Emergence of a Consistent Picture from First Results of STAR at RHIC? Mike Lisa, Ohio State University STAR Collaboration U.S. Labs: Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Brookhaven National Lab U.S. Universities: Arkansas, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, Creighton, Indiana, Kent State, Michigan State, CCNY, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue, Rice, Texas A&M, UT Austin, Washington, Wayne State, Yale STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Brazil: Universidade de Sao Paolo China: IHEP - Beijing, IPP - Wuhan England: University of Birmingham France: Institut de Recherches Subatomiques Strasbourg, SUBATECH Nantes Germany: Max Planck Institute – Munich, University of Frankfurt Poland: Warsaw University, Warsaw University of Technology Russia: MEPHI – Moscow, LPP/LHE JINR–Dubna, IHEP-Protvino Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 1 Overview • ~ 1 year from initial data-taking in new energy regime • overall picture / underlying driving physics unclear Outline • Ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions • STAR at RHIC • Transverse momentum spectra • Momentum-space anisotropy (elliptic flow) • Initial quantitative success of hydrodynamics • Two-particle correlations (HBT) • STAR HBT and the “HBT Puzzle” • Characterization of freeze-out from the data itself • particle-identified elliptical flow • azimuthally-sensitive HBT • Summary STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 2 Why heavy ion collisions? The “little bang” • Study bulk properties of strongly-interacting matter far from ground state • Extreme conditions (high density/temperature): expect a transition to new phase of matter… • Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) • partons are relevant degrees of freedom over large length scales (deconfined state) • believed to define universe until ~ ms • Study of QGP crucial to understanding QCD • low-q (nonperturbative) behaviour • confinement (defining property of QCD) • nature of phase transition • Heavy ion collisions ( “little bang”): the only way to experimentally probe the deconfined state STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 3 Stages of the collision The “little bang” • pre-equilibrium (deposition of initial energy density) • rapid (~1 fm/c) thermalization (?) QGP formation (?) hadronization transition (very poorly understood) hadronic rescattering freeze-out: cessation of hard scatterings • low-pT hadronic observables probe this stage STAR “end result” looks very similar whether a QGP was formed or not!!! HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 4 Already producing QGP at lower energy? Thermal model fits to particle yields (& strangeness enhancement, J/ suppression) approach QGP at CERN? J. Stachel, Quark Matter ‘99 • is the system really thermal? • dynamical signatures? (no) • what was pressure generated? • what is Equation of State of strongly-interacting matter? warning: e+e- yields fall on similar line!! Must go beyond chemistry: study dynamics of system well into deconfined phase (RHIC) STAR HBT lattice QCD applies 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 5 uRQMD simulation of Au+Au @ s=200 GeV pure hadronic & string description (cascade) generally OK at lower energies applicability in very high density (RHIC) situations unclear produces too little collective flow at RHIC freeze-out given by last hard scattering STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 6 Geometry of STAR Magnet Time Projection Chamber Coils Silicon Vertex Tracker TPC Endcap & MWPC FTPCs ZCal ZCal Vertex Position Detectors Endcap Calorimeter Central Trigger Barrel or TOF Barrel EM Calorimeter RICH STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 7 Peripheral Au+Au Collision at 130 AGeV Data Taken June 25, 2000. Pictures from Level 3 online display. STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 8 Au on Au Event at CM Energy ~ 130 AGeV Data Taken June 25, 2000. STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 9 First RHIC spectra - an explosive source • various experiments agree well T explosive source T,b STAR HBT 1/mT dN/dmT purely thermal source 1/mT dN/dmT • different spectral shapes for particles of differing mass strong collective radial flow 24 Oct 2001 light heavy mT light heavy mT • very good agreement with hydrodynamic prediction Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar data: STAR, PHENIX, QM01 model: P. Kolb, U. Heinz 10 Hydrodynamics: modeling high-density scenarios • Assumes local thermal equilibrium (zero mean-free-path limit) and solves equations of motion for fluid elements (not particles) • Equations given by continuity, conservation laws, and Equation of State (EOS) • EOS relates quantities like pressure, temperature, chemical potential, volume – direct access to underlying physics • Works