H. LEE COOPER CORE CURRICULUM TEACHING AWARD Date: To: From: Re: February 17, 2014 University Faculty (Full Time and Adjunct) University Core Council Cooper Core Curriculum Award The University Core Council is pleased to invite nominations for the H. Lee Cooper Core Curriculum Teaching Award. The award honors a faculty member whose work in University Core courses has been especially creative and successful in furthering UCC goals, and focuses exclusively on teaching within the Core. An individual plaque, a generous stipend, and additional faculty development support are provided by a fund established for this purpose by Mr. Cooper and his friends and colleagues. Nominations are made by members of the USI teaching faculty, full-time or adjunct. All faculty are eligible to nominate colleagues, but the nominees themselves must be members of the Core teaching faculty - again, either full-time or adjunct. Students are encouraged to petition department chairs or other faculty to recommend the nomination of candidates they deem worthy. Self-nominations are not allowed. The University Core Council, working with Mr. Cooper, may select one recipient each year, though it is not bound to select a recipient every year. Please review the attached guidelines and nominate the faculty member you believe most deserving of this honor. A nomination form is attached for your use. Anyone needing a hard copy of these materials may secure them from Mark Krahling at 464-1712 or mkrahlin@usi.edu. Direct other questions to Mark Krahling or to your UCC Council representative: Business: Jane Johansen Nursing and Health Professions: Jeri Berger Liberal Arts: David Hitchcock, Bartell Berg Science, Engineering and Education: Rick Hudson, Jim Bandoli At Large: Tracy Kinner, Thuy DaoJensen Nominations must be returned to your representative or to Mark Krahling, UCC Director, by Friday, March 21, 2014. The award will be announced before the end of the Spring semester, with the plaque and stipend officially presented at the all-University meeting in August. Application – H. Lee Cooper Core Curriculum Teaching Award Page 2 Guidelines for the H. LEE COOPER CORE CURRICULUM TEACHING AWARD 1. Rationale The H. Lee Cooper Core Curriculum Teaching Award recognizes superior teaching in University Core Curriculum. It serves as a motivator for faculty and provides faculty role models for UCC teachers. It complements an already existing award for students, the Trustee's Distinguished Merit Award, which recognizes superior work by a student in the Core Curriculum. Named for an Evansville civic leader and long-time supporter of education, the award recognizes Mr. Cooper’s commitment to the role of liberal arts education in the workplace. 2. Eligibility With the exception of current members of the University Core Council, all members of the Core teaching faculty, both full-time and adjunct, are eligible to receive the award. Such faculty are defined as those who have taught at least one course for the University Core Curriculum. There are no restrictions as to rank, years in service, or other quantitative criteria. Past recipients are also eligible if their work in Core teaching deserves continued recognition. 3. Procedures a. Nomination. Nomination forms will be distributed annually at the beginning of the Spring semester. Members of the teaching faculty, both full-time and adjunct, may nominate colleagues. The nominator shall complete the top of the one-page nomination form; the nominee must sign the bottom. Font size shall be no smaller than 12 points. Each nomination should be made by one faculty member only, thus carrying a single signature. Nominations are due on the Friday following Spring Break. b. Documentation. Nominations should include a narrative of not more than four single-sided pages, written by the nominator, providing evidence of the following: that UCC courses taught by the nominee clearly address UCC goals and objectives that students completing these courses have made significant progress toward those goals and objectives that the nominee evokes creativity and contributes toward the development of student character Supporting documents (e.g., syllabi, assignments, student work, letters of endorsement from students and colleagues, peer and student evaluations of classroom performance, contributions to advising, and the like) may not exceed a total of twenty (20) single-sided pages. Font size of all documentation must be no smaller than 12 points. All documentation materials are due at the same time as the nomination form itself. Application – H. Lee Cooper Core Curriculum Teaching Award Page 3 4. Selection The University Core Council, working with Mr. Cooper, may select one recipient each year, though it will not be bound to do so if, in its judgment, no nominee qualifies. 5. Award The recipient will be personally informed of his or her selection by the University Core Director before the end of the spring semester. A public presentation of the award, including an individual plaque and stipend, will occur at the semi-annual University meeting in August. The recipient’s name and home department will be inscribed on the publicly displayed H. Lee Cooper Core Curriculum Teaching Award plaque. 6. Lecture Award winners are expected to deliver a lecture or other public presentation to the USI community during the following academic year on a topic related to teaching or educational philosophy. 7. Nomination Check Sheet (no fonts smaller than 12 points) Nomination form (one page maximum) Narrative (four pages maximum) Documentation (20 pages maximum) Application – H. Lee Cooper Core Curriculum Teaching Award Page 4 University Core Curriculum H. Lee Cooper Core Curriculum Teaching Award Name of Nominee: ________________________________________________________ I. (to be completed by nominator) Present an abstract in the space provided to support this nomination. Signature of Nominator: ____________________________________ Date: __________ II. (to be completed by nominee) Indicate the most recent semester in which you have taught a University Core course, and list the course(s) taught in that semester Course(s) Semester III. (to be completed by nominee) If selected for this award I agree to deliver a lecture or other public presentation to the USI community during the coming academic year on a topic related to teaching or educational philosophy. Signature of Nominee: ______________________________________ Date:__________ Return to Mark Krahling, UCC Director, by March 21, 2014.