[brackets and Italics] =insert for letter for faculty being considered for promotion to Professor
(parenthesis and underline) = insert for letter for faculty considered for promotion to Associate Professor)
Letter of Evaluation from Alumni for Teaching
Dear {insert addressee}:
{insert candidate name} (Assistant Professor) [Associate Professor] of {insert department} is being reviewed for tenure and promotion to (Associate Professor) [Professor] in the Department of {insert department} at Ithaca College.
An important criterion for promotion or appointment to (Associate Professor) [Professor] is a (sustained) record of {continued teaching} teaching excellence. Professor {insert candidate name} provided your name as a former student who may be willing to submit a letter providing a substantive assessment of your learning experience as his/her student. For your reference, I have enclosed the pertinent sections of the College’s Faculty Handbook defining teaching. Please note that we ask that you confine your evaluation to an assessment of your learning experience with (Insert Name) rather than providing an overall recommendation regarding tenure and promotion.
Please let me know via phone {insert phone} or e-mail {insert e-mail} as soon as possible, but no later than {insert date} if you wish to provide a letter of evaluation for Professor {insert candidate name}.
Should you agree, please submit your letter on or before {insert date}. If you are unable to complete the evaluation by this date, please contact me as soon as possible.
Your letter of evaluation will remain confidential and will be read only by individuals or committees who are part of the formal review process.
Thank you for your time and attention. Should you have questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.
Excerpt from the Ithaca College Policy Manual Volume IV
Faculty Handbook: Policies and Procedures Related to Faculty
4.12 Evaluation of Faculty Teaching
Teaching is interpreted in its broadest sense to include academic guidance and intellectual motivation as well as classroom, laboratory, and studio instruction.
The characteristics of an excellent teacher are difficult to define as teachers must adapt to the particular subject matter, educational objectives, and environment. With those caveats in mind, the following description is presented in order to provide guidance as to some of the characteristics of an excellent teacher.
An excellent teacher demonstrates mastery of the following: command of the subject, an analytical approach to the material, recognition and contrast of variant interpretations of the data where appropriate, consideration of current work in the field, and ability to show the relationship between the particular subject and other areas of knowledge. The excellent teacher clearly explains expectations and subject matter, recognizes the students' level of comprehension, defines the objectives; summarizes major points, organizes the material logically, and emphasizes crucial ideas; encourages student participation, welcomes interaction with students, and is sensitive to the response of the class; deals ethically with students and seeks rapport with them; motivates and challenges students, is dedicated to the subject and the teaching profession, displays self-confidence, and communicates a sense of excitement for the pursuit of knowledge. Advising Students
Academic advising is an important faculty responsibility. It includes, but is not limited to, helping students assess academic strengths and weaknesses, explore intellectual and career interests and goals, develop plans for a coherent academic program, monitor progress toward their degrees, evaluate their academic options, and understand the consequences of their decision.
Academic advising has both developmental and prescriptive aspects. Developmental advising assists students in making the transition to higher education, growing as students during college years, and making the transition from college to the world of work and/or continuing education. Prescriptive advising helps students understand the requirements of academic programs and the academic regulations of the College so they can take advantage of the many educational opportunities offered at Ithaca. Academic advisors help students assume responsibility for their educational decisionmaking and recognize that there are other professionals on campus from whom they can obtain academic advice, counsel, assistance, and support.
The excellent academic advisor is accessible to students and is an effective listener and communicator. He or she is also knowledgeable about academic programs, regulations, and resources; is concerned about student performance and development; and is aware of career opportunities and services. The excellent academic advisor provides sufficient time for advising, maintains confidentiality in the advising relationship, and refers students to other resources as appropriate.