Step 1: Obtain approval for the position from the... responsible for overseeing your department or program.




Step 1: Obtain approval for the position from the Dean of Academic Affairs (DOAA) responsible for overseeing your department or program.

Step 2: Discuss an advertising strategy with the DOAA. If an ad will be placed (in print or online), obtain approval for the ad copy from the DOAA. Candidates considered for non-tenure track, temporary positions must be legally authorized to work in the United States and must not require sponsorship by Trinity College to work in the U.S. during the period of employment.

Therefore, all ads must include the statement: Applicants who do not already have legal permission to work in the United States will not be considered.

Step 3: Submit a budget for the search. This should include estimated costs for advertising, travel (both for candidates to visit campus, and, if absolutely necessary and with justification, for department members to attend meetings), and local costs. For details, see Appendix A to Search

Form 1 for tenure-track searches



As a general practice, non-tenure-track searches should be run with an eye to minimizing costs.

In particular, departments and programs should make every effort to limit campus visits (e.g. by using telephone interviews to screen candidates), and to limit their interviewees to candidates in reasonable proximity to Hartford .

Step 4: Obtain the approval of the DOAA to begin the interview process. If candidates will be interviewed on-campus, schedule interviews with the DOAA (generally, 30 minutes will suffice) and be sure to forward a copy of the candidates’ CVs.

Step 5: Obtain approval of the DOAA in order to make the offer. The DOAA must review CVs for all candidates to whom an offer will be made.

Once an offer is made, the applicants should be asked to complete a Trinity Employment

Application, which includes the “Applicant Authorization and Consent for Release of

Information” (background check authorization form) and which is available on the dean of

Faculty’s recruitment website



The candidates should be told that the offer is contingent on a satisfactory background check, but that the check itself is only informational, and does not by itself determine whether an offer is made. A background check will be conducted only on a candidate who receives an offer.

Step 6: After the hiring process has been completed, fill out the form on the next page, and submit it to the DOAA.



Name of Department or Program: ____________________________________________

1. Note where you advertised the position:

2. Names of the members of the search committee:

Chair: ___________________ b) c)

Other members:

3. Rank the candidates whom you interviewed for the position, and note who was hired:

Name a)

Revised July 2015
