Femtoscopy in heavy ion collisions Mike Lisa The Ohio State University ! “School” lecture May 2005 ! The Berkeley School Femtoscopy - malisa 1 2 Outline Lecture I - basics and sanity check • Motivation (brief) • Formalism (brief reminder) – accessible geometric substructure • Some experimental details • 2 decades* of data systematics – system size: AB, |b|, Npart... – system shape: (P,b) Lecture II - dynamics (insanity check?) • data systematics [cnt’d] – boost-invariance?: Y – transverse dynamics: kT, mT – new substructure: m1≠m2 • Interpretations (& puzzles) – Messages from data itself – Model comparisons – Prelim. comparison: pp, dA • Summary * in time and in sNN May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa First, a word from our sponsor… Workshop on femtoscopy at RHIC 21 June 2005 @ BNL RHIC/AGS Users’ Meeting http://www.star.bnl.gov/~panitkin/UsersMeeting_05/ Femtoscopy in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions MAL, S. Pratt, R. Soltz, U. Wiedemann Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 2006; nucl-ex/0505014 May 2005 The Berkeley School Femtoscopy - malisa 3 4 “RHIC Month One” May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Spacetime - an annoying bump on the road (to Stockholm?) STAR, PRC66 (2002) 034904 STAR, PRL93 (2004) 252301 Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci. 46 (1996) 71 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (L ZW) d eco mpres sor are nee ded to s ee this picture. • Non-trivial space-time - the hallmark of R.H.I.C. – Initial state: dominates further dynamics – Intermediate state: impt element in exciting signals – Final state: • Geometric structural scale is THE defining feature of QGP • Temporal scale sensitive to deconfinement transition (?) May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 5 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 6 Disintegration timescale - expectation 3D 1-fluid Hydrodynamics Rischke & Gyulassy, NPA 608, 479 (1996) dN/dt with transition CYM & LGT PCM & clust. hadronization NFD NFD & hadronic TM string & hadronic TM PCM & hadronic TM time “” Long-standing favorite signature of QGP: • increase in , ROUT/RSIDE due to deconfinement confinement transition • hoped-for “turn on” as QGP threshold is reached May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa “” Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 7 “Short” and “long” – in seconds 10-24 10-18 10-12 10-6 100 106 1012 as many yoctoseconds (10-24 s ~ 3 fm/c) in a second as seconds in 10 thousand trillion years Today’s lecture May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 1018 1024 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Correlation function b/t particles a,b 6 ab 3 3 d N /(dp dp ab a b) C P (q) 3 a d N /dp3a d3N b /dp3b C (q) ab P prime: pair frame Sab ( r ) P q p a p b /2 ab P ( r ) (q, r ) 2 4 4 d x d a xbsa (pa ,xa )sb (pb,xb )r xa xb Separation distribution May 2005 d r S 3 P pa pb 4 4 d x d a xbsa (pa ,xa )sb (pb,xb ) pa pa pb x x xba xb a The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa pb 8 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Reminder • Two-particle interferometry: p-space separation space-time separation x1 p1 q qside p2 Rside x2 qout q p2 p1 1 k p 2 p1 2 qlong Rout source sp(x) = homogeneity region [Sinyukov(95)] connections with “whole source” always model-dependent Rside Pratt-Bertsch (“out-side-long”) decomposition designed to help disentangle space & time Rout May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 9 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Measurable substructure Size, shape, and orientation of homogeneity regions Gaussian parameterization SP (r ) ~ e ri rj 2R 2 i,j May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa i,j 10 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 11 Measurable substructure Average separation between homogeneity regions Gaussian parameterization 2 X out rout 2 rlong 2 rside SP ( r ) ~ exp 2 2 2 2 4R side 4R long 4 R out X out x a,out x b,out May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa alsorside , rlong Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Experimental definition of CF how to access this rich substructure... 