Download Transmedia Studio Handbook

The Transmedia Studio Handbook - Spring 2013
The Transmedia Studio is a co-curricular organization created by the Roy H. Park School
of Communications at Ithaca College to provide students with opportunities to create
content and produce projects across multiple media platforms. At the Transmedia Studio
students practice how to take a project from conception to distribution in a system that
mirrors the one they will find when they enter the entertainment industry as professionals.
All Ithaca College students are invited to participate in the Transmedia Studio. The
Studio also involves Ithaca College alumni and other professionals.
Studio Organization and Student Executive Staff
Studio activity is organized into departments:
*Creative Development (scripts & stories)
Talent Development (recruiting actors, casting projects)
Crew Development (recruiting, training, and coordinating production personnel)
Music & Sound Design
Production Design
*Budgets and Financing
*Production & Post Production
*Marketing, Distribution & Public Relations
Facilities & Equipment & Software & Technical Strategies
A student director heads each of these departments. Together, the directors comprise the
student executive staff. The Director of the Park Media Lab, who acts as Transmedia
Studio advisor, is their supervisor.
Any Ithaca College student can apply to be a member of the executive staff by filling out
an application and submitting it by the deadline. Deadlines will be announced via
Intercom and the Park School News. Applicants can email their completed application to
the advisor who will appoint members to the executive staff once a year, near the end of
the spring academic semester. (Positions marked with an * will be filled in spring 2013
semester. Other positions will be appointed as needed.)
In appointing members to the executive staff, the Studio aims to bring a wide range of
experience and perspectives from many academic disciplines. Terms on the executive
staff last a year. If an executive staff member leaves campus (for example, to study
abroad or in Los Angeles or New York or withdraws or takes a leave of absence) the
advisor will appoint another applicant to fill the remainder of the term. Likewise, if a
member of the executive staff fails to fulfill his/her duties and responsibilities, the advisor
may replace him/her with another applicant. Students on the executive staff may reapply.
Executive Staff Job Descriptions
Job descriptions are the responsibility of the advisor who will periodically revise them
based on student input.
Director of Creative Development
Meets with student writers, directors, and producers to hear project pitches and then
evaluate and respond to their pitches by offering constructive feedback. When the
director believes a project is ready for consideration by the Studio, s/he arranges for a
meeting with the full executive staff to hear the project pitch from the initiating student(s)
(writer/producer/director.) If the studio executive staff believes the project is suitable, it
can submit the project to the advisor for approval. Otherwise, the staff gives notes to the
pitcher(s) about the project's strengths and weaknesses. The pitcher(s) can then revise
their pitch and present more information on a second round. Once the studio executive
staff submits the project to the advisor and the advisor approves it, the studio gives the
project a “green light.” The Director of Creative Development also guides projects
through the process of narrative design: adapting stories & scripts for transmedia.
Director of Talent Development
Acts as hub of knowledge and liason between the acting community on-campus and offcampus and student producers/directors of Studio projects. Acts as casting director for
Studio projects in pre-production. Observes and evaluates actors in plays and other
student films on campus and off. Develops and maintains a database of names,
headshots, resumes, etc. Publicizes opportunities to participate in the Studio database to
the Ithaca acting community on-campus and off-campus. When studio projects are ready
for casting, makes recommendations based on this resource. Coordinates casting sessions
by working with project producers and directors.
Director of Crew Development
Recruits, trains and certifies students by testing them in key technical areas:
cinematography, lighting design, location sound recording, etc. Develops and maintains
a professional network in the technical areas and calls on alumni and local professionals
interested in acting as mentors, etc. Develops and maintains a database of names,
resumes, interests, and availability of students. Publicizes opportunities to participate in
the Studio database to the Ithaca College student community. When studio projects are
ready for production, makes recommendations for crew based on this resource.
