Super B Factory Physics Impact David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 1 Why Super B factories ? The motivation to continue e+e- flavor physics studies with a Super B factory beyond the BABAR/Belle/(LHCb) era lies in its ability to make measurements that have sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model This sensitivity extends to New Physics in b, c and t decay A data sample of 50-75 ab-1 is required to provide this sensitivity BABAR +Belle total sample is <2 ab-1 A luminosity in the range of 1036 cm-2s-1 is required to integrate this large a sample in a reasonable time There are two approaches on the market to acquiring such a sample SuperKEKB at KEK and SuperB at Rome II Univ (Tor Vergata) or LNF Both asymmetric colliders now use a version of the “Italian scheme” Collide asymmetric energy rings having very low emittance, similar to those developed for the ILC damping rings and high brightness light sources SuperB also employs a new type of final focus – a “crabbed waist” and has a longitudinally polarized LER beam Beam currents and wallplug power are reduced from brute force extrapolations of the existing machines PEP-II and KEKB Luminosity-related backgrounds and radiation levels in the forward/backward directions are high: require intensive study Designing an appropriate detector is a tractable problem David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 2 Two nascent efforts >80ab-1 after 6 years Integrated Luminosity(1/ab) 50ab-1 by ~2020 140.00 120.00 100.00 L~8x1035 80.00 60.00 10ab-1 ~ 2016 40.00 20.00 L~2x1035 2015? 2020? Both now employ versions of the “Italian scheme”: Low emittance rings with large crossing angles David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 3 ar 8 Ye ar 7 Ye ar 6 Ye ar 5 Ye ar 4 Ye ar 3 Ye ar 2 Ye ar 1 Ye 3year shutdown for upgrade Ye ar 0 0.00 also charm and t physics David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 4 What’s the killer “Shake the Box” app? Is it the ability to discover lepton flavor-violating t decays and determine the chirality of the LFV coupling ? Neutrino oscillations demonstrate the existence of neutral LFV couplings Charged LFV are very small in the Standard Model, but measureable at a Super B factory Is it the unique sensitivity to new CP phases beyond the CKM phase in B and D decay through studies of direct and indirect CP asymmetries? Is it the sensitivity to the existence of a fourth quark generation ? Is it the sensitivity to right-handed currents ? Is it the sensitive tests of CPT invariance at the highest available q2 made possible by exploiting quantum coherence ? Is it the whole panoply of measurements and the pattern of effects uncovered that can serve as a “DNA chip” for New Physics found at LHC ? David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 5 Many SM extensions yield measurable effects in flavor physics Little Higgs w/ MFV UV fix Generic Little Higgs Extra dim w/ SM on brane Generic extra dim w SM in bulk Supersoft SUSY breaking Dirac gauginos MSSM MFV low tan SM-like flavor physics MSSM MFV large tan SUSY GUTs Effective SUSY Observable effects of New Physics after G. Hiller David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 6 Lepton Flavor Violation in t decays Super B Factory sensitivity directly confronts New Physics models BABAR SuperB sensitivity For 75 ab-1 We expect to see LFV events, not just improve limits David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 7 Lepton Flavor Violation in t decays Impact of q13 in a SUSY seesaw model Antusch, Arganda, Herrero, Teixeira, JHEP 0611:090,2006 David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 8 LFV 5s disc B B 2 75 10ab : 75ab for B(t mg ), 7.5 for B(t 10 1 1 CMSSM : meg vanishes at all SPS points David Hitlin ) MVF-NP extensions : meg vanishes as s130 tmg is independent of s13 SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 9 Lepton sector constraints in an SU(3)-flavored MSSM Lightest slepton mass Calibbi, Jones Perez, Masiero, Park, Porod & Vives arXiv 0907.4069v2 David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 10 Beyond MFV LFV from PMNS 107 B (tmg) SO(10) MSSM LFV from CKM SuperB now Super B Factory M1/2 SUSY GUT now Super B Factory Allowed by Dms From Bs phase David Hitlin J.K.Parry, H.