6 ab 3 3 d N /(dp dp ab a b) C P (q) 3 a d N /dp3a d3N b /dp3b Cab (q) P P pa pb q p a p b /2 Aab (q) P ab P ab (q) B (q) P A() = “signal” s.p. p.s. s.p. acceptance correlations B() = “reference” s.p. p.s. s.p. acceptance () = corrections May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 12 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 13 The Pairwise distributions Collection of selected particles within selected events: event 1 event 2 event 3 event n … a b a b a b “Real” pairs form A(ab) signal or numerator ab May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa a b Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 14 The Pairwise distributions Collection of selected particles within selected events: event 1 event 2 event 3 event n … a a “Real” pairs form A(ab) signal or numerator ab May 2005 b b a b “Mixed” pairs form B(ab) background or denominator ab The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 15 The Pairwise distributions Collection of selected particles within selected events: event 1 event 2 event 3 event n … “Real” pairs form A(ab) signal or numerator ab May 2005 C(ab) “Mixed” pairs form ratio C=A/B B(ab) background or “only” correlations denominator ab The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa ab Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 16 Caution: mix “similar” events event 2 event 1 … • Allow range of event-wise characteristics into analysis • Particles in “Real” pairs (obviously) come from similar events • must be similar for “mixed” pairs • in vertex position b a a A(y) high y unlikely B(y) y May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa a b b high y likely y Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 17 Caution: mix “similar” events event 2 event 1 … • Allow range of event-wise characteristics into analysis • Particles in “Real” pairs (obviously) come from similar events • must be similar for “mixed” pairs • in vertex position • in reaction plane orientation A() b a a high unlikely B() May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa a b b high likely Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 18 Caution: mix “similar” events event 1 event 2 … • Allow range of event-wise characteristics into analysis • Particles in “Real” pairs (obviously) come from similar events • must be similar for “mixed” pairs • in vertex position • in reaction plane orientation Alternatives to event-mixing * • singles (Lisa 1991) Properly-constructed background • unlike-sign cancellation of noncorrelated (single-particle) effects(Abreu 1992) • pacceptance in A(), B() due to s.p. phasespace and b -pb (Stavinskiy 2004) physical* and detector-induced correlations • Monteremain Carlo (Duque 2003) • detector configuration (run/time) * femtoscopic and nonfemtoscopic May 2005 * (Kopylov 1974) The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Common correlated* detector effects Splitting: confused tracker finds 2 tracks due to one particle Merging: two particles overlap & become indistinguishable Both usually small enough (<%) to be ignored in all except femtoscopic analyses * increased/decreased likelihood of finding a track, due to the presence of another track May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 19 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 20 Identifying likely splits Example: quantity based on pairwise relative topology “better” than Nhits cut or Q-cut Used by STAR May 2005 SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH ELEVATED ELEVATED ELEVATED ELEVATED GUARDED GUARDED GUARDED GUARDED LOW LOW LOW LOW The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Pairwise cut removes splitting effect “all” gone SL = “splitting likelihood” May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 21 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Track merging due to hit merging STARNote 238 track-crossing points “hits” too close in 2D space cannot be resolved track merging likelihood quantified by relative hit positions May 2005 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 22 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 23 Pairwise cut removes merging effect track-crossing points “hits” too close in 2D space cannot be resolved track merging likelihood quantified by relative hit positions anti-merging cut Wait-- how do you cut pairs you don’t see? May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa “all” gone Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 24 Pairwise cut removes merging effect A() B() track-crossing points “hits” too close in 2D space cannot be resolved track merging likelihood quantified by relative hit positions Before: A() shows merging anti-merging