Download Revised Program Proposal

All-College Graduate Council
Curriculum Proposal
Revised Academic Degree Program1
A. General Information
Proposal Number2
School or Division
Projected Effective Term3
Resource Person
Campus Phone and E-mail
B. Program Description
1. Title/Award
Current Program Title
Current Award (e.g., degree type - MS,
MM, MAT, MBA, MFA, DPT – concentration,
etc. )
Revised Program Title
Revised Program Award
2. Rationale:4 Summarize the reasons for the program revision. For significant revisions
(e.g., a change that requires re-registration with NYSED) include an overview of the
educational and career objectives. Describe the revised program’s relationship to existing
programs, how it will impact other departments, schools, or divisions. Describe any unique
features that will distinguish this program and make it attractive to students.
3. Will the program lead to teacher certification? ___Yes
If yes, list the intended certificate(s):
C. Curriculum
1. List courses to be ADDED to the program with a brief rationale. If the courses are
offered by departments outside the major department, secure and attach written support
from the appropriate department(s) indicating that accommodations can be made for
projected enrollment increases in the courses. New course and revised course proposals not
yet approved by the All-College Graduate Council should be submitted together with the
Revised Program proposal. NOTE: Expand the table as needed.
Course #
Course Title
Proposal #
2. List courses to be DELETED from the program with a brief rationale. If the courses are
to be deleted from the catalog, a completed Report of Action Form should be submitted
together with the Revised Program proposal.
Course #
Course Title
Report of Action Proposal #
3. Provide curricular outlines of the current program and the proposed revised curriculum in
parallel columns. Show changes in bold. For small changes, the entire program need not
be outlined. NOTE: Expand the table as needed
Course #
Course Title
Total Credits Required for Program:
Course #
Course Title
Total Credits Required for Program:
4. For significant changes, provide a semester-by-semester program schedule that
demonstrates that all students in this program will have access to required courses in order
to complete the program within the planned number of semesters.
E. Resources5
Provide a description of the Library holdings and access obtained from the Library Director,
indicating the approximate number of titles and periodical subscriptions in the present
collection that would support the revised program. Describe equipment, computers,
laboratories, and other facilities available or to be acquired for the revised program. Include
any items to be purchased and indicate how much has been budgeted for the proposed
acquisitions. Include a description on any new technology or new utilization thereof.
F. Financial Impact
Does this revision affect revenue to the College or any of its divisions? ____Yes ____No
If yes, explain:
Is an increase or decrease in tuition or cost of instruction anticipated? ____Yes ____No
If yes, explain:
G. Evaluation
Describe the methods and criteria to be used to evaluate the academic quality and
effectiveness of the revised program.
What specific learning outcomes will be achieved by students who complete the revised
program of study? What methods will be used to assess student learning? How will student
learning assessment be embedded in the curriculum?
Do the original objectives of the program change? How will the institution determine if the
program meets its new goals and objectives (e.g., monitoring procedures, outcome
How will the collected information be used to improve teaching, advising, and co-curriculum
activities to enhance student learning?
(Please insert a page break so that the following Approvals/Routing section is on a page by itself.)
H. Approvals/Routing
Proposal Number
School or Division
Projected Effective Term
Resource Person
Campus Phone and E-mail
Current Program Title
and Award:
Revised Program
Title and Award:
School/Division Approval Process
School/Division Faculty Approval Date
Signature, Chair, School Graduate Program
Signature, Dean of School/Division
Signature, Chair of Graduate Council
All-College Approval Process
(To be completed by the Associate Provost’s office.)
APC Curriculum Sub-committee for information / Approval Date
APC Submission Date for information / Approval Date
Signature, Provost/VPAA
Signature, President
NYSED Notification Date
NYSED Approval Date
(Please insert a page break so that the above Approvals/Routing section is on a page by itself.)
Please do not print or submit the following end-notes page.
Use this form for any revisions in an existing program. Revisions may be substantial as in
a redesign of the whole program or less substantial as in adding or omitting a few course
requirements. Any change involving a change of credit should be reported on this form,
even if the total number of credits does not change. Some revisions such as omitting or
adding courses to restricted elective lists, especially if the courses have been deleted by
another department, may be reported on a Report of Curricular and Policy Action (ROA)
form. In some cases, one form may be used for more than one program if both the
programs and the changes are similar. All revisions should appear in bold.
The proposal number has three parts: (1) the first two to four letters are an abbreviation
of the school/division (HS, HSHP); (2) the middle numbers are the current academic year
(0607); and, (3) the dean’s office assigns the last few numbers which usually begin with
001and go in sequence for each academic year. Decimal points may be used for the
purpose of grouping proposals (e.g., HSHP-0607-001.01).
Be sure to leave adequate time for the approval process. Also, the projected effective term
may not be the same for all courses in the degree program. Accompanying new course
proposals should reflect delayed dates.
A rationale for each change in the program should be included. Attach all course
proposals and other supporting materials, especially from other academic units, if
appropriate. Any revision in this program that involves another department or
school/division must be accompanied by written acknowledgement from the affected
department/school/division. The rationale may include background information and
research concerning the development and revising of the program, evidence of interest at
Ithaca College, models used in designing the program, goals of the program, and other
supporting materials.
Resources: consider additional faculty, space (new or renovated), special instructional
resources (including computer support), capital equipment, and Library items.