
Guola = a Bhotea village or mart
Guoba = head man of Bhotea village
Soubah = -- -- -- -- -- Limbo & others
Cāsi [Kazi] = -- -- -Lepcha.
Spell always | "Sikkim" whatever I do
Natives of Bhothe Thibet [Tibet] (Chin of Himals) (Bhote of Chinese & themselves)
are all called Bhotheas [Bhutias] -- There are tribes of B. all along the Himal. on this
side the crest (i.e. of Thibet) who inhabit the Cachar (upper or alpine & arctic region)
above rice cult[ivation] & above the villages of Limbo's Ghorkha's [Gurkhas]& other
Nepalese in Nepal;-- or of Limbo's Haioo's, Murmis' & Lepcha's in Sikkim. There B.s
are more Chinese than Nipalese & carry on the salt trade, crossing the passes with
yaks & sheeps to the nearest Thibet villages to which the salt is brought from far
N[orth]. in Thibet, carrying it S[outh]. to Mywa--guola &c &c returning laden with
wood rice &c -- Such are cis--nivean Bhotheas. The natives of Bhotan [Bhutan]
(called the end of Bhote a i.e. of Thibet) are of course Bhoteas, all of them, but of a
different tribe: my coolies are of these. Lhop is their own name for Bhotan, & after
"the Dhurma county" or "country of the Dhurmah Rajah". The Bhootan people or "men
of Lhop" are renowned for as the most detestable. All the above, as are the Thibetans,
many Chinese & people of the 2 plateaus of little Bucharia & of Soongaria, are
Buddhists who who practice Lamaism. --
[[2]] [a hand drawn map of the Sikkim -- Darjeeling area appears here with the
following labels:] Wallanchoon Pass, Kanglachem Pass x, Thibet, Yangma,
Wallanchoon x, Nango, Tambur, Yangma, Pass, Kambachen, Jumnoo, Kinchin,
Lachen & Lachoon Passes, Kambachen, Choonjerma Pass, Kanglanamo Kubroo,
Jongri, Pundeem, Teesta, Nursing, Lelyp*, Yalloong Chorang, Rotung, Rungbee,
Mywa Guola x, Jwa, Pass, Singalelah, x Pemiongchi, Tambur, Khabili, Kulhait,
Hinwa, Ruttoo, Gt Rungeet, Sankyazung, Phulloott, Rammum, Gt Rungeet, Nangti,
Tonglo, L. Rungeet, X Dorjeeling, Ilam road to Wallanch. & Thibet, Poua, Mai,
Goong, Myong, Ilam
Mts in blue have perp[etual]. snow. The curved line indicates all that retain the
October snow through autumn. Also on Tambur indicates S[outh]. limit of Pines.
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