-H. Zhang hep-ph/0710.5443 SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 11 LFV branching fraction ratios are discriminators Blanke, Buras, Duling, Recksiegel & Tarantino, arXiv:0906.545v1 David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 12 Polarized t’s can probe the chiral structure of LFV in a model-independent manner t t t A longitudinally polarized electron beam, producing polarized t’s, can determinate the chiral structure of lepton flavor-violating interactions David Hitlin SLAC SSI Dassinger, Feldmann, Mannel, and Turczyk JHEP 0710:039,2007; [See also Matsuzaki and Sanda Phys.Rev.D77:073003,2008 ] August 5, 2009 13 D D mixing is now well-established and large 0 0 D0 K decay time analysis BABAR: PRL 98 211802 (2007) 3.9s D0 K K vs K lifetime difference analysis Belle: PRL 98 211803 (2007) 3.2s D0 Ks time dependent amplitude analysis Belle: PRL 99 131803 (2007) 2.2s D0 K decay time analysis CDF: PRL 100, 121802 (2008) 3.8s D0 K K vs K lifetime difference analysis BABAR: PRD 78, 011105 R (2008) 3.0s D0 K 0 time dependent amplitude analysis BABAR: arXiv:0807, 4544 (2008) 3.1s D0 K relative strong phase using quantumcorrelated measurements in e+e- D0 D0 CLEO-c: PRD 78, 012001, (2008) D0 K-+ and K+K- lifetime ratios BABAR: EPS 2009 4.1s Significance of all mixing results (HFAG Preliminary– EPS2009): 10.2s This raises the exciting possibility of searching for CP violation + Super B Factory @ 75 ab-1 + David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 14 CP violation in DC=2 mixing in an LHT model |q/p| from D→K, K.. 75 ab-1 N (t ) N (t ) aSL N (t ) N (t ) D* tags s 1% LHT model Little Higgs w T parity Bigi, Blanke, Buras & Recksiegel arXiv:0904.1545v3 [hep-ph] David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 15 CKM Fitter results as of Moriond 2009 The BABAR and Belle CP asymmetry measurements together with improved precision in other measurements have produced a set of highly overconstrained tests, which grosso modo, are well-satisfied A closer look, however, reveals some issues David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 16 A variety of analyses have pinpointed tensions in the UT These are all at the 2-3 s level, but occur in several places e.g., Lunghi and Soni analysis David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 17 Does the agreement of the overconstrained tests stand up to detailed scrutiny ? There is actually some tension, and there are enough constraints to explore these issues Caveats: There may be Standard Model explanations for some effects All issues are at the <3s level Inclusive and exclusive Vub determinations are not in good agreement There are also issues with inclusive/exclusive Vcb The B(B→tn) conflict The agreement of the fitted, i.e., SM-predicted value of sin 2 vs the directly measured value using tree decays and loop decays is not perfect The Bs → ψϕ phase The K problem David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 18 The B(B→tn) conflict Effectively a measurement of fB Determines same constraint B(B→tn) also constrains Higgs doublet models G. Eigen David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 19 Is there a fourth quark generation ? A fourth generation CKM-like mixing matrix has 2 additional quark masses 3 additional mixing angles 2 additional CP-violating phases A recent analysis by Bobrowski, Lenz, Reidl and Rohrwild shows that large regions of the new parameter spaces are still allowed SuperB factories will be the primary tool to close this window, or, perhaps, to find significantly non-zero values of these fourth generation parameters q24 d14 q14 David Hitlin SLAC SSI d13 August 5, 2009 20 New physics in Bd, Bs mixing ?? There is still room for sizeable contributions from New Physics Model-independent parametrization for New Physics in ΔF=2 transitions Bq0 | M 12SM NP | Bq0 D qNP Bq0 | M 12SM | Bq0 D NP q Re(D q ) i Im(D q ) D q e i Dq rq2e 2iqq 1 hq e 2is q The preferred (SM+NP) ΔNP value is currently ~ 2σ from SM for both Bd and Bs systems To clarify: 1. Updated Tevatron result 2. LHCb sin2s measurement David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 21 CPV Probes of New