Public Health and National Security Law - Spring 2005 Edward P Richards Professor

Public Health and National Security Law Spring 2005
Edward P Richards
LSU Law Center
Chapter 1
Why does national security pose special legal
What are the potential abuses of national security
Can you think of any from the historical record?
What are current practices that may be seen as
abuses in the future?
How is national security law like public
health law?
How do the problems of federal national security
law resemble the problems of state public health
 Why was this parallel especially strong when
the Constitution was written?
What are abuses that were justified under public
health rationales?
Wisdom v. Legality
What did de Tocqueville mean when he said that
Americans confused the question of the existence
of a power with the wisdom of its use?
Should these be distinguished?
 What is happening in the courts with
 Is this an example of the problem of confusing
the two?
Chapter 2
How were most countries governed in the 1400s?
What were the justifications for this form of
What did the legal philosophers argue were better
forms of government?
Why was separation of powers key to these
The Nature of War
What is the history of war?
Formal v. informal war
 What informal war played out in the colonies?
What is the role of the state v. private parties?
 Are wars waged by private parties new?
 What were letters of marque and reprisal?
War in the Constitution
Why is the nature of war as understood by the
drafters important?
What does this tell us about the congressional
power to declare war?
Is this separate from the power to wage war?
What about defensive war?
 Why defensive war a special philosophical and
religious issue?
The Continental Congress
How was the country governed between
independence and the ratification of the
What were the Articles of Confederation?
What was the fundamental flaw in this system?
Why did it almost cost us the revolution?
The Constitution
How did the drafters deal with the problems seen
during the Continental Congress era?
How were powers separated?
What about the state v. federal powers?
Chapter 3
What was going on in 1952 that is the backdrop
for Youngstown?
Why does it make steel manufacture a national
security issue?
Why did Truman seize the mills
What were the reasons that the Court rejected the
What did the dissent say?
Delegation Doctrine
How is this just an example of general problem of
What are examples of the ways presidents can
take powers not given them in the Constitution?