cut After: B() loses bathwater and some baby A() loses some baby Cancellation in ratio Wait-- how do you cut pairs you don’t see? Similarly, splitting cut in B() cut works mostly on background distribution - which tracks would merge? May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 25 1a) Momentum Resolution iterative correction of C(q) via convolution of single-particle dp (~1%) with assumed correlation pT/pT Corrections 1: Finite Resolution Effects 0.01 1b) Event Plane Resolution for azimuthally-sensitive analyses: correct 1000’s of Fourier coefficients a la Poskanzer&Voloshin (rad) ≤ 5% effect on sizes QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor STAR. PRL 86 (2001) 402 0.01needed to see this picture. are (rad) ~ 10% effect on shape 0.01 1 May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa p (GeV/c) Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Corrections 2a: Uncorrelated “contamination” correlation strength diluted (~x3) by “white” noise from • random false tracks • mis-PID • weak decay daughters* Ctrue Cmeas may be corrected or included in fit Assuming identical junk and real s.p. p.s. * not strictly uncorrelated noise May 2005 C meas C true Atrue (q) Ameas (q) Atrue(q) (1 ) B(q) (q) 1 1 B(q) B(q) B(q) Atrue (q) C meas (q) 1 (q) 1 B(q) = “good” pair fraction The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 26 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Corrections 2b: Correlated “contamination” e.g. correlated -p feeddown into p-p correlations • non-trivial : requires model & Monte Carlo • not commonly done (but will become more common) • not discussed further here May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 27 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 28 Extraction of length scales maximum-likelihood fit to C (q) ab P d r S 3 ab P ( r ) (q, r ) 2 usually used (even for non-id) Gaussian parameterization of a-b separation r X r X i i j j ab SP ( r ) ~ exp 2 4 i jR i, j i, j o,s,l X i x a,i x b,i ; i, j = out, side, long 2 Cq FQ inv 1 exp q q R i j ij 1 ij • F(Qinv) = integrated squared Coulomb wavefunction • “contamination” included via • NB: Gaussian source: not Gaussian CF May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa for identical pions 29 Various Coulomb “Corrections” A(q) N (1 G (q)) B(q) K coul (q) account for Coulomb suppression in all background pairs A(q) N (1 G (q)) K coul (q) B(q) * K coul (q) K coul (q) 1 1 K coul (q) A(q) N (1 G (q)) * B(q) K coul (q) “Standard Correction” only Coulomb-suppress the fraction of pairs () which are direct pions A(q) N (1 G (q)) 1 ( K coul (q) 1) B(q) “Diluted Correction” a pair either participates A(q) in both BE and Coulomb, N (1 ) 1 K coul (q) 1 G (q) B(q) or neither A(q) Bowler-Sinyukov method N 1 K coul (q) 1 G (q) 1 (not a “correction”) B(q) G (q) exp( qi q j Rij2 ) May 2005 K coul (q) coul x, q The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 2 x Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Cross-check Coulomb with non-id a = - ; b = + STAR PRC71 044906 (2005) F(Qinv) “contaminated” F(Qinv) May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 30 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 1D projections: a limited view STAR PRC71 044906 (2005) • Usually, quality of data and fit shown in 1D projections • Narrow integration best out “Gaussian fit” (remember: not Gaussian CF) • limited view of data – see talks of Adam, Scott, Sandra – tomorrow: a better way side May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa long 31 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models The perennial non-Gaussianness • Source has never been fully Gaussian. c.f. J. Sullivan @ SPS • periodically re-discovered, with little change; information condensation needed to observe systematic data trends • non-Gaussianness @ RHIC reported in first and subsequent HBT measurements • imaging is probably best solution (but even then...) May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 32 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 33 The perennial non-Gaussianness CF is “mostly” Gaussian STAR tried “Edgeworth” functional expansion (Csorgo 2000) STAR PRC71 044906 (2005) Rl (fm) • 20% effect in Rlong! systematic error...? • appears fit captures dominant length scale May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa RO/RS QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and QuickTime™ and aa TIFF (LZW) (LZW) decompressor