Physics In the Standard Model we expect the same value for “sin2 ” in b ccs, b ccd , b sss, b dds modes, but different SUSY models can produce different asymmetries Since the penguin modes have branching fractions one or two orders of magnitude less than tree modes, a great deal of luminosity is required to make these measurements to meaningful precision B 0 J / K S0 B 0 K S0 Vtb*Vtd VcbVcs* q A 2i tree ( 1) e pA VtbVtd* Vcb* Vcs Wb u,c,t e David Hitlin b u,c,t i (2 SUSY ) s b A A ~ 0 g, - Hs penguin Vtb*Vtd VtbVts* q A 2 i ( 1) e pA VtbVtd* Vtb*Vts ~ ~~ u,c,t s b ~ ~~ d,s,b s S K sin(2 SUSY ) SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 22 Squark mass matrix (d sector) Super B Factories LHC David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 23 1500 1000 500 250 SPS-1 SPS-2 SPS-3 SPS-4 SPS-5 SPS-6 SPS-7 SPS-8 SPS-9 Ghodbane and Martyn David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 24 New Physics in CPV: Wb B Many channels can show effects in the range DS~(0.01-0.04) s s s d t 0 sin2 from s Penguins… d d SuperB 75 ab-1 K0 ~ g b b~ X s~ s d ) d 23 LR (*) theory limited David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 25 B g K0 at 50/ab with present WA value J/K0 K0 l =e David Hitlin i (2 b + f SLAC SSI SUSY ) A Þ Sf K = sin(2b + f A August 5, 2009 SUSY 26 ) Kinematic distributions in B K (*) 1 FL 0.5 0 1 SM C7= – C7SM AFB 0.5 0 David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 27 Much more data is required for a definitive result (*) Can be pursued with exclusive B K l l or inclusiveB xs l l reconstruction A measure of the relative merits is the precision in determination of the zero Exclusive Inclusive Theory error: 9% + O(L/mb) uncertainty Egede, Hurth, Matias, Ramon, Reece arxiv:0807.2589 Theory error: ~5% Huber, Hurth, Lunghi arxiv:0712.3009 Experimental error (SHLC): 2.1% Experimental error (Super B Factory): 4-6% David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 28 The pattern of deviation from the SM values is diagnostic Model Bd Unitarity Time-dep. CPV Rare B decay Other signals - - - - Bd mixing - B → (D)*tn b → sl+l− Bs → mm Bs mixing - B → KS B → K∗g - Bs mixing Bd mixing B → KS - - Split fermions in large extra dimensions Bd mixing - b → sl +l − Bulk fermions in warped extra dimensions Bd mixing B → KS b → sl +l − - b → sl +l − b → sg mSUGRA (moderate tan) mSUGRA (large tan ) SUSY GUT with nR Effective SUSY KK graviton exchange Universal extra dimensions David Hitlin - SLAC SSI t LFV, n EDM ACP (b→sg) b → sl +l − Bs mixing - b → sl +l − K 0 K 0 mixing D0 D0 mixing Bs mixing D D mixing 0 0 K →nn August 5, 2009 29 David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 30 A Super B Factory is a DNA chip for New Physics nb) a t e t a der e tanb) o m ( A rg R a l G ( U A mS SUGR UT with nR m G SY Y U S S U e S iv SU(5) Effect exchange n ns o o t i i s v n a e KK grextra dim nsions rge i me ions a l d n a i r t i ons l ex ens a m m s r i r e d e f Univ sal extra Split r Unive rity a t i n tion Bd u a l o i Pv ays c C e t n d nde eB r als e a n p g e R i d s r Time Othe David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 31 Conclusions Shake the box physics will play a vital role in understanding new physics found at LHC A full set of constraints requires studies of EDMs, (g-2)m, rare m and t decays, me conversion and rare K, D and B decays High statistics (50-75 ab-1 ) data samples at e+e- Super B Factories provide both discovery potential charged lepton flavor violation CPV in D0 D0 mixing, and A DNA chip to discriminate between model of New Physics The achievable levels of sensitivity in rare b, c and t decays provide substantial coverage in the parameter space The Super B Factory programs, of course, overlap with the programs of LHC flavor experiments such as LHCb, but the e+e- environment makes possible a substantial number of unique and important physics measurements in areas sensitive to New Physics David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 32 David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 33 B Physics: 4S) Charm mixing and CPV Charm FCNC Bs Physics: (5S) t Physics David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 34 David Hitlin SLAC SSI August 5, 2009 35