Schedules and coordinates crew for projects by working with project producers and
Director of Music & Sound Design
Recruits, evaluates, and coordinates composers and sound designers interested in
participating in Studio projects. Develops and maintains a database of names, work
samples, etc. Publicizes opportunities to participate in the Studio database and projects to
the Ithaca College community. When studio projects are ready for music and sound
design, makes recommendations based on this resource. Coordinates Studio project’s
music and sound design by working with project producers, directors, and editors.
Director of Production Design
Recruits experienced designers and helps train students interested in scenic and
production design. Publicizes opportunity to participate in studio database to Ithaca
College community. When studio projects are ready for production design, makes
recommendations based on this resource. Coordinates a project’s production design by
working with project producers and directors.
Director of Budgets and Financing
After the Studio “green lights” a project, works with project producers to prepare a
production schedule and budget. Presents the project budget to the Studio executive staff
and advisor for feedback and approval. Works with the Studio advisor to package the
project for financing; researches and assists with implementing strategies for financing
from donors, investors, grants, etc. Works with studio advisor to oversee project budgets
throughout production and postproduction.
Director of Production & Post Production
Acts as production manager for Studio projects in production. Works with advisor to
oversee and manage production schedules, budgets, personnel, and resources, including
locations, talent contracts, and deal memos with professionals, equipment from PPECS
and off-campus rentals, etc. Drafts, revises, and maintains project production schedule.
Manages deliverables. Acts as postproduction supervisor for Studio projects in post
production. Works with advisor to oversee and manage postproduction personnel and
resources, including editing facilities, music licenses, and deal memos with professionals,
etc., according to the project budget. Drafts, revises, and maintains postproduction
schedule. Manages deliverables.
Director of Marketing, Distribution & Public Relations
Designs, implements, maintains, and updates Studio web page, facebook group, other
social media outreach, and print publications. Coordinates with executive staff to design
and distribute announcements and publicity materials for recruitment and pitch sessions.
Creates promotional videos for Studio activities and projects. Designs and implements
outreach campaigns and promotional events. When studio projects are ready, works with
producers and directors to design and implement distribution plans and materials—via
festivals, screenings, television outlets, online video, etc.
Facilities, Equipment, Software & Technical Strategies
Oversees scheduling and access for current Studio facilities, including the downtown
Studio space and PPECS reservations. Researches and reports to the executive staff on
new technology and practices in the industry at large. Makes recommendations about
acquiring new equipment, software, and developing new technical strategies.
Studio Process
Any student at Ithaca College can pitch a project to the Studio by contacting the Director
of Creative Development and scheduling a time to meet. If the Studio Director believes
the project is ready, s/he will arrange for the producer/director/writer (individual or team)
to pitch to the full executive staff of the Studio. The full executive staff can either “green
light” the project or give notes to the pitcher suggesting revisions requesting more
When a project is “green lighted” the Studio advisor works with the student executive
staff and the Park School dean's office to obtain financing. When the project goes into
production, the Studio composes a production team primarily from students who have
been certified by the Studio in their areas of expertise. The Studio may also involve
professionals, including alumni, on the production team. Depending on the project,
student members of a production crew may be paid to work on the project as student
At every stage in the process, Studio student executives mentor, guide, and advise all
other student participants. The Studio executives encourage participation and
engagement among as wide a range of students as possible by being accessible and
offering constructive feedback.
The Ithaca College Intellectual Property Policy governs student participation in the Park
Transmedia Studio. In some cases, student intellectual property rights will be determined
by separate agreements that supersede the general policy pursuant to Section 2.20.2. In
the absence of such an agreement, the student creator(s) shall own any and all student
works created for, submitted to, and developed by Park Transmedia Studio, however
Ithaca College shall retain the following rights:
The right to a non-exclusive, non-transferable, perpetual, worldwide,
royalty-free license to use copies
The right to recover its expenses and other administrative costs out of
royalty income
The right to royalties or other income pursuant to Section 2.20.3