decompressor TIFF are needed to see this picture. are needed to see this picture. RS (fm) RO (fm) among few quantitative estimates of non-Gaussian shape Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Trends, soft sector, and RHI history Finally, we understand it! Just one event! Gyulassy 1995 May 2005 6 decades of E/A (2 decades of sNN) The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Art’s talk. Compiled by A. Wetzler (2005) 34 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Systematic decades (years and energy) AGS/SPS/RHIC HBT papers (expt) 10 Lisa/Pratt/Soltz/Wiedemann 15 Heinz/Jacak Wiedemann/Heinz Csorgo HBT ( s ) Tomasik/Wiedemann Boal/Jennings/Gelbke 20 A.D. Chacon et al, Phys. Rev. C43 2670 (1991) G. Alexander, Rep. Prog. Phys. 66 481 (2003) R = 1.2 (fm)•A1/3 “R = 5 fm” 5 ‘85 ‘90 ‘95 ‘00 ‘05 • Pion HBT @ Bevalac: “largely confirming nuclear dimensions” • Since 90’s: increasingly detailed understanding and study w/ high stats May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 35 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 36 Systematic decades (years and energy) ˆ HBT( s ;p T , y, b ,b,m 1 ,m2 ,Asys ) 15 10 Heinz/Jacak Wiedemann/Heinz Csorgo Tomasik/Wiedemann Boal/Jennings/Gelbke 20 Lisa/Pratt/Soltz/Wiedemann AGS/SPS/RHIC HBT papers (expt) y |b| 5 pT ‘85 ‘90 ‘95 ‘00 ‘05 • Pion HBT @ Bevalac: “largely confirming nuclear dimensions” • Since 90’s: increasingly detailed understanding and study w/ high stats May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models HBT( s ;p T , y, b , bˆ ,m1,m2 ,Asys ) Most basic sanity check: Forget homogeneity regions or fancy stuff. Do femtoscopic length scales increase as • b0 • A,B ? QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Nucleon scales clearly larger for more central collisions • AGS [E877(‘99)] • SPS [NA44(‘99)] May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 37 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models HBT( s ;p T , y, b , bˆ ,m1,m2 ,Asys ) NA44 ZPC (2000) SPS: NA44/NA49 S+S / S+Pb / Pb+Pb • b0 increase size; neither is scaling variable • A,B May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 38 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 39 HBT( s ;p T , y, b , bˆ ,m1,m2 ,Asys ) • Heavy and light data from AGS, SPS, RHIC • Generalize A1/3 Npart1/3 •not bad ! •connection w/ init. size? • ~s-ordering in “geometrical” Rlong, Rside • Mult = K(s)*Npart •source of residual s dep? • ...Yes! common scaling •common density (?) drives radii, not init. geometry May 2005 •(breaks The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa down s < 5 GeV) Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 40 HBT( s ;p T , y, b , bˆ ,m1,m 2 ,Asys ) Strongly-interacting 6Li released from an asymmetric trap O’Hara, et al, Science 298 2179 (2002) What can we learn? ? in-planeextended transverse FO shape + collective velocity evolution time estimate check independent of RL(pT) out-of-plane-extended May 2005 Teaney, TheLauret, Berkeley & School Shuryak- nucl-th/0110037 Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models HBT( s ;p T , y, b , bˆ ,m1,m 2 ,Asys ) small RS • observe the source from all angles with respect to RP • expect oscillations in HBT radii big RS May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 41 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models HBT( s ;p T , y, b , bˆ ,m1,m 2 ,Asys ) • observe the source from all angles with respect to RP • expect oscillations in HBT radii (including “new” cross-terms) R2out-side<0 when pair=135º May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 42 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 43 HBT( s ;p T , y, b , bˆ ,m1,m 2 ,Asys ) STAR, PRL93 012301 (2004) Measured final source* shape R2out-side<0 when pair=135º ever see that symmetry at ycm ? * model-dependent. Discussed next time May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 44 HBT( s ;p T , y, b , bˆ ,m1,m 2 ,Asys ) STAR, PRL93 012301 (2004) Measured final source* shape central collisions mid-central collisions peripheral collisions no message here so far. Passes sanity check * model-dependent. Discussed next time May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 45 Summary of Lecture I • Non-trivial space-time evolution/structure: Defining feature of our field. p-space = 1/2 the story (and not the best half) • Rich substructure accessible via femtoscopy • size, shape, orientation, displacement • “only” homogeneity regions probed connections to “whole source” model-dependent • source size sanity check pans out • reveals scaling with dN/dy; “explains” larger source at RHIC • refutes periodic suggestion that HBT radii dominated by nonfemtoscopic scales • broken symmetry (b≠0)--> more detailed information • source shape sanity check pans out • next time: more asHBT and y≠0 and a≠b May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 46 Outline Lecture I - basics and sanity check • Motivation (brief) • Formalism (brief reminder) – accessible geometric substructure • Some experimental details • 2 decades* of data systematics – system size: AB, |b|, Npart... – system shape: (P,b) Lecture II - dynamics (insanity check?) • data systematics [cnt’d] – boost-invariance?: Y – transverse dynamics: kT, mT – new substructure: m1≠m2 • Interpretations (& puzzles) – Messages from data itself – Model comparisons – Prelim. comparison: pp, dA • Summary * in time and in sNN May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa End Lecture I May 2005 The Berkeley School Femtoscopy - malisa 47 48 start lecture 2 with • connect overall SIZE and SHAPE of source at F.O. with dynamics/evolution (x2 expansion, rounder source; also include whether these facts are consistent with 9 fm/c -- could be...) • then go into more direct femtoscopic signatures of dynamics (pT, mT dep, YKP, etc...) May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation May 2005 Formalism Experiment Trends The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Models 49 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 50 Measured final source shape STAR, PRL93 012301 (2004) central collisions mid-central collisions peripheral collisions Expected evolution: May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation May 2005 Formalism Experiment Trends The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Models 51 Motivation May 2005 Formalism Experiment Trends The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Models 52 Motivation Formalism Experiment Ri R i mT i mT May 2005 Trends Models Ri R i mT mT The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 53 Motivation May 2005 Formalism Experiment Trends The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Models 54 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models also pix of • k-pi slide of fabrice • piplus-piminus • pi-Xi (plus a comment on “thermal emission” and femtoscopy relationship?) May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 55 Interpretation / Messages / Model Comparisons May 2005 The Berkeley School Femtoscopy - malisa 56 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends “zeroth puzzle” it is always this plot which is pointed to as the proof that HBT is “invariant,” but we’ve seen it in much richer detail. 1) it is disturbingly invariant 2) but not totally! (e.g. asHBT) N.B. At any one energy, we’d probably say we could work it out, screwing around with models. But even at generic level (no theory) this zeroth puzzle is maybe the worst May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Models 57 Motivation May 2005 Formalism Experiment Trends The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Models 58 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Cascade models LPSW(05) - DATA in color-- experimentalist’s plot May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 59 60 v2 and HBT from AMPT? σ < 6 mb (~ 3 mb?) May 2005 σ ~ 10 mb The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Hydrodynamical calculations LPSW(05) - DATA in color-- experimentalist’s plot NOT insensitive to physics May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 61 General comments for discussion day May 2005 The Berkeley School Femtoscopy - malisa 62 General comments / gripes for the end or the discussion day • experimental effort into measuring spacetime huge. “Professional” (to borrow a phrase from Edward). • theoretical effort has not been to same “professional” standard – v2 to 30% acceptable? [Edward says HBT only 30% off] v2(pT) ~30% different from SPS to RHIC. v2[HadronicSystem] ~30% different from v2[QGP]. Indeed, many (most?) plots showing “hydro limit” use v2 without 15% nonflow removed. • Consider (takes some imagination-- remove yourself from present paradigm in which v2 = New York Times announcements): what if very large Rlong and Rout/Rside had been observed? In that case, the New York Times would have