INST Syllabus Template






Course Number/Section and Title:

Semester and Year:

Course Meeting:

Days Time Location

Credit Hours:

Total Credit Hours Lecture Credit Hours Lab Credit Hours (if applicable)


First, Last Email Address

Office Location/Room # Office Phone Number Other Number or preferred contact information

Set Office Hours (Days and Time) Also available by appointment.

(If multiple instructors, please copy and paste table here.)

Course Catalog Description, including pre- or co-requisite course work or other required items. (Copy and paste from online course description .)

Program Learning Goals for Integrative Studies Courses:


To inspire intellectual curiosity about the world as it is and a deeper understanding of the global condition.


To assist students in cultivating intercultural knowledge and competencies.


To promote active and critical reflection on the human self and its place in the world.


To challenge students to critically examine their ethical responsibilities and choices in both local and global contexts.


To encourage purposeful public engagement and social responsibility.

Student Learning Outcomes specific to this course: ePortfolio Requirement: ePortfolios allow students, educators, and other professionals to collect evidence of learning, creativity, and reflection which showcase their work and ideas. Uses include student galleries, collaborative projects, research presentations, documenting experiential learning, interactive resumes and even reporting on social or sporting events. (Identify 2-3 learning artifacts created in the course for inclusion in the ePortfolio related to the integrative learning outcomes.)

Need help? In-person support on making the most out of your portfolio (Library, first floor) OR

OR Otterbein HelpDesk: 614-823-3100

Required Texts and/or Ancillary Materials

Attendance and Participation Policy

Cultural Event Attendance and Participation Policy

Assignments/Tests and expectations for out-of-class work

Deadlines for submitting work

Final Exam Date and Time

Academic Honesty

All academic work should be your own. Academic dishonesty (plagiarism and cheating) may result in automatic failure of the assignment or the course itself, and you will be referred to the Academic Affairs Office for suspension or expulsion proceedings.

You are plagiarizing when you:


Copy material from a source without using quotation marks and proper citation.


Follow the movement of the source, substituting words and sentences but keeping its meaning, without citing it.


Lift phrases or terms from a source and embed them in your own prose without using quotation marks and proper citation.


Borrow ideas (that are not common knowledge) form a source without proper citation.


Turn in a paper wholly or partially written by someone else.

The complete statement on Plagiarism, Cheating and Dishonesty can be found in the Campus Life Handbook , page 33, at the following web link:


Learning Differences

If you have a documented learning difference please contact Kera McClain Manley, the Disability Services Coordinator, to arrange for whatever assistance you need. The Disability Services is located in Room #13 on the second floor of the Library in the

Academic Support Center. You are welcome to consult with me privately to discuss your specific needs. For more information, contact Kera at

, 614-823-1618 or visit the Disability Services at the following web link:

Statement on Credit Hour Definition/Expectation for Student Work

For each credit hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction, students are expected to engage in two hours of out-of-class work

(readings, homework, studying, project preparation, etc.). A four semester credit hour course requires eight hours per week of out-of-class work.