qualitatively at lower energy but always overpredicts collective effects - infinite scattering limit not valid there • freezeout when energy density falls below some threshold STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar lattice QCD input 11 Hydro time evolution of non-central collisions • correlating observations with respect to event-wise reaction plane allows much more detailed study of reaction dynamics • entrance-channel aniostropy in x-space pressure gradients (system response) p-space anisotropy (collective elliptic flow) Equal energy density lines STAR self-quenching effect HBT 24 Oct 2001 sensitive to early Mike pressure Lisa - UIUC Seminar P. Kolb, J. Sollfrank, and U. Heinz 12 Azimuthal-angle distribution versus reaction plane • v2 increases from central to peripheral collisions v2 cos2 dN ~ 1 2v2 cos2 or d STAR HBT particle-reaction plane 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 13 Measurements at AGS; E895 and E877 (Protons) 0.04 v2 • At low beam energies negative v2 (“squeezeout”) • Balancing energy around 4 AGeV, sensitive to EOS 0 -0.04 E895, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 1295 P. Danielewicz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 2438 STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 -0.08 1 Elab (AGeV) Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 10 14 Very large event anisotropies seen by STAR, PHENIX, PHOBOS • space-momentum connection clear in multiplicity dependence v2 • different experiments agree well • finally, we reach regime of quantitative hydro validity evidence for early thermalization centrality • AGS: magnitude described by cascade models • RHIC; Hydro description for central to mid-central collisions – 26% more particles in-plane than out-of-plane (even more at high pT)!! STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 15 Local thermal equilibrium versus Low Density Limit SPS; Low-Density-Limit and Hydro miss pt dependence p RHIC; pt dependence quantitatively described by Hydro p Charged particles pt dependence sensitive to early thermalization? STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 16 The other half of the story… • Momentum-space characteristics of freeze-out appear well understood • Coordinate-space ? • Probe with two-particle intensity interferometry (“HBT”) STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 17 “HBT 101” - probing source geometry p1 r1 x1 p source (x) 1m x2 p2 5 fm T i( r2 x 2 )p 2 i ( r1 x1 )p1 1 { U(x1, p1)e U(x 2 , p2 )e 2 i( r1 x 2 )p1 i( r2 x 1 )p 2 U(x 2 , p1)e U(x1, p2 )e } r2 *TT U1*U1 U*2 U 2 1 eiq( x1 x 2 ) Measurable! C (Qinv) Creation probability (x,p) = U*U P(p1, p 2 ) 2 C(p1, p 2 ) 1 ~ (q ) P(p1 )P(p 2 ) F.T. of pion source Width ~ 1/R 2 1 q p2 p1 STAR HBT 0.05 0.10 Qinv (GeV/c) 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 18 “HBT 101” - probing the timescale of emission C(qo , qs , ql ) 1 e q o2 R o2 q s2 R s2 q l2 R l2 Decompose q into components: qLong : in beam direction qOut : in direction of transverse momentum qSide : qLong & qOut ~2 K ~ x out b t 2 2 ~ R s K x side K ~2 2 Rl K ~ x long bl t R o2 K K K ~ xx x Rout Rside (beam is into board) STAR HBT d 4 x S( x, K ) f ( x ) f 4 d x S( x, K) 24 Oct 2001 R o2 R s2 b 2 x out , x side x, y beware this “helpful” mnemonic! Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 19 Large lifetime - a favorite signal of “new” physics at RHIC • hadronization time (burning log) will increase emission timescale (“lifetime”) • measurements at lower energies (SPS, AGS) observe <~3 fm/c with transition ~ • magnitude of predicted effect depends strongly on nature of transition 3D 1-fluid Hydrodynamics Rischke & Gyulassy NPA 608, 479 (1996) ec “e” …but lifetime determination is complicated by other factors… STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 20 First HBT data at RHIC “raw” correlation function projection Coulomb-corrected (5 fm full Coulomb-wave) Data well-fit by Gaussian parametrization C(qo , qs , ql ) 1 e q o2 R o2 q s2 R s2 q l2 R l2 1D projections of 3D correlation function integrated over 35 MeV/cin unplotted components STAR Collab., PRL 87 082301 (2001) STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 21 HBT excitation function midrapidity, low pT pfrom central AuAu/PbPb • decreasing parameter partially due to resonances • saturation in radii • geometric or dynamic (thermal/flow) saturation • the “action” is ~ 10 GeV (!) • no jump in effective lifetime • NO predicted Ro/Rs increase (theorists: data must be wrong) • Lower energy running needed!? STAR HBT STAR Collab., PRL 87 082301 (2001) 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 22 First STAR HBT data - systematics • p+, p- HBT parameters similar • Grossly similar to AGS/SPS • all radii increase with multiplicity • Ro, Rs - geometric effect • Rl - increase not seen at AGS/SPS • With