been notified. And if v2 were off, then THAT would have been “an annoying artifact,” saying well, it was never reproduced by hydro anyway at any sqrt(s), and anyway long-lived signal is generic expectation, not dependent on hydro model, blah blah blah – how this reflects on “professional” nature of our field? May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 63 64 Non-gaussianness • • • popular issue every few years CF is NEVER Gaussian sometimes confusion: nobody expects Gaussian CF. It is Gaussian S(Dx,p) which is assumed. – source characterized by 2 params (in each direction): average and variance – true also for non-id CF results thus far • Practical issue: each modern paper contains typically 100’s of CFs, each with ~60K bins in q. – to observe source systematics, obviously ned to reduce the information. • Information is always lost in such a procedure. • is it crucial information? Not clear (for large systems) – comparing full 3D CFs with models: not practical-- insight unlikely to be gained. – similar for imaging May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 65 Questions for Miller / Cramer • obvious to expect agreement/consistency between “all” particle types? • what’s about zero-th HBT puzzle? • expect “trivial” centrality dependence? (Geometry and potential change in “lock-step”?) May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Extra slides May 2005 The Berkeley School Femtoscopy - malisa 66 Motivation May 2005 Formalism Experiment Trends The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Models 67 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models “Big” and “Small” – in meters 68 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 m 10-18 10-12 10-6 100 106 1012 0.000000000000000001 m May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 1018 1024 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models 69 Scales accessible to modern measurement The group hopes ... to achieve sensitivity in the yoctogram (10-24 g) range-- about the mass of a single hydrogen atom. May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 70 May 2005 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models The 20 accepted SI prefixes Why?! Why?! May 2005 yotta zetta exa peta tera giga mega kilo hecto deca deci centi milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto yocto [Y] 1 000 [Z] 1 000 [E] 1 000 [P] 1 000 [T] 1 000 [G] 1 000 [M] 1 000 [k] 1 000 [h] 100 [da]10 1 [d] 0.1 [c] 0.01 [m] 0.001 [µ] 0.000 [n] 0.000 [p] 0.000 [f] 0.000 [a] 0.000 [z] 0.000 [y] 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10^24 = 10^21 = 10^18 = 10^15 = 10^12 (a billion) (a million) (a thousand) (a hundred) (ten) (a (a (a (a (a 001 000 000 000 000 001 000 001 000 000 001 000 000 000 001 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa tenth) hundredth) thousandth) millionth) billionth) = 10^-12 = 10^-15 = 10^-18 = 10^-21 = 10^-24 71 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Two-track resolution QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. STAR, NIM A499, 659 (2003) May 2005 The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa Models 72 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Outline • • • • • • • May 2005 Why SYSTEMATICS matter: to those “newbies” coming in during the RHIC era. Beware! The history of heavy ion physics is littered with “successful theories” and claims of understanding fundamental physics (e.g. multifragmentation/liquidgas or dense-phase EoS) due to coincidence of theory and data at ONE (or small range) of energy or centrality or whatever. – Since this is a historical conference in its way: Who can identify the author of this claim? “Give me the first 5 Au+Au collisions at the Bevalac, and I’ll tell you the nuclear Equation of State!” • Sounds like Nobel Prize stuff, no? But where is this person today? Oh, there he is! Right there on the heels of ANOTHER Nobel Prize! And systematics matters AT LEAST as much for femtoscopy, because: 1) it is affected by “everything” 2) it has actually been measured over a large range (what a concept!!) 3) it presents “puzzles” so need lots of cross-checks and consistency checks 4) it is so dependent upon models for interpretation. (True of all HI observables, but perhaps even more so for HBT). 5) related: one needs to continually assure oneself that it DOES WORK! The Berkeley School - Femtoscopy - malisa 73 Data Trends May 2005 The Berkeley School Femtoscopy - malisa 74