 2007, Installation completed with SIM at IR Oct. 24, 2007 First beam stored Nov. 18, 2007 First collision Jan. 29, 2008 Luminosity > 11032cm-2s-1 Phase 2 2008 June. Installation completed with BESIII in the IR July 19, 2008 First hadron event got with BESIII April 8, 2009 Luminosity reached 2.3 1032cm-2s-1 May19, 2009 Luminosity reached 3.3 1032cm-2s-1 2010-04-12 WAO'10 Phase 3 Main problems we met • Quench – SRF & SC magnets Quench protection systems were setup to analyze the reason of quench – SC items problem or due to cryogenic system problem, hardware or software problems, etc. Recover the SC devices carefully after getting the reason of quench in detail. Quench of SIM happened frequently at the beginning of commissioning, and now decreased gradually. Very few quench happened to SSM of detector. 2012-8 WAO'12 24 No. of Quench of SIM 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2008.07 2009.06 2012-8 2009.09 2010.07 WAO'12 2010.09 2011.06 2011.11 2012.07 25 • Cryogenic system failures Abnormal data of control system The purification problem of He gas (should be better than 99.99%), which can cause the ability of refrigerator lower Electrical device failures, such as switcher, etc. Aging of main parts, such as turbo of refrigerator Other uncontrolled force, such electricity down or fluctuation, thunder storm, strong wind, etc. 2012-8 WAO'12 26 • Among all the fault time of cryogenic system, about 80% are abnormal data of control system and impure of He gas • Features of cryogenic system: Long time to recover SC status if failed due to any reason “Fragile” due to environment A spare compressor was added last summer shutdown, and improved the performance this year. 2012-8 WAO'12 27 Availability of BEPCII Cryogenics system Availability of 1# cryogenic system (for superconductive magnets) higher than 95.5% TBF ×100% Availability(%) = TBF+TTR Availability of 2# cryogenic system (for superconductive cavity) higher than 94.8% TBF: Time between failures TTR: Time to repair and restoration system 4. What we benefit from superconducting • Help the machine to get to its design goal in such a small ring tunnel • Introduce SC to accelerator in main land China • Master the accelerator related SC technology gradually • Setup the first and biggest cryogenics system for large scientific facility in main land China • Get experiences on SC and cryogenics performance, operation gets more and more smooth… 2012-8 WAO'12 29 • From 2008, we started to study and manufacture the SC RF cavity, including cavity, HOM damper, high power coupler, cryo-module, etc., by ourselves. • A spare SC RF cavity has been finished last year. Vertical and horizontal measurements were done in IHEP, and the main parameters are good enough. Now, it is on the tunnel site as a spare part. • R&D of SC quad is being carried on in IHEP. 2012-8 WAO'12 30 2012-8 WAO'12 31 Summary • SC technology used in BEPCII brought the SC application to accelerator in main land China. • SRF and SC magnets run well in BEPCII, with design parameter of the hardware, and helped the whole machine to reach its design goal. • Operation with SC and cryogenics is getting experienced, though they are sometimes vulnerable. • SC benefits us not only on the machine itself, but the technology development. 2012-8 WAO'12 32 Thanks for your attentions! 2012-8 WAO'12 33