increasing mT • increases fewer resonances • radii decrease x-p correlations • stronger effect in Ro than at AGS/SPS systematic errors STAR Collab., PRL 87 082301 (2001) STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 23 y (fm) mT dependence at ycm for 2 AGeV central collisions x (fm) • collective flow dynamical correlation between position and momentum R(mT) • R’s are “lengths of homegeity” • p- from decays (mT) STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 24 Hydro attempts to reproduce data generic hydro long out KT dependence approximately reproduced correct amount of collective flow Rs too small, Ro & Rl too big source is geometrically too small and lives too long in model side STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Right dynamic effect / wrong space-time evolution? the “RHIC HBT Puzzle” Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 25 “Realistic” afterburner makes things worse pure hydro hydro + uRQMD RO/RS Currently, no physical model reproduces explosive space-time scenario indicated by observation 1.0 STAR data STAR 0.8 HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 26 Now what? • No dynamical model adequately describes freeze-out distribution • Seriously threatens hope of understanding pre-freeze-out dynamics • Raises several doubts – is the data consistent with itself ? (can any scenario describe it?) – analysis tools understood? • Attempt to use data itself to parameterize freeze-out distribution • Identify dominant characteristics • Examine interplay between observables • Isolate features generating discrepancy with “real” physics models STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 27 Characterizing the freezeout: An analogous situation STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 28 Probing f(x,p) from different angles Transverse spectra: number distribution in mT 2p R dN 2p ds dp r dr mT f ( x, p) 2 dmT 0 0 0 Elliptic flow: anisotropy as function of mT v 2 (pT , m) cos(2p ) 2p 2p R d d p 0 s 0 r dr cos(2p ) f ( x , p) 0 2p 2p R d d p 0 s 0 r dr f ( x , p) 0 HBT: homogeneity lengths vs mT, p 2p R d s 0 r dr x m f ( x , p) 0 x m p T , p 2 p R d s 0 r dr f ( x , p) 0 2p R d s 0 r dr x m x f ( x , p) ~ ~ 0 x m x p T , p 2p R d s 0 r dr f ( x , p) 24 Oct 2001 Mike 0Lisa - UIUC Seminar STAR HBT xm x 29 mT distribution from Hydrodynamics-inspired model bs R m cosh pT sinh f ( x, p) K1 T exp cos b p T T tanh 1 b(r ) Infinitely long solid cylinder R r b(r ) bs g(r ) b = direction of flow boost (= s here) 2-parameter (T,b) fit to mT distribution E.Schnedermann et al, PRC48 (1993) 2462 STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 30 Fits to STAR spectra; br=bs(r/R)0.5 Tth =120+40-30MeV <br >=0.52 ±0.06[c] tanh-1(<br >) = 0.6 contour maps for 95.5%CL Tth [GeV] K- p- p preliminary bs [c] Tth [GeV] Tth [GeV] STAR preliminary <br >= 0.8bs bs [c] bs [c] 1/mT dN/dmT (a.u.) • c2 pK- p thanks to M. Kaneta STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar mT - m [GeV/c2]31 Excitation function of spectral parameters • Kinetic “temperature” saturates ~ 140 MeV already at AGS • Explosive radial flow significantly stronger than at lower energy • System responds more “stiffly”? • Expect dominant space-momentum correlations from flow field STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 32 Implications for HBT: radii vs pT Assuming b, T obtained from spectra fits strong x-p correlations, affecting RO, RS differently y (fm) pT=0.2 2 RO 2 RS b 2 x (fm) y (fm) pT=0.4 x (fm) STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 33 Implications for HBT: radii vs pT Magnitude of flow and temperature from spectra can account for observed drop in HBT radii via x-p correlations, and Ro<Rs …but emission duration must be small pT=0.2 y (fm) STAR data x (fm) y (fm) Four parameters affect HBT radii pT=0.4 model: R=13.5 fm, =1.5 fm/c T=0.11 GeV, 0 = 0.6 x (fm) STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 34 Non-central collisions: coordinate- and momentum-space anisotropies P. Kolb, J. Sollfrank, and U. Heinz Equal energy density lines STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 35 More detail: identified particle elliptic flow 2p 0 v 2 pT db cos2b I2 p T sinh m T cosh K 1hydro-inspired 2s 2 cos 2b 1 T T 2p blast-wave model p T sinh m T cosh d I K 1 2 s b 0 1 2 cos 2etal b (2001) Houvinen T T 0 Flow boost: 0 a cos 2b b = boost direction T (MeV) dashed solid 135 20 100 24 b0(c) 0.52 0.02 0.54 0.03 ba (c) 0.09 0.02 0.04 0.01 S2 STAR Meaning HBT 0.0 0.04 0.01 of a is clear how to interpret s2? 