Download New Course Proposal

All-College Graduate Council
Curriculum Proposal
New Course1
A. General Information
Proposal Number2
School or Division
Resource Person
Campus Phone and E-mail
Projected Effective Term3
B. Course Information (NB: see footnotes for formatting)
Course Title (60
characters maximum)
Short Title (30
characters maximum)
Course Number4
Course Description5
C. Rationale
Provide a rationale for creating the course, and the level, prerequisite(s), and credit(s) proposed.
1. Curricular rationale for creating this course (goal, relevance, fit in curriculum, etc.):
2. Level and rationale:
3. Prerequisite(s) and rationale:
4. Credit(s) and rationale:
D. Course Attributes
1. Has the course been offered on an experimental basis?
If yes, under what course number was it offered, and how many times was it offered?
2. Course open to students in other programs?
3. Instructional format, number of sections, and capacity; include a rationale:6
4. Is this a Pass/Fail only course?
5. How many times may this course be taken for credit?
If the course may be taken more than once, how many total credits may be earned for this
Please provide a rationale if the course may be taken more than once for credit.
6. Frequency of offering (check all that apply – include this information in the course description):8
Even Academic Year Only
Odd academic Year Only
E. Syllabus
Provide a syllabus or detailed course outline and reading list. A syllabus must include the
following: course description, course credit, course objectives, student learning outcomes, topics
covered, texts/resources, basis for determining grades, student disability statement,9 and
attendance policy.10 The syllabus should adequately reflect the content, goals, and rigor of the
F. Academic Impact
Provide the information below; secure and attach written support from appropriate
department(s) if required. NOTE: add rows to these tables as necessary.
1. New course is/will be a prerequisite for:
Course #
Course Title
2. New course is/will be a requirement for:
3. Course prerequisites offered by other department(s):
Course #
Course Title
4. Course(s) to be deleted from the catalog if new course is implemented:
Course #
Course Title
5. If the content of this course overlaps with any other course(s) currently being offered, list
the course(s) below and provide rationale as to why the courses should co-exist. If this course
overlaps with a course being taught in a different department, secure and attach written
feedback about the overlap from that department.
Course #
Course Title
G. Resources
If this course will require additional Library holdings or access, additional equipment or
services from ITS, any space modification, any new staffing, or any other additional College
resources, describe these needs and secure the appropriate approvals. Explain how faculty
load for teaching the new course will be met.
H. Financial Impact
1. How will this new course impact revenue to other departments, schools, or divisions?
Explain its benefits or negative impact.
2. Specify any anticipated increase or decrease in either tuition or cost of instruction
associated with this new course/revision.
(Please insert a page break so that the following Approvals/Routing sheet is on a page by itself.)
I. Approvals/Routing
Graduate Approvals/Routing Sheet
Proposal Number
School or Division
Projected Effective Term
Resource Person name,
phone, and e-mail
New Course Number and
School/Division Approval Process
School/Division Faculty Approval Date
Signature, Chair, School Graduate Program
Signature, Dean of School/Division
All-College Approval Process
Graduate Council Approval Date
Signature, Chair of Graduate Council
(The following to be completed by the Vice Provost’s office.)
APC Curriculum Subcommittee Information/Approval Date
APC Information/Approval Date
Signature, Provost/VPAA
Please do not print or submit the following end-note page.
Use this form for any standard new course designed for Catalog copy or any non-standard
course for which Ithaca College credit is granted.
The proposal number has three parts: (1) the first two to four letters (HS, HSHP) are an
abbreviation of the school/division; (2) the middle numbers are the current academic year
(0607); and, (3) the dean’s office assigns the last few numbers which usually begin with
001and go in sequence for each academic year. Decimal points may be used for the purpose
of grouping proposals (e.g., HSHP-0607-001.01).
Be sure to leave adequate time for the approval process.
Course numbers are assigned by the school/division after consulting with the Office of the
Level-5: Graduate courses in which qualified seniors may enroll under the following
 have successfully completed 90 or more credits in an undergraduate program;
 have a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher;
 have the approval of the course instructor, undergraduate adviser, graduate adviser,
graduate chair, dean of the particular school, and the dean of graduate studies. The
petition form for seniors to take graduate-level courses is available in the graduate
studies office.
Level-5 courses may be taken for either undergraduate or graduate credit. If taken for
undergraduate credit, the courses are not applied to the master’s degree. If taken for
graduate credit, the courses are not applied to the bachelor’s degree.
Level-6: courses are for graduate students only.
Level-7: courses are graduate-level workshops.
Submit the course description as it will appear in the Catalog. Include prerequisites and
credits. See Guidelines for Writing Course Descriptions and Course Description Template on
the Office of the Provost/VPAA Web site for further information.
Choose from the following instructional formats:
Instructional Class
Drill Session
Independent Study
Private Lesson
Research Team
Student Teaching
Tutorial Workshop
When setting capacity, consider instructional format, facility use, technology demands, and
other appropriate pedagogical issues. For example, traditional lecture courses would have
larger enrollment than labs or those courses that feature more discussion. If the mode of
instruction is entirely or predominantly online, you are encouraged to consult Rob Gearhart,
Director, Online Learning, Certificate and Professional Programs, 274-1909 or
Any course may be repeated if a student received a C+ or less, unless the student is in a
degree program that requires that the course be passed with a higher grade. All grades are
counted when the GPA is calculated, but credit is granted only once. Failed courses may be
repeated as often as necessary, but all attempts are counted in the cumulative GPA. This
question asks if a course may be repeated for credit if it has already been passed successfully.
Choices for frequency of offering may be selected in combination, for example:
F, S = Fall and Spring
F, E = Fall and Even Academic Years Only
S, E, B = Spring and Even Academic Year Only and Block
When including information regarding services for students with disabilities, the following
statement should be used:
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans
with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodation will be provided to students with
documented disabilities on a case-by-case basis. Students must register with
Student Disability Services and provide appropriate documentation to the College
before any academic adjustment will be provided.
The attendance policy must comply with the Ithaca College policy found at