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar STAR, in press PRL (2001) 36 Ambiguity in nature of the spatial anisotroy 2p p sinh m cosh 1 2s2 cos2b d cos 2 I K b b 2 1 T T 0 v 2 pT 2p p sinh m cosh 1 2s2 cos2b d I K 0 b 0 1 T T T T T T b = direction of the boost s2 > 0 means more source elements emitting in plane case 1: circular source with modulating density pT mT T sinh coss p cosh e 1 2s f x, p K1 T r cos 2 2 s R r R RMSx > RMSy case 2: elliptical source with uniform density T mT T sinh coss p f x, p K1 cosh e 1 y2 2 x 2 / R y T Ry 1 3 1 s2 RMSx < RMSy 3 Rx 2 1 p STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 37 Azimuthal HBT: (transverse) spatial anisotropy •Source in b-fixed system: (x,y,z) •Space/time entangled in pair system (xO,xS,xL) y side K out x b R s2 pT , p ~ x 2 sin 2 p ~y 2 cos2 p ~ x ~y sin 2p 2 pT , p ~x ~y cos2p 12 ~y 2 ~x 2 sin 2p R os R o2 2 2 2 2 2 ~2 ~ ~ ~ ~ pT , p x cos p y sin p x y sin 2p b t large flow @ RHIC induces space-momentum correlations p-dependent homogeneity lengths ~ xm~ x p T , p sensitive to more than “just” anisotropic geometry STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 U. Wiedemann, PRC 57, 266 (1998) Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 38 Reminder: observations for Au(2 AGeV)Au p=90° R2 (fm2) E895 Collab., PLB 496 1 (2000) 40 out side long ol os sl 20 10 0 p=0° out-of-plane extended source -10 0 Lines are global fit Oscillation magnitude eccentricity Oscillation phases orientation STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 180 0 180 0 180 p (°) interesting physics, but not currenly accessible in STAR with 2nd-order reaction plane Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 39 RS2 (fm2) “Out” 1.0 1.3 “Side” 1.0 data fit 1.0 STAR HBT raw corrected for reactionplane resolution “Long” 1.3 0 STAR preliminary ROS2 (fm2) C(Q) 1.3 Correlation function: p=45º RO2 (fm2) STAR HBT p- from semi-peripheral events 0.1 0.2 Q (GeV/c) 24 Oct 2001 • only mix events with “same” RP • retain relative sign between q-components • HBT radii oscillations similar to AGS • curves are not a global fit • Mike RS almost flatSeminar Lisa - UIUC 40 Out-of-plane elliptical shape indicated using (approximate) values of s2 and a from elliptical flow case 1 case 2 opposite R() oscillations would lead to opposite conclusion STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 STAR preliminary Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 41 s2 dependence dominates HBT signal s2=0.033, T=100 MeV, 00.6 a0.033, R=10 fm, =2 fm/c STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 STAR preliminary color: c2 levels from HBT data Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar error contour from elliptic flow data 42 A consistent picture pT mT T sinh coss p cosh e 1 f x, p K1 T parameter Temperature T 110 MeV Radial flow 0 0.6 velocity Oscillation in a 0.04 radial flow Spatial anisotropy Radius in y y x / Ry e 2 2 2 spectra elliptic flow HBT s2 0.04 Ry 10-13 fm t 2 / 2 2 (depends on b) Nature of x anisotropy main source of discrepancy? Emission duration STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 * 2 fm/c Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 43 Summary Spectra • Very strong radial flow field superimposed on thermal motion • T saturates rapidly ~ 140 MeV • b higher at RHIC •space-momentum correlations important •“stiffer” system response? • consistent with hydro expectation Momentum-space anisotropy • sensitive to EoS and early pressure and thermalization • significantly stronger elliptical flow at RHIC, compared to lower energy • indication of coordinate-space anisotropy as well as flow-field anisotropy (v2 cannot distinguish its nature, however) • for the first time, consistent with hydro expectation STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 44 Summary (cont’) HBT • radii grow with collision centrality R(mult) • evidence of strong space-momentum correlations R(mT) • non-central collisions spatially extended out-of-plane R() • The spoiler - expected increase in radii not observed • presently no dynamical model reproduces data Combined data-driven analysis of freeze-out distribution • Single parameterization simultaneously describes •spectra •elliptic flow •HBT •K-p correlations • most likely cause of discrepancy is extremely rapid emission timescale suggested by data - more work needed! STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 45 The End STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 46 Summary • Spectra, elliptic flow, and HBT measures consistent with a freeze-out distribution including strong space-momentum correlations • In non-central collisions, v2 measurements sensitive to existence of spatial anisotropy, while HBT measurement reveals its nature • Systematics of HBT parameters: • flow gradients produce pT-dependence (consistent with spectra and v2(pT,m)) • anisotropic geometry (and anisotropic flow boost) produce -dependence • (average) out-of-plane extension indicated • however, distribution almost “round,” --> more hydro-like evolution as compared to AGS While data tell consistent story within hydro-inspired parameterization, hydro itself tells a different story - likely point of conflict is timescale STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 47 STAR TPC • Active volume: Cylinder r=2 m, l=4 m – 139,000 electronics channels sampling drift in 512 time buckets – active volume divided into 70M 3D pixels On-board FEE Card: Amplifies, samples, digitizes 32 channels STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 48 Joint view of p freezeout: HBT & spectra spectra (p) • common model/parameterset describes different aspects of f(x,p) for central collisions • Increasing T has similar effect on a spectrum as increasing b • But it has opposite effect on R(pT) opposite parameter correlations in the two analyses tighter constraint on parameters STAR preliminary HBT b STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 49 Meaning of Ro2() and Rs2() are clear What about Ros2() R2 (fm2) E895 Collab., PLB 496 1 (2000) side xxside xxoutout KK p = ~45° 0° 40 out side long ol os sl 20 10 0 -10 0 180 0 180 0 180 p (°) • Ros2() quantifies correlation between xout and xside • No correlation (tilt) b/t between xout and xside at p=0° (or 90°) • Strong (positive) correlation when p=45° STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 50 Experimental correlation functions q p2 p1 P(p1, p2 ) A(q) In Practice C(p1, p2 ) C(q) P(p1 )P(p2 ) B(q) # pairs from same event B(q) q (GeV/c) # pairs from different events STAR HBT 24 Oct q2001 (GeV/c) • shape of A(q), B(q) dominated by phasespace and single-particle acceptance (complicated in principle, especially in multiple dimensions) • only correlated effects persist in ratio (including residual detector artifacts…) C(q) A(q) • most pairs at high q (need statistics!) • Correlation functions from different experiments (and from theory) can be compared Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 2 1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 q (GeV/c) 51 Time-averaged freezeout shape Ry Rx 3 1 2s 2 1 2s 2 • close to circular @ RHIC • info on evolution duration? STAR preliminary (E895) STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 52 Evolution of mT dependence (y=ycm0.5) E895 @ AGS • magnitude of RO(mT) falls with Ebeam. • Decline of RS with Ebeam driven primarily by increased falloff with mT at high energy. • RL(mT) roughly constant as function of Ebeam STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 53 RO2 (fm2) Hydro predictions 60 40 • phases and ~ magnitude of HBT radii oscillations OK • RO too large • RS too small RS2 (fm2) 20 15 10 ROS2 (fm2) 5 0.8 0 -0.8 0 STAR HBT 90 24 Oct 2001 180 p (º) Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 54 Operation of a Time Projection Chamber SCA/ADC V STAR HBT DAQ ADC t 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar bucket # 55 If p+p (or e+e, or e+A) is still under study... Then why on Earth study Pb+Pb? The same question may be asked of condensed matter physicist by an atomic physicist or someone doing QED…. And the answer is the same: different areas of physics available Heavy Ion physics seeks to understand the bulk properties of nuclear matter, and to study a new phase of matter not achievable in p+p STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 56 Heavy Ion Physics • Study the bulk properties of matter far from the ground state • Ultrarelativistic collisions: Study bulk properties of parton matter – low-q (nonperturbative) behavior – confinement STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 57 pTArm Topological Strangeness Measurements K s0 p p a p p p p p Km+ STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 58 Determining the reaction plane w i sin 2i 1 A,B 1 i 2 Tan 2 w i cos2i i STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 59 Sub events 2nd order event plane of independent sub-events A&B A B A B -1<<-0.05 STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 0.05<<1 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 60 Reaction plane resolution vnobs vn cos( n(n r )) cos(n(n r )) C cos(n(na nb )) A.M. Poskanzer and S.A. Voloshin, Phys. Rev. C 58 (1998) 1671 STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 61 STAR HBT data for central collisions - further info? conflicting info? pp+ R(pT) probes interplay b/t space-time geometry and temperature/flow STAR HBT STAR Collab., PRL 87 082301 (2001) 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 62 Elliptic flow (momentum-space anisotropy): sensitive to early pressure / thermalization v2 cos2 in-plane enhancement v2 @ SPS: between hydro and LDL P. Kolb, et al., PLB 500 232 (2001) Hydro describes flow quantitatively @ RHIC STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 63 Particle Identification via dE/dx in TPC - June 2000 Approaching expected resolution in dE/dx Preliminary STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 64 RHIC at BNL STAR HBT 24 Oct 2001 Mike Lisa - UIUC Seminar 65